Response rate to letter-mailers?

by volit
9 replies
I am starting to send out cold-mail to companies with a business proposition (SEO related). I am using the chunk/heavy mail method where you include objects in the letter to get their attention.

Anyways I was curious if anyone has used this method, or mailouts in general and if so what sort of response did you receive?

I am sending 50 letters, and the total cost will be around $4 each ($200), plus 8 hours of labor to package, write and sign the letters and do research on the companies. I'm just hoping it's not a total waste of time.
#lettermailers #rate #response #seo
  • Profile picture of the author Abul-Hussain
    Well you never know until you try :-)

    When I used to send direct mail, I used to follow up with a phone call - I cannot stress the importance of following up!

    I'd say to the gatekeeper I want to speak to X about a letter I sent them, used to get connected directly with no questions asked. If they did ask what was the letter about, I'd say it was confidential and I can only discuss it with the owner/decision maker.

    When I introduced myself, I would say I sent them the pink A4 envelope and they would instantly recall who I am.

    However, often I would still have to close them on an appointment using a bit of NLP closes.

    The very first appointment I got using direct mail a couple of years ago, was with a lawyer.

    He said he received my package and 'wasn't interested.' My natural rebuttal was 'are you not interested in getting more customers with no effort on your part?', to which any sane person would answer 'yes!' and within a 2 minute call we had an appointment booked.

    SHAME that I didn't pre-qualify him BEFORE I met him at his office! He was a one man band and only spending £100-£150 on Pay Per Click advertising and getting enough work to survive.

    Experience is a great teacher. I knew I should pre-qualify prospects, but I was too cocky confident to follow elementary advice - Big Mistake!

    On the follow up, you want to set a 15 minute phone interview to ask them a couple of questions - how are you marketing? do you have a fixed budget? what's working, what isn't? if not marketing proactively, then are you open to investing in new ideas? yadda yadda

    Coming back to your lumpy mail, the niches I targeted NEVER called me back just from the letter - they were often busy 20+ employee orgs.

    So YOU call them back, get past the gatekeeper and QUALIFY them before you go into their office like a hotshot! That should increase your response rate dramatically. I don't see this as cold calling because I know they've read my letter, all I want now is their verbal response to it.

    Good luck

    Author | Speaker | Digital Marketing Coach

    I help ordinary people achieve extraordinary results online. Get in touch to see how we can help you build a 6 figure business.
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  • Profile picture of the author asiancasanova
    I have tried doing your method and it surely didn't waste my investment.
    But we know that what works for some may not work for you. So try it out to know yourself.
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  • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
    I've had a pretty good response rate with direct mailing. I actually used the flyers I have in my sig. It was for a campaign offering web design services so they might not work for an SEO campaign. But feel free to download them and have a look. I think the problem with direct mail is that it's difficult to get people to open them since they receive so much marketing material. And unless it has the owners name on it the gatekeepers or whoever else is working likely won't know what to do with it and throw it away (I'm speaking from experience lol).
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    • Profile picture of the author volit
      Originally Posted by OmegaContent View Post

      I've had a pretty good response rate with direct mailing. I actually used the flyers I have in my sig. It was for a campaign offering web design services so they might not work for an SEO campaign. But feel free to download them and have a look. I think the problem with direct mail is that it's difficult to get people to open them since they receive so much marketing material. And unless it has the owners name on it the gatekeepers or whoever else is working likely won't know what to do with it and throw it away (I'm speaking from experience lol).
      You're SO right. So how can we find the owners information? I was thinking of cold calling and asking for it but that's really difficult to pose to a gatekeeper. "What's the name of your owner/manager?" no one wants to answer that without knowing who WE are first. :/

      I'm thinking sending the letter blind will just cause a throw-away and I don't want that.

      How would you suggest based on your experiences and reading getting the owners information to address the letter?
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      • Profile picture of the author CollegeCEO
        Originally Posted by volit View Post

        You're SO right. So how can we find the owners information? I was thinking of cold calling and asking for it but that's really difficult to pose to a gatekeeper. "What's the name of your owner/manager?" no one wants to answer that without knowing who WE are first. :/

        I'm thinking sending the letter blind will just cause a throw-away and I don't want that.

        How would you suggest based on your experiences and reading getting the owners information to address the letter?
        Honestly I think the "best" way would be to actually call. The only problem with this is that it can be time consuming if you have a lot of businesses but I suppose you could hire a VA or someone from Odesk to do it.

        A large part of it depends on what type of businesses you're targeting as well. If you're targetting smaller size businesses then whoever answers the phone likely knows who the owner is. But when you get into larger businesses the person you speak to on the phone might not know and will just pass you on to someone else.

        One method (somewhat sneaky) you could do is just call the businesses and tell them you need to verify some information for a free directory of "company type" that you're creating and ask for their information that way. Otherwise just ask them straight up about who owns it and their address. Most people will give it to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Pre-qualifying and targeting...finding out what your prospects' hot buttons are before writing the copy are your big issues.

    Sending an untargeted, unsolicited letter that doesn't specifically speak to your audience is a great way to shoot money into the garbage can.

    1 - 2% response would be average, 5% would be very good, and 8%+ would be fantastic.

    You bump these rates with the depth of preparation and skill of your copywriter.
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    • Profile picture of the author volit
      So would something like this for a call script work?

      "Hi there, my name is Brad and I am calling from FreeCityDirectory here in Cityname. I am verifying business addresses as well as management and owner names. Would you be able to help me with that?"

      I want to get this right the first time.
      Thanks guys, this is very educational.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yogini
    I am mailing something that costs about 1.50 between postage and the booklet and this weekend I e-mailed 20 people and 2 wrote back today (sunday) saying they wanted to meet when I came to deliver it. One even sent his direct phone number. I found their e-mails on the staff pages of their sites.

    Not sure how this would work for seo prospecting but you could send an e-mail with a short analysis of ways they could improve online optimization. In fact, one person I wrote to I mentioned a few local directories that he wasn't listed in (when I checked on getlisted).

    I do think when you mail something there is a risk that it will be kept if it gets into the wrong hands. Of course, if you don't hear back from an e-mail it's hard to know if it's the right/wrong person or if it went into spam filter or if there is no interest.

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    • Profile picture of the author volit
      Any further feedback regarding the script?
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