How to get 50-100 leads per month for free

18 replies
Hey everyone.

When I was working for a web design company, one of the ways we acquired new leads was from the city.

Yup! it's really easy to do. Just call your local chambers of commerce and ask to speak with someone in charge of the business directory.

After that all you do is ask the nice lady on the phone if you can have the listing of new businesses emailed to you every month.

I've never had someone tell me no. It's public information.

That's it! Enjoy!

Please Note: The leads that you will get will only have phone numbers and addresses with names. No emails. So, if your scared to talk on the phone or too lazy to mail a letter or postcard... don't bother.
#free #leads #month
  • Cool. Also look for lists from the local county office or business journal that show new business registrations. Here is an example:

    New Business Names Filings - Los Angeles County | Los Angeles Business Journal
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
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    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by BrainCopy View Post

      . Just call your local chambers of commerce and ask to speak with someone in charge of the business directory.
      That only gets you new business that join the local chamber of commerce.

      not any businesses that don't, at least that is how it is in FL.

      Good stuff though, a lot of business signing up to the C.o.C are trying to expand
      and that is exactly what all us off-liners offer

      Originally Posted by Joe Ditzel View Post

      Cool. Also look for lists from the local county office or business journal that lists new business registrations. Here is an example:

      New Business Names Filings - Los Angeles County | Los Angeles Business Journal
      You can get that same list from the local court house
      and you can get ALL new businesses.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
    Originally Posted by BrainCopy View Post

    Hey everyone.

    When I was working for a web design company, one of the ways we acquired new leads was from the city.

    Yup! it's really easy to do. Just call your local chambers of commerce and ask to speak with someone in charge of the business directory.

    After that all you do is ask the nice lady on the phone if you can have the listing of new businesses emailed to you every month.

    I've never had someone tell me no. It's public information.

    That's it! Enjoy!

    Please Note: The leads that you will get will only have phone numbers and addresses with names. No emails. So, if your scared to talk on the phone or too lazy to mail a letter or postcard... don't bother.
    I don't know if that will work w/every chamber but here is where it will work every time:

    Your county business license department.

    Ours puts it on the web and even updates an ebook (downloadable) of every business that has applied for a license over the last 20 years or so.

    They post each month's license issueance the first or second day of the next month. Now that good people is fresh meat.

    BTW, the Secy of State may do the same thing for state wide biz licenses. If you want to expand your horizon to your entire state there are no fresher sources of info than the SoS.

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  • Profile picture of the author hayfj2
    but they're NOT leads tho - they're suspects.

    You still gotta contact em and qualify em to make em leads...

    or have i missed something.

    To generate "leads" will also depend on the "offer", price, target audience etc, surely?

    I just think headline could be confusing for some on here.

    Sorry to be a pain.

    Taking your premise one step further u could use ADVANCED Search on Linkedin to find new members within a given region etc and with more criteria that you could select too.

    Hope that gets you thinking.


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    • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
      Originally Posted by hayfj2 View Post

      but they're NOT leads tho - they're suspects.

      You still gotta contact em and qualify em to make em leads...

      or have i missed something.

      To generate "leads" will also depend on the "offer", price, target audience etc, surely?

      I just think headline could be confusing for some on here.

      Sorry to be a pain.

      Taking your premise one step further u could use ADVANCED Search on Linkedin to find new members within a given region etc and with more criteria that you could select too.

      Hope that gets you thinking.



      I'm gonna go out on a limb and disagree with you. These are leads as they are in business. Yes we have to qualify them and all that rubbish but they are leads by the very fact they put themselves out to the community for contact.

      That doesn't mean these contactees will buy from the contactors but they are leads and they are free. I've sold several nice sized contracts off this "suspect" list.

      Just me thinkiing out loud.

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    • Profile picture of the author Rearden
      These aren't leads, they are suspects.

      Leads are people who raise their hands expressing some level interest in your product or service.
      David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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      • Profile picture of the author umc
        Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

        These aren't leads, they are suspects.

        Leads are people who raise their hands expressing some level interest in your product or service.
        I agree. Otherwise I was an even better telemarketer than I thought back in the day. I had sheets of thousands of names and numbers. Yet I only set up maybe 10 leads a day.

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      • Profile picture of the author century90
        Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

        These aren't leads, they are suspects.

        Leads are people who raise their hands expressing some level interest in your product or service.
        You are absolutely right, I am agree with you.
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  • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
    leads, suspects, it's a contact you didn't have a second before. Who cares what you call it. Good post. Thanks.

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  • Profile picture of the author winagain
    Not a bad idea, but usually they want you to join those chambers of commerce.
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  • Profile picture of the author NewParadigm
    Another great way is networking w/ commercial real estate owners who sign the lease in the first place, often tenants ask them questions on who to call for this/that. Also network with sign companies, commercial built-out construction co's, etc... Everyone a new brick n mortar business deals with early on.

    For restaurants/bars, network with food/beverage distributors. Those sales people are hungry for money and know the owners/managers long before they open when crafting menus etc...

    Any of these are generally happy to tradeout for warm leads or get some $$comm for a sale that pans out.

    In a moment of decision the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. ~ Theodore Roosevelt

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    • Profile picture of the author ClayWhite
      Go to your local county clerks office or go online to the business license/tax website for your county and they will have a search you can run to find businesses that just received or renewed their business license.

      I just got off of my cities website and was able to get over 700 fresh business "CONTACT INFORMATION".

      THIS IS CONTACT INFORMATION!! take it and turn it into whatever you want to call it lead, prospect, pipeline dweller.

      All-In-All it's still great FREE information that can turn into a lot of money if cropped right.
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  • Profile picture of the author xlfutur1
    Couldn't you just go to and get the same "leads" list? It might be a better list because all businesses don't join the chamber of commerce in their town.
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  • Profile picture of the author Voasi
    This list, even if they're not qualified.

    The only way I'd use that list though is to have some $2/hr. outsourcer email/call to see if they're interested to TURN THEM into a lead.

    But even then, that may be just adding "noise" to what you're doing. For me... that would be "noise", meaning I may get a client here or there, but that's not a business, that's just a couple of side bucks.

    For me, I want a list of businesses, in a certain vertical, paying $X dollars a month on the internet. That's a good "suspect" for me, as I want to offer them SEO services and that business already understands the need to spend money on the web.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rearden
      That's the perfect list. Especially if it's worked continuously over many years.

      In selling life insurance, the best prospect is the one that already has a policy.

      Why? Because they are believers. And obviously the same is true in selling offline services.

      Do you create this list yourself through interaction with suspects, or is it possible to buy a list like this?

      Originally Posted by Voasi View Post

      This list, even if they're not qualified.

      The only way I'd use that list though is to have some $2/hr. outsourcer email/call to see if they're interested to TURN THEM into a lead.

      But even then, that may be just adding "noise" to what you're doing. For me... that would be "noise", meaning I may get a client here or there, but that's not a business, that's just a couple of side bucks.

      For me, I want a list of businesses, in a certain vertical, paying dollars a month on the internet. That's a good "suspect" for me, as I want to offer them SEO services and that business already understands the need to spend money on the web.
      David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author iWebProfits
    Hey that's not a bad idea.. Put together a web design package targeted towards brand new businesses and your golden.


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  • Profile picture of the author Ducksauce
    Great idea, thanks for that, yeah every city has a different format, but this is life.

    I love life an everything in it. Don't worry, be happy.

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  • Profile picture of the author Anoosh Kashefi
    This is really a great idea.. TALK about target leads. These people just started a new business and there only worries right now?

    Getting customers, and making that donut money! To think, you come in like a knight in shining armor offering exactly what they are looking for - A cost effective way to drive tons of customers both online and off!

    Good stuff!
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