What do you include in your Facebook Marketing package?

by lirikh
2 replies

I was wondering what do you include in your Facebook Marketing package when you deal with clients? Give examples please.
#facebook #include #marketing #package
  • Profile picture of the author 1234nasir
    Do you have interested in buying some services in Facebook Marketing ..................
    or just to know this social marketing strategy ???
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7686772].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sys4
      Originally Posted by 1234nasir View Post

      Do you have interested in buying some services in Facebook Marketing ..................
      or just to know this social marketing strategy ???
      If I'm reading the OP's question correctly, he's asking what specific services you include in your FB marketing packages. I don't believe the OP's question was anymore complicated than my explanation.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7686867].message }}

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