Speaking a Positive Language on the Phone
If you feel like saying:
No problem.
Try this:
“You’re welcome.”
Is that it?
“Can I help you with anything else today?”
That’s just not possible.
“I don’t mean to sound like I don’t know what is happening here, but could you tell me more about this?”
Oh, those guys in shipping are a waste of space!
Customers do not need to know about internal staffing or operations issues. Say, “I am really sorry that your order is late. I’ll do everything I can to figure out the problem and get this resolved.”
You should have called me yesterday.
“Thank you for calling me back.”
Aren’t you the guy that never gets off the phone?
“It’s nice to speak with you again.”
You have to…
“May I suggest that you…” or, “I think that the best way (or fastest way) to get you what you need would be…”
That’s not my job.
“___________ handles this kind of question. Let me get her on the phone (or take a message and have her get back to you, etc.).”
I dunno.
“Let me find that out for you.”
Honey, sweetheart, or love
This is never appropriate unless you are speaking with your grandmother. Address the customer in the manner that they prefer. “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” or “Dr.” are always appropriate, as are “Sir,” “Ma’am,” or “Ms.” if you do not know their name.
Swear word
Under no circumstances should you swear. Remember that you are the professional face of your company, and also a professional salesperson.
The Four E’s
Use your voice to vary the tone of what you say and rate to make it interesting to hear.
Use clear enunciation and master articulation.
Your voice should be smooth and pleasant, not whiny or negative.
Your voice needs to really shine when you use the telephone as your instrument. You need to feel energy and pass that positive flow through to your customers.
Understanding Your Voice
Breath control gives your voice its power. Good breath control is a result of proper posture and good care of your physical health, particularly the lungs and diaphragm. You are not breathing effectively if you are slumped and slouching at your desk. Make it a habit to sit up straight when you talk on the telephone. You will also notice that the more physically fit you are, the better control you have over your lung capacity and the more effectively you speak.
Tone is the quality of your voice as air moves from your chest through your larynx. If you are angry or upset, surprised or excited, callers will hear it in your voice; this is something that your customers will pay attention to. Although you cannot eliminate negative aspects of tone completely, you can manage them with concentration and practice.
Articulation is the way that your pronounce sound by using your mouth, lips, and jaw to form words. Articulation is highly responsive to practice, so if you wish to change the way you pronounce things, practice can certainly make perfect.
NathanielFletcher -
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