Your Favorite Mobile App Creator For Offliners?

8 replies
Something I'm planning to offer offline for small businesses are mobile apps. I've looked at a couple solutions but the way they work is that if you stop paying them (monthly), the apps you've created disappear. I'd like a solution more "in-house". Do you know of any mobile app creators like this that you've used yourself?
#app #creator #favorite #mobile #offliners
  • I have a site App and Mobile Website Company offering a resellers right (white label) so you can easily web app and mobile website.

    You can build or customer can do it and you charge them whatever you want.
    As more people searching and using smart phone than PC. This is gold.

    Just have a look on the site and let me if you have any question

    Originally Posted by Ross Cohen View Post

    Something I'm planning to offer offline for small businesses are mobile apps. I've looked at a couple solutions but the way they work is that if you stop paying them (monthly), the apps you've created disappear. I'd like a solution more "in-house". Do you know of any mobile app creators like this that you've used yourself?
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    • Profile picture of the author tybrid
      Originally Posted by friendlyonlineservices View Post

      I have a site App and Mobile Website Company offering a resellers right (white label) so you can easily web app and mobile website.

      You can build or customer can do it and you charge them whatever you want.
      As more people searching and using smart phone than PC. This is gold.

      Just have a look on the site and let me if you have any question
      Hey I am interested in finding a solid mobile app solution as well but your link is not working. Please advise...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7648513].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jherewini
    there are a couple of options you can use this one or

    I can also help you if you need a hand

    [URL=""] Secure & Easy Transactions with Our 2-Way ATM Machines

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  • Profile picture of the author Ross Cohen
    I need apps though, not mobile sites.
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    • Profile picture of the author tybrid
      did you find a mobile app solution?
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  • Profile picture of the author roley
    Originally Posted by Ross Cohen View Post

    Something I'm planning to offer offline for small businesses are mobile apps. I've looked at a couple solutions but the way they work is that if you stop paying them (monthly), the apps you've created disappear. I'd like a solution more "in-house". Do you know of any mobile app creators like this that you've used yourself?
    I agree. I'm looking for an in-house solution.

    If I can't find it. I will make it myself
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7643326].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author networkempire
    Hey Team

    We make good quality apps at pretty cheap outsourcing rate

    Also, making mobile site first and then putting that inside many "KEYWORD" apps to grab many longtail keywords traffic is a strategy - we've mastered on.

    Please PM to know more on this.

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    • Profile picture of the author EricGuimond
      Bizzapps works pretty well, not cheap for re-seller account but all the features it offers is pretty good.

      There customer service is also pretty good as well training videos etc.

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