Flying away to London tomorrow.. Make it or Break it ..

15 replies
So, as im from Jerusalem and the know-about websites and online services to sell off-line is pretty hard (also, you cant just buy a theme, you need to make it RTL).. I've decided to move to London and pursuit my offline career success.

My goal is to get recurring clients, if its with web design, directories, videos and what not.. i know you should focus on something alone, but i cannot wrap myself around 1 product, as i don't know the actual demand over there.

Im gonna hustle my way to making some sales and scaling as i go on..

Why London ?

- main business city in Europe
- English language
- I have a British passport


- My accent and speech is quite "different"
- London is expensive and cold
- leaving the comfort zone

Any advice or tips are welcome, if some 1 wants to joining my journey you are more than welcome, its gonna be awesome!

So its **** or WALK.. wish me luck
#break #flying #london #make #tomorrow
  • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
    Originally Posted by ownergolan View Post

    Why London ?

    - English language



    - My accent and speech is quite "different"

    See above.

    - London is expensive


    Any advice or tips are welcome.

    Buy a warm coat.

    UK weather forecast: Britain faces coldest winter for 100 years as Big Freeze follows flood | Mail Online
    Hope that helps.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7398823].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Angel Anderson
    Originally Posted by ownergolan View Post

    Why London ?

    - main business city in Europe
    - English language
    - I have a British passport


    - My accent and speech is quite "different"
    - London is expensive and cold
    - leaving the comfort zone

    Any advice or tips are welcome, if some 1 wants to joining my journey you are more than welcome, its gonna be awesome!
    I just moved to an hour away from London, its plenty business here. Like any other busy city

    Don't be afraid to be you, don't worry about your accent. My first language is Spanish and I have a very noticable accent.

    When I try to use other peoples voice in my sales videos, etc it hurt my income. When I used my own voice people connected and my income increased. Just speak clearly so people understand you and if you still feel the need to improve. Take public speaking training.

    Last, to improve you have to leave your comfort zone.

    Best wishes
    The Strategy Specialist Helping You Achieve Your Goals Via Training And Support contact me via
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7398860].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels

    well, if you thought it through i think maybe you would have chosen
    USA or Canada,

    I have friends in UK, they do nothing but complain about how hard it is.

    They might just be lazy, i dunno.

    Good luck.

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7398880].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jimbo13
      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

      I have friends in UK, they do nothing but complain about how hard it is.

      It's the British way to complain.

      Here is an Australian joke about us (Brits) for your amusement.

      Q: How do you know when a plane load of Brits has landed at Sydney?

      A: You can still hear the whining after the engines have stopped turning.


      PS: Pity this thread isn't moved to the Off Topic Forum. I would have a field day.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post


      well, if you thought it through i think maybe you would have chosen
      USA or Canada,

      I have friends in UK, they do nothing but complain about how hard it is.

      They might just be lazy, i dunno.

      Good luck.
      MUCH easier to move through the EU countries than to the US or Canada (unless you're a refugee), Ken.

      I moved from Canada to the US and had to sit on my butt for the better part of a year. And that was with marrying a US citizen. As an individual, I would have had to wait years to get in.

      And you think the two countries are friendly.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7398932].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dave147
      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post


      well, if you thought it through i think maybe you would have chosen
      USA or Canada,

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  • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
    Good luck man.
    I was thinking doing the same thing next year
    If you got some friends there, partner up and help each other cause it will be easier for you to accommodate. Work on referrals once you get your first client and build hi-quality marketing materials to make a good first professional impression.And do it in person, get out of your comfort zone.
    You can do it as anybody can do it if you do something each day.Outsource the services you plan to provide if possible so you can only take care of the sales process and improve it each day.

    Good luck.
    ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
    Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
    More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7398992].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lucafo
    Good luck mate!
    I want to move in London as soon as possibile.

    I wanna go away from Italy.

    Anyway, going out of your confort zone can be scary at the beginning, but I'm sure you will be proud of your choice... just do it!

    If you want to succeed, going out of your confort zone is a crucial step.

    See you in London next year.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7399105].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author IvanovaiKai
      Honestly you will be completely fine,

      I live in London, in Chelsea currently and its a great city to live

      You will probably find yourself getting business just outside of London though as there are so many "budding" marketers here, so there is a fair bit of competition

      Am always available for a drink if you ever get a bit stressed out and need help (y) just chuck me a pm


      Kai Aleksandr Ivanovai

      Make Money Online.. Just via emails and local businesses ? Click Here

      Flawless Events & Management LTD
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7399137].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Lot's of Top Internet Marketers are here in San Diego....I'm Just Sayin....

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7402733].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ownergolan
    Thnx for the kind words guys..

    Obviously the US is where things happen the most, but at least in the UK i can work legally..

    IvanovaiKai -

    you think most of the jobs to find over there will be outside of london ?

    lucafo -

    See you there !

    Adrian John -

    Great advice

    kenmichaels -

    As i said, the better option for me is London as im holding a British passport.. US is the main place which im hoping to get to..
    "Aiyyo I'm gonna be on ti-dop, that's all my eyes can see..
    Ill put in work, and watch my status escalate"
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  • Profile picture of the author lucafo
    London is expensive but awesome...

    See you there ownergolan.
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    • Profile picture of the author zimbizee
      I would love to get to the USA, Worked there for a year down in West Palm Beach many moons ago. I would of loved to of stayed but 9/11 happened and the USA became one of the hardest places to get a work permit.

      Shame, like it there much more than the UK
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      • Profile picture of the author bloodyuber
        It will take some time to get comfortable over there and you can always fall back to here, Jerusalem. Since we are brothers i should tell you once again to take care of yourself and stay warm. Try the bold "in your face, buy now" attitude and the opposite attitude to see what works but never under price yourself .
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremiah2911
    Best wishes in London, I hope you have a safe journey.
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