Does anyone use Spin Selling methods on here?

4 replies
I was wondering if anyone has read the Neil Rackham book Spin Selling (very insightful book) and implemented it's principles to any success to sell web design.
#methods #selling #spin
  • Profile picture of the author maxrezn
    Yep. Requires a lot of practice and preparation to pull it off though. Very few people can craft the proper questions and questioning line on the spot. The beauty of it is that once you figure out how to ask questions and listen won't have to sell anymore. If somebody has a paper cut you won't convince them to go the hospital...make that papercut into a gushing wound and they will beg you to take them to the hospital.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by the chameleon View Post

    I was wondering if anyone has read the Neil Rackham book Spin Selling (very insightful book) and implemented it's principles to any success to sell web design.
    I read it again this last year. I completely forgot that this book is where I got the idea to ask the different types of questions. When I opened my copy, I forgot that almost every page had something highlighted. It's a huge help in understanding what questions to ask.

    It reads like a text book, but it's packed with real world selling skill builders. One of my top five.

    In the book, you see test results for asking different types of questions to different types of prospects. When I originally read it (a couple decades ago) I learned a lot. When I just reread it, it reminded me why some of the things I do work.

    The information in the book is particularly useful for commercial sales and intangible sales. Pretty much what all of us do. It's right up there with Pitch Anything.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author the chameleon
      I really think it's an amazing book. I am creating a new script and questions to sell web design based on this book. It gets you away from selling.
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      • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
        One of my favorite books of all time. It's geared towards helping sell big ticket items with long sales cycles but the mindset that book helped me create really served to aid me in selling lots of dog training over the years.

        It really helps you look at 'rebuttal training' in a whole new light.
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