Closing Stats On All Phone VS Phone Then Face to Face Appointment?

9 replies
I started my offline company back around a year ago now, and have worked full time at it for about 5 months I'd say (other business I was running, slow months during end of year/beginning of year, etc)

Anyway, I've got around 45-50 clients out of it so far, ALL COLD CALLING and emailing to converse, well apart from maybe 2 clients.

So my old method was:

Call and ask if interested in new website >>> Send email with my company information, examples of work, and testimonials >>> call again until they either make it clear they are not interested, or become a customer

My new method I'm thinking will be:

Call and ask if interested in new website >>> Send email with my company information, examples of work, and testimonials >>> setup meeting as soon as possible to close the sale and try get a check during the meeting to get rid of dawdling and LMR

Typically my numbers from the old method would be pretty average, it would work out about 3-4% of people I actually talked to from the initial cold call would buy a website (actual conversations only)

Anyone got experience with this, I mean those who've actually done both, and have gotten some idea of number differences in potential clients to paying clients.
#appointment #closing #face #phone #stats
  • Profile picture of the author Preeti
    If they are local, definitely go in for that meeting.

    I've worked mainly with clients outside my city, province and even country but decided to reach out to some local clients and I'm loving the conversion rates--I've walked out with a cheque in my hand 90%+ of the time!!!

    Create some type of urgency within the meeting--to get them to move forward. (i.e. offering an incentive to sign today or an extra bonus/goodie that you'll include).

    Hope that helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author CudaFish
    If they are local, go for a meeting.

    If they aren't, still, set up a gotomeeting or something similar for a week out.

    People have this threshold before they will buy and so you need to work them up to that point. Building rapport and giving them something (say a report, diagnostic, doesn't really matter, just has to exist haha) will help build value. Then on the Closing call, set the expectation at the beginning that you're going to ask for money at the end. Say something like "So John, if I can show you beyond a shadow of a doubt that this website is the best fit for you, and will help your company increase conversions online, is this something we can get started with today?"

    Always works. Hit me up via pm if you'd like to chat more.

    - Mark Cuda
    Signature | marketing | design | work / life balance
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    If you learn how to sell in person and prospect to set up appointments face to face, you'll differentiate yourself from 95% of the dorks out there living in their mother's basement who don't know how to talk to a human being, but know how to build a killer website.

    Meaning you'll probably close more and larger cases. Because business owners need folks like you who can understand their situation and build a customized solution to fix their problems.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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    • Profile picture of the author CudaFish
      Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

      If you learn how to sell in person and prospect to set up appointments face to face, you'll differentiate yourself from 95% of the dorks out there living in their mother's basement who don't know how to talk to a human being, but know how to build a killer website.

      Meaning you'll probably close more and larger cases. Because business owners need folks like you who can understand their situation and build a customized solution to fix their problems.
      Said nicely.

      Let's get real. Business owners don't give a darn about the amazing website you want to offer. They simply want someone that understands their actual needs and can help them achieve them. Just be that guy and your in.

      - Mark Cuda
      Signature | marketing | design | work / life balance
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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

      If you learn how to sell in person and prospect to set up appointments face to face, you'll differentiate yourself from 95% of the dorks out there living in their mother's basement who don't know how to talk to a human being, but know how to build a killer website.

      Meaning you'll probably close more and larger cases. Because business owners need folks like you who can understand their situation and build a customized solution to fix their problems.
      Pure truth here.

      But your closing ratios have more to do with you than the method. If you are not good selling in person you will not close people.

      That said the vast majority of people will close more as the method gets more personal. People need trust in order to buy and it is easier to build trust when they hear and see you.

      There is a reason why the companies like TV stations that charge thousands for advertising send people in person to talk to business owners and managers.
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  • Profile picture of the author HarveyH
    Some good points made in here, If you can meet face to face is always a great way to seal a deal... we used to run a wholesale business which is slightly different from what you do but the conversion rates we're always higher when we actually met our clients face to face.

    Although this is not always possible, and again it really depends on how much the sale value will be and is it worth the travel/time for each new lead.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Conversion rates really have more to do with the individual than anything else.

    There is no "one best way" to make sales. If it turns out that you are more comfortable with visiting, then go ahead and visit.
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    • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
      Thanks guys, great feedback

      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Conversion rates really have more to do with the individual than anything else.

      There is no "one best way" to make sales. If it turns out that you are more comfortable with visiting, then go ahead and visit.
      That's partially the reason I want to do face to face meetings, because i'm NOT COMFORTABLE with it.

      I think it's the next evolution not only for my business, but for myself as a person.

      The higher conversion rates, and bigger deals are not a bad secondary motivation either though

      Warriors - Try LINKVANA For Just $14 First Month, Including Credits To Try Out The System! Check it out!

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  • Profile picture of the author IM nice guy
    On a similar note to the topic of this thread, I'm going to be moving city pretty soon, and will definitely be becoming a member of the city's (Edinburgh, UK) chamber of commerce, as it's a great way to practice, get my foot in, and this particular chamber has over 2000 members, so plenty of potential to do well if I can market MYSELF the right way

    Warriors - Try LINKVANA For Just $14 First Month, Including Credits To Try Out The System! Check it out!

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