My story and my last post in this section of the forums for a long time or maybe forever.
I've been a salesman/business owner for most of my life. My first experience in selling was when I was 13 years old and wanted to go on a Boy Scout sponsored 18 day 50 mile back pack trip over the continental divide in Wyoming.
My father who was a life insurance salesmen who worked directly under W. Clement Stone told me that if I wanted to go I'd have to raise as much money as possible on my own to pay for the trip, "IF" I put in a good showing and fell short he'd make up any difference financially to ensure I had everything required for the trip.
So I decided that I could do it and knocked on doors all over the city selling vehicle first aid kits to home owners to raise the money. As it turned out my father didn't have to pitch in that much money to complete the funding required. The next year it was another 50 mile back pack trip through Yellowstone National park and for that I raised 100% of the funds needed!
That began my journey of being self sufficient so to speak and of course it began my salesmanship journey.
Fast forward 5 short years and I enlisted in the US ARMY as a combat medic and stayed in the Army for very close to 8 years.
Upon being honorably discharged my first job out of the ARMY was a telemarketing job for a credit repair company. Within the first month or two, "can't remember exactly", I was in first chair out of a room of about 16 telemarketers. First chair meant I was the #1 salesmen in the company and I remained there until I was told I was being made the telemarketing manager.
Fast forward again to 2009! Between having been a telemarketing manager and 2009 I had owned two roofing companies, a Japanese restaurant, minority owned medical supply company and a Bridal shop.
Some were successful and some weren't "as" successful. Much learning went on during these times.
Up until 2009 the last brick and mortar company I owned as a successful insurance restoration roofing company, but something happened in 2009 that changed my life forever.
What happened to me I've only shared with a handful of people and have never made public but I think it's OK now to say it.
In the summer of 2009 I had an accident that left me partially disabled. They type of disability that left me requiring assisted ambulation. There's no need to go into the specifics of my injury so I won't be going into that.
I kept my roofing company going as long as possible but found it near impossible to oversee things in the field like "I" wanted so I eventually let the company go.
This left me with two decisions to make about my life.
1. I could take the welfare disability route and live off the government for the rest of my life and pretty much be trapped in a shitty lifestyle living in a hole somewhere playing internet games and smoking a lot of pot. or.
2. I could take what I head learned about online marketing and ranking for my own roofing company and start offering it to local businesses.
So I told myself, as long as I have a damn mouse and internet connection I can make money and not depend on ANYONE to support me.
So I started dragging my ass out into the field canes and crutches in tow and began offering services for online marketing to small businesses.
That's how I got my start in the online/offline marketing world.
Since then I've created some products for my peers, GPScraper, Google Places Zen Master, Review Sentry, and a few minor WP Plugins and released them here on the Warrior Forums for my peers. Of course there's been my posting here as well.
Lets get to why I've decided to no longer post in this section of the forums. It isn't going to be pretty and my reasons aren't directly pointed at any single person here.
Basically I've become very tired of reading many posts about how I made X$ doing this, X$ doing that, how to make X$ doing bla bla bla. Its like it turned into a mini WSO section of the forums and there really isn't anything of substantial value being posted any longer in "MY" eyes.
I started off posting in this section and replying to threads to guide and give people direction in their businesses because I've personally got 20+ years of being self employed under my belt.
Sadly though, it seems this section of the forums has turned into a lot of self pontificating and positioning that doesn't really offer that much help to anyone, in my opinion for the most part. As such coming here and reading posts has just become a major waste of my time and has turned into a time sink for me.
This is how I feel and of course there are some that will agree with me and there will be some that don't. For those who don't, personally I don't care because it has no effect on me or my business. = )
My parting counsel for any one who's willing to listen.
There are two things I'd like to share with you if you are wanting to make money to improve your life.
1. If you are going to be in business, then be in business. Learn about running a business, learn about business principles. Learn COGS, Learn margins, learn processes and systems. Learn how to charge enough to stay in business. Learn to build a business in such a manner that if you have an accident your business can survive in your temporary absence, if it can't you've only created a job.
2. If you find you don't want to commit 100% to the above but still want to make extra money then realize the fact that you can still make money but that you are only creating a job for yourself and you are probably better suited to being a service provider to those who have committed 200% to being a business and offer services that they need. You'll fair much better and be much happier.
Pretty basic advice but if you think about it, it's what separates the men from the boys in the business world.
My parting comment is to wish every single one of you the best in life, best in business and the best in everything you do. If you put your mind to it you CAN achieve anything you want and nothing can stand in your way, not even canes or crutches!
I'll still be lurking from time to time this section of the forums just to see what's going on but you won't find my posting here any longer.
Peace to every one!
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