"Hidden Mic Recording of Sales Interviews"

by midasman09 Banned
26 replies
As a "Face-to-Face" Sales Guy...a few weeks ago I bought a "Sony IC Recorder". It's about 1.5" wide by about 4" high by about 3/4" thick. It's run on battery and fits perfectly into my shirt pocket.

So....for my own recollection on how my "In-Person" sales calls go....I began recording each of my Sales Pitches selling business owners on why they should give me money for what I was selling.

And....when I got home and listened to my Actual, On-BattleField, Sales Pitches....where I presented my "Reasons For Buying" to REAL prospects and either Got the Sale...or didn't.....I was AMAZED at the ACTUAL "back and forth" of the conversations.

I especially liked the one where I switched on the Sony Recorder before entering a business, Cold-Turkey,...entered the store and, within 90seconds, had the owner writing out a check for $189, to me...a guy who he'd never seen before and had just had entered his store....90 seconds earlier!

I mean...I'm talking AWESOME!

Now....in these "HIDDEN" recordings I do not reveal where I am or to whom I'm talking to so....NO ONE is INDENTIFIED! However...anyone listening to these Recordings will INSTANTLY KNOW THAT.....YES! THESE ARE ACTUAL INTERVIEWS WITH REAL OWNERS OF BUSINESSES!

So....this has "Sold Me" on Recording ALL my "In-Person" Sales Pitches as a "Training Tool" AND....VERIFICATION that, "Yes! These are REAL Interviews with REAL business owners.

Thus....I am wondering IF there's any interest in anyone here, wanting to listen in on "Actual Sales Interviews" where I, as a "Face-To-Face" Sales Guy, enter a business with NO previous contact with the owner, present my product or service and....within a few minutes (or seconds)... walk out with a Check?

Or....is this a Forum where MOST members rely upon "NO PHYSICAL CONTACT" with potential customers and prefer to try to "Sell Their Stuff" REMOTELY via their Puter or Phone.

Any response will be much appreciated.

Thank you,

Don Alm...."belly-to-belly" sales guy
  • Profile picture of the author payoman
    So basically you are asking "would anyone pay to hear these recordings I have?"

    The answer is yeah, some would. But I think giving away a free sample would be awesome.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Post them if you got them-could turn out to be legendary stuff
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
      Great idea, Don... I'd definitely be interested in hearing them. I'm especially intrigued as to what you say to close a sale in 90 seconds... that's craaaaaazy!!

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  • Profile picture of the author offline master
    I would love to hear this and I wish more did this. But to answer your question, no, it is not something I would be willing to pay for. I would suggest at the very least providing some for free so we can gauge the quality and whether it would help or not.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    Release your recordings for free for an opt-in into your email list and sell your sales consultative services to the list.

    That's what I'd do.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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    • Profile picture of the author IMguy123
      Yep, I would like to hear it also. After reading your posts time and time again I would listen with intrigue for sure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    I think you should post 2 or 3 for people to hear.

    Then put the rest in an offer in your sig.

    Obviously never point to it, but there it is.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mister Natural
    I'm in.
    Would love to hear Don Alm work his magic.
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  • Profile picture of the author azurews
    Yes, yes....and oh, did I say YES?
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  • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia
    It would be like being right there as a trainee listening to your pitch what better way to learn the art of sales by this method.

    great training tool

    let me know when this is available



    Skunkworks: noun. informal.

    A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

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  • Profile picture of the author massiveray
    I see no point In this at all, hearing you sell is completely pointless to anybody but you, in person sales rely very little on what you say, it's the body languages, the nuances, the atmosphere of authority and comfort you create.

    The eye contact and making a connection, all of this can't be heard in a recording, although I have no doubt that if they are good quality and you release a few for free people will no doubt see it as a magic bullet and you'll make a few quid.

    Now get some hidden videos and you have a product.

    Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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    • Profile picture of the author mak25
      Now....to be honest........I'D BE CURIOUS....to see if he actually....SPEAKS THEY WAY HE TYPES!
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      • Profile picture of the author IMguy123
        If I remember correctly, only Jason has done this before...but I could have missed others recordings from other people since I am not in this forum all the time.

        Well, Somaliec (sp?) possibly went further by doing it live with audio and video. He did it many times. Kudos to both of them for helping us out.

        I have always hoped I could hear John D., Ken, Dave Miller in audio and/or video at some point in time. So it is great to hear Midasman offering to share is ways of selling.
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        • Profile picture of the author mak25
          Originally Posted by IMguy123 View Post

          I have always hoped I could hear John D., Ken, Dave Miller in audio and/or video at some point in time. So it is great to hear Midasman offering to share is ways of selling.
          John D had some audios you could listen to over at his forum.
          Not sure if they're still available, but you can check it out.

          The Telemarketing Forum - Index
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          • Profile picture of the author Charles Huber
            I think that Don is a mile a minute genius. Count me in as someone who really wants to hear those pitches!

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  • Profile picture of the author Adwizard
    I think you've heard it Don... people want it. There will always be a few naysayers but who cares. You have blessed people on this forum with your knowledge and expertise ever since I've joined here I know so put them out... I would suggest you put some where you did not make the sale as well, but then you may find people who have never delivered an in-person sales presentation trying to critique yours LOL... we see it on here all the time. Whatever you decide... Good Luck and God Bless!

    People I have carried a small recorder with me on hundreds of sales presentations and like Don says IT IS WONDERFUL!!! You can replay back after a successful call and listen to what you did right and I guarantee it will help you on your next call. You will also learn from hearing your mistakes on the calls that didn't go as well as you would like.

    Not to downplay body language and all the other things mentioned but if you think they mean MORE than what you say you are sadly mistaken! Usually by the tone of the conversation you will almost be able to visualize the atmosphere.
    Building Businesses Beyond their Four Walls by
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    • Profile picture of the author massiveray
      Originally Posted by Adwizard View Post

      Not to downplay body language and all the other things mentioned but if you think they mean MORE than what you say you are sadly mistaken! Usually by the tone of the conversation you will almost be able to visualize the atmosphere.
      I think they mean MORE than what you say by quite a long way. I do most of my selling in person, if it was word that got you a deal closed people would sell in person scripts and make an absolute fortune.

      Judging the mood of a potential client and reacting to how they're feeling, playing on what they get excited about, knowing when to just shut up and listen all comes from non verbal communication, I class being sensitive to these nuances and knowing how to react to them through experience is by far my biggest weapon as a salesman, and I'm a great salesman.

      Going in and reading off a script because some dude off the warrior forum said it to close a client and expecting it to work for you, now you are sadly mistaken.

      Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Callaghan
    Careful on this one...

    In most US states there are strict laws governing the recording of a conversation (unless you're the government in which case it's always ok). Check your state laws before posting those recordings or you could be setting yourself up for some legal problems.

    "I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul."
    from Invictus by William Ernest Henley

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  • Profile picture of the author Sue Bruce
    I have to go back to my "putting myself through university days'"when I worked for the largest office supply company in the world and say that the best tips, tricks and motivation came from listening to recordings of the top sellers.

    My vote is "yes".
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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    I'd vote "no." Maybe a sale is closed in two minutes because the prospect was at the right point in their buying process. Someone who feels they desperately need help right now as opposed to someone who's just starting to check out their options will impact a sale's outcome regardless of the salesperson.

    And without knowing what the salesperson is thinking, based on what he observes, the reasoning for the salesperson saying or doing this or that is lost on the listener.

    A seemingly innocent question such as "and how would you be planning on using my service?" could be lost on the listener too, who doesn't already recognize the real purpose of a question like that, and thinks instead this is simply chit chat or at best purely investigative.

    I know seeing a prospect lean forward and rub their chin means to me that I have them on the hook - and affects how I proceed. How do you "hear" that in an audio file?

    Is the prospect standing there with arms folded? Is the prospect diddling through their iphone? Did the salesperson personalize the sales call to fit that prospect? How would you know? How would you know to know?

    Are there phrases that work almost like magic? Sure are. I have several and they astound me with how well they get results. But the bulk of sales work is in knowing what to do and say - according to what the prospect is thinking/doing/said - it's not in a script per se, and it's not picked up by simply hearing it. Hearing a sales call may be beneficial to pick up inflections and tone of voice used but to actually learn how to sell - no.
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    • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia
      Have to disagree with you my friend

      listening on an actual live sales call is a helpful path to follow as all sales calls do NOT always go as outlined in the brochures

      Eben pagen used to sell a dating product and he had recordings of actual guys giving their spiel to the girls and you would see if he got a telephone number or not

      even though I was NOT in the dating field I bought to listen and see how he deployed his strategies.

      there is a little voyeur in all of us .

      how many times have you heard the phrase

      I would love to be that fly on the wall to be able to listen in on real conversations.

      Face to Face selling has got to be one of the scariest things for most sales people

      even scarier than cold calling

      and having the opportunity to listen in on one of the most seasoned face to face salesman is worth a good amount.

      having it done on video would be the best BUT near impossible since now you have more issues legality.

      and if you have to have prospects sign forms to agree to be pitched

      it kind of defeats the whole purpose of this



      looks like you have a killer product

      how about a review copy


      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      I'd vote "no." Maybe a sale is closed in two minutes because the prospect was at the right point in their buying process. Someone who feels they desperately need help right now as opposed to someone who's just starting to check out their options will impact a sale's outcome regardless of the salesperson.

      And without knowing what the salesperson is thinking, based on what he observes, the reasoning for the salesperson saying or doing this or that is lost on the listener.

      A seemingly innocent question such as "and how would you be planning on using my service?" could be lost on the listener too, who doesn't already recognize the real purpose of a question like that, and thinks instead this is simply chit chat or at best purely investigative.

      I know seeing a prospect lean forward and rub their chin means to me that I have them on the hook - and affects how I proceed. How do you "hear" that in an audio file?

      Is the prospect standing there with arms folded? Is the prospect diddling through their iphone? Did the salesperson personalize the sales call to fit that prospect? How would you know? How would you know to know?

      Are there phrases that work almost like magic? Sure are. I have several and they astound me with how well they get results. But the bulk of sales work is in knowing what to do and say - according to what the prospect is thinking/doing/said - it's not in a script per se, and it's not picked up by simply hearing it. Hearing a sales call may be beneficial to pick up inflections and tone of voice used but to actually learn how to sell - no.

      Skunkworks: noun. informal.

      A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    ^^^ OK, yet not all other guys who said the same things verbatim didn't get numbers. Why? Because... getting a phone number has more to do with your appearance, if you appeal to that girl, her interest level, your confidence and your social skills ever more than listening to a tape to learn something to say would ever teach. And Eben points that out. He specifically mentions how it's not about having pick up lines. He also has an "inner game" course because he knows it's not about listening to someone doing something but in developing your skills from inside out.

    >>how many times have you heard the phrase

    I would love to be that fly on the wall to be able to listen in on real conversations.>>

    I've heard the phrase many times but the phrase doesn't prove that listening to a sales call teaches how to make sales calls. I don't even know how you get that connection out of it. That's like thinking the phrase "I wish I were in his shoes" somehow means watching a Fred Astaire movie will teach you how to dance like Fred Astaire.

    And nothing that you've written negates what I posted. Tell me instead how I'm specifically wrong when I say there are unheard factors that contribute toward a successful sales call that simply hearing the conversation will never be known. That's what I was writing about.
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    • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia

      your a feisty one aren't you which is refreshing and also noticed your from NYC..

      so am I

      ok let me break down this for you.

      you make some good points and I would agree 100%


      your already seasoned salesperson

      so in the event your already at the point where you can give those Alec Baldwin Glen Garry Glen Ross presentations..

      then this will not help you

      it is designed however to the new person venturing out into the sales world- taking the mystery of sales and bringing it down a notch.

      you remember when you were wet behind the ears.. or did you just magically become a great salesperson?? wait a minute

      have you ever sold anything FACE to FACE before??? hmmm..

      and this is NOT the magic pill by any means but is an additional tool that brings you thru the whole sales process and makes this more real and attainable

      plus validates if the person who is supposed to be an excellent closer that you just bought a sales course from can indeed walk the talk.

      you see the problem with learning sales is that many think that you have to be a robot sticking to an exact script or this super slick CLOSER!!!

      and by listing in on REAL UNEDITED sales calls with objections and stumbling.. you get to see that it's not all magic words but a "combination of skills" that CAN be acquired.

      comparing watching a Fred Astaire movie to watching an unedited selling session is NOT comparing apples to apples.

      now if you were saying would there be any value in Fred Astaire tapes that were his training tapes as he himself was learning the dance craft, him going thru the learning process. unedited and raw with mistakes and all

      would this be a nice additional tool to learn how to dance. well if you were trying to learn his methods

      hell yes!!!

      I did NOT say it's all about just listening in on sales calls. but it is just another tool in the learning process.

      being a fly on the wall??

      well this is an expression.. maybe I am wrong in it's interpretation. but the way I understand that phrase

      Alludes to the position of being able to freely observe a situation without being oneself noticed.

      Am I wrong??? if so I would like to hear from others please.

      it's like when Obama won the Nobel peace prize.. I had to go back and relearn what exactly was the Nobel peace prize because I had misinterpreted it all these years.

      still don't understand it

      anyway good to see fellow NYC people here. although my suggestion is to get the hell out before it's to late.

      after 9/11 I flew the coop and now live most of the year in Costa Rica.. wonderful little country.


      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      ^^^ OK, yet not all other guys who said the same things verbatim didn't get numbers. Why? Because... getting a phone number has more to do with your appearance, if you appeal to that girl, her interest level, your confidence and your social skills ever more than listening to a tape to learn something to say would ever teach. And Eben points that out. He specifically mentions how it's not about having pick up lines. He also has an "inner game" course because he knows it's not about listening to someone doing something but in developing your skills from inside out.

      >>how many times have you heard the phrase

      I would love to be that fly on the wall to be able to listen in on real conversations.>>

      I've heard the phrase many times but the phrase doesn't prove that listening to a sales call teaches how to make sales calls. I don't even know how you get that connection out of it. That's like thinking the phrase "I wish I were in his shoes" somehow means watching a Fred Astaire movie will teach you how to dance like Fred Astaire.

      And nothing that you've written negates what I posted. Tell me instead how I'm specifically wrong when I say there are unheard factors that contribute toward a successful sales call that simply hearing the conversation will never be known. That's what I was writing about.

      Skunkworks: noun. informal.

      A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

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      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Hey...thanks for the response folks!

        My "Sales Interviews" are NOT for the "general public" to listen to! Why would someone who has abosolutely NO INTEREST in "Sales" want to spend any time listening to someone try to sell something? They'd rather be watching re-runs or listening to music.

        I just came from a "Sales Interview" with a man who owns 7 BIG Hotels in my area and....within 7 Minutes....I had him agree to allow "little ol" me to put my "TV Channel Guides" in ALL HIS ROOMS!

        Now.....I get Pizzerias, Restaurants, Realtors, Gift Shops, Retail Shops and Local Attractions....to PAY ME A HANDSOME FEE to have an Ad for their business ON MY TV CHANNELS GUIDES that will be seen by Thousands of Travelers staying in those rooms.

        These Travelers;
        are HUNGRY
        have a Mobile Phone
        have Money and...are looking for places to SPEND IT

        Business Owners KNOW these FACTS! That's why my "Sales Calls" usually only take a 3 or 4 minutes before my prospect is writing a check to ME!

        I "barge in"....introduce myself, show him a sample of what I'm selling, tell him where they're going and how many and for how long and for how much and....he either writes me a check or he doesn't.

        I "take NO prisoners!" They either want to participate or they don't. If I get ANY KIND OF A STALL (Do you have info you can leave me? or, Give me your Card and I'll get back to you!" (Yeah! Right! SURE you will!)... ANY reason at all why he's not writing me a check...THIS INSTANT!, I'm outa there, never to return!

        Anyway....I'm sorry, the ONLY people who will hear my "Interview Recordings of ACTUAL SALES CLOSES" are those who pay for my "Training Programs".

        Don Alm
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  • Profile picture of the author massiveray
    Haha pick up advice hahahahahaha y'all don't even know!

    Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

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