FREE Report to GIVE your Clients

4 replies
Hey guys,

I just thought I'd create a thread to give you guys a couple of things that'll help you spring board your Internet Marketing Agency.

Slash Your Marketing Costs PDF (and DOCX).
This is a document that goes into our agency auto responder and we also have it printed in hard copy. We've customized it for specific niches, like attorneys and dentist. Download the document and use it in your agency for your clients.
note: this document you have the right to remove my logo and branding and substitute for your own company, including call-to-action links. Please ensure authorship is not removed.

Review Acquisition Strategy
Citations and Reviews are critical for local. This document is intended to give to your clients to encourage reviews. The more reviews from real people, the higher the rankings.
note: This document you have the right to update call-to-action link only. Please keep all LMS branding

Explosive Sales for a Local Internet Marketing Agency webinar
  • Exactly what niches to target
  • How to identify the low handing fruit in your market
  • How to approach local business owners
  • And
my closing technique called The SEO Sales Trail
#clients #free #give #report
  • Profile picture of the author globalpro

    Am getting an 'access denied' error for the docx.

    Will check back.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6416610].message }}
  • Damn, thanks Scott! Very gentlemanly of you to share so much useful data...
    The-English-Webmistress is really Andrea, who went backpacking the world, accidentally landed in Panama, Central America, and never left. (Beaches! Mountains! Hot latin music! Piña Coladas!) She doesn't miss the London commute AT ALL...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6424623].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Greg Cooksley
    Hey Scott,

    Getting errors on the pdf and doc "Slash your marketing costs"......

    The Review Acqusition pdf downloaded perfectly....thanks. It's a good document!!!

    One of the things that concerns me is that I've picked up that Google has changed the requirements to actually leave a review.

    Perhaps you can shed some light:
    -Is it true that my client has to have a Google+ account to get the maximum "benefit" from the Google+ Local listing?

    -does the person leaving the review need to have a Google+ account?

    Appreciate your response...

    Best regards

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6428504].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lelando
    Im also getting errors on that pdf file other than that thanks for the free give away looks good
    This will blow your mind! learn how to make money online while building your email list at the same time!
    It's Free!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6429220].message }}

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