learn how i manage to get out of a $7k debt in just 5 days

293 replies
Sorry i had to delete this post.
I was getting too many pms everyday of people asking questions
Which were already explained on the thread.
It was getting a bit annoying.
#$7k #days #debt #learn #manage
  • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
    Sorry once again same problem
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    • Profile picture of the author sandalwood

      Congratulations on taking action. Evidently you wrote the correct calling script as it got you in the door and you made money. Now, the question becomes, what are you gonna do next week?

      Answer: More of the same only this time, I am upping the ante price wise and offering another valuable service to keep them in my accounts receivable funnel.

      Yep, you can offer them another service at a higher price and they will buy from you cuz they already like and trust you.

      Hope you make a bundle.

      Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

      The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965581].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    Well done. You have kept it simple and to the point.
    Yes, there may be things you can do to alter your script. BUT if it works, why not keep doing it that way for now at least?

    You could perhaps increase the fee to $30 or $40 maximum as a gift...and offer even more value on the back end. The trick, which you have already seemed to master, is to get your foot in the door.

    Is your business only applicable to restaurants? Maybe there are other businesses you could also help. Maybe focus on one business a month and get it going?

    I am sure others will offer different advice so take it all and then make your own decisions.

    Good luck. You are doing great.

    Cheers, Laurence.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965555].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      no i could help anyone, at first i thought i would start calling contruction type companies, then i could have just upsell them on SEO for the video itself and of course charge way more than $397 but for some reason i started to call restaurants and it went well so i just stayed in that niche.
      as far as increasing the $25 i might give it a try, but i am comfortable with that at the moment so i guess for now, i will stick with $25.

      Originally Posted by laurencewins View Post

      Well done. You have kept it simple and to the point.
      Yes, there may be things you can do to alter your script. BUT if it works, why not keep doing it that way for now at least?

      You could perhaps increase the fee to $30 or $40 maximum as a gift...and offer even more value on the back end. The trick, which you have already seemed to master, is to get your foot in the door.

      Is your business only applicable to restaurants? Maybe there are other businesses you could also help. Maybe focus on one business a month and get it going?

      I am sure others will offer different advice so take it all and then make your own decisions.

      Good luck. You are doing great.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965584].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        one and maybe the most important thing that i forgot to mention is that it took hard work to achieve. i didn't just make 50 calls and close 15 every day.
        i am new at cold calling. so i had to call for 6 hrs every day. and 1-2 more hr to do the follow up to try to upsell. and about 3 more hrs to deliver the work each day.
        it wasn't as easy as it sound. but then again it was. because i earned more than double of what i was earning at my last job without coming home with my feet tired and my back hurting like a madaefer
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  • Profile picture of the author IMguy123
    Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

    hello everyone, I am sort of new to the forum, but i have been gone for over 1 month from it.
    I manage to get myself in a 7k debt which i will probably start another thread later explaining how.
    anyways I just want to share my success with everyone

    i don't really like to write so i will just get straight to the point on how i did it.

    well the answer was cold calling.
    i had already tried cold calling for about a week, but i really suck lol. so i had quit for about a month or even longer.

    so i had to come up with something that would make it easy for me to get some sales and some money coming in my way.

    i knew that cold calling was my only way out, since i have no car and i can reach more people with my offer this way.

    so what i did is i started to call restaurants, and i was offering to do a video of their business for only $25..

    yes i know $25 dollars isn't much money. but i thought to myself, if i can't make a $25 sale then i shouldn't be in business for myself.

    well guess what. i called for a week. and i close 75 businesses during that time.
    that was on avg 15 per day.

    once created the video, every business owner was really happy, and since it was only $25 why shouldn't they had been happy right.
    well i could tell they liked me, so i had already gained their trust.

    so what i did next was to upsell them on SMS, i let them know how it could benefit them and blah blah. well it turned out i closed. 12 so far, and i haven't gotten to talk to everyone yet.

    at first it sounded like $25 wasn't going to bring much to the table
    but do the math
    25x75 = $1875
    12x397= $4,764
    thats a total of $6,639 in one week.

    well yeah i almost made $7k i know i am not completely out of debt yet. but it sure feels like i don't owe any money

    besides I will be charging $250 residual for every business that i signed up on SMS so i have some money coming next month

    now i just have to get better at up selling this businesses.
    and continue to repeat the same process day after day.
    Sounds good.
    I am interested in how you put these videos together. Can you show us one?

    Also, were these phone closes?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965595].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      well it seems like not many people like to show their clients. im not sure if its because people on the forum start calling them, or idk. so i think i will play it safe and do the same.
      but its super easy. i just did photo story type of videos. all you need is to ask the business to send you some pics of the business, like logo, outside of business, some work they've done and so on.

      and yes they were phone closes.
      i started to get better results when i offer to create the video first.
      and if they didn't like it then they didn't have to pay.
      yes i guessed i run the risk of them not liking it. but the videos would come out
      really nice. so i wasn't worrying about it.

      and in any case someone would come out to not like the video well it didn't
      take much of my time. since it only takes me about 10 minutes to create the video. sometimes even less

      Originally Posted by IMguy123 View Post

      Sounds good.
      I am interested in how you put these videos together. Can you show us one?

      Also, were these phone closes?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965701].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author svaningen
      Originally Posted by IMguy123 View Post

      Sounds good.
      I am interested in how you put these videos together. Can you show us one?

      Also, were these phone closes?
      I am also interested in seeing this videos, I'm still quite new to this IM thing !
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967082].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        i posted a link above in one of the comments.
        i didn't sell that video, i just created it so that i could post it here.
        Originally Posted by svaningen View Post

        I am also interested in seeing this videos, I'm still quite new to this IM thing !
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    Do you have an example video?
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    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

      Do you have an example video?
      i answered the question above.
      but i use animoto they make it really simple to create the videos, very self explanatory as well. yes i know it cost money. but i didn't hesitate to buy since i seen that it was helping me bring in sales.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965888].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wally247
    Great job! I would like to see the videos too, but I understand why you don't want to share them.

    Let me ask you though. Were you trying to "get past" the gatekeeper, or were you just doing your script to whomever answered?

    Well either way, great job!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965802].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      i was trying to get past the gatekeepers. i wouldn't do me any good if i pitched the gatekeeper.
      all i did was tell them that i had a very important question, and only the manager could help me.
      of course i was told a lot that the manager was not available

      Originally Posted by wally247 View Post

      Great job! I would like to see the videos too, but I understand why you don't want to share them.

      Let me ask you though. Were you trying to "get past" the gatekeeper, or were you just doing your script to whomever answered?

      Well either way, great job!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965844].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GobBluthJD
    Classic upsell technique Way to go!

    Many people overthink it the first time they are cold-calling or cold-approaching a business. You don't need to think of the end game SEO-package of $500/month or whatever you want to sell them. Start small. Offer a $25 seo report/competition analysis/website analysis/mobile site/whatever you think that business needs.

    The key part is getting your foot in the door, building the client relationship, and earning their trust.

    From there, you're golden.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965859].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      i mean if you think about it. even if i never did an upsell and i only sold 5-10 videos per day. thats an easy $125-250 per day. that's enough money to bring food to the table. and you could do it part time.
      but then again, practice upselling and then you will be bringing in cash like you never thought it possible.

      Originally Posted by GobBluthJD View Post

      Classic upsell technique Way to go!

      Many people overthink it the first time they are cold-calling or cold-approaching a business. You don't need to think of the end game SEO-package of $500/month or whatever you want to sell them. Start small. Offer a $25 seo report/competition analysis/website analysis/mobile site/whatever you think that business needs.

      The key part is getting your foot in the door, building the client relationship, and earning their trust.

      From there, you're golden.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6965907].message }}
      • good work Henry.

        and great share.

        for people who want to follow this:

        did you sell the manager's since it was a low dollar amount?

        you didn't have to buy animoto or others tools beforehand.
        you can take the money from business 1st , to pay for what you needed right?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966013].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          Originally Posted by kirbymarketingconcierge View Post

          good work Henry.

          and great share.

          for people who want to follow this:

          did you sell the manager's since it was a low dollar amount?

          you didn't have to buy animoto or others tools beforehand.
          you can take the money from business 1st , to pay for what you needed right?
          1. yes i sold them because it was a low dollar amount, i was offering a lot value for free.
          2. nope i didn't spend a dime out of my pocket until i made sure i had made a money to buy the tools i needed.

          i didn't have a single dollar in my pocket.
          i actually didn't have any internet at my house, and or cell phone. i had to cancel them since i was broke.
          so what i did is i started to look for some quarters around the house

          i found 3.80 worth of change and took bart to my girl friends house and i used her wife to make calls from my iphone.
          i had already bought previously skype credits to make calls.
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  • Profile picture of the author 9999
    They Provide you with the Photos, you create a Animoto slideshow then how do you deliver the final product (USB, DVD, YouTube, ect..)?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966050].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author edman78
      Sounds good!

      How did you accept payment for the videos and did you get it upfront before you started?
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      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        for the first 2 days i started targeting business really near by because i needed the money asap. so i would stop by and collect the money. since it was just 25$ they gave me cash.
        and yes it was before i delivered the video.
        after the 2 days i started to collect payments via paypal.
        except for the people who i did upsells i took those payments via checks.

        Originally Posted by edman78 View Post

        Sounds good!

        How did you accept payment for the videos and did you get it upfront before you started?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966153].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author edman78
          Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

          for the first 2 days i started targeting business really near by because i needed the money asap. so i would stop by and collect the money. since it was just 25$ they gave me cash.
          and yes it was before i delivered the video.
          after the 2 days i started to collect payments via paypal.
          except for the people who i did upsells i took those payments via checks.
          So did everyone pay you when you asked for it nobody stiffed you? Seems like a lot of running around for $25 a pop. I bet you could charge $50 and they would still pay. $50 is nothing to a business owner for something that will benefit their business.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967708].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
            well of course some people were skeptical, but is not as hard to close people on a $25 video.
            and well on the third and fourth day if they were giving me a hard time i would just tell them i would create the video before they even had to paid anything.
            i didn't mind. i just had to wait for one more day for the payment.

            i don't think it was a lot of running around, because at the of the week i made over 6k. which is something i never thought it would be possible.
            of course i could have and still can sell them for $50 but i just do it to make my life easier. either way at the end of the day without any upsells i am making over $300
            Originally Posted by edman78 View Post

            So did everyone pay you when you asked for it nobody stiffed you? Seems like a lot of running around for $25 a pop. I bet you could charge $50 and they would still pay. $50 is nothing to a business owner for something that will benefit their business.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967864].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by 9999 View Post

      They Provide you with the Photos, you create a Animoto slideshow then how do you deliver the final product (USB, DVD, YouTube, ect..)?
      that's exactly correct my friend
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966108].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
      Originally Posted by 9999 View Post

      They Provide you with the Photos, you create a Animoto slideshow then how do you deliver the final product (USB, DVD, YouTube, ect..)?
      Hey, Henry, I would like to know the answer to this as well. Congratulations btw...I've been planning on implementing Free video creation to help increase our show up percentage on our web meetings.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kalednet
    Please look in the mirror, and say THANKS. Well done. Congratulations.

    Thank you
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966160].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kalednet View Post

      Please look in the mirror, and say THANKS. Well done. Congratulations.

      Thank you
      Yes. thank you

      rather that create a wso, you gave freely.

      newbies Can Do This!
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  • Profile picture of the author johny53
    Very inspiring!
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  • Profile picture of the author David B.
    Another good upsell is rank the videos first page of Google.
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    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by David B. View Post

      Another good upsell is rank the videos first page of Google.
      i don't see how it will benefit the business. i understand it would benefit a roofer company, or a dentist. but i wouldn't feel comfortable charging a restaurant 300 to keep the video on first page.
      i will do it maybe next week but when i target those other businesses.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966321].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kcom
    A video on the first page would be a tremendous asset to a restaurant. Think about it, you are searching for a restaurant in your city, you see Google search results full of descriptions of web sites and one sole video, which show pictures of food, the inside of the restaurant, and more, this restaurant will get a ton more visitors from that video.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966524].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author payoman
      Have you shot any of these videos yet?

      Unless I am missing something, each video would take at least 3-4 hours of work between travelling to the business, shooting the video, previewing video with client, travelling home, editing the video, rendering the video and uploading the video.

      That's....like $6.25 per hour. With travel costs.

      Am I missing something?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966557].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        no i don't do all of that.
        what i do i sort of like a photo story type of video. like a slideshow.
        all i do is ask the business to send me some pictures.
        i created this one in about 3 minutes just so that some people can see.

        i didn't put much thought into. but im sure someone out there would pay $25 for this video.

        Tandoori Oven - YouTube

        Originally Posted by payoman View Post

        Have you shot any of these videos yet?

        Unless I am missing something, each video would take at least 3-4 hours of work between travelling to the business, shooting the video, previewing video with client, travelling home, editing the video, rendering the video and uploading the video.

        That's....like $6.25 per hour. With travel costs.

        Am I missing something?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966609].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      well yeah, but then again i wouldn't be able to charge the same amount i would if i got a video on the first page of google for a roofer, dentist and such.
      at least that is my thought.

      Originally Posted by kcom View Post

      A video on the first page would be a tremendous asset to a restaurant. Think about it, you are searching for a restaurant in your city, you see Google search results full of descriptions of web sites and one sole video, which show pictures of food, the inside of the restaurant, and more, this restaurant will get a ton more visitors from that video.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966617].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AussieT
        Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

        well yeah, but then again i wouldn't be able to charge the same amount i would if i got a video on the first page of google for a roofer, dentist and such.
        at least that is my thought.

        Originally Posted by kcom
        A video on the first page would be a tremendous asset to a restaurant. Think about it, you are searching for a restaurant in your city, you see Google search results full of descriptions of web sites and one sole video, which show pictures of food, the inside of the restaurant, and more, this restaurant will get a ton more visitors from that video.
        Henry the idea (of ranking the video for them) was originally raised as an ADDITIONAL upsell oportunity. An added income opportunity. And its easy to do in many cases.

        I am going to try it with some that I have already built some trust with via a directory listing site I own.

        PS well done on taking action and getting yourself out of a hole.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967664].message }}
    • Thanks , very inspiring post

      Did you buy a digital camera as well to make videos onsite ?
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      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        and no i didn't even take one single picture myself.
        i just ask the manager, or owner to send me some pictures.

        Originally Posted by smallbusinesstoolkit View Post

        Thanks , very inspiring post

        Did you buy a digital camera as well to make videos onsite ?
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  • Profile picture of the author SShip

    Second, you should be very proud of yourself. Look what you did in a week, wow.

    Also, look what you just did here. You shared this simple concept and completely simplified it for others to follow basically without many questions left to be answered.

    Again, congratulations, great job and keep up the good work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6966543].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tftom
    Did any of the businesses ask you why they need a video? I am just curious how many really understood the value of video.

    Job well done.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967059].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by tftom View Post

      Did any of the businesses ask you why they need a video? I am just curious how many really understood the value of video.

      Job well done.
      of course a lot of them asked.
      i am not trying to be mean, but if you yourself can't figure out the value of having a video. then i really don't know what to say.
      to me its just common sense so it was easy to explain the benefits.

      the whole reason why i decided to sell the videos for only $25 dollars was just that i wouldn't have a hard time selling it to them.
      and if someone seem like they were on the fence then i just would create the video for them and collect the payment later.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967118].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author the legacy
        I think his concept is amazing and I can't wait to use this idea myself. People who have a negative response about it should really keep those comments to themselves. You are doing a fantastic job keep up the good work Henry.
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Great story, I just don't think I could cold call anyone. Got 50% of my clients from search marketing (they find me from PPC or Organic Rankings) or I attend business mixers and meet decision makers and build a relationship.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967294].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
    Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

    hello everyone, I am sort of new to the forum, but i have been gone for over 1 month from it.
    I manage to get myself in a 7k debt which i will probably start another thread later explaining how.
    anyways I just want to share my success with everyone

    i don't really like to write so i will just get straight to the point on how i did it.

    well the answer was cold calling.
    i had already tried cold calling for about a week, but i really suck lol. so i had quit for about a month or even longer.

    so i had to come up with something that would make it easy for me to get some sales and some money coming in my way.

    i knew that cold calling was my only way out, since i have no car and i can reach more people with my offer this way.

    so what i did is i started to call restaurants, and i was offering to do a video of their business for only $25..

    yes i know $25 dollars isn't much money. but i thought to myself, if i can't make a $25 sale then i shouldn't be in business for myself.

    well guess what. i called for a week. and i close 75 businesses during that time.
    that was on avg 15 per day.

    once created the video, every business owner was really happy, and since it was only $25 why shouldn't they had been happy right.
    well i could tell they liked me, so i had already gained their trust.

    so what i did next was to upsell them on SMS, i let them know how it could benefit them and blah blah. well it turned out i closed. 12 so far, and i haven't gotten to talk to everyone yet.

    at first it sounded like $25 wasn't going to bring much to the table
    but do the math
    25x75 = $1875
    12x397= $4,764

    thats a total of $6,639 in one week.

    well yeah i almost made $7k i know i am not completely out of debt yet. but it sure feels like i don't owe any money

    besides I will be charging $250 residual for every business that i signed up on SMS so i have some money coming next month

    now i just have to get better at up selling this businesses.
    and continue to repeat the same process day after day.
    Great job and VERY inspiring! So, if I understand it correctly, you sold 75 slideshow type videos made with Animoto in a week and out of those 75, 12 went for your SMS service with a montly residual to you?

    I thought Animoto was expensive, what plan did you sign up for?

    Finally, which SMS provider do you recommend and what is included in the monthly plan?

    Thank you in advance, Eva
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967357].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
      Way to Go!!
      I would like to know how many owners/managers you had to talk to in order to get the 75 sales.
      Thanks for sharing!
      "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967383].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        Originally Posted by pinkgink View Post

        Way to Go!!
        I would like to know how many owners/managers you had to talk to in order to get the 75 sales.
        Thanks for sharing!
        ummm i wasn't really keeping track, but i want to say i was closing about 40%.
        so idk maybe i spoke to 200? idk i wasnt keeping track.

        with that being said that doesn't mean i made 200 calls in a week. i made about 150-250 calls per day.

        but let me tell you something, is questions like this that kept me from taking action.
        i would see other warriors taking action and getting results. and i would questions similar to yours. and try to compare myself to see if i could do the same.

        don't worry about my results. i am sure you will be happy if you close 5 deals per day at $25 dollars. that will be 25 people that you gain their trust. from there you should be able to close at least 5 on upsales.
        do the math. if you charge 300 for the everyone that you upsale that would be
        $1,500 plus $625 for the videos you sold.
        thats over $2k per in a week.

        it really is super simple as it sounds. think about it. working from home and getting paid that much?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967628].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
          Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

          ummm i wasn't really keeping track, but i want to say i was closing about 40%.
          so idk maybe i spoke to 200? idk i wasnt keeping track.

          with that being said that doesn't mean i made 200 calls in a week. i made about 150-250 calls per day.

          but let me tell you something, is questions like this that kept me from taking action.
          i would see other warriors taking action and getting results. and i would questions similar to yours. and try to compare myself to see if i could do the same.

          don't worry about my results. i am sure you will be happy if you close 5 deals per day at $25 dollars. that will be 25 people that you gain their trust. from there you should be able to close at least 5 on upsales.
          do the math. if you charge 300 for the everyone that you upsale that would be
          $1,500 plus $625 for the videos you sold.
          thats over $2k per in a week.

          it really is super simple as it sounds. think about it. working from home and getting paid that much?

          And that above is the best piece of advice. As Nike says just Do it!... Great job Henry on just taken action and sticking to a plan of action!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6968423].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      your are correct
      yeah i guess animoto is expensive, but i didn't put any money out of my pocket.
      i sold some videos and then i signed up to the pro version.
      i can't recommend any SMS provider since i only have used 1. which is text180
      i just gave them 2,000 messages. i know very basic. but i am not an expert at sms.
      so far i just gave the short number and keyword so they can start to grow their list.

      Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

      Great job and VERY inspiring! So, if I understand it correctly, you sold 75 slideshow type videos made with Animoto in a week and out of those 75, 12 went for your SMS service with a montly residual to you?

      I thought Animoto was expensive, what plan did you sign up for?

      Finally, which SMS provider do you recommend and what is included in the monthly plan?

      Thank you in advance, Eva
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967585].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
    I have a couple of questions also Henry

    1. Did you upload the videos for them to YouTube or their website or did you just present them with the file.

    2. If you did not upload the videos for them. Did you offer to for an additional charge? If so how much?

    3. What plan did you use at with Animoto? Did the plan cover commmercial use?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967731].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      1 if they wanted me to upload it for them to youtube i did. otherwise i would just the video to them on an attachment on an email.
      2. answered on number 1
      3. at first i was using the pro until i realized i was breaking the rules. so i had to upgrade to the reseller account which yes it was $500 but i had already over 2k in sales by that time so i didn't hurt.
      but im sure there are way cheaper softwares out there to create video. i can recommend any because i havent used.

      i am not sure if the simple video pro can be used for that. i didn't read the whole sales letter. but all you have to do is some research and im sure you will find cheaper software.
      Originally Posted by AussieT View Post

      I have a couple of questions also Henry

      1. Did you upload the videos for them to YouTube or their website or did you just present them with the file.

      2. If you did not upload the videos for them. Did you offer to for an additional charge? If so how much?

      3. What plan did you use at with Animoto? Did the plan cover commmercial use?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rajat2k2k
    Wow amazing!!! Congratulations!!

    Free and Premium Amazon Kindle Publishing Tutorials


    Hostgator 25% off coupon: 25offHostG2012

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6967991].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author yonaswedo
    Henry, It's so inspiring.
    If you skilled with video editing software such as Adobe After Effect, you can buy a video template. There are a ton of awesome video template so you can produce advance work only in minute.
    You also can outsource your work only $5 in fiverr. Don't know if it worth.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6968951].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      The advantage of using Animoto, even though expensive, is that is drop dead super simple but the biggest one is that there is music. Buying a software somewhere else, or using free version is fine but you still have to deal with finding music and for that, I say go for Animoto.

      One software that I personally been on the brink of buying is ProShow Gold - Fast and Fun HD Slideshows - Photodex. For a meager $69.95 you get a great software and they even have a free 30 day trial but its branded (no affiliation).

      One snag I can see with trying to make so many videos in a week is the delivery of the pictures to you. Henry, did you require them to email you the pictures the same day and how many pictures would you say is good enough to make the slideshow?

      Thanks, Eva
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6969115].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
        A good place to get free music is http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/
        (not an affiliate link)
        Here is the FAQ page http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/faq.html
        (I had a hard time finding it)

        Also for free phone calls in the US google gmail has a call phone feature that lets you call any phone in the us for free.

        Just thought I'd share
        "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6970364].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        awesome i will take a look at the software.
        and yes i would say 90% sent the pictures the same day.
        and i always ask for between 8-10 and i would also
        ask if they have a slogan son so i can write it on the video.
        and maybe i added about 2-3 description. so in total is about 13-14 slides

        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        The advantage of using Animoto, even though expensive, is that is drop dead super simple but the biggest one is that there is music. Buying a software somewhere else, or using free version is fine but you still have to deal with finding music and for that, I say go for Animoto.

        One software that I personally been on the brink of buying is ProShow Gold - Fast and Fun HD Slideshows - Photodex. For a meager $69.95 you get a great software and they even have a free 30 day trial but its branded (no affiliation).

        One snag I can see with trying to make so many videos in a week is the delivery of the pictures to you. Henry, did you require them to email you the pictures the same day and how many pictures would you say is good enough to make the islideshow?

        Thanks, Eva
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6970954].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          just an update:

          yesterday i didnt feel like calling so i emailed instead and i send 25 emails.
          which i know it was nothing. but i got 2 leads. one already bought and the other one just wanted to see some previous work.

          so for 25 emails sent i got $50.
          also referrels are starting to come in :-)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6970979].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Mark68
          I just realized this is key here. You can close without taking money upfront because if someone sends you their pictures they are in. You can be confident building their video upfront without being paid first because they have taken a step in the process.

          This is different than the free website model or free video/facebook page offers to get in the door.

          So, offer high perceived value service for $25 and they don't have to pay the $25 until they see it. People will then have the product in hand and see the actual quality and feel they have gotten a great value-a $300 video service for $25. They will now trust you for the upsell. Nice work.

          I don't have the video software so I will try to outsource it to five or someone on this forum.

          Quick cheap upsells for the restaurant niche:
          Ranking the Video you just made
          SMS Service
          mobile website

          Building a list now......

          Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

          awesome i will take a look at the software.
          and yes i would say 90% sent the pictures the same day.
          and i always ask for between 8-10 and i would also
          ask if they have a slogan son so i can write it on the video.
          and maybe i added about 2-3 description. so in total is about 13-14 slides
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6995776].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wagsgraphx
      Henry, Thank you for sharing all this with us. It is inspirational. I really appreciate you posting the video. One question what was this amount for?
      12x397= $4,764, is that a monthly or yearly charge for SMS? Or is that for a block of SMS with no time limit?

      "Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." Woody Allen

      Help People Save money while your Earn money. Just giveaway our discount cards.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973159].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
        So do you just leave the branded Animoto at the end of the video?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973293].message }}
        • Anyone can explain what`s the deal with that SMS ?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973490].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
            Originally Posted by smallbusinesstoolkit View Post

            Anyone can explain what`s the deal with that SMS ?
            To learn about SMS check out the rest of the forum. It's about $60 for 2000 messages and up depending on your provider. In this instance he is selling them 2000 messages for $250/mo, meaning he profits about $200.

            Businesses can use SMS to reach their customers. For example: A restaurant is having a slow day and they send out a special offer only for the day, the customer then shows the SMS special to redeem. Another example would be a mobile detailing business, they can send a message to all previous clients with a special deal to increase business. SMS marketing can also be used with other forms of marketing, newspaper, radio, tv, back of taxis, etc, by texting the keyword "computerrepair to 99999" to get a free quote, etc...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973579].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author BJOcampo
              Inspiring work Henry. Thank you for sharing.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6974914].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
                Looks like a great idea, but i would still like to hear some responses to the

                "Why do i need this???" "How will this benefit my business?"from a customers point of view

                What you you say to that?

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6975049].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
                  Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

                  Looks like a great idea, but i would still like to hear some responses to the

                  "Why do i need this???" "How will this benefit my business?"from a customers point of view

                  What you you say to that?

                  your questions has been answered on this thread.
                  but to most business owner is common sence.
                  25$ for a video of your business.
                  people love video.
                  woildnt you like to have a video of yourself doing your favorite thing to do?
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6977349].message }}
            • Originally Posted by biz2mob View Post

              To learn about SMS check out the rest of the forum. It's about $60 for 2000 messages and up depending on your provider. In this instance he is selling them 2000 messages for $250/mo, meaning he profits about $200.

              Businesses can use SMS to reach their customers. For example: A restaurant is having a slow day and they send out a special offer only for the day, the customer then shows the SMS special to redeem. Another example would be a mobile detailing business, they can send a message to all previous clients with a special deal to increase business. SMS marketing can also be used with other forms of marketing, newspaper, radio, tv, back of taxis, etc, by texting the keyword "computerrepair to 99999" to get a free quote, etc...
              So basically its just being reseller for bulk SMS companies?
              And I understand he is sending 1 message to 2000 recipients ?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6975156].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
                Correct, or 4 messages to 500, if you catch my drift.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6975330].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author AussieT
          Originally Posted by biz2mob View Post

          So do you just leave the branded Animoto at the end of the video?
          I would like to know the answer to this also. I'm guessing that the plan you use does not include the animoto branding.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6974912].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author DABK
            Animoto has 3 payment levels. The highest, $249 a year, comes with

            • Unbranded videos
            • White label option available to customize your videos with your own brand

            There's also a question of music rights. At the 2 lower levels, if you make videos longer than 30 minutes, you're infringing the musician's rights if you use music animoto provides. At the Pro level, animoto lets you use their arrangement with the musician.

            It matters especially if the video ends up on youtube or such. If they keep it for themselves, email it to prospects.

            Originally Posted by AussieT View Post

            I would like to know the answer to this also. I'm guessing that the plan you use does not include the animoto branding.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6983090].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
              Originally Posted by DABK View Post

              Animoto has 3 payment levels. The highest, $249 a year, comes with
              Where are you getting these prices from???

              When i visit the site i get 4 plans
              1)Lite - free 30 second videos
              2)Plus - £30 a year or $48
              3)Pro - £219 a year or $355
              4)Reseller - £499 a year or $809

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6983641].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author DABK
                Animoto - Product Pricing Plans

                Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

                Where are you getting these prices from???

                When i visit the site i get 4 plans
                1)Lite - free 30 second videos
                2)Plus - £30 a year or $48
                3)Pro - £219 a year or $355
                4)Reseller - £499 a year or $809

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6984610].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
                  Originally Posted by DABK View Post

                  Yep that shows the pricing plans i put up, Where are you getting $249?
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6988117].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author rallenk
                  Henry, just fabulous stuff! But best of all is your "take ACTION No-Holds-Barred" approach and advice.

                  For those looking for a great video alternative to Animoto, look no further than one of our own, Big Mike Kotzakolios at IncanSoft. His GFX Video Writer software for about $20 bucks is a great piece of software.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6994808].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
                    Originally Posted by rallenk View Post

                    Henry, just fabulous stuff! But best of all is your "take ACTION No-Holds-Barred" approach and advice.

                    For those looking for a great video alternative to Animoto, look no further than one of our own, Big Mike Kotzakolios at IncanSoft. His GFX Video Writer software for about $20 bucks is a great piece of software.
                    Read some bad reviews about this software, questionable support too
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6995610].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
                      I have been debating back and forth between Animoto and Proshow Gold. I think I posted a link in here earlier but anyways, here it is: ProShow Gold - Fast and Fun HD Slideshows - Photodex

                      With PSG, you only pay once and you own the software. Having called them several times to ask specific question, I can tell you they are very friendly and helpful. The main drawback is that it has NO MUSIC. You would either have to find royalty free music and give attribution or you would have to buy music.

                      Another thing to take into consideration in selling a video slideshow for next to nothing is speed. With PSG you have soooo many options and can truly make it anyway you want because YOU are in control. That takes time and practise.

                      With Animoto, no brain needed, lol. Upload your photos, pick a theme, write a few lines of text, done. Not really doing Animoto any justice here because they do have some more advanced option if you have the Pro or Reseller Account but for bottom-line speed, Animoto is the way to go.

                      So I decided on Animoto for the fact that they do provide you with over 1,000 songs, another click on that and Voila', done. You can also listen to a snippet of music before you upload it and it is easy to change music if you like.

                      Later on, I will still buy the PSG for more advanced videos that I will charge more for.

                      The one concern that I do have is the images. You can only hope that the images a restaurant sends you of their food, for example, are their own images. I do not know if you would be at fault creating a video with images that the restaurant has taken somewhere and are not legally theirs? Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.

                      Come tomorrow, I'll be on the phone, cold calling. Still have a few things to set up but ready or not, I am going for it,

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6995693].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
                    Originally Posted by rallenk View Post

                    Henry, just fabulous stuff! But best of all is your "take ACTION No-Holds-Barred" approach and advice.

                    For those looking for a great video alternative to Animoto, look no further than one of our own, Big Mike Kotzakolios at IncanSoft. His GFX Video Writer software for about $20 bucks is a great piece of software.
                    Do you have or know of any links to videos created with this software? Mike does not have a sample up on his site.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998345].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
                      Have been playing with the proshow gold as well, lots of options.

                      Once the video is done and you wish to download you are given lots of options to choose the video format. I chose mp4 and for a 1 min 20 sec video it comes in at around 85 meg in size. This is quite large, how would you then hand this over to the client as it's too big to email and i didn't really want to start buying DVD's

                      Any ideas, thanks
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998621].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author misc92
                  What SMS provider are you using?

                  Affiliate links are not allowed in signatures

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996251].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          Originally Posted by biz2mob View Post

          So do you just leave the branded Animoto at the end of the video?
          no i dont. the video i made was just for this thread. i didnt take much time to create it so i didnt bother to take the animoto out
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6977363].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Derek_Thomas
            Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

            no i dont. the video i made was just for this thread. i didnt take much time to create it so i didnt bother to take the animoto out
            Hey great story. Thanks for sharing, and for keeping us updated.

            Where is this video you're referencing? I may have overlooked it, but I don't see it.

            Thousands of happy Warriors agree...
            This service is a MUST - so worth it - Barry C.
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            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6979022].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
              Originally Posted by Derek_Thomas View Post

              Hey great story. Thanks for sharing, and for keeping us updated.

              Where is this video you're referencing? I may have overlooked it, but I don't see it.

              look at post number 30
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6979391].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        Originally Posted by wagsgraphx View Post

        Henry, Thank you for sharing all this with us. It is inspirational. I really appreciate you posting the video. One question what was this amount for?
        12x397= $4,764, is that a monthly or yearly charge for SMS? Or is that for a block of SMS with no time limit?
        yes is a monthly thing
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6977326].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author walkin
      This is very nice trick. how do you get their emails? i have lot face book fans and tell me how to use them for them for this offer.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6999103].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Smidid Sammia
      We should learn something from your experience, and it is you who made me light up my fire of life, I know where I should go now!
      I have got a new direction now
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7005177].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author KabirC
    An extra $5k wouldn't hurt so I just messaged all of my Restaurant, Real Estate and Dentist connections with a special offer along with a sample video.

    Edit: Already got a sale!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971306].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by KabirC View Post

      An extra $5k wouldn't hurt so I just messaged all of my Restaurant, Real Estate and Dentist connections with a special offer along with a sample video.

      Edit: Already got a sale!
      lol thank you mr sarcastic but learn how to read i wrote $50 no $5,000
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971799].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author KabirC
        Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

        lol thank you mr sarcastic but learn how to read i wrote $50 no $5,000
        While telling me how to read, here you go:

        thats a total of $6,639 in one week.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971807].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          wait so you think i got all of that by sending emails??

          Originally Posted by KabirC View Post

          While telling me how to read, here you go:

          thats a total of $6,639 in one week.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971899].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author KabirC
            Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

            wait so you think i got all of that by sending emails??
            No that would be stupid, but being able to upsell them is ridiculously simple.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971910].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Amsterdam81
    Inspiring work!! very nice! leads are what we need

    #1 Cryptocurrency Booking Platform, 247 Travel Alert – Travel Deals – Last Minute Deals – Holiday Packages All Inclusive https://tripalert.net

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6971993].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    Very nice. Great job! You should be really proud of yourself.
    Learn Website Tips, How to Do Keyword Research, & How to Write Killer Content.
    Stop Wasting Time.
    Start Living Your Dream.
    Click Here NOW to Get Your Hands on
    One of the Most Valuable Ebooks Ever!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972164].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by Lori Kelly View Post

      Very nice. Great job! You should be really proud of yourself.
      I am proud of myself
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972329].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author edman78
        Henry are you in the U.S. ?

        Also I plan on starting this but my issue is with getting the money. I will create a website for this along with other services like webdesign and mobile sites.

        I will setup a payment gateway on my website so they can pay upfront. I was also reading about taking checks over the phone you should try that too.

        Chasing the money down can make everything a hassle. Yes you may make a nice amount of money but if you break down all the hours doing everything else you'll be making 5-6$ an hour.

        And another thing is you have to put yourself in the customers shoes. What does a video with a animated background and music provide the customer? What is your answer?

        If someone called me offering a custom video for my business I would say what will that do for me?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972472].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
          Originally Posted by edman78 View Post

          Henry are you in the U.S. ?

          Also I plan on starting this but my issue is with getting the money. I will create a website for this along with other services like webdesign and mobile sites.

          I will setup a payment gateway on my website so they can pay upfront. I was also reading about taking checks over the phone you should try that too.

          Chasing the money down can make everything a hassle. Yes you may make a nice amount of money but if you break down all the hours doing everything else you'll be making 5-6$ an hour.

          And another thing is you have to put yourself in the customers shoes. What does a video with a animated background and music provide the customer? What is your answer?

          If someone called me offering a custom video for my business I would say what will that do for me?

          A video gets them new customers of course, that's the thing, who won't risk $25 (saving $275) for the ability to have a professional slick video online with at least the possibility of new customers?! They risk being one of the only ones who doesn't buy and that i'm sure worries them. Now, you don't want to collect over the phone, the relationship is where you make the money. Once they see you once, then they know who you are and will be more likely to fork out the money for other services
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972589].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          Originally Posted by edman78 View Post

          Henry are you in the U.S. ?

          Also I plan on starting this but my issue is with getting the money. I will create a website for this along with other services like webdesign and mobile sites.

          I will setup a payment gateway on my website so they can pay upfront. I was also reading about taking checks over the phone you should try that too.

          Chasing the money down can make everything a hassle. Yes you may make a nice amount of money but if you break down all the hours doing everything else you'll be making 5-6$ an hour.

          And another thing is you have to put yourself in the customers shoes. What does a video with a animated background and music provide the customer? What is your answer?

          If someone called me offering a custom video for my business I would say what will that do for me?
          for the initial video is only $25 so i just send them a paypal link so i get paid thru that.
          when i upsell then i do take checks over the phone.
          i don't have time to be chasing money around when everything can be done online or over the phone.
          next step is to open a bank account with Chase so i can just take a picture of the check and it can be deposited into my account.

          umm well no one has asked me that.
          if they don't like the music when i deliver it i can simply take it off, and change the background to a simple plain one.

          you are putting way too much thought into it. just take action and you will see some money coming in the same day. or the next if anything.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972614].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author edman78
            Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

            for the initial video is only $25 so i just send them a paypal link so i get paid thru that.
            when i upsell then i do take checks over the phone.
            i don't have time to be chasing money around when everything can be done online or over the phone.
            next step is to open a bank account with Chase so i can just take a picture of the check and it can be deposited into my account.

            umm well no one has asked me that.
            if they don't like the music when i deliver it i can simply take it off, and change the background to a simple plain one.

            you are putting way too much thought into it. just take action and you will see some money coming in the same day. or the next if anything.
            Cool. Not over thinking it... the questions I ask you need to know the answer to if they ask.

            Do you live in the U.S? just wondering
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972648].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
              i do live in the US.
              Originally Posted by edman78 View Post

              Cool. Not over thinking it... the questions I ask you need to know the answer to if they ask.

              Do you live in the U.S? just wondering
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972686].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
                Thank you for this thread, over-thinking is a serious problem which many suffer from, including myself. Just have a couple of more questions if you don;t mind. What service do you use to collect checks over the phone? Did you design an invoice or some billing statement?

                Thanks again, Eva
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972948].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972183].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      i never got to thank you for the PM.
      i learned a little from it, which made get on the phone and start selling.
      show them the value. that's what is all about. i used that to upsell them
      thanks for the share.

      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Great job...irresistable offer...easy to understand...quick benefit for the customer...swiftly repeated.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6972316].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author armyants
    Congrats, this is one of the easiest way to make money offline
    Skype: isinplay
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6973570].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    You could tell them a professionally designed video adds value to your website and credibility to your business, you can put it right on your homepage to be viewed as soon as a visitor hits your site. Another bonus is YouTube videos have a habit of coming close to page one faster than your website does sometimes.

    You're also able to submit the video to the top video sharing websites, creating a network of backlinks and potential traffic sources to your business. You can post it on your Facebook page, it gives you something to Tweet about, send out to your mailing list etc.

    Another idea could be to base the video creation around a special, then offer another freebie if someone shares the video on their Facebook page.

    This has really got me thinking. Thanks for an awesome share Henry.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6975110].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Gray
    wow! doing great!

    what is your next target?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6975618].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by Chris Gray View Post

      wow! doing great!

      what is your next target?
      i will continue to do the same but with a different niche.
      hoping to upsell them on higher end services.
      you know maybe contruction company and offer SEO for 700 or so
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6977383].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tribe
    Great idea, so easy to implement. I'm going to give this a shot since I've been looking for a way to use my Animoto Pro account a bit more. How long are your videos? I'm guessing with around 14 slides they would be only about 70 seconds long.

    "I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." ~ Jimmy Dean

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6976114].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by Tribe View Post

      Great idea, so easy to implement. I'm going to give this a shot since I've been looking for a way to use my Animoto Pro account a bit more. How long are your videos? I'm guessing with around 14 slides they would be only about 70 seconds long.
      yeah about 90-120 seconds. i make sure the slides dont go too fast so
      the viewer can see them
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6977388].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author AussieT
      Originally Posted by Tribe View Post

      Great idea, so easy to implement. I'm going to give this a shot since I've been looking for a way to use my Animoto Pro account a bit more. How long are your videos? I'm guessing with around 14 slides they would be only about 70 seconds long.
      How much is the pro version and does it still have their branding?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6979552].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        Originally Posted by AussieT View Post

        How much is the pro version and does it still have their branding?
        go to animoto.com and go under pricing so you can see all the feautures it has
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6979575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    So easy, feels like fishing.You have the bait, you throw it in the sea, you will catch some fish

    Thanks for sharing.A really irresistible offer can make you money.True story.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6976358].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pablo4103
    Great work Henry. What you did was take ACTION! Many of us just buy, buy and buy WSO's after WSO's and never take ACTION. SO job well done.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6979687].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mark68
      Thank you for posting this, great work!

      Why not continue with restaurants since it's worked so well?

      Continued success to you.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6981565].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kazim
    That's really interesting and inspiring me
    I wish I can do it and will reach my goal.
    Thanks a lot for your kinda help.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6983703].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
    if ia too expensive for you guys just look for other softwares that helps you create videos.
    in this thread someone recomended one which is only
    about 60$ for a year or so.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6985740].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    Sorry I see $219 but not $249 on the Animoto - Product Pricing Pages
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6989196].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
      This is what I see, $20.75 for the Pro version per month, which is billed annually at $249.00. Monthly it is $39. The Pro version is the unbranded version.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6990788].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
        Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

        This is what I see, $20.75 for the Pro version per month, which is billed annually at $249.00. Monthly it is $39. The Pro version is the unbranded version.

        That's really weird!!!!

        I wonder if i am seeing a different page because of my location(UK). The prices i see are also shown in £ and not $

        could you leave a link to the site you use, or maybe someone can recommend a way of getting these prices here in the UK as it works out much cheaper for me to buy in dollars due to the exchange rate.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6993278].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I was looking at a page that showed the prices for Lite, Plus, and Pro. The Pro info was the same as on the page you're showing.

        Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

        This is what I see, $20.75 for the Pro version per month, which is billed annually at $249.00. Monthly it is $39. The Pro version is the unbranded version.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6994459].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author P1
      So after you send the video do they just take over from there?

      Or do you upload the video to YouTube for them etc?
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  • Profile picture of the author seanpbh
    That's a great achievement! What did you have to do for the SMS upsell?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6990976].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rob28x
    What a great idea, thank you for posting it. I already have lots of ideas going through my head for this.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6992389].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mach1Marketing
    Awesome! I am on this. The Big picture is the residual upsell. Gain their trust with the no brainer offer and upsell, upsell, upsell. These businesses are used to the local papers and Yellow pages crazy expensive offers. This offer would probably seem like a breath of fresh air. I am thinking more like $47 but we'll see.

    Great Job!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6992588].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author shane_k
    Congrats Henry

    Just watched your example video Tandoori Oven

    nice video

    I was thinking of checking out Animoto and now I am going to for sure.

    Just some thoughts, one thing some quotes and testimonials into a video like that.

    For example, a quote from the chef about his/her passion for cooking and making delicious meals, or a quote about the owner(s) of the restaurant about their passion for making sure their clients have a great meal and/or a great place to eat, etc.

    And 1 or 2 testimonials from customers.

    You could choose to add them as audio or just text.

    I think the a quote from the chef would be good
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6993372].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author snakez0r
    If you are selling the videos to businesses, you need to sign up for the Reseller plan.

    The Pro plan only lets you market YOUR OWN business.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6993408].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    Check out ProShow Web, a seriously good alternative to Animoto. For $25 per month on a premium account you can create videos for clients. You can compare their plans here:

    ProShow Web - Instant Online HD Slideshows - Photodex

    I found a coupon here:

    ProShow Web 20% Off Special Offer | PhotoMerchant.net

    Not sure if that still works though.

    You can buy theme packs to fit the market you target:

    Effects for ProShow - Photodex

    Animoto does have some pretty stylish videos, but they are limited. With ProShow Web you can buy the extra styles and it beats Animoto on price hands down.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6993723].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    I was also reading this article earlier:

    21 Quotes on Why Video Marketing ROCKS

    Give you a good base to research answers to the 'Why video?' question.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6993743].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    Lesley that's a great find. I'm going to test it today.

    I'm interested to know whether I can insert more characters into my test strings as Animoto does limit me.

    $150/year for the Premuim account is a steal compared to $499/year in the US and £499 in the UK.

    Will let you know how my testing goes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6993914].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WinmanRoss
    Well done. This is how a real business man gets the problem done.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marlin Winters
    Congrates! you had clear all your debt.

    now the time to enjoy your earning. ;P
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6995980].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Originally Posted by Marlin Winters View Post

      Congrates! you had clear all your debt.

      now the time to enjoy your earning. ;P
      You got to be kiddin'? Enjoying your earnings after a weeks worth of effort, what a concept. Now is the time to keep on building on it, not spend it or you end up owing instead,

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996231].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        Maybe Marlin meant that, since the debt was paid off, all money coming in could be spent any way the OP wanted to spend it.

        Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

        You got to be kiddin'? Enjoying your earnings after a weeks worth of effort, what a concept. Now is the time to keep on building on it, not spend it or you end up owing instead,

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7005813].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
          Just wanted to share a site I just found. I think it will be a good solution to delivering my videos.

          You upload your videos and then click on the Share button and a forms pops up. You can put a message in and your customers email and then it sends your message and video link to the your customer. When they click on the link the only thing they see is their video and they can download it from that page.

          And the best thing is it's FREE.

          Thanks Henry for starting this thread
          "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7005830].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy

            Thanks for that advice!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7020094].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
              Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post


              I have a question for you but don't have enough posts to do PM.
              Please contact me at: **** Thanks, Ron
              Sent you a PM and an email. You might want to remove your email so you don't get hit with spam.
              "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7020691].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
                Working on my 1st of many sales!

                Thanks again Henry for the idea and inspiration!
                "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7021383].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author midasman09
      I'm sorry....I feel COMPELLED to offer MY SUCCESS with THIS "Money-Making" idea.

      Before I do...I APPLAUD Henry's "Inspiration" and "GET OUT AN' DO IT" gutso. (Poverty MOTIVATES) However....probably from not having any experience in "Selling" anything I can respect his "Caution" of charging an amount more than $25 for his "service". He was basically DESPERATE to earn some dollars....any LEGAL way he could.

      And....I applaud his "looking for SOME WAY" to earn bux via "Legal" methods. So...he chose to try and sell "Videos To Restaurants". However again, having NO experience in Sales....he had No Idea What To Charge SO...he picked a number out of the air...."$25 Bux ANY Restaurant could afford AND....GLADLY pay!".

      However....I've been in DIRECT sales for over 30 yrs and 2 yrs ago a buddy asked me if I had any idea on how he could earn some "GOOD MONEY" with little investment!

      So...as "luck" would have it, I was in my local Walmart and saw a case with "PORTABLE DVD PLAYERS". I asked the clerk to tell me what these were for and what they did. She told me they would play DVD's ON BATTERIES, WITHOUT having to "plug them in". I INSTANTLY got one of my "Hot Flashes" (Becuase I had just been looking at "Creating Videos with Photo-Story 3, by Microsoft)...and bought a Portable DVD Player (with a large screen) for $80 (they're probably cheaper now)

      PS3 (still Free) allowed me to take "digital STILL" photos with my Digi-Cam ....load them into the PS3 program and ...CREATE VIDEOS using STILL photos....with different effects (moving from a wide shot to zeroing in...the "transition" to the next photo)....WITH background music or Voice.

      EUREKA! I HAD HIT THE MOTHERLODE! So....here's what I did;

      I knew I needed to have a "Demo" to show potential propects so I went to one of my Restaurant clients and asked her if I could make a Video of her restaurant ...AT NO OBLIGATION!

      I told her I would need to take some Exterior and Interior Photos.

      She JUMPED at the offer!

      So...I proceeded to take some photos and went home and created my FIRST "Restaurant Video"....that I could use as a Demo to show other restaurant owners.

      Here's the link to my first "Restaurant Video"...

      Now, understand....this was my very FIRST Video. I've improved since.

      However....the "Money-Making Concept" for my buddy was;

      1) Plop your DVD Demo PS3 video into the Portable DVD Player
      2) Walk into any restaurant and ask for the OWNER and tell the person who greets you that..."you'd like to SHOW THE OWNER SOMETHING THAT COULD BRING THEM MORE BUSINESS! IS HE or SHE AROUND?"
      3) Owner comes out - tell them you have a Unique and Different way to bring them MORE DINERS and you'd like to SHOW THEM what it is right now...."May I set my Portable Player down on a table?" (If they ask more questions....just tell them, "All your questions will be answered in the DVD! May I take a "quick minute" to run it for you on my Portable Player?)
      4) When the DVD is over tell him, "See? You've spent LOTS of time and money on your Interior HOWEVER...NOBODY SEES IT UNTIL THEY'RE INSIDE! This is a way to show your interior BEFORE they come in. I'd like to take some photos of the exterior and interior and make up a Sample Video for you...AT NO OBLIGATION! OK?
      5) If he says he's "not interested"....thank him for his time and leave (This rarely happens! "Curiosity" is a STRONG motivator! If he agrees to see the Video you make for him.... tell him you'll be back in a day or 2!
      6) When you get the PS3 Video made....burn it to a DVD....put it in your Portable DVD Player and go show it to the owner. I charge $500 to $750 initially and $150/mo to place the Video on YouTube and 26 OTHER Video Sites.

      If you'd like to know;
      1) the brand of Digital Camera
      2) brand of DVD Player
      3) other video sites I place his Video

      ...send me an email to donalm@charter.net

      Don Alm

      PS...my buddy is now happily earning a NICE income with this "simple idea" every month
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996943].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author edman78
        Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

        I'm sorry....I feel COMPELLED to offer MY SUCCESS with THIS "Money-Making" idea.

        Before I do...I APPLAUD Henry's "Inspiration" and "GET OUT AN' DO IT" gutso. (Poverty MOTIVATES) However....probably from not having any experience in "Selling" anything I can respect his "Caution" of charging an amount more than $25 for his "service". He was basically DESPERATE to earn some dollars....any LEGAL way he could.

        And....I applaud his "looking for SOME WAY" to earn bux via "Legal" methods. So...he chose to try and sell "Videos To Restaurants". However again, having NO experience in Sales....he had No Idea What To Charge SO...he picked a number out of the air...."$25 Bux ANY Restaurant could afford AND....GLADLY pay!".

        However....I've been in DIRECT sales for over 30 yrs and 2 yrs ago a buddy asked me if I had any idea on how he could earn some "GOOD MONEY" with little investment!

        So...as "luck" would have it, I was in my local Walmart and saw a case with "PORTABLE DVD PLAYERS". I asked the clerk to tell me what these were for and what they did. She told me they would play DVD's ON BATTERIES, WITHOUT having to "plug them in". I INSTANTLY got one of my "Hot Flashes" (Becuase I had just been looking at "Creating Videos with Photo-Story 3, by Microsoft)...and bought a Portable DVD Player (with a large screen) for $80 (they're probably cheaper now)

        PS3 (still Free) allowed me to take "digital STILL" photos with my Digi-Cam ....load them into the PS3 program and ...CREATE VIDEOS using STILL photos....with different effects (moving from a wide shot to zeroing in...the "transition" to the next photo)....WITH background music or Voice.

        EUREKA! I HAD HIT THE MOTHERLODE! So....here's what I did;

        I knew I needed to have a "Demo" to show potential propects so I went to one of my Restaurant clients and asked her if I could make a Video of her restaurant ...AT NO OBLIGATION!

        I told her I would need to take some Exterior and Interior Photos.

        She JUMPED at the offer!

        So...I proceeded to take some photos and went home and created my FIRST "Restaurant Video"....that I could use as a Demo to show other restaurant owners.

        Here's the link to my first "Restaurant Video"...

        Marche Restaurant - Eugene, Oregon - YouTube

        Now, understand....this was my very FIRST Video. I've improved since.

        However....the "Money-Making Concept" for my buddy was;

        1) Plop your DVD Demo PS3 video into the Portable DVD Player
        2) Walk into any restaurant and ask for the OWNER and tell the person who greets you that..."you'd like to SHOW THE OWNER SOMETHING THAT COULD BRING THEM MORE BUSINESS! IS HE or SHE AROUND?"
        3) Owner comes out - tell them you have a Unique and Different way to bring them MORE DINERS and you'd like to SHOW THEM what it is right now...."May I set my Portable Player down on a table?" (If they ask more questions....just tell them, "All your questions will be answered in the DVD! May I take a "quick minute" to run it for you on my Portable Player?)
        4) When the DVD is over tell him, "See? You've spent LOTS of time and money on your Interior HOWEVER...NOBODY SEES IT UNTIL THEY'RE INSIDE! This is a way to show your interior BEFORE they come in. I'd like to take some photos of the exterior and interior and make up a Sample Video for you...AT NO OBLIGATION! OK?
        5) If he says he's "not interested"....thank him for his time and leave (This rarely happens! "Curiosity" is a STRONG motivator! If he agrees to see the Video you make for him.... tell him you'll be back in a day or 2!
        6) When you get the PS3 Video made....burn it to a DVD....put it in your Portable DVD Player and go show it to the owner. I charge $500 to $750 initially and $150/mo to place the Video on YouTube and 26 OTHER Video Sites.

        If you'd like to know;
        1) the brand of Digital Camera
        2) brand of DVD Player
        3) other video sites I place his Video

        ...send me an email to donalm@charter.net

        Don Alm

        PS...my buddy is now happily earning a NICE income with this "simple idea" every month

        But it's much easier just to bring your laptop in and fire up the video on a 15 inch screen. no need to waste time burning DVDs. If they want it on DVD format charge extra for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    My bad, ProShow Web does have a music library. Nothing to see here. Move along =)
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996347].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Adwizard
    Kudos to you Henry... way to go!!!

    You people just kill me when you don't read a thread and just keep repeating the same questions that have already been answered.
    Building Businesses Beyond their Four Walls by
    Thinking Outside the Box... since 1993.
    Is anyone capable of designing a mobile site for
    this e-commerce site for a fee:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996353].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    Well what do you know, the website was called 'FreeStockMusic.com' - who would have thought =)

    And as far as I can see in their FAQ:

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Free Stock Music

    You are allowed to use the free stock music to create videos for resale:

    10. Am I allowed to use your music for a commercial purpose?

    Yes! You are permitted by our license agreement to use our music commercially as long as you add substantial value to the songs.

    11. What does “substantial value” mean?

    The term “substantial value” means you modify or add to the music in a way that makes it uniquely yours. Simply by adding it to a video or singing lyrics on the song, you add substantial value to it.

    This is an important concept because we do not permit users to re-sell our music “as-is.”
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996785].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

      Well what do you know, the website was called 'FreeStockMusic.com' - who would have thought =)

      And as far as I can see in their FAQ:

      Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) | Free Stock Music

      You are allowed to use the free stock music to create videos for resale:

      10. Am I allowed to use your music for a commercial purpose?

      Yes! You are permitted by our license agreement to use our music commercially as long as you add substantial value to the songs.

      11. What does "substantial value" mean?

      The term "substantial value" means you modify or add to the music in a way that makes it uniquely yours. Simply by adding it to a video or singing lyrics on the song, you add substantial value to it.

      This is an important concept because we do not permit users to re-sell our music "as-is."
      Dang Lesley, I can't hold a note!

      I would like to thank you though for bringing up ProShow Web. I couldn't figure out why you were saying "Web" and I was saying "Gold". I was so set on Gold because I had decided on that earlier. I went back and checked to see if there was a "Web" version and there is!

      ProShow Web - Instant Online HD Slideshows - Photodex

      An important point to notice is that if you do not want your clients to know what software you used, only the Premium version is un-branded. I am going to contact them in regards to reselling the videos to see if that's ok. If it is, I'll make a sample and then might cancel my new Animoto account.

      Thanks again, Eva
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996864].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
        Ok, just got off the phone with Photodex again. If you are planning to resell the videos you would have to have the Premium version at either $25/month or $150/yr pre-paid. they only have some 200+ songs compared to Animoto's 1,000+ but what surprised me is that you can add a 3o second video clip to your video, vs. only a 10 second clip with Animoto.

        Off to make a sample!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6996910].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    I received this from PhotoDex referring to ProShow Web:

    "Hi Andy, you should have access to the full royalty free music library as a trial user of ProShow Web. You'll see the music under the music tab, click the music library bar towards the bottom of the pane. "

    I have spent a good hour playing around with the effects and setup in the trial version of ProShow Web and believe if I can get all of this for $25 a month (Premium version) compared to Animoto's reseller pricing of $499 or £499 upfront per year it's really a no brainer!

    The text feature in Animoto is limiting and at least with ProShow Web a maximum of 255 characters isn't really going to hinder anyone.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6997189].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      Well, I spent a good hour too, playing around with the trial version of ProShow Web and got totally frustrated with it. I did not manage to add any music into it and when I called they were closed for the day. The 255 text characters that you are allowed is way, way better than Animoto's very limited text.

      What annoyed me the most was the transitions with the text. On the trial version you can only try out 2 of them, not enough to really see, except for a little "sample" that you can't see in the actual video. Animoto's text flows really nicely on top of your pictures, maybe PSW does too, just could not try it out.

      I have not yet given up on them though, will place another call tomorrow to see what they can do for me. So far though, Animoto all the way.

      I have done slide shows with Photo Story 3 too, just like Don. You can create your own music with it but it really sucks. I've also tried Windows Movie Maker, both the old version and the new "live" version and I am not too happy with that one either.

      I am surprised that Don is getting $500-$700 for his slideshows, last thread I read about him doing it, I think the charge was around $350 but I could be wrong.

      For me, living way off the grid, having them send the photos and producing the videos at a lower cost, fits me better. I agree though that charging as little as $25 is basically giving it away. On the other hand, the OP was not really looking at making a living selling videos, he did some great upsells the very first week by providing an SMS service.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6997534].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
        Hi Everybody
        I downloaded the trial version ProShow Gold and have been playing around with it. I still haven't tried everything yet. Here a sample video that I've been trying out different features on.

        "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
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  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
    Nice photos and effects. Would have liked to have seen more text input to see what we can do for aour clients
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998233].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
      Originally Posted by AussieT View Post

      Nice photos and effects. Would have liked to have seen more text input to see what we can do for aour clients
      Here you go AussieT

      Just a very small sample of what you can do.
      It could use a little more work but, I'm off to bed now.
      "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6998786].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
        I just created this slideshow for a client, I paid the $25 for one month, and I also bought the weddings theme for $20. I've ended up working with quite a few clients in the wedding industry, and had already decided to stick with this market. I'll be able to make a few demos with these themes.

        I'll be signing up for a year next month as it's half price, only $10 per month with the coupon I mentioned earlier.

        What I love about it is you can just drop the images in, choose a theme and go. Or as you can see the text is too long, so I can go in and change the background, also the transitions to suit. You can edit as much or as little as you like. I too am too tired to continue editing, but I can't wait to fine tune in the morning and surprise my client.

        A couple of cool surprises were the transitions stay in time to the music, also with the premium account, unbranded pages to show clients. No need to download or move them anywhere for them to view:

        The Sweet Boutique
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6999027].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
          Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

          I just created this slideshow for a client, I paid the $25 for one month, and I also bought the weddings theme for $20. I've ended up working with quite a few clients in the wedding industry, and had already decided to stick with this market. I'll be able to make a few demos with these themes.

          I'll be signing up for a year next month as it's half price, only $10 per month with the coupon I mentioned earlier.

          What I love about it is you can just drop the images in, choose a theme and go. Or as you can see the text is too long, so I can go in and change the background, also the transitions to suit. You can edit as much or as little as you like. I too am too tired to continue editing, but I can't wait to fine tune in the morning and surprise my client.

          A couple of cool surprises were the transitions stay in time to the music, also with the premium account, unbranded pages to show clients. No need to download or move them anywhere for them to view:

          The Sweet Boutique

          That's a really slick video. After playing with proshow this morning i think it's much more dynamic than Animoto as you can change so much.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6999955].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author AussieT
          What is the service you used for this video? Animoto or PhotoDev
          Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

          I just created this slideshow for a client, I paid the $25 for one month, and I also bought the weddings theme for $20. I've ended up working with quite a few clients in the wedding industry, and had already decided to stick with this market. I'll be able to make a few demos with these themes.

          I'll be signing up for a year next month as it's half price, only $10 per month with the coupon I mentioned earlier.

          What I love about it is you can just drop the images in, choose a theme and go. Or as you can see the text is too long, so I can go in and change the background, also the transitions to suit. You can edit as much or as little as you like. I too am too tired to continue editing, but I can't wait to fine tune in the morning and surprise my client.

          A couple of cool surprises were the transitions stay in time to the music, also with the premium account, unbranded pages to show clients. No need to download or move them anywhere for them to view:

          The Sweet Boutique
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7002950].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
            Originally Posted by AussieT View Post

            What is the service you used for this video? Animoto or PhotoDev

            If you scroll back and read her earlier posts, as far as I can see, she is using Photodex, which is $25 a month or $150 a year. If the discount coupon she posted is still valid, you can get it for $120 instead.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7004376].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rob28x
    I too have been playing around with the PSG trial, pretty cool stuff.

    I need to do some research to learn about the different formats you can save your videos in and the effects they have on the video size, quality, and accessibility.
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  • Profile picture of the author seoexperttools
    Really nice ideal and i think you had done a great job yourself OP.
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  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    Henry, I apologize if this was brought up already....
    During the course of your calling, did you find certain times to be more effective than others.
    I would imagine, late moring and in the afternoon... but what have you found?
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7000261].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author P1
      Originally Posted by vndnbrgj View Post

      Henry, I apologize if this was brought up already....
      During the course of your calling, did you find certain times to be more effective than others.
      I would imagine, late moring and in the afternoon... but what have you found?
      Anytime when it isn't breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Keep in mind if you're on the eastcoast you can call the westcoast because of the time difference.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7001689].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

    I chose mp4 and for a 1 min 20 sec video it comes in at around 85 meg in size.
    I'm not sure about the free version, but I have quite a few options. There is a 360p MP4 options for the 3 minute video above and that's 27mb.

    Whenever I make a video for a client I invite them to join Dropbox, they then drop the images and text over, I drop the video back. Got my Dropbox to maximum capacity that way.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7001602].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pizzatherapy
    henry Argueta: Truly an amazing and inspirational tale.

    I love the fact that you took inspiration from other Warriors and took action.

    That is the key: having passion, then taking action. Too often, I have been guilty of not taking the final step: the action step.

    The best part of what you are doing is that you not only will build up a portfolio of the work you have done, but also a list of satisifed customers.

    you have started a snowball here which will just grow and grow. You continue to grow a portfolio and a customer base. And in time your customers will tell other business owners, who will want videos of their own.

    I've had good luck in marketing videos to businesses, and now I want to press it even more!

    Again congratulations!
    Keep up the good work!
    Just Do It! Just do it!
    And you Done It!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7001847].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
    Thanks Eva, yes this was ProShow Web.

    I have edited the link above and I was able to add backgrounds that fitted the text better. As you can see with minimal effort I was able to produce something that looks a million dollars.

    PS: Sorry Henry for hijacking your thread!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7004806].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

      Thanks Eva, yes this was ProShow Web.

      I have edited the link above and I was able to add backgrounds that fitted the text better. As you can see with minimal effort I was able to produce something that looks a million dollars.

      PS: Sorry Henry for hijacking your thread!
      Hi Lesley

      Is the proshow web unbranded or do you need proshow producer to be able to sell to clients?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7004831].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
        Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

        Is the proshow web unbranded or do you need proshow producer to be able to sell to clients?
        Hey Zimbizee, for $25 per month on a premium account you can create videos for clients. I also posted a coupon earlier which Vikuna2009 says still works which discounts this to half price when you sign up for a year. Yay!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7004878].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    Thanks for the heads up on Aframe, looks perfect for the job.

    I put my Animoto subscription on hold and will creating a set of 10 videos I'm already contracted to do for a client using ProShow Web instead - should be a great learning curve.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7006818].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      Good tip, Aframe looks like a great asset
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7012509].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
        Def works, sold my first video to a hotel. Just over 1 min 20 in duration and banked £30(about $50).
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7018904].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

          Def works, sold my first video to a hotel. Just over 1 min 20 in duration and banked £30(about $50).
          there you go. is super easy.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7021861].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy

    Pure gold here. Thanks so much for the post and a big thanks to all those who've contributed to this thread and made it even better. You guys rock!

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  • Profile picture of the author Rodger Hood
    congrates for coming out from your debt...

    Great work henry!

    thanks for share!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7020076].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author P1
    I emailed 100 or so business, got 1 response about he wanted some changes to the video. I did them and he never responded it back.. perhaps trolling me.

    I think I'm better off cold calling than emailing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7022394].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by P1 View Post

      I emailed 100 or so business, got 1 response about he wanted some changes to the video. I did them and he never responded it back.. perhaps trolling me.

      I think I'm better off cold calling than emailing.
      just give him a call, maybe he was just too busy at the moment i never saw the email or watever it was.
      im sure you can get those $25 with a phone call

      i was lucky when i sent those 25 emails i try to do it again i sent about 50-60 and i had no responses. so yeah forget email lol
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7026512].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author P1
        Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

        just give him a call, maybe he was just too busy at the moment i never saw the email or watever it was.
        im sure you can get those $25 with a phone call

        i was lucky when i sent those 25 emails i try to do it again i sent about 50-60 and i had no responses. so yeah forget email lol
        Seems it needs a good title, my video got about 15-20 views so people did watch it, maybe I should add in SpyPig also to see how many are opened.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7032919].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kurry25
      Originally Posted by P1 View Post

      I emailed 100 or so business, got 1 response about he wanted some changes to the video. I did them and he never responded it back.. perhaps trolling me.

      I think I'm better off cold calling than emailing.

      I also sent out 100 or so emails to painters with a sample video, I got 3 responses back. One I created a video for and then he said he doesn't have the money and would like to paint one room in exchange the other to didn't get back to me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7028636].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
        Originally Posted by Kurry25 View Post

        I also sent out 100 or so emails to painters with a sample video, I got 3 responses back. One I created a video for and then he said he doesn't have the money and would like to paint one room in exchange the other to didn't get back to me.
        pick up the phone and give those people a call. and about the one who says he doesn't have the money. just take down the video and don't worry about him. if he can't afford 25 dollars then you don't want to do business with him.
        probably will go out of business if its true
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7028951].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Offline kiasy
    Well done if what you are saying is true. Sounds like a made up story. Without a car, how can you travel to 75 different restaurants in 5 days to create videos for them?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7026588].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      He didn't. They sent him photos. See post 19.

      Originally Posted by Offline kiasy View Post

      Well done if what you are saying is true. Sounds like a made up story. Without a car, how can you travel to 75 different restaurants in 5 days to create videos for them?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7026746].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
      Originally Posted by Offline kiasy View Post

      Sounds like a made up story. Without a car, how can you travel to 75 different restaurants in 5 days to create videos for them?
      Some of us here just like to freely share the successes we've had to inspire each other, it's about being part of a community. Not all of us just post here to advertise the fact we've got a "WSO coming out in October." Good luck selling any copies of that when you have trouble reading, have very few posts and have added nothing to our community.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7026943].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
        I tend to think the vast majority of WSO are made up of theories or other people idea and are published by many just looking to make a quick buck but have never really had any true success with they are claiming.

        I know some have had great sucess but you start to notice a trend of fake reviews fake click bank numbers and Affiliates just pushing anything on a list they have no matter good and bad they simply don't care

        Be honest there are now less then 5 people I would ever consider buy a WSO from in here any more due to piss poor support, outright lies once you dig deeper or rehashed WSO's for a six months ago.

        It hard for some to believe a story like this ...I mean OMG, that's Hard work Six hours a day cold calling? 99% don't spend 6 hours a month cold calling.

        Yes, there are other ways to generate leads but honestly they cost money, large amount of times to implement and other hurdles. Cold calling if done consistently, can generate cash fairly quickly..

        It's amazing what one will do when one has to pay rent... then again today, sadly I think most will just move out and skip on the rent.

        Thanks again Henry for sharing.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7027109].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          there is this one guy who comes out with WSO's after WSOs he probably makes about 3-4 a month. the ideas are okay but there is no way he implements everything he says he does. yet people still love him because his stuff is cheap i guess, because i don't see anything special about his work.

          6 hrs of cold calling isn't as bad. with a little pandora music on the background. i personally walk around sometimes when on the phone. i can't stay still lol.

          Originally Posted by mike_lucas View Post

          I tend to think the vast majority of WSO are made up of theories or other people idea and are published by many just looking to make a quick buck but have never really had any true success with they are claiming.

          I know some have had great sucess but you start to notice a trend of fake reviews fake click bank numbers and Affiliates just pushing anything on a list they have no matter good and bad they simply don't care

          Be honest there are now less then 5 people I would ever consider buy a WSO from in here any more due to piss poor support, outright lies once you dig deeper or rehashed WSO's for a six months ago.

          It hard for some to believe a story like this ...I mean OMG, that's Hard work Six hours a day cold calling? 99% don't spend 6 hours a month cold calling.

          Yes, there are other ways to generate leads but honestly they cost money, large amount of times to implement and other hurdles. Cold calling if done consistently, can generate cash fairly quickly..

          It's amazing what one will do when one has to pay rent... then again today, sadly I think most will just move out and skip on the rent.

          Thanks again Henry for sharing.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7028947].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
          Originally Posted by mike_lucas View Post

          I tend to think the vast majority of WSO are made up of theories or other people idea and are published by many just looking to make a quick buck but have never really had any true success with they are claiming.
          Totally agree. I had a conversation by PM with a fellow warrior about this very subject. It makes you reluctant to share all your ideas because you know they are trolling the threads, looking for the best advice so they can repackage and sell it, without having had any personal experience with the idea.

          Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

          it seems to me that you are just going around writing post without reading the threads just to build up your post counts so you can be able to reply to PMs when your WSO comes out??
          Yes and severely tarnishing their reputation and becoming known as a troll that can't be trusted. Bad idea. Bad.

          It is a shame people treat this forum as their own personal cash cow, but all we can do is remember who they are, and never turn over your hard earned cash to them.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7030057].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Christian Chan
        Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

        Some of us here just like to freely share the successes we've had to inspire each other, it's about being part of a community. Not all of us just post here to advertise the fact we've got a "WSO coming out in October." Good luck selling any copies of that when you have trouble reading, have very few posts and have added nothing to our community.
        Some of us here like to post something made up and post WSO afterwards.

        Sorry but I have to say this, most owners are not in the restaurants working. So there's no possible ways that they themselves are going to pick up the calls. Next, I have friends who own restaurants, they don't check their business emails regularly.

        If you guys think I am full of shit, you'd better try it. I know because I have done it before.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7034076].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Lesley Huntley
          Originally Posted by Christian Chan View Post

          Sorry but I have to say this, most owners are not in the restaurants working.
          Um, I'm not sure of the type of restaurants your friends own, but I before I knew any better I trained as a chef. I cooked in a few different places before I found my true calling and studied photography.

          In every single place I worked, the boss was always there. In most cases they couldn't afford not to be. So I'm not sure where you get the idea the boss is not in the restaurant. In my experience they are always in.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7034258].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
            I agree with Lesley. I have worked for years being a waitress and my family has owned 3 restaurants. The owner is almost always there, from open to close. Even when I worked for a big chain the main manager had the power to do something like purchase an expensive video.
            And why have an email if you aren't going to check it?
            "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7034300].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
            Originally Posted by Lesley Huntley View Post

            Um, I'm not sure of the type of restaurants your friends own, but I before I knew any better I trained as a chef. I cooked in a few different places before I found my true calling and studied photography.

            In every single place I worked, the boss was always there. In most cases they couldn't afford not to be. So I'm not sure where you get the idea the boss is not in the restaurant. In my experience they are always in.
            maybe his friend owns like an alive garden or something
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038572].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
          Originally Posted by Christian Chan View Post

          Sorry but I have to say this, most owners are not in the restaurants working. So there's no possible ways that they themselves are going to pick up the calls. Next, I have friends who own restaurants, they don't check their business emails regularly.

          If you guys think I am full of shit, you'd better try it. I know because I have done it before.
          I've never been to a Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai where the owner hasn't been there from dusk til dawn unless they have more than one Restaurant.

          In this instance they are just out at that moment in time because they visit all of them continuously.

          That aside, Henry if you cleared $7k in 5 days and your OP was 10 days ago does that mean you are now $14k up in your account?

          If not, why not?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7034713].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
            Originally Posted by jimbo13 View Post

            I've never been to a Chinese, Italian, Indian, Thai where the owner hasn't been there from dusk til dawn unless they have more than one Restaurant.

            In this instance they are just out at that moment in time because they visit all of them continuously.

            That aside, Henry if you cleared $7k in 5 days and your OP was 10 days ago does that mean you are now $14k up in your account?

            If not, why not?

            well not every owner is around all the time. the is maybe why i don't get to talk to as many of them. if i did i would sell more.
            and i prefer not to say how much money i have made any more. but is a lot a lot more than what i made at my job.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038568].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by Offline kiasy View Post

      Well done if what you are saying is true. Sounds like a made up story. Without a car, how can you travel to 75 different restaurants in 5 days to create videos for them?
      it seems to me that you are just going around writing post without reading the threads just to build up your post counts so you can be able to reply to PMs when your WSO comes out??
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7028953].message }}
  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7032928].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Congrats on your success! What country are you in?

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7033570].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author P1
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      Congrats on your success! What country are you in?
      He answered that already:

      Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

      i do live in the US.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7033941].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dannasshop
    How exactly did you set up the SMS upsell? Did you give them log in into txt180? If so they would see the actual price. I am very curious how you structured the upsell with this one.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038041].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by dannasshop View Post

      How exactly did you set up the SMS upsell? Did you give them log in into txt180? If so they would see the actual price. I am very curious how you structured the upsell with this one.
      i don't let them sign up to text180 i just set them up with a keyword and sell them on the texts and i manage it for them.
      i never tell them i use text180.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038560].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dannasshop
        How do you manage it for them? You sell them a $400 monthly member ship where they send you phone #'s and you txt the users weekly deals? Or is the $400 a one time payment and you send txts for them indefinitely? I am sorry I am bit confused about how you set this part up. Its a very good idea but I am just trying to figure out exactly how you set it up and how you get paid and manger each owner account.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038567].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
          Originally Posted by dannasshop View Post

          How do you manage it for them? You sell them a $400 monthly member ship where they send you phone #'s and you txt the users weekly deals? Or is the $400 a one time payment and you send txts for them indefinitely? I am sorry I am bit confused about how you set this part up. Its a very good idea but I am just trying to figure out exactly how you set it up and how you get paid and manger each owner account.
          I don't know how he does it personally, but usually it's done like this:

          The client is setup with a keyword and a mobile short code for their business, that they can advertise with or use somehow... like 7532. Then the client runs a promo like "text COOL to 7532 for weekly deals and a free drink the next time you come."

          Patrons text the keyword to the short code and, their number is on the list. Then the client has that pool of numbers to send deals to whenever. The payment is monthly, for the management of a system like this... the list, the sending of the deals (sometimes) and usually each client gets a number of messages that can be sent (like 500). If they exceed 500 or whatever messages a month, they pay more... which is another area you can make $$.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7038617].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    Thanks for all the info Henry.

    How often do your clients normally do a blast? Weekly? Few times a week?

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7042874].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      Thanks for all the info Henry.

      How often do your clients normally do a blast? Weekly? Few times a week?
      well i tell them that they should only do it 3 times per month. you don't want to be bothering the customers so often because eventually they would get tired and just opt out of the list.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043135].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author dannasshop
        Do you charge them per txt blast or monthly membership after the initial $397 for the set up?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043143].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
          Originally Posted by dannasshop View Post

          Do you charge them per txt blast or monthly membership after the initial $397 for the set up?
          i charge $250 per month and i give them 1k msgs.
          if they need more they can just buy them
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043224].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Koffing
    This thread is incredibly valuable. Thanks for taking the time to create it. Congrats on your success !
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043247].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author TheyCallMeBE
      Great method. I'm curious as to how Animoto knows that you are selling videos to businesses if you only have the Pro account? Do they look at the videos you have uploaded and see that they are made for multiple businesses or something?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043532].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author biz2mob
        I sold 10 of these, (in one day!), using proshow. I added an SMS call to action at the end of the video to track their new business.

        Here's the script I used:


        When manager picks up I say:

        So.... are you the manager or the owner?

        They'll respond: I'm the manager, the owner is _____. Or, I'm the Owner.

        "Oh, ok, well, my name is Matt, I am a new business owner here in San Antonio, since I haven't worked with your busines yet, I have a little gift for you. Well it's practically a gift.

        I am offering to create a professional video of your business for only $25.
        This offering is a one time offer, many businesses are selling this same service for over $299/mo, I'm giving it to you for a one time fee of $25.

        So, would you like to take advantage of this offer today?."


        Why do I need this?

        Well, there's a number of reasons, to start, if you haven't created a video recently, you are losing out on traffic from the world's #2 search engine, which is youtube. Also, 26% of video viewers visit a local restaurant after watching a video of it.

        So, why am I doing this for such a low price?

        Ok, not only do I create professional videos, I also have an SMS platform which allows me to help restaurants build new customers through the video. By adding a call to action on the video which allows interested parties to immediately sign up for something from your business for example: at the end of one of our movies, it says, text (business name) to 99999, for an immediate free appetizer when they come in, this allows you to reach out to people who may not have visited otherwise. We also do on location SMS marketing to get your current customers to visit more often.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043824].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    DO you send the messages or use a system where your clients actually send the message?

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7043918].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by rolltide View Post

      DO you send the messages or use a system where your clients actually send the message?
      i send them myself.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7045496].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rocketmonkey
    Dude you Rock! You offer Mobile Sites and mobile Apps as a upsell?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7044014].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by rocketmonkey View Post

      Dude you Rock! You offer Mobile Sites and mobile Apps as a upsell?
      i haven't done them yet. i will once i bring them new business with SMS
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7045499].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author NurSharina
        Thank you very much - very helpful.

        I learned about Animoto, Proshow web and Aframe.

        Your call script is very simple and easy to change / add to it. This is what I needed to start drafting my own.

        I checked on txt180 and a view other sms marketing sites. However, I have not signed up to most of them - just read their offer, about the features, case studies etc.

        Since I am not located in the US most of the SMS marketing solutions I found so far will not work for me anyway.

        I hope you will let us know soon how you get on upselling mobile websites and mobile content for your clients. This is something I am very interested in.

        Again thank you and good luck!

        I love mobile devices and mobile web content.

        Grow your business with loyal customers and text message marketing! | My Twilio Does Profile

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7045666].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    I'm currently looking at BurstSMS here in the UK, and wondered if anyone else had come across other noteworthy resellers.

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  • Profile picture of the author expertcapper
    this seems like a great method unfortunately I have a full time job and would not be able to call!

    Seems like emailing is not a good option, anyone having any more luck with emailing?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7050616].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    Emailing is always going to be worse conversion wise than calling. If you're on the west coast, get up early before work and call the east coast.

    Or similarly, call when you're home from work.

    If you're on the east coast... call on your lunch breaks. There are always ways to make things happen.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7050724].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author P1
    Email will work, just be prepared to send out 100's a day. Shouldn't be a problem if you have a program or a way to get the emails.

    What I did was make a generic message and BCC all the emails.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7050777].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author expertcapper
      Hey P1 I was thinking along those same lines will have to make a generic video I guess instead of a targeted one with business name and phone number, what are you using to send out emails?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7051342].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dpeench2
      Originally Posted by P1 View Post

      Email will work, just be prepared to send out 100's a day. Shouldn't be a problem if you have a program or a way to get the emails.

      What I did was make a generic message and BCC all the emails.
      I did the same thing, but with no luck...will have to try calling them..BTW does the P1 have anything to do with The Ticket?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8837699].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rolltide
    what are you including in the $397 setup for sms?

    Make $150 everytime someone backs up their computer!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7057321].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Brown
    I just thought I would share some of my experiences in regards to video editing and the products mentioned to date on this thread.

    Up until very recently I was paying monthly for my Animoto account so as I could product HD videos longer than 30 seconds. What appealed to me was the speed at which one could create a click presentation. I was frustrated though at the limit on how many words I could include per slide but the final result made up for it.

    When I heard about Proshow Web via this thread I decided to invest in a yearly subscription with the benefit of the voucher making a grand total of $120. A considerable saving on Animoto.

    Unfortunately I was disappointed because the movies tended to linger far too long on the text. I kept thinking it I could just shortened these slides it will so much better.

    I thus downloaded a trial version of Proshow Gold and was immediately impressed with the way in which I could edit the timings and effects.

    Furthermore Photodex were quick to refund my $120 before I had committed to Proshow Gold, which I have done now. Thumbs up to Photodex!

    I believe to create videos in the manner outlined by Henry, one would be best to have a template and swap images fin or each new client. Alternatively using the wizard will get quick results. Time will tell which method I go with to produce quick yet professional looking videos.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7167427].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mrcghill
    Other than restaurants what types of business could this method work?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7175373].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kcom
    Any business where it would benefit them to showcase their previous work.
    Renovations, restorations, Decking, contractors...
    To sell this service, first you have to sell yourself on the value. For the OP, who needed funds, it was $25 a pop. Midasman (with the golden touch) charges $500 or more. Find your comfort zone, remember they can sense when you are confident in the ask, and go for it.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7175666].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author pinkgink
      Reasons to use video marketing:
      1. Increase your sales.
      2. Show potential clients what your business can do for them.
      3. Pre-sell your clients for you.
      4. Give you an advantage over your competition.
      5. Build confidence and trust with your potential clients.
      6. Let your clients get to know you and your business better.
      7. Drive traffic to your website.
      8. Make your website more powerful and exciting.
      9. Keep visitors on your website longer.
      10. Help your website rank better with the search engines.
      11. Give you an internet presence without having a website.
      12. Get your potential clients to come in or pick up the phone.

      Video can accomplish all that and more.

      That's how Powerful video is.
      "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7178212].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ianeire
    Going to try this, HATE cold calling but hate being not trying something more!!

    Posted from Warriorforum.com App for Android
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  • Profile picture of the author DesertSand
    So Henry, if I understand correctly.. your very first video did or didn't have the animoto logo in it?

    Did you wait to ill you made 10 sales (250$) to start making the first video?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7184526].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wcroz99
    Great thread Henry! It has inspired me to take some action

    I spent a couple of hours today calling local restaurants trying to sell company videos.

    I called 23 restaurants and only managed to speak to 2 owners. One seemed very interested and asked for some further details to be emailed to him and the other wasn't interested at all.

    Henry (or anyone else who has tried this) how difficult do you find it to actually get to speak to the owner? Does 2 in 23 sound about right?

    I am going to continue for a couple more days calling restaurants but think there maybe better business to target i.e. ones where getting hold of the owner is easier
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7184577].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
    Or, you could just do it the way he discusses in his other thread... call, explain yourself, ask for the best email address and who to address the email to, and send them a demo video... then follow up.

    You need to be making at least 100 calls a day to get any real numbers on whether or not it's working. He himself says he called anywhere from 150-250 numbers a day.

    Good job taking action though. Be consistent, and you will see results.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7185034].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wcroz99
      Originally Posted by HAdrian1239 View Post

      Or, you could just do it the way he discusses in his other thread... call, explain yourself, ask for the best email address and who to address the email to, and send them a demo video... then follow up.

      You need to be making at least 100 calls a day to get any real numbers on whether or not it's working. He himself says he called anywhere from 150-250 numbers a day.

      Good job taking action though. Be consistent, and you will see results.
      Thanks Adrian. I hadn't seen the other thread when I posted but have read through it now. The only problem with the email route is getting them to actually read the thing but I will give it a go all the same.

      Yes I wasn't going to be making an judgements as to whether or not it was working as I know 23 calls doesn't give the true picture. I plan to continue calling for a couple more days and see how it works out.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7185073].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DesertSand
    Are saturdays a bad day to call a business? That and Sunday are the only days I have off. Lol.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7185095].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wcroz99
    I would imagine it would be fine to call at weekends as long as it is not at peak times. A few of the restaurants I spoke to today said that the owner is only in at the weekends so could be an ideal time to call.
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  • Profile picture of the author Instructor
    What would one these $25 videos look like? Can you share an actual finished vid?

    Also what's a good sms platform to use?

    Thanks and congrats on your success!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7185233].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author HAdrian1239
      Originally Posted by wcroz99 View Post

      Thanks Adrian. I hadn't seen the other thread when I posted but have read through it now. The only problem with the email route is getting them to actually read the thing but I will give it a go all the same.

      Yes I wasn't going to be making an judgements as to whether or not it was working as I know 23 calls doesn't give the true picture. I plan to continue calling for a couple more days and see how it works out.
      Yea, I know what you mean re: email... but that's the point of calling first and getting their permission/asking who to send it to. Then they're expecting it, and you DON'T have to talk to the DM right away. You can say to the gatekeeper, "OK, can you just make sure he sees it?" and then use Spypig.

      Follow up the next day too, with another call.

      Originally Posted by DesertSand View Post

      Are saturdays a bad day to call a business? That and Sunday are the only days I have off. Lol.
      Saturday and the weekends in general, can be some of the best times to call businesses.

      Originally Posted by Instructor View Post

      What would one these $25 videos look like? Can you share an actual finished vid?

      Also what's a good sms platform to use?

      Thanks and congrats on your success!
      You can see several different types of samples from Animoto directly, or I think a few times in both of Henry's threads, midasman09 posted an example video he did a few years back with another program. Same concept.

      As for SMS programs, there's an entire forum subsection dedicated to that, everyone has their own preferences... head over there and pick one based on your needs.

      You'll be fine! It's a great method.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7185394].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author word12
        Originally Posted by HAdrian1239 View Post

        Yea, I know what you mean re: email... but that's the point of calling first and getting their permission/asking who to send it to. Then they're expecting it, and you DON'T have to talk to the DM right away. You can say to the gatekeeper, "OK, can you just make sure he sees it?" and then use Spypig.

        Follow up the next day too, with another call.

        Saturday and the weekends in general, can be some of the best times to call businesses.

        You can see several different types of samples from Animoto directly, or I think a few times in both of Henry's threads, midasman09 posted an example video he did a few years back with another program. Same concept.

        As for SMS programs, there's an entire forum subsection dedicated to that, everyone has their own preferences... head over there and pick one based on your needs.

        You'll be fine! It's a great method.
        I did this... I called/emailed and also walked in. Couple of owners wanted me to take pictures with my camera which i took with me. Wondering Hadrian how many videos/calls are you converting to actual sales? And whats your price point? Sometimes I get the feeling they think its too good to be true if the price is only $50.
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  • Profile picture of the author mugwande
    This is very good but am in Africa and wi would like your service, what must i do?
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  • Profile picture of the author DesertSand
    What the hell is spy pig?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7186444].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
      spypig allows you to trck if a email is opened and read. they offer a very limited free option and then it increases per email sent. Systems like Spy Pig are very useful if you are using email as part of your sales process.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7186486].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author CYCLONE
        Incredible share mate, its a wow share to me. Many Thanks for you.
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    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by DesertSand View Post

      What the hell is spy pig?
      Its a way to track if then emails have been open
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  • Profile picture of the author 6feet5
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  • Profile picture of the author noahamsterdam
    great success story, henry. this'll really serve as inspiration to many people. everything starts with an idea and then you have to act on it and be flexible. congrats!
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  • Profile picture of the author wilhb81
    Henry, is there any minimal budget to start off this venture? If it did, then how much starter fund would be needed here?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7190096].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tano14
      Hey Henry, you are certainly a shinning example of doing whatever it takes to succeed. Congrats my friend, and I much appreciate your sharing this info with the forum.

      I wanted to see your video and when I click the link you provided in the post, I get an error page.
      Master Distributor TraVista Worldwide
      "Creating Extraordinary Lifestyles... One Dream At A Time"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7191296].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by wilhb81 View Post

      Henry, is there any minimal budget to start off this venture? If it did, then how much starter fund would be needed here?
      You dont neeed any money, just get on the phone, you will make money before you have to spend any.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7193263].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DesertSand
    Anyone made any money with this?
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  • Profile picture of the author daddykool
    Good Job!

    Now, before you get *too* carried away, make sure you look after your new signed up clients, they will be your way not only out of debt, but to a new car, new house and new life!

    Give the 1st signed up clients that took your $25 service something asap for *FREE* tell them that you were so pleased to provide a service to them they liked, that you will do the next 5 videos at 50% OFF, if they sign up to a *monthly* subscription

    This works, clone it * EXACTLY* do *NOT* change anything... other than you off line cold|warm|hot script and keep repeating it...

    Before you know it, another one of the 2.4 BILLION off line potential clients will be paying you BIG BUCKS
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7192174].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wildirishtime
    Coldcalls are tough, good work!
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  • Profile picture of the author wcroz99
    Ok well I've created my first video today which is for my other business so I have killed 2 birds with one stone. I am going to use this video as a demo to help to sell to other landscapers/tradesman.

    To create the video, I decided to go with ProShow Web which costs $20 per month (with discount coupon). It is very easy to use but also quite restrictive and you cant really use it to make mind-blowing videos, but it does the job.

    Personally, I don't think that the video I have made is amazing but I am going to sell these for either £25 or £30 so for that price..its not bad.

    I did download a free trial of ProShow Producer which costs around $90 as a one-off payment. Although this piece of software is the all-singing, all-dancing alternative to ProShow Web, its quite complicated to use and it would probably take a day or 2 to learn how to use it to its full potential. Once you know how to use it then you are probably looking at a couple of hours per video, compared to 5 mins with ProShow Web. Although the videos would be of a much higher standard. I had started to create a more professional video for my landscaping business but a couple of hours in I decided that this wasn't going to very efficient when trying to sell these videos in volume. So Im definitely going to stick with ProShow Web.

    I would be interested to know what people think of my video below??

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    • it's good and will do the job.

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      • Profile picture of the author mike_lucas
        As Kirby stays it good and will do the job the key with the model you are doing is quick and simply.
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  • Profile picture of the author him77
    Never mind. Went back and saw another post. Tanks a million times over. I really have been looking for something like this. I'm sure it will end up in a wso a year from now.
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  • Profile picture of the author eezymoney
    Henry - Thanks for sharing this approach to selling videos and then up-selling.

    Simply brilliant and success is yours!
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  • Profile picture of the author npk
    this will work (does work), and for the love of christ, READ THE THREAD.
    Freelance appointment setter/copywriter.
    I can help with getting you leads and/or sales scripts.
    I also broker lists, both business and consumer.
    PM for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7256319].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jnels999
      Fantastic story!

      Your "foot in the door" offer is like a lesson one of my first business sales mentors taught me. He said there are only TWO KINDS of businesses in the world:

      1. Clients.
      2. Non-clients.

      If they're a client they take your phone calls, read your emails, and listen to what you say. If they're not a client.... they probably won't do any of those things.

      Thanks for reminding us that the first and most important thing is to make them a client!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7258262].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HappyPanda
        I do something very similar to this.. And the truth is, it is all a "foot in the door" method, the money truly is in the upsells
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  • Profile picture of the author humili
    I like your attitude . The fact that you are willing to go for your small pie first dramatically help you to get started.

    I learnt a beautiful lesson today - For internet marketers are are starting out, instead of going after small fishes immediately, we can always start with the smaller pie and slower increase our profits from here.

    It is a good way for those started out with no client.

    Keep your faith on and well done!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7259744].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author npk

    henry, congrats on your success, but my story is different.

    i live in the midwest, and it seems the biz owners i've talked to thus far (resturants, salons/spas, a few contractors) are simply too stupid to understand the value of video marketing. my wife owns a bakery, i did a video for her, and thanks to the knowledge of this forum, i already have it ranked on page 1 of google, 2nd position.

    i bought a cold calling script from john dunham (which is fantastic info--i've made my living from the phone for over a decade) and spent hours perfecting the script, but i have yet to make a single sale. i've dialed 500 numbers.

    please assist. obviously this is working for many---what the F am i doing wrong?

    @henry--do you live in a major metro? i have software to pull yellowpage leads from anywhere in the country, any niche.
    Freelance appointment setter/copywriter.
    I can help with getting you leads and/or sales scripts.
    I also broker lists, both business and consumer.
    PM for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281339].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
      Originally Posted by npk View Post


      henry, congrats on your success, but my story is different.

      i live in the midwest, and it seems the biz owners i've talked to thus far (restaurants, salons/spas, a few contractors) are simply too stupid to understand the value of video marketing. my wife owns a bakery, i did a video for her, and thanks to the knowledge of this forum, i already have it ranked on page 1 of google, 2nd position.

      i bought a cold calling script from john dunham (which is fantastic info--i've made my living from the phone for over a decade) and spent hours perfecting the script, but i have yet to make a single sale. i've dialed 500 numbers.

      please assist. obviously this is working for many---what the F am i doing wrong?

      @henry--do you live in a major metro? i have software to pull yellowpage leads from anywhere in the country, any niche.

      Most of my clients don't see the value of video ranking at all. But they do like having a nice little video they can put on facebook or on their website. I've been half heartedly trying this method and I have three interested prospects. None of them give a crap about ranking. They just want a cheap video that they can use on Facebook or on their website. That's how I'm positioning my videos and using the video ranking as an upsell for those who get it.

      Has your wife earned any money from those videos? That could be a great selling point. Proof as they say, is in the pudding. If you can say that you've increased sales by X% using video ranking, that may get more attention. I recently wrote an ad for our video production company and the entire point was how we increased product turnover 47% with a series of videos and infomercials. We've received a few calls since we started running that ad in a local business directory magazine (mainly from other businesses in the directory!). There are three other video companies listed, but their ads are just Name Rank and Serial Number. You know. Who we are and what we do. What they aren't selling is what they can really do.

      Nobody cares about video. Nobody cares about direct mail. Nobody cares about SEO or PPC. What they care about?
      JERRY MAGUIRE (Tom Cruise) - SHOW ME THE MONEY (clean edit) - YouTube

      Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.


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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      If you're going to tell them you can rank the video, tell them things like:
      There are 500 people searching for your business online (and, of course, beforehand, you look up some of the most common keywords people use to search for that business). Then you explain to them that 30% of those 500 click on the #1 site.

      Then you ask them how many people do they get from their website.

      If they say none, you tell them, if you rank the video, and put a nice offer in the video, 30% of 500 will see the offer, and a number of them will respond.

      Ask them if they've had any successful offers in other media and tell them you can put it for them in the video.

      You could also look up some studies that show that video keeps people on the site longer, which translates into x% more people contacting the business behind the site. Then you tell them, Do you know the bakery (your wive's bakery)? I did a video for them.

      Here's what they did with it and what results they got.

      Since you've done it for your wife, you could make a case study out of it... You have all the pre-video info, right? If she put it on her facebook page and got comments, use that. Since you ranked it, and you have the results, use that. If your wife used it in emails and got something, use that.

      If some activities got good results and others got 0, use the 0 ones too. You would, that way, move yourself into the position of expert who teaches, not sales person.

      Originally Posted by npk View Post


      henry, congrats on your success, but my story is different.

      i live in the midwest, and it seems the biz owners i've talked to thus far (resturants, salons/spas, a few contractors) are simply too stupid to understand the value of video marketing. my wife owns a bakery, i did a video for her, and thanks to the knowledge of this forum, i already have it ranked on page 1 of google, 2nd position.

      i bought a cold calling script from john dunham (which is fantastic info--i've made my living from the phone for over a decade) and spent hours perfecting the script, but i have yet to make a single sale. i've dialed 500 numbers.

      please assist. obviously this is working for many---what the F am i doing wrong?

      @henry--do you live in a major metro? i have software to pull yellowpage leads from anywhere in the country, any niche.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281595].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    NPK, please explain to me how you go about presenting this to potential clients?

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

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  • Profile picture of the author npk
    warriors: this is my exact script.

    Sell RESULTS, not SEO
    You are valuable to business owners. ACT LIKE IT.

    Hi Bob? This is NATE I am a new local web marketer here in town, just recently opened for business ...
    Real quickly_________, I’m just calling around trying to drum up some work …I was wondering if you folks already had A VIDEO PROMO for your company, or had maybe given thought to doing one—you know, VIDEO MARKETING—HAVE YOU HEARD OF VIDEO MARKETING?

    Really? On the back burner huh?

    What’s holding you up?

    Okay I understand, don't have the time right now huh? Too much on your plate...?"

    Well Bob, honestly, I know most WEB VIDEO GUYS are probably telling you its gonna cost $400 or whatever, but, being that you are a service business, you really only need one or two videos up and running to generate traffic and GOOGLE ranking...DO YOU THINK THAT MIGHT BE OF VALUE TO YOU?

    Well, what you just described is going to be a lot less hassle and a lot cheaper than you probably think to pull off… CLOSE

    You: sounds like your business could really this, outside of price is there any reason we cant start today?(pre-close)


    How long have you been in business?
    What all kind of services do you offer?
    Any specialized services?
    Do you have a slogan?

    I could pull that off for you. I can do one video for $50, or two for $90. I don't mess with credit cards over the phone, but if you want to shoot me a quick paypal, my address is ____ and I'll get your videos to you within 24 hours. Sound good?

    Thanks for the responses and insight warriors. I know through experience that phone sales is king. I think the problem is my local market--too many mouthbreathers.
    Freelance appointment setter/copywriter.
    I can help with getting you leads and/or sales scripts.
    I also broker lists, both business and consumer.
    PM for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281576].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
      Originally Posted by npk View Post

      warriors: this is my exact script.

      Sell RESULTS, not SEO
      You are valuable to business owners. ACT LIKE IT.

      Hi Bob? This is NATE I am a new local web marketer here in town, just recently opened for business ...
      Real quickly_________, I'm just calling around trying to drum up some work ...I was wondering if you folks already had A VIDEO PROMO for your company, or had maybe given thought to doing one--you know, VIDEO MARKETING--HAVE YOU HEARD OF VIDEO MARKETING?

      Really? On the back burner huh?

      What's holding you up?

      Okay I understand, don't have the time right now huh? Too much on your plate...?"

      Well Bob, honestly, I know most WEB VIDEO GUYS are probably telling you its gonna cost $400 or whatever, but, being that you are a service business, you really only need one or two videos up and running to generate traffic and GOOGLE ranking...DO YOU THINK THAT MIGHT BE OF VALUE TO YOU?

      Well, what you just described is going to be a lot less hassle and a lot cheaper than you probably think to pull off... CLOSE

      You: sounds like your business could really this, outside of price is there any reason we cant start today?(pre-close)


      How long have you been in business?
      What all kind of services do you offer?
      Any specialized services?
      Do you have a slogan?

      I could pull that off for you. I can do one video for $50, or two for $90. I don't mess with credit cards over the phone, but if you want to shoot me a quick paypal, my address is ____ and I'll get your videos to you within 24 hours. Sound good?

      Thanks for the responses and insight warriors. I know through experience that phone sales is king. I think the problem is my local market--too many mouthbreathers.

      Why don't you try the approach Henry uses? Where he first gets a video in their hands before actually trying to sell them?

      “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281648].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author henry Argueta
      Originally Posted by npk View Post

      warriors: this is my exact script.

      Sell RESULTS, not SEO
      You are valuable to business owners. ACT LIKE IT.

      Hi Bob? This is NATE I am a new local web marketer here in town, just recently opened for business ...
      Real quickly_________, I'm just calling around trying to drum up some work ...I was wondering if you folks already had A VIDEO PROMO for your company, or had maybe given thought to doing one--you know, VIDEO MARKETING--HAVE YOU HEARD OF VIDEO MARKETING?

      Really? On the back burner huh?

      What's holding you up?

      Okay I understand, don't have the time right now huh? Too much on your plate...?"

      Well Bob, honestly, I know most WEB VIDEO GUYS are probably telling you its gonna cost $400 or whatever, but, being that you are a service business, you really only need one or two videos up and running to generate traffic and GOOGLE ranking...DO YOU THINK THAT MIGHT BE OF VALUE TO YOU?

      Well, what you just described is going to be a lot less hassle and a lot cheaper than you probably think to pull off... CLOSE

      You: sounds like your business could really this, outside of price is there any reason we cant start today?(pre-close)


      How long have you been in business?
      What all kind of services do you offer?
      Any specialized services?
      Do you have a slogan?

      I could pull that off for you. I can do one video for $50, or two for $90. I don't mess with credit cards over the phone, but if you want to shoot me a quick paypal, my address is ____ and I'll get your videos to you within 24 hours. Sound good?

      Thanks for the responses and insight warriors. I know through experience that phone sales is king. I think the problem is my local market--too many mouthbreathers.
      JD's script is amazing, but you still need to show them why they need video on their marketing efforts. You see that script was made for selling websites, and eventhough yes you can use it to sell other services, with selling websites the business kind of already knows they need a websites,
      But nit video, thats why you need to show them the benefits of having a video.
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  • Profile picture of the author npk
    @DABK --thanks man. much appreciated.

    so i need to sell RESULTS. seems simple. i'm pretty sure i'm going to switch niches and go for attorneys--dui, ambulance chasers, bankruptcy. fish in a barrel. after a few calls from my software leads and (a few other sources) i got several positive responses.

    what i love about attorney's? they KNOW THE VALUE OF TIME.
    Freelance appointment setter/copywriter.
    I can help with getting you leads and/or sales scripts.
    I also broker lists, both business and consumer.
    PM for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281641].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    Also, what niche were you having so much trouble in? Remember Rome wasn't built in a day

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281652].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author npk
    initially, i went for restaurants.

    THE PROBLEM WITH RESTAURANTS: they don't understand video marketing. i don't have time to educate, i go for the "one call close". at $50, ....jesus. a $50 sale? but it isn't happening for me.

    @mav91890---i tried that script, and they didn't understand subtlety. after 300 dials, i needed to find a good closing script, hence the john durham WSO purchase (which is excellent).

    after buying that, re-hashing my script, i get a bunch of resistance.

    i'm also thinking: my own voice is rather authoritative. i don't want to chase $50 sales---jesus h, it's $50. i had less trouble convincing homeowners to give their mortgages to me, ( a 21 year old kid at the time) and refinance with me.

    i've deduced it down to either a specific problem with the script, or my local market. @IAMNAMELESS (and anyone else)--suggestions?

    as far as "rome not being built in a day", that has nothing to do with it. a $50 video with ranking? what the sam hell am i doing wrong?
    Freelance appointment setter/copywriter.
    I can help with getting you leads and/or sales scripts.
    I also broker lists, both business and consumer.
    PM for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281680].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Have you tried to deal only with restaurants that advertise on groupon, pay per click, in the paper?

      You have to sell and educate people about free stuff, why not a $50 product?

      It might be that they don't get what kind of video you're talking about. It might be that they a video to them means one of those things they see on TV and they don't get how it could be so cheap.

      Did you try a higher price? A lower price? Did you try explaining to them that all that's needed is some photos?

      Originally Posted by npk View Post

      initially, i went for restaurants.

      THE PROBLEM WITH RESTAURANTS: they don't understand video marketing. i don't have time to educate, i go for the "one call close". at $50, ....jesus. a $50 sale? but it isn't happening for me.

      @mav91890---i tried that script, and they didn't understand subtlety. after 300 dials, i needed to find a good closing script, hence the john durham WSO purchase (which is excellent).

      after buying that, re-hashing my script, i get a bunch of resistance.

      i'm also thinking: my own voice is rather authoritative. i don't want to chase $50 sales---jesus h, it's $50. i had less trouble convincing homeowners to give their mortgages to me, ( a 21 year old kid at the time) and refinance with me.

      i've deduced it down to either a specific problem with the script, or my local market. @IAMNAMELESS (and anyone else)--suggestions?

      as far as "rome not being built in a day", that has nothing to do with it. a $50 video with ranking? what the sam hell am i doing wrong?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281788].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    Then I have no idea, all I could say is change up you market every so often if you aren't getting results. $50 is a good price for that. Keep us updated.

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    Here is a tip. I use to work at a senior home in college, and these people always needed videos made up. In fact, my job was suppose to be something totally different (running events) that I wasn't even suppose to be paid for. As it was an internship.

    The owner asked me one day, "do you know how to make videos?" And I replied "yes". Then I sold the hell out of myself. And I explained to her, videos are not something I can do for free. This woman wound up paying me $500 to make her a set of videos, FOR THE CENTER.

    I want you to really think about this. These people cold call and mail things out all day long to locals in their neighborhood. THEIR JOB is to get seniors to come to the center. And many of them do NOT have videos. Since they host A LOT of events, what these places like to do, are make compilation videos of their events. Then they could mail out these videos to locals, to drum up new business.

    All I remember is how this woman reacted when I told her I could make a professional video. She said something like "I've been asking people for 2 years, even the photographers... and noone knows how to make a professional video!". Not to mention, these people naturally don't understand technology. So seriously, I'd try dropping flyers off then following up with a call. I would also take a look at other businesses that host events. If you have a camera, you never know, they might need someone to tape events AND make videos. Many of the camera men who came into this center, had no clue how to make videos. Which was ironic. But its definitely worth looking into.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7316106].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iamrichard
      that is an eye-opener. It should give us a foot for thought. Love to know what industries or business need videos talking about their business.

      thank you for sharing this with us

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Here is a tip. I use to work at a senior home in college, and these people always needed videos made up. In fact, my job was suppose to be something totally different (running events) that I wasn't even suppose to be paid for. As it was an internship.

      The owner asked me one day, "do you know how to make videos?" And I replied "yes". Then I sold the hell out of myself. And I explained to her, videos are not something I can do for free. This woman wound up paying me $500 to make her a set of videos, FOR THE CENTER.

      I want you to really think about this. These people cold call and mail things out all day long to locals in their neighborhood. THEIR JOB is to get seniors to come to the center. And many of them do NOT have videos. Since they host A LOT of events, what these places like to do, are make compilation videos of their events. Then they could mail out these videos to locals, to drum up new business.

      All I remember is how this woman reacted when I told her I could make a professional video. She said something like "I've been asking people for 2 years, even the photographers... and noone knows how to make a professional video!". Not to mention, these people naturally don't understand technology. So seriously, I'd try dropping flyers off then following up with a call. I would also take a look at other businesses that host events. If you have a camera, you never know, they might need someone to tape events AND make videos. Many of the camera men who came into this center, had no clue how to make videos. Which was ironic. But its definitely worth looking into.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7350915].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rob28x
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      Here is a tip. I use to work at a senior home in college, and these people always needed videos made up. In fact, my job was suppose to be something totally different (running events) that I wasn't even suppose to be paid for. As it was an internship.

      The owner asked me one day, "do you know how to make videos?" And I replied "yes". Then I sold the hell out of myself. And I explained to her, videos are not something I can do for free. This woman wound up paying me $500 to make her a set of videos, FOR THE CENTER.

      I want you to really think about this. These people cold call and mail things out all day long to locals in their neighborhood. THEIR JOB is to get seniors to come to the center. And many of them do NOT have videos. Since they host A LOT of events, what these places like to do, are make compilation videos of their events. Then they could mail out these videos to locals, to drum up new business.

      All I remember is how this woman reacted when I told her I could make a professional video. She said something like "I've been asking people for 2 years, even the photographers... and noone knows how to make a professional video!". Not to mention, these people naturally don't understand technology. So seriously, I'd try dropping flyers off then following up with a call. I would also take a look at other businesses that host events. If you have a camera, you never know, they might need someone to tape events AND make videos. Many of the camera men who came into this center, had no clue how to make videos. Which was ironic. But its definitely worth looking into.
      Wow never thought about that. I even have family members who were into the business. (Have since retired and sold their assisted living centers) The gears in my head are spinning once again... ugh.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7401708].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zardon
    I have thought about doing something similar, but then I thought it would cost money to hire people to do the boom mike (sound), lighting, time to edit the video, etc; how did you resolve these initial issues and did you have a formal background in video editing/producing?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7361197].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author npk
    very good. i kinda gave up on the idea after such abysmal "success", but now i'm going to get back at cold calling. I actually like cold calling; just the hustler in me.
    Freelance appointment setter/copywriter.
    I can help with getting you leads and/or sales scripts.
    I also broker lists, both business and consumer.
    PM for details.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7375849].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      Like i said in another thread, Yell offer crappy 30-60 sec picture slide shows with music and voice over for £420/$670.

      People should be trying this out. I bet Yell sell these by the bucket load
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7377585].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author kaputchnik
        Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

        Like i said in another thread, Yell offer crappy 30-60 sec picture slide shows with music and voice over for £420/$670.

        People should be trying this out. I bet Yell sell these by the bucket load
        If i had one of these done by Yell, i'd be embarrassed to reveal the price
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7381030].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew J
    Just looked at Animoto. Awesome :-).

    I was picturing sitting down with Final Cut Pro and a stack of raw footage. I couldn't imagine how you were making money at $25 for a video!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7381050].message }}
    • just doing some R&D and found this.

      Forrester Research ran an experiment on the top-searched keywords and discovered that videos have an 11,000-to-1 chance of appearing on the first page of Google's results,

      while text has a 500,000-to-1 chance of making it on the first page --

      in short, video has a 50 times better chance than plain text for getting to the top of search rankings
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7394947].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jrod014
    Hey Henry,

    Great idea to get in the door.

    Question, did you create the video using just images or did you actually go to the location to film? Or, was there a mixture of both?

    I've also noticed that Google has a "trusted photographer" program. Have you heard of it or are you part of that program?

    For Photographers ? Business Photos ? Google Maps

    I'm thinking it will help get a better chance of a meeting with a business owner.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7399626].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dan R
    Awesome story. Some great stuff to be taken from this thread that can be relevant with everything we sell.

    Get your foot in the door
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7400873].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ColdCallCommando
    Great idea. Way to move the freeline!
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7401049].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wally247
    I was revisiting this post and I am blown away by the amount of people at WF who can't type animoto.com and click "pricing" as opposed to waiting for a response....

    Mind blowing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7405570].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author footballfreak
    What a great idea. I am going to pass this onto my son - who is a videographer and not making the money he should...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7405678].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author danysh
    henry Argueta - thank you very much for this share. Thanks for all the other members that have also participated and shared their advice and knowledge.
    It is great to see real people succeed, DOING what is preached and taught in this forum.

    Regarding emailing business owners/managers rather than "cold calling" - I will start using also the "Contact Us" form (manual work, but will probably get more replies

    If someone had already tried this, I would appreciate your feedback regarding response rate.

    One more idea - I didn't see any reference to Fiverr - in case you get swamped with replies, you can always use a fiverr gig for these videos - 5$ and 48-72 hours later - you will have a new video ready for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7421669].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      Originally Posted by danysh View Post

      henry Argueta

      If someone had already tried this, I would appreciate your feedback regarding response rate.
      I tried emailing and the result was an unsurprising - zero response (all hotels and restaurants in my town)

      I made some demo's and uploaded them to YouTube. I provided a link in the email to the video and also a screenshot showing their video on page one of google - No response.

      Seems the only way as always is to either cold call or walk in with a demo on a tablet etc. Unless done in a massive way email renders the worst results IMO, whether the email goes straight to the spam etc but i think if you emailed 100 biz and cold called or walked in to the same 100 biz the results will be dramatically different.

      This has potential and i will give it a more conservative effort after the holidays.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7513596].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
        I first signed up with Animoto for $40/month. Uploading a dozen photos and adding some text frames does not take long, picking a theme and the music is at first a time waste. What I did not like with Animoto is the limitations on the text frames, only so very few characters allowed. Then I discovered Photodex and I am now signed up for their web version, which includes music as well and their text frames has soooo much more to offer.

        You can use the Snipping Tool found under Accessories on Windows Operating System, it is free and you just go to their website and snip away, make a sample video, keep out a few key elements such as city, phone, web address etc, download the video and send it to them in an email. I would not make a sample video unless I had called them first and got an ok, that is just a waste of time. If they like your sample, have them pay you via Paypal, redo the video with the missing information and ask for referrals.

        If you sell them for cheap, ask their permission to use their videos as samples to show other similar businesses (get it in writing) and justify your low price on the fact that you are a start-up needing a whole bunch of samples and that is the reason for the low price point.

        However, I am at the point of boredom of all the transitions just automatically happening, something you have no control of unless, with Photodex, you also have their Pro Edition where you have total control, an investment I have not yet made.

        I also bought a portable dvd player recently so that I will have the ability of walking in cold, pop it open, show the 30-60 second "video commercial" and ask if I can take some photos and make one for them, no obligation of course. Cold calling is going to be my first choice, cold walk ins my second, just emailing without any initial contact seems to be a complete time waster.

        RedShifted talked about senior facilities, which is something I would not have thought about but what I got the most out of his post was that he mentioned the EVENTS that they were constantly having. Basing your videos on the type of businesses that does do EVENTS might work even better, something I will definetly try. A twist on the events idea would be to call a whole bunch of restaurants and hotels that has either banquet rooms or other meeting facilities and promote those via video. I hardly ever see a restaurant promoting their banquet room in any form of advertising so that might be an avenue to take.

        Good luck to all of you, please post any results trying my suggestions,

        Thanks, Eva
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7514573].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
          Eva, nice post. I have the proshow gold version and have to say the videos that you can produce are very good - loads of transitions and effects. The only thing that it lacks is no music library that Animato has.

          Good luck to you.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7515253].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
            Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

            Eva, nice post. I have the proshow gold version and have to say the videos that you can produce are very good - loads of transitions and effects. The only thing that it lacks is no music library that Animato has.

            Good luck to you.
            I guess you need a fine tooth sometimes, lol. the WEB version is what gives you the right to include the music...

            Upgrading to the "Pro"version, PLUS paying for the WEB version, will give you the right tools if you are as anal as I am,

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7516523].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
              Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

              I guess you need a fine tooth sometimes, lol. the WEB version is what gives you the right to include the music...

              Upgrading to the "Pro"version, PLUS paying for the WEB version, will give you the right tools if you are as anal as I am,

              LOL...i didn't even realize the web version gave you music. Off to look at that now

              One of the first vid's i did
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7516919].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author dpeench2
          Originally Posted by Vikuna2009+ View Post

          I first signed up with Animoto for $40/month. Uploading a dozen photos and adding some text frames does not take long, picking a theme and the music is at first a time waste. What I did not like with Animoto is the limitations on the text frames, only so very few characters allowed. Then I discovered Photodex and I am now signed up for their web version, which includes music as well and their text frames has soooo much more to offer.

          You can use the Snipping Tool found under Accessories on Windows Operating System, it is free and you just go to their website and snip away, make a sample video, keep out a few key elements such as city, phone, web address etc, download the video and send it to them in an email. I would not make a sample video unless I had called them first and got an ok, that is just a waste of time. If they like your sample, have them pay you via Paypal, redo the video with the missing information and ask for referrals.

          If you sell them for cheap, ask their permission to use their videos as samples to show other similar businesses (get it in writing) and justify your low price on the fact that you are a start-up needing a whole bunch of samples and that is the reason for the low price point.

          However, I am at the point of boredom of all the transitions just automatically happening, something you have no control of unless, with Photodex, you also have their Pro Edition where you have total control, an investment I have not yet made.

          I also bought a portable dvd player recently so that I will have the ability of walking in cold, pop it open, show the 30-60 second "video commercial" and ask if I can take some photos and make one for them, no obligation of course. Cold calling is going to be my first choice, cold walk ins my second, just emailing without any initial contact seems to be a complete time waster.

          RedShifted talked about senior facilities, which is something I would not have thought about but what I got the most out of his post was that he mentioned the EVENTS that they were constantly having. Basing your videos on the type of businesses that does do EVENTS might work even better, something I will definetly try. A twist on the events idea would be to call a whole bunch of restaurants and hotels that has either banquet rooms or other meeting facilities and promote those via video. I hardly ever see a restaurant promoting their banquet room in any form of advertising so that might be an avenue to take.

          Good luck to all of you, please post any results trying my suggestions,

          Thanks, Eva
          For all the Mac users, you can use iMovie to make the slideshow, you can also upload it to youtube in HD quality. All this for free. Only problem is getting the music, which from earlier comments can be done for free also.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8837880].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
        Originally Posted by zimbizee View Post

        I tried emailing and the result was an unsurprising - zero response (all hotels and restaurants in my town)

        I made some demo's and uploaded them to YouTube. I provided a link in the email to the video and also a screenshot showing their video on page one of google - No response.

        Seems the only way as always is to either cold call or walk in with a demo on a tablet etc. Unless done in a massive way email renders the worst results IMO, whether the email goes straight to the spam etc but i think if you emailed 100 biz and cold called or walked in to the same 100 biz the results will be dramatically different.

        This has potential and i will give it a more conservative effort after the holidays.

        Don't assume anything.

        If you emailed people, and it didn't work, does that mean that email doesn't work, or does that mean the way you use email doesn't work?

        First things first. You need to figure out where the cheese is in this situation, or the results.

        When I was doing this, my cheese was 2 things:

        1) The promo videos.
        2) What the promo videos could do for people.

        First, I have a feeling people saw your promo videos, and didn't like them.
        When I was posting offers on CL for videos to market small businesses, the first thing everyone asked was "can I see some of your past work?" And I didn't write my headlines like "I will make your company a video promo for cheap!" I wrote them like "3 Quality Videos Ranked On Youtube Increases Companies Profits by $18,000/month"

        Anyway, when I got calls, I immediately realized that my promos would be a huge selling point. Since so many people would immediately ask to see them. So I had to put A LOT of work into these promos. I also realized because of this, there was no way in hell I'd sell the videos for $25 a piece. No freaking way.

        I decided to position myself as an expert, rather than someone who was trying to stumble into something I didn't know a thing about. And honestly, this entire thread is centered around people stumbling into something almost accidentally.

        That makes as a horrible selling point, and an even worse way to position yourself.

        I personally would NOT focus on selling anything for $25. As much as I like this thread, as much as I've profited off video marketing myself, I've never sold a video for $25 in my life. And I never would.

        First things first.

        Make better promos. And tbo, I haven't used animoto, but I don't like the types of videos I'm seeing that it makes. You should focus on writing scripts, and doing real voiceovers with the use of fiver.

        The cool part about this, I never really made a fancy video. It was the scripts that always made them seem professional. Not images doing gymnastics in the video.

        Once I had solid promos, I had interested people.
        Once those people were interested, I sold them on RESULTS.

        For instance, "I will build you a youtube channel, with 5 videos, and rank all 5 videos on youtube for XXX amount of money a month".

        Or you can change your model and say "For a deposit of xxx amount of money, I will rank you 5 videos on youtube, and demand a 10% commission on all sold work".

        The key is to focus on the results. So much so, that its often better to just sell the results, rather than the videos. When you do this, you force yourself to raise your own standards, raise your own worth, and make more money in the process.

        Whatever you do, please don't assume this doesn't work. Videos I've made on youtube have made me a nice chunk of change. Not only that, but 1 week ago one of those videos got a call from a show on NBC. I have now worked out a deal, where I may be getting an $8,000 commission if all goes well and this show airs on NBC. They're already told us they're flying out Jan 9th, so for me, its going to happen.

        The key imo is to NEVER follow formulas the way people write them on here. Most of these models are spur of the moment ideas. Or they haven't been developed into serious models for doing business.

        That doesn't mean they don't work. They do. Just that the formulas need serious innovation. And seriously. For instance, when I read this thread a while back, and saw some of the videos people were making, I immediately asked myself "would any business owner pay for these videos?".

        My answer was "sure, but they would be damn near impossible to sell, because the quality sucks". These owners have no real clue what they're paying for, or WHY they should want the videos in the first place.

        The common denominator is ALWAYS $$$$. Make it about money. Never take your focus off money. You want to sell them a video? HOW will that video make them money? Don't just spurt out random theories about why you THINK they'll make them money. Show them cold hard facts and proof of money other businesses have made. Do NOT leave a shadow of doubt in their mind. Furthermore, if you are actually confident that the value you're delivering will help these companies, it becomes so much easier to sell.

        Evertime I go to the supermarket, I can buy those cheap little disposable razors, and shave 1 time then throw them away, or I can buy a premium razor, take care of the blades with oil, and shave for a month straight.


        Business owners who have little money, still want quality, no matter how you look at it. And they WILL PAY for that quality, if you can truely EDUCATE and SHOW THEM what that quality is worth. Not with opinions or theory, but cold hard statistics, facts and testimony.

        "This was 1 channel I did for xxx company, they get 7 calls a month which converts to 4 sales and $18,000 a month".

        "This was another channel/video I did for xxx company, it ranks for the keyword "XXXXX", the video gets xxxxx amount of views a week, which results in xxx amount of calls, and xxxx amount of profit to their bottom line".

        You absolutely MUST "speak the language of money". If you learn how to do that well, you'll learn you are worth far more than $25 a video.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7518479].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
          Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

          Don't assume anything.

          If you emailed people, and it didn't work, does that mean that email doesn't work, or does that mean the way you use email doesn't work?

          First things first. You need to figure out where the cheese is in this situation, or the results.

          When I was doing this, my cheese was 2 things:

          1) The promo videos.
          2) What the promo videos could do for people.

          First, I have a feeling people saw your promo videos, and didn't like them.
          When I was posting offers on CL for videos to market small businesses, the first thing everyone asked was "can I see some of your past work?" And I didn't write my headlines like "I will make your company a video promo for cheap!" I wrote them like "3 Quality Videos Ranked On Youtube Increases Companies Profits by $18,000/month"

          Anyway, when I got calls, I immediately realized that my promos would be a huge selling point. Since so many people would immediately ask to see them. So I had to put A LOT of work into these promos. I also realized because of this, there was no way in hell I'd sell the videos for $25 a piece. No freaking way.

          I decided to position myself as an expert, rather than someone who was trying to stumble into something I didn't know a thing about. And honestly, this entire thread is centered around people stumbling into something almost accidentally.

          That makes as a horrible selling point, and an even worse way to position yourself.

          I personally would NOT focus on selling anything for $25. As much as I like this thread, as much as I've profited off video marketing myself, I've never sold a video for $25 in my life. And I never would.

          First things first.

          Make better promos. And tbo, I haven't used animoto, but I don't like the types of videos I'm seeing that it makes. You should focus on writing scripts, and doing real voiceovers with the use of fiver.

          The cool part about this, I never really made a fancy video. It was the scripts that always made them seem professional. Not images doing gymnastics in the video.

          Once I had solid promos, I had interested people.
          Once those people were interested, I sold them on RESULTS.

          For instance, "I will build you a youtube channel, with 5 videos, and rank all 5 videos on youtube for XXX amount of money a month".

          Or you can change your model and say "For a deposit of xxx amount of money, I will rank you 5 videos on youtube, and demand a 10% commission on all sold work".

          The key is to focus on the results. So much so, that its often better to just sell the results, rather than the videos. When you do this, you force yourself to raise your own standards, raise your own worth, and make more money in the process.

          Whatever you do, please don't assume this doesn't work. Videos I've made on youtube have made me a nice chunk of change. Not only that, but 1 week ago one of those videos got a call from a show on NBC. I have now worked out a deal, where I may be getting an $8,000 commission if all goes well and this show airs on NBC. They're already told us they're flying out Jan 9th, so for me, its going to happen.

          The key imo is to NEVER follow formulas the way people write them on here. Most of these models are spur of the moment ideas. Or they haven't been developed into serious models for doing business.

          That doesn't mean they don't work. They do. Just that the formulas need serious innovation. And seriously. For instance, when I read this thread a while back, and saw some of the videos people were making, I immediately asked myself "would any business owner pay for these videos?".

          My answer was "sure, but they would be damn near impossible to sell, because the quality sucks". These owners have no real clue what they're paying for, or WHY they should want the videos in the first place.

          The common denominator is ALWAYS $$$$. Make it about money. Never take your focus off money. You want to sell them a video? HOW will that video make them money? Don't just spurt out random theories about why you THINK they'll make them money. Show them cold hard facts and proof of money other businesses have made. Do NOT leave a shadow of doubt in their mind. Furthermore, if you are actually confident that the value you're delivering will help these companies, it becomes so much easier to sell.

          Evertime I go to the supermarket, I can buy those cheap little disposable razors, and shave 1 time then throw them away, or I can buy a premium razor, take care of the blades with oil, and shave for a month straight.


          Business owners who have little money, still want quality, no matter how you look at it. And they WILL PAY for that quality, if you can truely EDUCATE and SHOW THEM what that quality is worth. Not with opinions or theory, but cold hard statistics, facts and testimony.

          "This was 1 channel I did for xxx company, they get 7 calls a month which converts to 4 sales and $18,000 a month".

          "This was another channel/video I did for xxx company, it ranks for the keyword "XXXXX", the video gets xxxxx amount of views a week, which results in xxx amount of calls, and xxxx amount of profit to their bottom line".

          You absolutely MUST "speak the language of money". If you learn how to do that well, you'll learn you are worth far more than $25 a video.


          Great post, thanks for sharing your thoughts on here. I'm determined to make this work after the holidays. Good luck to you too.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7519845].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7518176].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
      [Quote] I sell the RESULTS of the videos. My monetization includes a downpayment on a youtube channel, with videos ranking for specific keywords. Then I track all calls and collect commissions on sold jobs. The company I had first done this for, my brother works for. So it was easy for me to stay on top of all the leads.[End quote]

      Would you care to elaborate on what you charge for setting up a Youtube Channel and how you do the actual tracking of leads?

      Congrats to your success and your appearance on TV will most def lead to even more success!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7518289].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mrswagset
    Originally Posted by henry Argueta View Post

    Sorry i had to delete this post.
    I was getting too many pms everyday of people asking questions
    Which were already explained on the thread.
    It was getting a bit annoying.
    You should offer consulting services then lol
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7520523].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
    Originally Posted by BonusSEO View Post

    Anyone have any luck with this?
    Not me, Biz just don't get here in the UK or maybe it's just me.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7826220].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author publicprivacy
      This just dawned on me warriors. You can make a very easy video with the iMovie App on iOS. The app costs 4.99 Bundle this with some good "minimalistic"Title Screens, Royalty Free Music, the photos and you got the full package.

      - Newer iPhone shoot in HD
      - Easy to Export
      - Take a few snaps with your iPhone Camera at the place of business, and do the work from anywhere. You have a full editing suite your pocket.
      - This is scalable and has been validated.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8619304].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
        Originally Posted by publicprivacy View Post

        This just dawned on me warriors. You can make a very easy video with the iMovie App on iOS. The app costs 4.99 Bundle this with some good "minimalistic"Title Screens, Royalty Free Music, the photos and you got the full package.

        - Newer iPhone shoot in HD
        - Easy to Export
        - Take a few snaps with your iPhone Camera at the place of business, and do the work from anywhere. You have a full editing suite your pocket.
        - This is scalable and has been validated.
        Sounds like a great idea!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8648593].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author 9999
          - Newer iPhone shoot in HD
          - Easy to Export
          - Take a few snaps with your iPhone Camera at the place of business, and do the work from anywhere. You have a full editing suite your pocket.
          - This is scalable and has been validated.
          Although this is a great idea, I couldn't imagine the look on a business owners face when they saw someone using a IPhone!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8655763].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Vikuna2009+
            Originally Posted by 9999 View Post

            Although this is a great idea, I couldn't imagine the look on a business owners face when they saw someone using a IPhone!
            I could drag around my camera bag, different filters, cleaning materials, extra batteries and what have you and at the end of the day, who is going to see the difference? Especially for a $25 video...

            Besides, I'd be worn out...

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8656334].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author elijahdean24
    I was really hoping to read this post
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    • Profile picture of the author jabro
      Originally Posted by elijahdean24 View Post

      I was really hoping to read this post
      It was quoted farther down the page.

      Originally Posted by henry Argueta

      hello everyone, I am sort of new to the forum, but i have been gone for over 1 month from it.
      I manage to get myself in a 7k debt which i will probably start another thread later explaining how.
      anyways I just want to share my success with everyone

      i don't really like to write so i will just get straight to the point on how i did it.

      well the answer was cold calling.
      i had already tried cold calling for about a week, but i really suck lol. so i had quit for about a month or even longer.

      so i had to come up with something that would make it easy for me to get some sales and some money coming in my way.

      i knew that cold calling was my only way out, since i have no car and i can reach more people with my offer this way.

      so what i did is i started to call restaurants, and i was offering to do a video of their business for only $25..

      yes i know $25 dollars isn't much money. but i thought to myself, if i can't make a $25 sale then i shouldn't be in business for myself.

      well guess what. i called for a week. and i close 75 businesses during that time.
      that was on avg 15 per day.

      once created the video, every business owner was really happy, and since it was only $25 why shouldn't they had been happy right.
      well i could tell they liked me, so i had already gained their trust.

      so what i did next was to upsell them on SMS, i let them know how it could benefit them and blah blah. well it turned out i closed. 12 so far, and i haven't gotten to talk to everyone yet.

      at first it sounded like $25 wasn't going to bring much to the table
      but do the math
      25x75 = $1875
      12x397= $4,764
      thats a total of $6,639 in one week.

      well yeah i almost made $7k i know i am not completely out of debt yet. but it sure feels like i don't owe any money

      besides I will be charging $250 residual for every business that i signed up on SMS so i have some money coming next month

      now i just have to get better at up selling this businesses.
      and continue to repeat the same process day after day.
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