How much to charge to rank a video on the first page of Google?

by KenL
14 replies
I was thinking of charging $75. What do you guys charge?
#charge #google #page #rank #video
  • Profile picture of the author wsiebler
    Charge based on the value of a client to the business. Ask the business what is a client worth to your business over their lifetime with your business. This way your charges will vary but you can maximum return on your time and $ invested.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cay78
    Yes, I agree with Wsiebler. There are so many factors that go into how you should price out the video. You have to look at things like:

    -Lifetime Value of a new client
    -Competition of getting your video ranked on Google

    There are more, but I would say those are some of the most important.

    What I would suggest is pick a niche + city. Get the video made or make it yourself. Do the backlinking and get the video to rank on the first page of Google...depending on the niche and competition it could take 1-2 weeks, maybe more. I would also use a local number from callfire.

    But once its there, then you can up businesses....tell them you have a video already on page 1 (builds some credibility) and you are just calling around to see if anyone is interested in taking on some new customers, etc and if they would like you to forward the calls to them.

    Keep the price point low....I wouldn't go below $99/month and not exceed $250. This depends on the niche. Use this as a foot in the door. Or you can charge per phone call or per appointment or take percentage of a closed sale. Multiple ways to approach!

    Just my 2 cents!

    There are 2 types of people in this world....those who get it and those who don't. The ones that get it know exactly what we are talking about. The ones who don't are left scratching their heads.

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    • Profile picture of the author KenL
      Originally Posted by Cay78 View Post

      Yes, I agree with Wsiebler. There are so many factors that go into how you should price out the video. You have to look at things like:

      -Lifetime Value of a new client
      -Competition of getting your video ranked on Google

      There are more, but I would say those are some of the most important.

      What I would suggest is pick a niche + city. Get the video made or make it yourself. Do the backlinking and get the video to rank on the first page of Google...depending on the niche and competition it could take 1-2 weeks, maybe more. I would also use a local number from callfire.

      But once its there, then you can up businesses....tell them you have a video already on page 1 (builds some credibility) and you are just calling around to see if anyone is interested in taking on some new customers, etc and if they would like you to forward the calls to them.

      Keep the price point low....I wouldn't go below $99/month and not exceed $250. This depends on the niche. Use this as a foot in the door. Or you can charge per phone call or per appointment or take percentage of a closed sale. Multiple ways to approach!

      Just my 2 cents!
      Lead generation is certainly another way to utilize the video ranking method. A little more work to get it set up but can provide a bigger payoff with the monthly income.
      Might try it after I accomplish the first method.
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    It depends on what kind of business a client is with, it varies. If you have a good SEO guy and an expert charging is high.
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    • Profile picture of the author abbot
      Charge as much as the client is willing to pay based on the value you add to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author KenL
    Appreciate everyone's feedback. Still looking to see if someone has actually done this exact same thing, got paid for ranking a video.

    Here's the deal, this service business has 60 videos in their channel and none of them are ranking on big G. I took one of those videos and ranked it right above their website, but we're still below the fold under the Places 7 pack and the 3 yelp reviews on the top. If I can get the video above the Places listings, that'll be huge leverage.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      I charged a client $2,000 to get one of his videos on page one of Google. Competing with 6 million search results in a highly competitive market (lots of videos. It's a pet product).

      He's at #1 & #2 (he sent a second video for more money).

      It depends on how competitive the market. The profit potential. who is making the video....lots of things. And how long tail is the search phrase?

      For 75 dollars? I'd submit the video to Youtube and write a good headline and description. But no promises.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Cay78
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I charged a client $2,000 to get one of his videos on page one of Google. Competing with 6 million search results in a highly competitive market (lots of videos. It's a pet product).

        He's at #1 & #2 (he sent a second video for more money).

        It depends on how competitive the market. The profit potential. who is making the video....lots of things. And how long tail is the search phrase?

        For 75 dollars? I'd submit the video to Youtube and write a good headline and description. But no promises.
        Claude, I'd like to know who you used or what strategies you used to rank your clients video in such a competitive market...

        PM if you can.


        There are 2 types of people in this world....those who get it and those who don't. The ones that get it know exactly what we are talking about. The ones who don't are left scratching their heads.

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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by Cay78 View Post

          Claude, I'd like to know who you used or what strategies you used to rank your clients video in such a competitive market...

          PM if you can.

          I mean this in the nicest way I can...I do 137 separate steps to get my videos ranked. Lots of internal linking on Youtube. Lots of videos linking to that one video, hundreds of comments on high Pagerank videos leading back to that main video Channel. Thousands of Vagex views , likes, and subs...

          Plus I wrote a dozen articles, spun them all (on Magic Article Rewriter) and linked them all to the video, and the support videos on other channels. High Pagerank links to the channel.

          I sent the video to 30 different video hosting sites with a link (most are nofollow) back to that one video.

          I did lots more. That's why I charged $2,000. Nobody will ever catch up to the rankings because I outwork them. And I keep at it.

          This was for a national company. If it were local, it would have been far easier.
          One Call Closing book

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author KenL
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I charged a client $2,000 to get one of his videos on page one of Google. Competing with 6 million search results in a highly competitive market (lots of videos. It's a pet product).

        He's at #1 & #2 (he sent a second video for more money).

        It depends on how competitive the market. The profit potential. who is making the video....lots of things. And how long tail is the search phrase?

        For 75 dollars? I'd submit the video to Youtube and write a good headline and description. But no promises.
        Thank you Claude for showing us what kind of potential this has. I get that it's not going to be cut and dry what the exact price should be due to so many different variables. The 2 main factors certainly are how tough is it to rank the video in the top 3 serps and what kind of return on investment is it going to bring.

        There are 815k search results for my video alluded to earlier so competition wise may be easy. Won't be able to know until I can get it into the top 3 serps which are occupied by yelp reviews.

        Claude, I purchased and read one of your books and will get to the other one soon. I like your writing style, it's easy to understand and communicates a lot of good information very well. I can recommend them highly to those seeking more information on advertising and or local internet marketing, especially at the give away price they're at now.
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by KenL View Post

          Thank you Claude for showing us what kind of potential this has. I get that it's not going to be cut and dry what the exact price should be due to so many different variables. The 2 main factors certainly are how tough is it to rank the video in the top 3 serps and what kind of return on investment is it going to bring.

          There are 815k search results for my video alluded to earlier so competition wise may be easy. Won't be able to know until I can get it into the top 3 serps which are occupied by yelp reviews.

          Claude, I purchased and read one of your books and will get to the other one soon. I like your writing style, it's easy to understand and communicates a lot of good information very well. I can recommend them highly to those seeking more information on advertising and or local internet marketing, especially at the give away price they're at now.

          Ken; Thank you so much! Did you leave a review? Everyone could benefit from what you learned.

          Are you going to Raleigh? I'd love to include you in our little beer sessions after the meetings.
          One Call Closing book

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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          • Profile picture of the author shockwave
            I charge a flat $300 with expectations that it will take 4-6 weeks. But then again, I don't do that for certain niches like Insurance and a few others.

            Once it's there, I've done my part. If they want it to stay, they pay a monthly retainer.
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          • Profile picture of the author KenL
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            Ken; Thank you so much! Did you leave a review? I'd love to have you share what you learned.

            Are you going to Raleigh? I'd love to include you in our little beer sessions after the meetings.
            You're very welcome, Claude. I will leave a review but can't promise when. I'm going to try to implement what I've learned from you. I'll be in a better position to share after having some success under my belt.

            Wish I could go to Raleigh but it's a long drive from California. I'll have to take a rain check on that beer.
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  • Profile picture of the author TyBrown
    Originally Posted by KenL View Post

    I was thinking of charging $75. What do you guys charge?
    What does getting them a video on the first page do for them? Will it earn them money? How much money? Will it get them recognition? How do you quantify the recognition it will get them? Will it be for a competitive keyword or an easy keyword? How much traffic will they get if it's on the first page?
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