Offline Sales Affilate Sign Ups?

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hey all

iv put some ideas in motion and need some help. i have a plan that is exactly the same as online sale affiliates but for my offline business, which uses offline sales affiliates to market my product for a commission. its targeting real estate agents, solar panel installers etc.

where im stumped is in the initial "brochure" or "booklet" ill be sending out to them to entice them to jump on board. the material would be sent after phone calls are made and i have established if they are interested or not.

so my question is what types of topics should my "brochure" or "booklet" be containing ? i was thinking a brief run down of our company, a sample of quotation ( which is very different to my industry standard ) and basicly how i propose the system to work but am i missing anything ?

as for the system i was offering to supply my affiliates with our promotional material and with all accepted quotations from that affiliate they would be given a commission off the top price. one thing im sketchy on tho is how can i monitor an offline sales affiliate scheme ? bar-coded flyers ? online lodgement system where they sign in and log that they were speaking with this person at this address whom was interested ?

with the online system, i was just thinking that i would be able to make a sub page within our site called "affiliates" and have a contact form which has all the particulars ??

sry to rant but hope you can help


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