Offline Clients - How is a job set up?

by 4 replies
Heres something I have been wondering for a while.

Once you have signed a contract / got a job. Lets say its a basic site, a template and domain and maybe even hosting.

The job includes everything such as the domain, theme, hosting, set it all up etc.

How is this carried out?
What I mean is,

Who orders and pays for this? If I client was to pay me $600 for the job which included the domain and a theme etc but then if I was to purchase these it would all be in MY name?

Is that how things are done? How can I do it so its in their name and they own it?

So the domain name, theme, hosting etc. Is it all paid for and signed up under my name?

Hopefully it makes sense what im trying to say, its something thats bugging me and not sure the correct way to do it.
#offline marketing #clients #job #offline #set
  • What I did for my first few clients is walk them thru signing up for hosting and searching & buying their domain name. This way they can do 'something' in regards to stepping up their game with their business (and I earn a nice little commission).

    I don't really believe in "business owners being so busy" that they can't help out with some of the little details in getting things in line to help THEIR business, and that's how I go about it. But if they did make an issue with just signing up for hosting and domains, I'd provide it but then they'll just be a little more dependent on me than I would want them to be.

    But as far as templates go, I've bought enough of those and other tools to make customizing pretty easy so I haven't bothered with them having to buy templates too.

    You could always offer hosting to them for a monthly fee through your own reseller account and as far as the domain name, just buy it and sell it them.
  • I agree with Erica
    My clients pay for all the monthly hosting and domains. I don't want responsibility of any monthly recurring charges. Walk them through it.

  • You can also push a domain to their account after your buy it yourself. I personally don't think owning the domain is a good idea (unless it is a rental). It is not really fair to the customer especially if it is their name making up the domain name.

    In order to find out more about pushing a domain see How can I push a domain from one account to another? (Domain Modification Questions).

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