Theres gotta be a better way to close web design over the phone....anyone?

26 replies

So i've recently shifted gears and instead of setting up appointments and selling face to face I've been trying to close web design deals over the phone. There are a couple reasons for this:

1. I've ran out of quality leads around me
2. I dont waste 4-5 hours of driving/meeting/selling and can focus on calling

This week i've made 456 cold calls and got 4 people interested in buying a site (yay!) I told them I would make a "mock" site and send it to them and set a time for the next day so we can talk about the next steps.


I've gotten people who just simply wont answer my calls anymore and one guy continues to lie to me when he says he has yet to read the email (Spypig reveals you live on a throne of lies my friend)

Should I try to sell on the first call? So far showing them a mock website just isn't working.

By the way my target market are pet groomers who make over $150,000 a year so I KNOW they have the money.

Any ideas?
#close #design #gotta #phoneanyone #web
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Do you think that maybe offering to send them a "mock site" is what's hurting you? If it isn't what they have in mind, then you're shooting yourself in the foot because they aren't committed. Sell on the phone, close the deal without offering a mockup.

    They won't answer your calls anymore? I think you may be acting too pushy and it's scaring them away. If these are calls from this week, then just chill out, do your job, at least they became potentials instead of just leads.. sometimes people don't commit immediately, and it takes some additional work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6431779].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zen Productions
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Do you think that maybe offering to send them a "mock site" is what's hurting you? If it isn't what they have in mind, then you're shooting yourself in the foot because they aren't committed. Sell on the phone, close the deal without offering a mockup.

      They won't answer your calls anymore? I think you may be acting too pushy and it's scaring them away. If these are calls from this week, then just chill out, do your job, at least they became potentials instead of just leads.. sometimes people don't commit immediately, and it takes some additional work.
      Thanks for the advice in retrospect calling them the next day can be pushy, I'm so used to face-to-face selling.

      Yeah the mock site I thought was what was killing me, but everyone on here was saying how amazing doing a mock site made sales so I gave it a try. What I started feeling was that I was giving them a way out of the sales conversation and then I would never hear from them again.

      Do you generally make a sale on the initial call? Or does it take more than one call to finally close?
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      • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
        A couple of questions Geoff,

        What do you know about these pet groomers and what is your phone script?

        Burning through that many numbers shows there is a miss-match between the two.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6431859].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by Zen Productions View Post

        Thanks for the advice in retrospect calling them the next day can be pushy, I'm so used to face-to-face selling.

        Yeah the mock site I thought was what was killing me, but everyone on here was saying how amazing doing a mock site made sales so I gave it a try. What I started feeling was that I was giving them a way out of the sales conversation and then I would never hear from them again.

        Do you generally make a sale on the initial call? Or does it take more than one call to finally close?
        People on here claiming to have success, don't matter. Claims are claims with no real substance. Your results this week, are real results. You'll improve, it just takes time and persistence. I recently improved from a 1:100 average to 1:50-60 average. What I have done, doesn't matter.. the only numbers that matter are your own.

        Online, you have a lot of gimmicks, theory, and fairy tales. Ignore that crap.

        I'd definitely drop the mock sites... don't do it.

        For closing on the phone... I always try for the one call close. I get it a lot, but sometimes it takes another call or two. Don't sweat it though, keep them in your funnel and don't let them out until you get the money!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6431910].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Zen Productions
          Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

          People on here claiming to have success, don't matter. Claims are claims with no real substance. Your results this week, are real results. You'll improve, it just takes time and persistence. I recently improved from a 1:100 average to 1:50-60 average. What I have done, doesn't matter.. the only numbers that matter are your own.

          Online, you have a lot of gimmicks, theory, and fairy tales. Ignore that crap.

          I'd definitely drop the mock sites... don't do it.

          For closing on the phone... I always try for the one call close. I get it a lot, but sometimes it takes another call or two. Don't sweat it though, keep them in your funnel and don't let them out until you get the money!
          Good stuff, thanks for helping. I will make the changes and keep this thread updated
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  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Yes, drop the mock ups, they are not needed.

    No offense to any body , but a lot of people in here using the " mock up" approach,
    are using them as a crutch, most times because they aren't really comfortable
    with sales yet. They don't even realize mock ups give everybody an "out".

    It gives the seller an out, because he has to take time to make it ( i.e not on the phone selling )

    It gives the buyer and out ... actually it gives the buyer many outs. Including being able to say
    "o this guy doesn't understand my vision" ill find some one else.

    If you are talking to them, on the phone, and you are asking them questions about
    what they want on the site..

    and they are answering and being specific,

    example: "i think want a blue back ground" then they are pretty much sold.

    A real simple technique to find out is, to say something like this

    Bob, put money aside for a minute, close your eyes, and picture your fantasy site
    Now bob think big, remember money is no object, so picture your perfect design.

    Can you see it ? great , describe it to me ( and you need to be taking notes @ this point )

    after he is done, tell him he has great taste, and casually ask him what he thinks the crazy number would be to do everything he wants....

    one of 2 things will happen, hes gonna say some thing stupid low....
    and you KNOW hes wants it, and is trying to GAME YOU and get a discount.

    or more likely hes going to say some high price... (don't be surprised when you hear
    people quote 10-20-50k and more)..

    Once he drops a number ( any number ) he is sold... its a done deal. all you have to do is close it.

    he sold himself.

    Now you say, Bob, if i can GIVE you that perfect site we were just talking about,
    with all those bells and whistles, for HALF of ( what he quoted ... even if he says 20k )
    would you be ready to get started today....

    don't say another word.

    whoever speaks first loses.

    when he speaks, your next words are GREAT, go get a pen a piece paper and your credit card
    and i will hold while you get that.

    again don't speak.

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
    This is an email from yesterday.

    "Hi Chris,Thank you very much for your quote. I apologize for not getting back with you sooner, I was in ------- on business and things were really crazy busy last week. I would like to move forward with the website - I have to fill out the info, and do some research on some sites I like, but don't want to delay getting it going. So I will get that together by the end of the week and get you the deposit."

    The whole point is tha the work starts soon as they put that deposit down. It's been a week since I sent the invoice but I respect their time just like how they respect my time and my work.

    Btw, I also have people fill in the questionnaire. I noticed that most of the people who fill out my questionnaire move forward. But if they dont have the time to even fill the questionnaire, I don't bother.

    I made the mistake of doing mock ups when I first started too... DON'T WASTE TIME DOING MOCK UPS. that's just my two cents
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6432919].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Chris Cho View Post

      This is an email from yesterday.

      "Hi Chris,Thank you very much for your quote. I apologize for not getting back with you sooner, I was in ------- on business and things were really crazy busy last week. I would like to move forward with the website - I have to fill out the info, and do some research on some sites I like, but don't want to delay getting it going. So I will get that together by the end of the week and get you the deposit."

      The whole point is tha the work starts soon as they put that deposit down. It's been a week since I sent the invoice but I respect their time just like how they respect my time and my work.

      Btw, I also have people fill in the questionnaire. I noticed that most of the people who fill out my questionnaire move forward. But if they dont have the time to even fill the questionnaire, I don't bother.

      I made the mistake of doing mock ups when I first started too... DON'T WASTE TIME DOING MOCK UPS. that's just my two cents
      Yeah, it doesn't always happen instantly...

      This morning I woke up to this email:
      " Nathan

      The check was overnighted last night and attached is the contract.


      Sale took 3 days.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Originally Posted by Zen Productions View Post


    This week i've made 456 cold calls and got 4 people interested in buying a site.....


    Any ideas?
    Sounds like in one weeks time you made as many calls as a fulltime web development company telemarketer makes in one day, and that on your first day you missed opportunities to close because you chose to turn them into call backs, instead of closing on the spot....but yet on your first day you also generated 4 leads...

    Not a bad first day.... but be real "it was the equivalent of ONE days work for a normal phone salesman".

    Phone salesmen do 100 dials per hour.

    So you didnt fail, but your expectations are off...

    Too early to think about changing your strategy, the one you have works, but dial wise you have barely made it through a full day....

    If you were in my call center I would say "Good first day", and I would know that you have about 10 more 8 hour days to go before it would be coming to you like the back of your hand and you were producing 2 sales per day like the other guys in the room.

    Does this post make sense?

    You have achieved in a weeks time, one full day of calling- and in that full day you developed 4 leads, its your first full day.... not bad, just no closes ; my take would be "Good job, now I want to see two closes tomorrow".

    NOW, BELIEVE IT OR NOT- on the other side of that wall which you have yet to work through (good start) - about 1500 more dials from here, it will start coming natural and you will be hard pressed not to complete two sales per day before one oclock - "IF" you are applying the work ethic of a minimum wage telemarketer.

    Hope this helps.

    Good job, the only thing off here is "expectations management"... you are on par with a first full day's calling, certainly not intimately familiar enough with your telemarketing process yet to go saying the business plan needs top be changed.

    This one hasnt even BEGUN to be mastered yet... and its proven a million times. So you are on a good path.


    Those unqualified 18 year old telemarketers have more in them than they get credit for...It takes us big entreprenuers a month of hardcore disciplin and reading 20 reports...just to get up to their speed. lol

    In any event, the advice I gave above is the best you will get for the next ten years on your op. Ignore everything else. This one is what the issue is....Also, close em while they are on the phone or at least try.

    First rule of telemarketing ; "You only get the close if you ask for it or take".

    If you set yourself up for call backs and got them, then you succeeded that day- Now set yourself up for a close.

    You want the best advice on this forum?

    You just got it.

    Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

    A couple of questions Geoff,

    What do you know about these pet groomers and what is your phone script?

    Burning through that many numbers shows there is a miss-match between the two.

    No offense Ewen but this post shows that there is a mismatch between you and some one who should be giving telemarketing advice or trying to counsel on it.

    With all due respect, its in his momentum, and closing tactic. All you have to say to a pet groomer is "Do you have a website. I build them". No special pet groomer talk....

    Its about the Principles at work on this one. The basic laws are not being followed.

    To call it "burning through that many numbers...." shows that your thinking on telemarketing isnt even in the ball park, but I love your copy writing stuff.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6434637].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      No offense Ewen but this post shows that there is a mismatch between you and some one who should be giving telemarketing advice or trying to counsel on it.

      With all due respect, its in his momentum, and closing tactic. All you have to say to a pet groomer is "Do you have a website. I build them". No special pet groomer talk....

      Its about the Principles at work on this one. The basic laws are not being followed.

      To call it "burning through that many numbers...." shows that your thinking on telemarketing isnt even in the ball park, but I love your copy writing stuff.
      No offense taken at all John.

      You mention about "my copy writing stuff".

      Can we agree the copy writing, I comment on,
      is about sales in print or on the internet?

      And that a sales script, pitch out of the mouth
      is about making a sale too.

      Therefore we are on the same page.

      And when an ad gets over 90% less sales than another,
      then there is a an opportunity to see how that top ad
      worked better?

      At least have an open mind as to there may be something there?

      When the original poster gets those numbers that are interested in finding out more,
      and my numbers are over 90% better, then why dismiss what I bring to the table?

      Had a Warrior dismissed 2 copywriters, that aren't professionals, and went with professionals that have a longer track record of successes for their clients,
      he wouldn't of paid out $10,000 and $2,000 to these newbies.

      Why did he pay them and not those 2 hardened professionals?

      Because he tested all their sales videos and the newbies video scripts
      brought in the most sales.

      Back to the telemarketing.

      I have made a number of posts giving the results of the script I used to
      consistently land national and local chains of stores and medical centres.

      As I said the key word is consistently, not a fluke or got lucky.

      I'm able to get 1 out of 10 I call as clients.

      Something to think about my friend.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6436737].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by ewenmack View Post

        As I said the key word is consistently, not a fluke or got lucky.

        I'm able to get 1 out of 10 I call as clients.

        Something to think about my friend.

        At the same volume of calls? I doubt it. You're just probably doing a lot of prequalifying and qualifying before you even call.

        Working off a list, you probably would not have those same numbers. It's very easy to go 10 calls without even having a human answer.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6437095].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
          Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

          At the same volume of calls? I doubt it. You're just probably doing a lot of prequalifying and qualifying before you even call.

          Working off a list, you probably would not have those same numbers. It's very easy to go 10 calls without even having a human answer.
          You are correct, nowhere near the number of calls I've done.

          And I do qualify the business before I pick up the phone,
          something Jason Kanigan does/teaches.

          In salesmanship in print or on the web,
          the biggest factor of it's success [judged by the sales or phone calls]
          is who reads the message.

          Same amount of money spent on the ad and it can get 5 times more sales
          by changing a few words. That's the other determining factor of it's success.

          You can also send that message out to more viewers/ listeners
          and get more sales.

          That's the one area John Durham preaches.

          I'm just pointing out that tweaking the list and message,
          like I have done, gets me great results.

          All I'm doing is transferring the measured direct response
          principles to outbound phone calls.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6437851].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Zen Productions
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      Sounds like in one weeks time you made as many calls as a fulltime web development company telemarketer makes in one day, and that on your first day you missed opportunities to close because you chose to turn them into call backs, instead of closing on the spot....but yet on your first day you also generated 4 leads...

      Not a bad first day.... but be real "it was the equivalent of ONE days work for a normal phone salesman".

      Phone salesmen do 100 dials per hour.

      So you didnt fail, but your expectations are off...

      Too early to think about changing your strategy, the one you have works, but dial wise you have barely made it through a full day....

      If you were in my call center I would say "Good first day", and I would know that you have about 10 more 8 hour days to go before it would be coming to you like the back of your hand and you were producing 2 sales per day like the other guys in the room.

      Does this post make sense?

      You have achieved in a weeks time, one full day of calling- and in that full day you developed 4 leads, its your first full day.... not bad, just no closes ; my take would be "Good job, now I want to see two closes tomorrow".

      NOW, BELIEVE IT OR NOT- on the other side of that wall which you have yet to work through (good start) - about 1500 more dials from here, it will start coming natural and you will be hard pressed not to complete two sales per day before one oclock - "IF" you are applying the work ethic of a minimum wage telemarketer.

      Hope this helps.

      Good job, the only thing off here is "expectations management"... you are on par with a first full day's calling, certainly not intimately familiar enough with your telemarketing process yet to go saying the business plan needs top be changed.

      This one hasnt even BEGUN to be mastered yet... and its proven a million times. So you are on a good path.


      Those unqualified 18 year old telemarketers have more in them than they get credit for...It takes us big entreprenuers a month of hardcore disciplin and reading 20 reports...just to get up to their speed. lol

      In any event, the advice I gave above is the best you will get for the next ten years on your op. Ignore everything else. This one is what the issue is....Also, close em while they are on the phone or at least try.

      First rule of telemarketing ; "You only get the close if you ask for it or take".

      If you set yourself up for call backs and got them, then you succeeded that day- Now set yourself up for a close.

      You want the best advice on this forum?

      You just got it.

      No offense Ewen but this post shows that there is a mismatch between you and some one who should be giving telemarketing advice or trying to counsel on it.

      With all due respect, its in his momentum, and closing tactic. All you have to say to a pet groomer is "Do you have a website. I build them". No special pet groomer talk....

      Its about the Principles at work on this one. The basic laws are not being followed.

      To call it "burning through that many numbers...." shows that your thinking on telemarketing isnt even in the ball park, but I love your copy writing stuff.
      Thanks for the advice, 100 calls an hour is intense lol. I'm clearly not performing like I should. How do you find leads so fast? I use Manta and just go through pet groomers who make over a certain amount of money. I then google their business name to make sure they dont already have a website and if they do see if it is in need of an update. I place all this information on an excel sheet and call one by one. I can usually get 100 leads with an hour or so of research.

      Is there a better way to doing this? I'm sure outsourcing would be a better option.

      By the by, I'm looking at auto-dialers that work with Voip. Am I wasting time with this or do you have any recommendations?
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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
    456 calls, or 456 actual conversations? big difference between the 2

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6434724].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by IM nice guy View Post

      456 calls, or 456 actual conversations? big difference between the 2
      Indeed. It , again, is the equivalent of an average new callers first day on the job out in the offline world... having developed 4 leads it wasnt a bad first day, but the expectations are off, and the next day the big improvement should be "asking for the close".

      It can take a week or a day.... its a curriculum that you get through at your own pace..

      In any event,

      Even millionaire call center owners know that if a TM doesnt put in 36 hours per week at 100 dials per hour, he isnt going to hit his quota.

      Why should we believe any different?

      Expectations management and closing is the clear issue here. It doesnt get any clearer.

      Actually there ISNT an issue, its all par for the course and about on track honestly.

      So I will ask a question here, and I wont answer it. I will let YOU.

      "If it takes as much work as a fulltime job for the first year, then why do I even want to do it At all?

      Why is it any better than just having a JOB ? Why is it even worth it if it takes that much work"?

      Now get out your pen and will find the answer.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6434789].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

        You wrote,

        "By the way my target market are pet groomers who make over $150,000 a year so I KNOW they have the money."

        With all the good advice given already I'll refrain from adding my 2¢. Follow it and you should have almost instant success. Here's my input. For me, in Reno NV, pet groomers have been a bust.

        My approach was to visit each one personally and talk to them. Since I too own a B&M biz, I can relate from the small biz angle. Don't get me wrong they were pleasant to speak with but biz wise, wow, their minds were extremely narrow.

        We have one as a client (auto and home ins) and she can't see how a web site will generate biz. Websites don't have dogs, people do is her thinking. Mind you, she's been a client for 4 years and swears better than we do so the language we use isn't a problem. It is getting past the frontal lobe and into the cortex (or wherever).

        Have you considered a more educational approach? Forget the mock up site that is nothing more than an "I'll think about it" excuse. I didn't try it but we don't have that many pet groomers here as compared to your metro area so I burned through all of them via personal visits.

        Good luck. I think you've been given some great advice by John, Nathan and gang so if you implement it you'll be cooking.

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        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6436192].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Zen Productions
          Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post


          You wrote,

          "By the way my target market are pet groomers who make over $150,000 a year so I KNOW they have the money."

          With all the good advice given already I'll refrain from adding my 2¢. Follow it and you should have almost instant success. Here's my input. For me, in Reno NV, pet groomers have been a bust.

          My approach was to visit each one personally and talk to them. Since I too own a B&M biz, I can relate from the small biz angle. Don't get me wrong they were pleasant to speak with but biz wise, wow, their minds were extremely narrow.

          We have one as a client (auto and home ins) and she can't see how a web site will generate biz. Websites don't have dogs, people do is her thinking. Mind you, she's been a client for 4 years and swears better than we do so the language we use isn't a problem. It is getting past the frontal lobe and into the cortex (or wherever).

          Have you considered a more educational approach? Forget the mock up site that is nothing more than an "I'll think about it" excuse. I didn't try it but we don't have that many pet groomers here as compared to your metro area so I burned through all of them via personal visits.

          Good luck. I think you've been given some great advice by John, Nathan and gang so if you implement it you'll be cooking.

          Being from the south and selling some people around Atlanta (some in the backwoods of the middle of nowhere about 2 hours away) I know what you mean. I had one lady who thought I was just going to make her an image, I showed her some websites I've done and she said "Now what I'm I going to do with just a picture on your computer"...ha. As they say "bless her heart".

          However, I have had really good success with pet groomers in the Atlanta metro area; of course this was face-to-face selling. I feel that if I'm in front of them I can put together an amazing presentation. However, I really want to switch to strictly a cold calling approach because as John has said that you have a potential of making many more sales with less wasted time.

          But you are right I need to start to branch off into more industries; I'll be given the chance this week since I'll need a ton of people to call.

          Good luck to you as well
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6437723].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Zen Productions
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        Indeed. It , again, is the equivalent of an average new callers first day on the job out in the offline world... having developed 4 leads it wasnt a bad first day, but the expectations are off, and the next day the big improvement should be "asking for the close".

        It can take a week or a day.... its a curriculum that you get through at your own pace..

        In any event,

        Even millionaire call center owners know that if a TM doesnt put in 36 hours per week at 100 dials per hour, he isnt going to hit his quota.

        Why should we believe any different?

        Expectations management and closing is the clear issue here. It doesnt get any clearer.

        Actually there ISNT an issue, its all par for the course and about on track honestly.

        So I will ask a question here, and I wont answer it. I will let YOU.

        "If it takes as much work as a fulltime job for the first year, then why do I even want to do it At all?

        Why is it any better than just having a JOB ? Why is it even worth it if it takes that much work"?

        Now get out your pen and will find the answer.
        Going back through the excel sheet I counted 110-125 ( I mixed some lines up so I'm guess-timating) in which were either "out of order" or didn't answer and I left a message.

        Looking at it from that view now my cold calls look pathetic....but so it goes (live and learn).

        Also, to answer your you bottom question I have already had full-time job offers that I don't want. I don't mind working 80 hours a week on this if it means I can confidently say I'm running a successful web design business (or consulting firm) I have the web design skill (no need to outsource) I need to find people who need me. Honestly, I thought doing 100 a day was good but man was I wrong and thats a good thing; I just need to call more people.

        So goal for next week is to multiply my cold calling by 10 !!
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        • Profile picture of the author Vid Yo
          Originally Posted by Zen Productions View Post

          So goal for next week is to multiply my cold calling by 10 !!
          With that kind of goal-setting, you're sure to run into success quickly. I love to hear about your results. Hope things have been going well for ya.
          Need Web Design Leads?
          These Aren't Your Average Kind. Click Here Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author rnjonjo

    what were you selling the national chains? The OP is selling websites. Were you selling the same thing?
    Just curious to know, my friend.
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    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by rnjonjo View Post


      what were you selling the national chains? The OP is selling websites. Were you selling the same thing?
      Just curious to know, my friend.
      For the national chains, I'm selling debit card and cash till receipt paper rolls.

      I paid $62,00 for the business and have bought in some of these clients
      and some were already clients.

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  • Profile picture of the author maxrezn
    100 dials an hour? Please enlighten me as to how in the world that is done? I use Callfire on the basic setting and get through 60 calls an hour factoring in the leads that I spend some time talking to. I've experimented with the ramped up settings but the frequency of being connected too late is a bit too high for my liking.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6437242].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    At Zen,

    100 a day is excellent for appointment setting, but for phone closing, until you get some momentum, call backs coming in, and have really got your pitch and senses tight... it will take alot more.

    Thats the ONLY thing I see missing.

    Shoot for 70 calls per hour, that will work....but it may still take a day or two or three to learn how to sense when to ask for that credit card and close it, and not have anxiety in your voice when asking for the money....

    By the time you get through a pitch you have alot invested so even the most experienced people have trouble not sounding anxious at the close on the first few sales...

    Again, phone closing is a very IN DEMAND skill, it may take a few days to develop...but I promise it WILL come if you keep doing it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6457970].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Sander Zaydman
    Give out a free report in exchange they give you their name and email. Boom, now you can follow up with them and figure out their biggest challenge and need.

    Now sure how much to charge for your local marketing services?
    Add me on Facebook and I'll give you access to my Local Marketing Consultant Group....

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6717239].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SydMichael
    I understand with gas prices who really wants to drive all over town.

    However, you have a 67% higher chance in closing an appointment. Mainly because setting the appointment is the "SALE" But its not putting them in a "buy or die" situation. Plus meeting peoplei n person they are more able to get comfortable and trust/or not trust you. Over the phone you have only one attribute YOUR VOICE. One thing i found with solid cold call technique is this.

    FEATURE/BENEFIT every time you mention a Feature. Follow it with what is the benefit. Cold Calling is an art. You have to paint the picture your selling. What sells ART? relating to it, seeing value.


    Pick a common ground and show how you can solve the issue or burden.

    Stay confident and know you are the best at what you do. you talked to 456 people. That's a lot of practice. The guy your cold calling hasn't been practicing.

    Sorry to ramble on but "Sales" is what I do and I am the BEST at it.

    `Syd Michael
    "The Real Deal"

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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      I understand with gas prices who really wants to drive all over town.
      I completely agree with that.

      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      However, you have a 67% higher chance in closing an appointment.
      Now your just making numbers up.

      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      Mainly because setting the appointment is the "SALE"
      NO, setting an appointment IS NOT the "SALE"

      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      Plus meeting peoplei n person they are more able to get comfortable and trust/or not trust you.
      Wrong wrong wrong.

      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      Over the phone you have only one attribute YOUR VOICE.
      Yes, that is 100% correct. no one can dispute that.

      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      FEATURE/BENEFIT every time you mention a Feature. Follow it with what is the benefit. Cold Calling is an art. You have to paint the picture your selling. What sells ART? relating to it, seeing value.


      Pick a common ground and show how you can solve the issue or burden.

      Stay confident and know you are the best at what you do.
      That is not the only way to get to a sale. A LOT of people would disagree with you.

      but that is semantics, there is always more then one way to sell. The way your describing, is one way, for sure.


      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      you talked to 456 people. That's a lot of practice. The guy your cold calling hasn't been practicing.
      That IS REALLY GOOD advice there

      Originally Posted by SydMichael View Post

      Sorry to ramble on but "Sales" is what I do and I am the BEST at it.
      Awesome .... Welcome to the offline forum, good to have you here.

      please, don't post ambiguous numbers that aren't true.

      its quite clear you have some experience. Good, this forum needs it.

      as far as being the "BEST at it ....

      where ever you worked at, you may have been a big fish, in a small pond
      but here in the WF, your just a fish, a small fish, in a very very big pond,

      if you say "your the best", that's a challenge .... to a lot of people, not everyone will look at it in the vein you meant it.

      and if i am completely off base, and you really think you are the best ...
      well, that's because you haven't met me. ( or some of the other warriors who
      lurk / post here )

      agian, welcome to the forum

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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