Handmade Jewelry Client

11 replies
Good afternoon,

I have acquired a client that would like me to leverage the internet to market her business. She makes hand made jewelry for sale and averages about $50 net profit per piece.

She currently has an Etsy store, however I think a WordPress store would benefit her much more, what are your thoughts?

I will definitely use Social Media Marketing to help brand her and hopefully increase traffic to her site. Anyone else have any thoughts on what else I can do? I've never dealt with a jewelry client, so if anyone can give me some feedback, it will be greatly appreciated.


#client #handmade #jewelry
  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    She makes $50 on each piece you said.

    What is the retail price of her pieces?

    Can you link to her etsy store so I can see examples of what she is selling?
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  • Profile picture of the author maxrezn
    Create a Shopify store...it's the E-commerce version of Wordpress (IMHO).

    Choose some keywords....get a provider from the Warriors For Hire section to rank them.
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  • Profile picture of the author bsbear
    Wordpress all the way, don't attach her business to a middleman. Always want to have the freedom to sell the site in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    With an etsy store, she does has the advantage of their traffic plus their e-commerce capabilities without batting an eyelash. She may not want the tasks associated with having her own site. Though I agree that the etsy platform ties your hands.

    I handle some marketing for an etsy shop and can tell you that there are people profiting on etsy but they don't limit themselves to only $50 items. Plus they have an off-etsy presence as well and so they appear to use etsy as a catalog/commerce site and really get their traffic to come from elsewhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mwind076
    I have an etsy site and also make handmade jewelry. Etsy is the best place for her in addition to an actual website, with a cart/checkout ability.

    I have both, the bulk of my sales come from Etsy because people go on there for one thing and end up finding your stuff and buying it unplanned. In addition to those that come looking specifically for your items.

    In my opinion, Etsy is all she needs.

    You should suggest to her to do as many bazzaar's, craft shows, vendor shows, festivals and the like as the booths range from 25-150 and she can get her name out and her pieces better seen in the public.

    Looking for answers on how to SUCCESSFULLY market your company?
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    PM for more information

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    • Profile picture of the author justmerob
      I have to agree with the others on this one. Having the Etsy shop AND her own web presence is the key. We have both for our painted glassware & candle business.

      One thing I'm considering doing very soon tho is creating a blog that promotes our Etsy shop and simply filling it with our process, tips on how to do it yourself, etc.

      I also reaffirm the fact that bottom line, Etsy has the traffic, but possibly you can find some good long tails to SEO her current/or soon to be site with and draw people in that way.

      Of course I'll always say Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest(can't stress that one enough right now), Squidoo, blogs, etc...

      Good luck!
      "There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks, and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success, but with time, energy, and determination you can get there."
      -- Darren Rowse, Founder - Problogger
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  • Profile picture of the author PsycFa
    Well one way you can market her products are via pinterest.

    Reason: High response on pictures and majority of users are girls.. so yea go at it

    The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service fits him and sells itself.....

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  • Profile picture of the author sweetcrabhoney18
    Having an etsy store is the best for jewelry stores.. She can also build a Zibbet.com store and should totally build an active self hosted blog. Tons of etsy sellers go with those free blogs and it's just not smart. Doing off line sales should also be a wonderful thing for her. But with jewelry there is a lot of completion -- help her stand out with press releases and unique one of a kind forms of marketing. Best of luck!

    keep moving forward

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  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    I say for sure go from an e-commerce site..I positive she would get an increase in sales.

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

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  • Profile picture of the author iamrichard
    not sure how unique those jewelry are. I would do some nice looking videos and rank them for such keywords like: New York, Jewelry,,,city name + your keywords...you can easily rank your video for those local keywords. More important, you can engage your prospect via video. Those will be highly-targeted traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author abelamorales
    Thanks for all the great feedback everyone! For now, this is the approach I'm going to take:

    o Domain Forwarding to Etsy Store
    o Adwords Advertising to Etsy Store
    o Social Media Marketing -- Facebook, FourSquare, LinkedIn, Pinterest & Twitter
    o Blogging

    I will report back and let you all know how things turn out within the first 3 months of launching this campaign.
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