54 replies
I was talking to one of my friends on here today regarding some "coaching" programs. There are many coaching programs for i.m. but not as many for offline. I am sure there is quite a market for it. I would love to take my business to the next level. What all is available regarding offline coaching?
  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

    I was talking to one of my friends on here today regarding some "coaching" programs. There are many coaching programs for i.m. but not as many for offline. I am sure there is quite a market for it. I would love to take my business to the next level. What all is available regarding offline coaching?
    I'm launching something in a few weeks for offliners and consultants. It has been in the works for a while.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751843].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kebertt
      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      I'm launching something in a few weeks for offliners and consultants. It has been in the works for a while.
      Would like to hear more about what you have to offer when you launch it
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751852].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
      Hey Mike,
      I would be interested in said info.
      How can I be notified?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Im not going to be doing personal coaching per say, but Im planning on opening different paid areas of my forum, sort of like advanced training classes... based on different subjects that I want to teach specifically, and areas where I feel I can help people. It will give participants more individual attention, and also help me to get all of my online training work accomplished under one roof.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751881].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    You can follow me on Twitter. I will announce there. Shoot me an instant message and I will connect with you directly when it opens for secret squirrel advance signups.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751883].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    I just added you on Twitter.

    Curious to see what other "offline" coaching programs are available.

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751921].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
      I'm curious as well.
      Anybody want to interject with coaching?
      Always willing to learn from the big dogs.....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6751953].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Lets keep this thread going. I have already received a couple of PM's from people who are interested as well.

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6752421].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
      Me too.
      Love making contacts.
      Love making all of us some money.....
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I decided to offer coaching due to the fact that a lot of people on the forum are pushing the same kinds of things. Now, there is nothing wrong with that, if that's your thing.
    There is just a whole lot more to being a marketing consultant than selling SEO and websites.

    So, my point was to work with people one on one to educate them on everything marketing so they could take their business to the next level. I have considered lowering my price to make it more affordable.... but I want people that take my coaching to take action and succed.
    I can't devote as much time to someone at a lower price point.

    Plus the higher price weeds out all the tire kickers. Also, I don't really need to. I get paid well currently as is. It would just be my way of helping others. However over the next month I am going to begin testing a new marketing concept. I could use help and I know if people took my coaching we would be on the same page.

    At a lower price point of say $497, I could probably ccommit to around 5 hours a month, and that would be more in a group type setting.
    Whereas, at $5k, I come to you and we work together until you make your investment back forcing you to take action.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6753157].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess

    You've been here for a while now. You know MORE than most people here, even more than most people who are already doing very well. What's the problem? What's stopping you from hitting the next level?

    Dude, you don't need these people soliciting their coaching programs, or those that have a sudden spike in activity to pre-sell their garbage...you need you. They're not going to do anything for you that you can't do.

    If you feel like you need help getting above where you are now, then I'll coach you, FREE. Before you jump at that offer... really think about it. I don't think you need coaching. You need to learn to evaluate and analyze where you're at, and make changes and adjustments in order to improve. A coach isn't always able to do that.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6753626].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
      I agree with that last post Nameless...
      I am slowly evolving my consulting business.
      I enjoy communicating with other warriors and seeing what they have to offer me.

      I really don't need a coach rather someone to give me great ideas or offer me a service that will help me in my business.

      But I would really appreciate any free help....
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6755097].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Many good points in this thread. IAMNAMELESS, I will be in touch. From the feedback I have received it is obvious many other people are looking for the same thing.

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6755939].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Nathan Alexander
    A lot of guys here know their stuff. And now nameless us offering you help? Take it if you need it. A generous dude.
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  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    Rolltide, you definitely seem to have an undying passion and the drive for marketing, it's pretty obvious. Take IAN up on that offer!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6756714].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I think you should take IAm up on his offer as well.
    He is a smart guy that is doing well in his business.
    You could learn a lot from him.
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6756918].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author somacorellc
    Edit: remove offensive bits.

    What level are you at? You don't have to be specific, but on a scale from "I'm paying my bills" to "I have a lambo out front (and it's mine (and it's paid for))" how are you doing?

    What is the main area you want to focus on improving? Sales funnel, upselling, client acquisition, etc?

    Where do you want to be? $100k a year? $50k? Knowing where you want to be is vitally important to figuring out how to get there. You can't plan a route without a destination.

    Answer these either on this forum or privately, but answer them. Then, map out how to work backwards and get to where you want to be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6757494].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      A friend of mine had built his company by himself to 10 million per year...but he wanted to know how to get to 100 million.

      So he hired a company who did nothing but come in and coach him and his staff on how to get to the next level.

      He was a TEN MILLIONAIRE with 50 employees... but he got stuck at that plateau.

      He did indeed go on to make 100's of millions...funny thing is that when he revealed that in my forum one day, someone called the coaching company he hired a scam...lol... I dont think he sees it that way though.

      Most of these warriors are still doing this from their kitchen table Chris... dont let anybody make fun of you for trying to get more knowledge to get to the next level, unless they are THERE or at least have BEEN there...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6757545].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Todd Pedersen

    First of all, it looks like the Crimson Tide are going to have another banner year!

    I agree that there seems to be much less options on the WF when it comes to OFFLINE Coaching. I personally would just dive in the water a little bit with some business contacts that you already know.

    I remember I got started by helping out a plumber friend of my sister. He was getting ripped off by a local PPC company and didn't even know it. I knew little about local PPC at the time, but what I did know BLEW HIM AWAY. I make an easy $500 - 750 per month with him taking a percentage of is add spends. Plumbers spend alot of $$$$$ on leads.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    Here's the big key for YOU rolltide....

    A: Stick with one plan (You succeed and get bored too easily and move on it seems)

    B: Create a cookie cutter sales and fulfillment system out of that one plan.

    C: Get yourself 10k

    D: Go open a small call center on a shoes string with 4-5 people

    E: You and those 4-5 people go balls to the wall and have a passionate time driving your business to 3-5 sales per day.

    Expand once you have hit your intitial production bechmark consistently for 30 days (Say 25k or whatever).

    F: Do not veer from your cookie cutter system... if a guy says "Yeah but I want more I want face book, and article marketing, and newsletter management, and reputation management...

    DO NOT BITE!!!

    Send him to Iamnameless or someone for a commission, but YOU only take business that works with your cookie cutter system.

    1: Fulfillment is always the same
    2: Common issues and solutions are always the same.
    3: Duplication is always the same
    4: The same repeated actions always produce the same results.
    5: Billing and receiving are always the same.

    Emyth. Cookie Cutter.

    If I was your coach, thats what I would have you doing.

    Ps. Once you hit your production goals, hire a couple more telemarketers, but ALSO hire a couple of people to sit there and do nothing but INTERNET marketing for 8 hours per day!

    Have them for 10-12 bucks per hour sitting there 8 hours per day posting craiglist ads, and doing other advertising...

    PPS> Iamnameless, you just opened up what us southern boys call a good ole fashioned can of worms... lol
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6757716].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    I am around the 3K/mth mark right now. I plan to take that to the 7-10k/mth range. With a little coaching , I think it is very feasible. I know of others on this forum who are looking as well. I am just the crazy guy who ain't scared to put my name out there asking for help

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6757821].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    I agree 100 percent with everything you said(that may be a first. ha). I am ADD as everything. My mind(damn good one i might add wonders off way too much. Actually, I have a Dr. appointment at 8am on the 20th to get that taken care of. My chiro client referred me to one of his friends. Time to be at 10K a month within 90 days. I will bring you a little "white lightning" once I get to that level .

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mekanism
    a good business and sales book will do wonders.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    @ Chris,

    Better yet, do what I did once. Let those 3 or 4 telemarketers sit there and just pitch all day and TO closes to you, and show everyone that the system works solid. Then train a TO so you can surf all day while they sell.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758116].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    Some really great ideas for very early starting guys who haven't even really started their business.

    If you're so early stage in your business that you need a cookie-cutter strategy to figure out how to make sales, you're not my client/student. If you're doing at least $300K/year in sales, I can possibly help take you to $5-20 million.

    My approach to coaching (actually it's more "mentoring") isn't to actually go tell people exactly what to do. If you need that level of help, that's more than I can provide, and I am certainly glad there are folks who will help by giving away their time at that level.

    I ask lots of questions. Then I listen to their business ideas, their goals, their resources and skills, and I inject knowledge only when and where it's warranted and appropriate.

    I do like the "sudden spike in activity to presell their garbage" though. Cute.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758253].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author somacorellc
      Then why are you so heavy-handedly promoting your product in this thread? Would you expect anyone on the WF to be earning 300k+ a year? It's certainly not rolltide from the content of his posts.

      Do you have anything to add that's not the Michael Hiles Promotion Machine?

      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      Some really great ideas for very early starting guys who haven't even really started their business.

      If you're so early stage in your business that you need a cookie-cutter strategy to figure out how to make sales, you're not my client/student. If you're doing at least $300K/year in sales, I can possibly help take you to $5-20 million.

      My approach to coaching (actually it's more "mentoring") isn't to actually go tell people exactly what to do. If you need that level of help, that's more than I can provide, and I am certainly glad there are folks who will help by giving away their time at that level.

      I ask lots of questions. Then I listen to their business ideas, their goals, their resources and skills, and I inject knowledge only when and where it's warranted and appropriate.

      I do like the "sudden spike in activity to presell their garbage" though. Cute.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758467].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
        Originally Posted by somacorellc View Post

        Then why are you so heavy-handedly promoting your product in this thread? Would you expect anyone on the WF to be earning 300k+ a year? It's certainly not rolltide from the content of his posts.

        Do you have anything to add that's not the Michael Hiles Promotion Machine?
        Check this out...

        Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

        I was talking to one of my friends on here today regarding some "coaching" programs. There are many coaching programs for i.m. but not as many for offline. I am sure there is quite a market for it. I would love to take my business to the next level. What all is available regarding offline coaching?
        The question was asked. I answered.

        Sorry you've got a problem with that.



        No I'm not sorry.

        When a potential prospect opens the door for a conversation around what it is that you do (and do pretty well - nothing to be ashamed about), you do yourself a favor by raising your hand and responding.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758489].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      I do like the "sudden spike in activity to presell their garbage" though. Cute.
      Who is pre selling? I only see one person doing that here, and it honestly looks like a legit offer... That person would be you Michael. Everyone else is just throwing in their two cents because we know rolltide.

      Although I dont agree that others information is garbage necessarily, I do agree that what you offer is for a different genre than most average people hanging out at the Warrior forum.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758474].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
        Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

        Who is pre selling? I only see one person doing that here, and it honestly looks like a legit offer... That person would be you Michael. Everyone else is just throwing in their two cents because we know rolltide.

        Although I dont agree that others information is garbage necessarily, I do agree that what you offer is for a different genre than most average people hanging out at the Warrior forum.
        That was in response to this....

        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post


        You've been here for a while now. You know MORE than most people here, even more than most people who are already doing very well. What's the problem? What's stopping you from hitting the next level?

        Dude, you don't need these people soliciting their coaching programs, or those that have a sudden spike in activity to pre-sell their garbage...you need you. They're not going to do anything for you that you can't do.

        If you feel like you need help getting above where you are now, then I'll coach you, FREE. Before you jump at that offer... really think about it. I don't think you need coaching. You need to learn to evaluate and analyze where you're at, and make changes and adjustments in order to improve. A coach isn't always able to do that.
        I wonder who that was directed at?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758502].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    @ Michael

    I agree with one thing; Iamnameless is opening up a can of worms offering personal coaching for free, thats for sure... we live and learn though.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758514].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      @ Michael

      I agree with one thing; Iamnameless is opening up a can of worms offering personal coaching for free, thats for sure... we live and learn though.

      Well, time is the one commodity that can never, ever be replaced. It is the most valuable asset to any businessowner.

      If someone wants to give it away for a good cause, good on them. I've certainly given my share, and continue to do so.

      I've not been around the WF as much lately because I've been getting paid for my time, starting a new tech consulting services practice that has rocketed. It was a consulting engagement that turned into a great opportunity to build a new business in a rapidly expanding market with exponentially more demand than resources available. And we know what that means in the ol' foundations of capitalism... $$$

      The SharePoint market is really hot right now. Blazing hot.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758526].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

        That was in response to this....

        I wonder who that was directed at?

        Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

        Well, time is the one commodity that can never, ever be replaced. It is the most valuable asset to any businessowner.

        If someone wants to give it away for a good cause, good on them. I've certainly given my share, and continue to do so.

        I've not been around the WF as much lately because I've been getting paid for my time, starting a new tech consulting services practice that has rocketed. It was a consulting engagement that turned into a great opportunity to build a new business in a rapidly expanding market with exponentially more demand than resources available. And we know what that means in the ol' foundations of capitalism... $$$
        I guess if the shoe fits, wear it. I can see how you would take it that way, and there are hundreds of others that have read this thread and if they might think its to them as well.

        In regards to rolltide, I can spend 1 hour a week and he will catapult in the direction he needs to be. I already get paid well. I get paid very well, and will continue to do so. However, when I see someone that has massive potential and sticks out to me, I will offer my time for no charge.

        I've been blessed enough as it is, to be able to change a persons life. Nothing wrong with getting paid, but sometimes it isn't about that. I think the good karma that comes back and the difference you make in someones life and their family's life, is much better than an hourly or flat rate.

        I'm sure someone with your experience can understand that, and probably have done the same.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758683].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by John Durham View Post

      @ Michael

      I agree with one thing; Iamnameless is opening up a can of worms offering personal coaching for free, thats for sure... we live and learn though.
      I don't think so.... I think rolltide has some thinking to do about it anyway because even if he decides to go for it, if for some reason he's still buying WSOs or making a thread 3 months later with the same scenario, I'm going to call him out on it. If he doesn't put things to practice, I'll hold him accountable. That's what he likely needs, but whether or not he wants to deal with me is another question entirely lol.

      It's a pretty straight forward offer. I've had people offer me very good money to give them coaching, but it isn't worth it to me. I feel that coaching is opening up a can of worms, PERIOD! When I do find that it is worth it, it isn't due to any amount of money.

      He said he's pulling 3K/mo..... that alone tells me something is wrong because just using one method in an average way can generate 5K/mo pretty easily. He's either trying to use too many forms of marketing techniques POORLY, or he isn't doing enough targeted techniques.

      John, you've helped hundreds if not thousands of people. You put out products, but you've also helped make a difference in a lot of peoples lives without charging a single thing for it. You of all people know how it is when there is something worth donating your time and knowledge for.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758769].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MichaelHiles
    LOL... you don't need to make the case for giving away time.

    John Durham knows full well I give away my time for the right person and purpose. Paying it forward is the only way to become successful.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6758791].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by MichaelHiles View Post

      LOL... you don't need to make the case for giving away time.

      John Durham knows full well I give away my time for the right person and purpose. Paying it forward is the only way to become successful.
      On a serious note; Yes, of course I know that first hand about you... and Im all for charging for your time as well. Time is in fact money, and we cant realistically give it ALL away...

      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      I don't think so.... I think rolltide has some thinking to do about it anyway because even if he decides to go for it, if for some reason he's still buying WSOs or making a thread 3 months later with the same scenario, I'm going to call him out on it. If he doesn't put things to practice, I'll hold him accountable. That's what he likely needs, but whether or not he wants to deal with me is another question entirely lol.

      It's a pretty straight forward offer. I've had people offer me very good money to give them coaching, but it isn't worth it to me. I feel that coaching is opening up a can of worms, PERIOD! When I do find that it is worth it, it isn't due to any amount of money.

      He said he's pulling 3K/mo..... that alone tells me something is wrong because just using one method in an average way can generate 5K/mo pretty easily. He's either trying to use too many forms of marketing techniques POORLY, or he isn't doing enough targeted techniques.

      John, you've helped hundreds if not thousands of people. You put out products, but you've also helped make a difference in a lot of peoples lives without charging a single thing for it. You of all people know how it is when there is something worth donating your time and knowledge for.
      Lol. I just know rolltide thats all... If he wants an answer, you arent going to sleep till he gets it. He's a very tenacious kind of guy. Even moreso I was referring to all the people who are going to blow you up via PM for free coaching now...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759366].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    I am gonna take IAMNAMELESS up on the offer!

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759051].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    JD knows how us Southern boys are

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6759466].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Honestly, I'm suprised more guys didn't come out of the woodwork to promote their coaching programs.

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6762214].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      Honestly, I'm suprised more guys didn't come out of the woodwork to promote their coaching programs.
      I sum it up this way. The people who are really successful are making a very large amount per hour of their time. If they have built a business they are making money from other people's time. Thus their own time is very valuable.

      I would expect even a relatively new coach to be charging at least $200/hr. Now look at WSO prices and such. Is it worth their time to hang out here and pitch their coaching? I wouldn't try to sell a Mercedes in a Walmart parking lot. The idea is the same.

      Now there are those who offer coaching products here and those that mentor as a way to give back like Iam is offering. A lot of that is peer to peer. But I would never expect to see pitches for coaching here like you do in the rest of the forum. Consulting is already a high paying career. Why coach someone here when you can be out coaching business owners and managers and be making hundreds per hour?

      If you spend enough time here you know more than 99% of business owners and managers about internet marketing and marketing in general. So why not be the coach yourself? Get out there and help those business owners make more money.

      And yes I clearly need to take my own advice. I know that. So i am speaking to myself as much as you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6765330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    I dont think there is a WHOLE lot more to it than the way we already tell it Chris... pretty much all a guy is missing is a clock to punch or a person to be accountable to.
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  • Profile picture of the author sadneck
    Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

    I was talking to one of my friends on here today regarding some "coaching" programs. There are many coaching programs for i.m. but not as many for offline. I am sure there is quite a market for it. I would love to take my business to the next level. What all is available regarding offline coaching?
    rolltide, what is your business? I think some here are misunderstanding the question. Is that you have a coaching business and you want to learn how to take this niche to the next level?

    Is your business more about self-help coaching, money coaching, relationship?

    Please be clear, maybe I can help!

    Special Launch Price!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6765645].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
      Originally Posted by sadneck View Post

      rolltide, what is your business? I think some here are misunderstanding the question. Is that you have a coaching business and you want to learn how to take this niche to the next level?

      Is your business more about self-help coaching, money coaching, relationship?

      Please be clear, maybe I can help!

      I think it is you who has the wrong end of the stick.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6765702].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    IAMNAMELESS has firmly stuck his boot up my A$$. I have been running on the freelance title for the past yr and a half. After speaking with him for an hour yesterday, we decided its time to get a site up and running. I bought the domain. Now, I have outsourced the project. I should have it up over the weekend. On Monday, we are gonna hit the ground running with a marketing plan. I am excited about the direction my business is headed. Everyone could use a little coaching. Even "gurus" like the one's who were trying to sell their coaching on this thread

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6769963].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      IAMNAMELESS has firmly stuck his boot up my A$$.
      From all i have seen from you , i really think that is all you needed.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6770502].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      IAMNAMELESS has firmly stuck his boot up my A$$. I have been running on the freelance title for the past yr and a half. After speaking with him for an hour yesterday, we decided its time to get a site up and running. I bought the domain. Now, I have outsourced the project. I should have it up over the weekend. On Monday, we are gonna hit the ground running with a marketing plan. I am excited about the direction my business is headed. Everyone could use a little coaching. Even "gurus" like the one's who were trying to sell their coaching on this thread
      I completely agree. If it wasn't for paying for coaching I would be where I am today.
      Never stop coaching. I have a coach right now. Plus, I study people like Chet Holmes, Dan Kennedy, Brian Tracy, Jay Abrahan, and others on a regular basis.
      Never stop feeding your brain. The average millionaire reads at least 1 non fiction book a month.
      Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
      - Neale Donald Wilson -
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6770846].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rearden
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      IAMNAMELESS has firmly stuck his boot up my A$$. I have been running on the freelance title for the past yr and a half. After speaking with him for an hour yesterday, we decided its time to get a site up and running. I bought the domain. Now, I have outsourced the project. I should have it up over the weekend. On Monday, we are gonna hit the ground running with a marketing plan. I am excited about the direction my business is headed. Everyone could use a little coaching. Even "gurus" like the one's who were trying to sell their coaching on this thread
      Don't waste this opportunity.
      David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6773348].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author drewcpappas
    will be following you on twitter.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6770021].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lopaca
    I guess I'm missing something. If you are working for a business owner doing whatever, SEO, site build, PPC again whatever, are you not coaching him? Or are you just doing the work and not keeping him excited about what your doing? Coaching is motivating and that keeps people connected to the activity. Personally I look at every client relationship as a coaching process that is ongoing with the ultimate goal of continually improving the relationship.

    Just my 2 cents
    Get the Free Training You Need to Become an Offline Marketing Expert. Learn how we make getting local clients easier and how to keep them longer.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6770024].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I have been coaching individuals since early 2011 to become Offline Marketing Consultants.
    Sent you a PM. I personally feel its a great career choice :-)

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6773078].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
    I tested my sales page before launching a WSO and I had few students take me up for the offer but decided I didn't want to move forward with the wso.

    1 on 1 Offline Coaching
    (check it out if you want but I'm not taking on any coaching students right now)

    I love helping & networking with entrepreneurs and that's the main reason I got into offline businesses but coaching takes A WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL of energy out of you. I think I give more attention to the coaching students than to my actual offline clients and it became a problem.

    At one point I even shared my EXACT marketing piece but some just dont take action. You're not a warrior just because you have a sword, you need to take action and fight the battle in order to be a warrior. I think we all have the sword... we just need to take massive action.

    just take massive action and if NOTHING works, then look for a coach/mentor.

    the clients are out there waiting for you... GO GET EM TIGER!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author DavePalermo
      What ever happened to hard work and thinking outside the box?
      Nobody really needs a "coach" (go ahead, tell me I'm wrong).
      If you need to be coached then you need to reevaluate what you are doing wrong.

      Go ahead, somebody will take me out of context and get pissy at me because their bread and butter is coaching.

      I enjoy this forum because I bounce ideas off of other in my field.
      Not getting solicited for coaching.
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  • Profile picture of the author DreamWarrior
    It's a different type of ball game. Offline could be quite satisfying as you can personally see how they react with your information, and you can change it as you go - depending on how people interpret your information.

    Online just means that you keep coaching on a non-personal level and information is general for everyone. You can spend your time doing other things while your coaching program turns over passive income.

    It's really personal preference and whether you want that sort of interaction.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adwizard
    I would have to say that 99.9% of those people who think they need a coach don't really need one... (Perhaps they do now because they THINK that???LOL) What is is that they really need is a boot up their A$$ like roletide said he got from Nameless... Good!!!

    IAmNameless touched on the biggest problem most people face... Accountability! Most people on this forum are intelligent enough to make a plan. They just never look at the plan again if they ever put it down on paper to begin with.

    To all who need help... Write out a Plan... Break it down into daily and weekly goals... Then fill in a spreadsheet or something so you can see where you are as far as meeting your goals always! Snatch a partner or friend if you have a problem being accountable to yourself and have them ask you continuously where you are. It is not hard being accountable to yourself though if you will only write it down or something.

    I remember a story from Zig Ziglar I believe it was who said that in his early days of selling he used his family and children to hold him accountable. The incentive was a family vacation that he needed "X" number of $$$ for(say $5,000). He took a piece of string across his living room and had a hot wheels car attached to the string. His children would ask him how much he sold each day in order to move the car down the string closer to the target number he had to hit. You bet his kids kept him motivated and held him accountable for making sales every single day he went out to work.

    Write it down somewhere and let reaching your goal be your motivation and hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE.... or we may have to get IAmNameless some new boots!!!
    Building Businesses Beyond their Four Walls by
    Thinking Outside the Box... since 1993.
    Is anyone capable of designing a mobile site for
    this e-commerce site for a fee:
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