Competition Crushing Trick You've Never Used Before Explained

3 replies
The person with the best ad in front of the right people wins.

I would expect you'd agree with me here.

So you are always faced with competition,
therefore you need a way to disarm them.

Here's one deadly effective way.

I've never seen it mentioned in marketing or copywriting books,
trainings, or forums.

It slots into the old brains decision making process.

The brain makes split second decisions,
because it's function is survival.

It filters it's decisions through the 4 senses, touch, smell, sight and sound.

If for example a child touches a stove hot plate, then hand is pulled away instantly.

The old self preservation brain is working all the time.

It sees things as being, cold...slow,, poor...ugly, beautiful...funny, not funny...scared, comfortable...sick, healthy...light, dark...sad, happy.

It has no time for the in between the two, the middle.
To survive it has to know whether to stay or flee.

Yep, we still have a cave man brain.

Knowing how the brain makes decisions gives us, the advertiser, a BIG advantage.

Because we can create division, a clear this or that choice.

At elections the political parties create pro this, anti that.

Yes they are setting the buyer/voters criteria.

In a previous Craigslist example, I used this polarizing method,
yet I didn't mention about it.

It is a whole subject worthy of it's own post.

Anyway it was the choice of untested web design against thoroughly results-driven web design.

Another example would be using it against a news story of a woman proclaiming it's
dangerous for women to wax.

A waxing studio would say, "Ladies, sure you can go back to cave man days and not wax, or you can be a modern woman and wax".

No woman wants to think she is not modern.

See how you are making clear choices for the buyer..?

We need to be the leader and make the decision making process easy,
because most people have a fuzzy idea on what they want.

There you have a little secret on getting what you want.

#competition #crushing #explained #trick
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    This is some good sheeet! Im actually rewriting line in a pitch to make this distinction more clear between using our techniques (going to battle with an uzi) or old techniques (using a bb gun)
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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  • Profile picture of the author Baadier Sydow
    Some really good points. When selling, I try to disarm with the technical aspects so that they see me as imparting knowledge to them. Then I sell and close them on the benefits.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6841676].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
      Do you want to go to Nirvana, Heaven, Valhalla, The Spirit in the Sky or Hell?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6841798].message }}

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