Money Loves Speed- The momentum Factor- Extremely Important In Offline.
This post isnt about a business plan- its about "How to get yourself to work".
There is another identical post somewhere, but I wanted to give this its own thread.
Lets talk...
As I wrote in the power posting report, there are alot of money making ideas, but when you combine a good one with a passion that you think about 24/7 anyway... then you are onto a very powerful combination.
Most people think success is in the "idea", and its partially true, I know that because Im an idea man. Anytime Im working on a mediocre idea I get mediocre results, but when Im working on a great idea, I get great results... But there is something WAAAAY more than that.
If you are working on a great idea, that you cant stand to walk away from after 8 hours and you take it home thinking about it, and lay in bed at night doing the same... If your idea really DRIVES YOU, then you are REALLY onto something.
No idea is any good without someone driving it, no plan on paper has ever accomplished itself.
I will never forget as a teen reading a quote by a fashion designer who said "When you wear clothes that dont move you, then you carry yourself in an unmoved fashion".
You have to move with a certain momentum and spring in your step to succeed, and its important that your ideas move you.
Back whn I worked in a factory as a youngin, I had to move FAST... and in order to move FAST I had to totally change my body language...
You see, alot of things work, but they dont work "slow" or they dont work unless you are at a certain level of "momentum"...Money loves speed. Its a fact that i have proven to myself time and time again- worth remembering -"Money Loves Speed".
Walmart may want a contract for a million pairs of panty hose per month from the Haines factory... but they dont want "2 pairs"....Lets say you own the Haines factory...if thats all you can deliver it wont work, it has to work at a certain momentum to make sense....
But it should work the same but only on a smaller scale right?
Nope. Go try to sell 2 pairs of panty hose to Walmart and see what happens on the smaller scale. lol
Another example is that a room with two telemarketers doesnt not produce 25% of what a room with 8 telemarketers produces, even though it should in theory...there is a momentum and energy factor...when the room is full it rocks harder and even INDIVIDUALS scores come up.
If you arent moving, and not having momentum, then alot of things that makes sense normally wont make the same sense at the slower speed...and you wont get far with alot of things... Example: a telemarketer that is moving will do more in 4 hours than one who isnt will do in 10.
You have to MOVE to succeed and get the best result, and that requires "motivation" so Its good to be in love with your ideas.
Momentum is an invisible factor, so its important to be driven by your ideas because they will all need that momentum to get off the ground.
A Good idea is half the battle, the other half is YOU being driven more than the average man/woman....
You have to be that way if you are going to be more than average, and it helps if you have an idea that fuels you.
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