easiest service to sell cold calling small businesses

7 replies
Hello, I am gonna start cold calling and want to know the easiest and best converting services to sell and WHO to sell them to.

I hope to hear from you.
#businesses #calling #cold #easiest #sell #service #small
  • Profile picture of the author maxrezn
    Originally Posted by M Elrofai View Post

    Hello, I am gonna start cold calling and want to know the easiest and best converting services to sell and WHO to sell them to.

    I hope to hear from you.
    Web design and web updates are pretty easy. They're either happy with their site or they're not.
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  • Profile picture of the author MadLion
    Ive sold SMS text and Mobile websites. Mobile websites are a lot easier to sell. SMS text is a foreign concept to many small business owners and takes a lot of numbers to find the right people.

    If your site is not mobilized your losing money period guaranteed. Its a no brainer.
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  • Profile picture of the author buckeye04
    Pick a niche in your city and start browsing the company websites. For any business that doesn't have a video on their site, take note and jot down their info.

    When you have a list, go through and call and offer a (1 min or so) creative video they can put on their website or wherever to showcase their business. Maybe mention you're new in town and are willing to help them out with this for just $50 (or $30, $100, whatever you want, but cheaper is better just to get your foot in the door) as a way of getting your name out there.

    Then for anyone who says yes, create a short video for them with Windows Media Player or something similar (Animoto is good for a premium service without the ad).

    If they're happy with it, you could then offer to SEO the video as an upsell for another $50 (or whatever you want to charge), and just go from there.

    The point is to start small and once you have the owner's trust, you can move on to bigger and better things.
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  • Profile picture of the author jayspann
    I wouldn't try to sell anything but an appointment when cold calling. Take it on step at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    What is the easiest service to sell cold calling small businesses?

    What service are you best at? Focus on one service that you are personally good at and sell that.

    In the end it doesn't matter what you sell as the majority of customers will tell you no on the phone anyways. So you only shot at closing them is to get better at sales and know what you are selling inside and out.
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    • Profile picture of the author ambrking
      Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

      What is the easiest service to sell cold calling small businesses?

      What service are you best at? Focus on one service that you are personally good at and sell that.
      Agree with Aaron. Focus on the service you are good at. Cold calling can and will only work once you understand what you are selling.
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  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    Yes, sell what you are comfortable with and have a good understanding of, so that you may speak on it with authority. After all you are the expert.

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