Scraping emails from local search results to email????

by abbot Banned
6 replies
Hello all,

This may be an odd question and I'm not even sure if it's possible seeing as I don't usually do this type of stuff.

But Lets say I have a targeted offer for doctors. Has anyone ever scraped local search results for the emails? ie. "doctors orlando" "doctors detroit"

Then taken the huge list of emails and compiled them in to something like aweber and sent a mass message?

I'm sure the response rate would not be high but I have a pretty targeted offer. The idea sounds too good to be true....
#email #emails #local #results #scraping #search
  • Profile picture of the author Doug Slaton
    Cold emailing like cold calling isn't always well received but ...

    If you do decide to move forward with this, be aware, companies like Aweber would be none too pleased with a scraped list.

    In fact a scraped list is mostly not your best choice.

    Perhaps hire a virtual assistant on Fiverr to spend an hour or so and go through local search and get snail mail addresses and test your offer that way.

    Then if snail mail turns a profit why risk the ire of the spam police, just keep using snail mail.

    A good offer is a good offer no matter how it's delivered.
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    • Profile picture of the author TimD
      Originally Posted by Doug Slaton View Post

      Cold emailing like cold calling isn't always well received but ...

      If you do decide to move forward with this, be aware, companies like Aweber would be none too pleased with a scraped list.

      In fact a scraped list is mostly not your best choice.

      Perhaps hire a virtual assistant on Fiverr to spend an hour or so and go through local search and get snail mail addresses and test your offer that way.

      Then if snail mail turns a profit why risk the ire of the spam police, just keep using snail mail.

      A good offer is a good offer no matter how it's delivered.
      First, yes, what you've described works. There's a big WSO out now for a scraper that does just what you describe very efficiently - search on "top gun live" or something similar to find it. Chris Ramsey also has a scraper, as do others.

      Second - I agree completely with Doug. Make a good offer, a very good offer. Don't just say, hey, I'm here and I do work. Offer website repair, or a video eval, or manage their ppc for a week, or a free press release, etc.

      A good offer will pull 1-3% responses over cold email in my experience. Then do whatever you offered and make sure you schedule a call or appointment to review it with them. In the review, give them next steps and close.
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      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by TimD View Post

        First, yes, what you've described works. There's a big WSO out now for a scraper that does just what you describe very efficiently - search on "top gun live" or something similar to find it. Chris Ramsey also has a scraper, as do others.

        Second - I agree completely with Doug. Make a good offer, a very good offer. Don't just say, hey, I'm here and I do work. Offer website repair, or a video eval, or manage their ppc for a week, or a free press release, etc.

        A good offer will pull 1-3% responses over cold email in my experience. Then do whatever you offered and make sure you schedule a call or appointment to review it with them. In the review, give them next steps and close.
        Your telling him that a good email will pull in 1-3 % responses,
        indicating that You have experience emailing....

        and yet you say that scraper is efficient .... are you serious?

        either you don't email or you haven't used that tool and looked
        at where it pulls it data from or the quality of the data

        OP there are plenty of scrapers.... many of them pretty good,
        some even great. pick one, any one... except that one...

        The one mentioned in the post, stay away from.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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        • Profile picture of the author abbot
          This offer has nothing to do with web design, or SEO, or even in that niche. I will give it a try.
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        • Profile picture of the author TimD
          Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

          Your telling him that a good email will pull in 1-3 % responses,
          indicating that You have experience emailing....

          and yet you say that scraper is efficient .... are you serious?
          I wouldn't argue with Ken on this. I've used Chris Ramsey's Easy Lead Finder - which I think is OK for the money. I've also used Mozenda which is killer and expensive. I use PowerLeadsPro regularly which I find very good. I don't know the technology behind the current WSO. I just saw it and it was cheap.
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          • Profile picture of the author tpiccirillo
            Kenmichael are you saying stay away from top gun scraper or Chris Ramsey scraper and why?
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