I Retired/Quit My $80k/Yr Job.....Offline FullTime Now!
Ok so when I started I got into building adsense sites and ranking them and I actually did pretty good and I even posted about my 1st $100 day here http://www.warriorforum.com/adsense-...y-adsense.html as you can also see in that thread I started offline marketing around the same time and made some quick sales when I started but hit a wall of four months with no new clients. Then I discovered a thread on direct mail and sent out 38 regular envelopes with dice in them for Reputation Management and landed a pediatric dentist for $800/month for 3 months. That money fueled my passion for the potential of Offline Marketing.
Right after I closed on that dentist I started my business on a serious note, registering it as a LLC and getting business cards, website and all that stuff together. I bought every damn WSO that came out and really didnt make the kind of money I thought I should be making. I had clients but no real big monthly recurring like that dentist. So I took a leave from work to concentrate on my business in June. I started to focus on mobile and learned how to build my own sites and closed a few clients on mobile.
Here is where my business changed.....I was doing some lead gen on LinkedIn and got a client who invited me to a networking group. I went to their meeting and have been going since....its a group just like BNI but we dont have to pay and meet weekly. It took a couple of months but they all warmed up to me and I got my 1st "big" client after a presentation I did for them on Online Marketing. It was for monthly SEO which I'm pretty good at from my adsense days. got him ranked on the 1st page for like 10 keywords locally and his phone was ringing weekly from his site which had never happened before for him. Well he referred me to 2 other big monthly clients as he absolutely loved what I was doing and I did the same for them. Basically what I'm getting at is.....screw all of these WSO's. The BEST way to get clients is thru good old networking. Since I've joined one of the Chambers in my area and all I do is go to every single event they hold so the prominent members started to recognize me and guess what? Same thing that happened with my networking group happened with the Chamber. I never tried to sell anything, eventually they just came to me. Always saying things like "my website needs to be redesigned" or "Ive always wanted to do SEO or ect ect." What I'm saying is you got to have the balls to go out and be seen. Dont hide behind the email or phone because they HATE that. Think about it....there are hundreds if not thousands of us doing this, calling the same big ticket businesses, or the same ones who dont have a mobile site. But when they see you everyday and actually hear the tidbits of knowledge come out of your mouth, they start to ask you questions. Then you could easily say "Hey just give me your email and I'll send you that info and you also check out my newsletter which has stuff you can do monthly to build your business online."
This is what I've done and I just wanted to share it with you. I recently quit a great paying but stressful job and I love being able to spend time with my family on my own accord now. If anyone has any questions about what I do feel free to ask.
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