Implementation Guide] What To Do When You Feel Like You're A Fraud?

by Bayo
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What to do when your lack of a track record (or you have a considerably poor one) has you totally disabled with fear?

Feeling like 'you might be caught out’ for being a FRAUD is one of the BIGGEST issues that prevents so many of us from launching the marketing consulting business we dream so much about.

This fear is so 'all-encompassing.' Trust me, I've been there.

For anyone who experiences this fear, it literally has a strangle-hold and leaves you constantly in fear and doubt about what you can actually do and get paid for it.

This same sad situation keeps us locked in the never-ending cycle of buying, downloading and ‘preparing,’ instead of producing and profiting. And it really centers around one idea:


This is the fear that has you asking yourself questions like:

"Am I really a fraud?"

"Can I really deliver all the results I am passionate about?"

"Can I deliver everything that I am building my marketing consulting business around?"

It’s the same issue that keeps us caught up in what we haven't done instead of what you know you can do.

It’s the mindset that has us greeting a flood of new local business opportunities by asking ourselves, "S**t, can I really deliver?"

It asks the question...

"How can I possibly help business owners who have been in business for what seems like forever, when I haven't yet achieved the level of success I want to help them experience in their business?"

Here’s the shocking answer I have for you:

Not only is it a great thing to get your problem-solving services and products out there, it’s your moral obligation to do it as fast as you possibly can, because there are specific business owners that are waiting for you to come into their life so things can get better.

If you deny them that, then you really are a fraud.

So what’s it to be?

Now you know you’re not a fraud, what are you going to commit to doing differently?


Just choose ONE thing, and do it in the next 24 hours. You’ll be amazed at your results!

Go get 'em Tiger!


Typos? What's a few between friends!

#bayo #feel #fraud #guide #implement #implementation #implementation guide

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