What To Do After The Cold Call? - Web Design Clients

by rlcf
9 replies
Hi everyone,

So I used a method I found online to get targeted leads and got 4 people who are 'interested' in web design. Woo! I cold called them and they said they were interested in web design, at the end of the call I asked them for their best email so I can send them more information. I got their best emails and sent all the necessary information to each of them today. I basically told them what's included in a basic web design and I linked to my 'request a quote' page on my website so they can request a quote from me.

I have not gotten any emails back, it's been about 6 hours. Should I expect to get an email back the same day? Or does it usually take a couple of days?

If I don't get an email back same day should I make a follow up call the next day letting them know I sent them an email? I'm itching to get more clients.

Any help is appreciated.

#call #clients #cold #design #web
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Your whole method is convoluted.

    They tell you they are interested in web design and then you send them to a website so they can request a quote.

    Kinda like throwing the fish back into the lake and trying to catch him again.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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    • Profile picture of the author digichik
      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      Your whole method is convoluted.

      They tell you they are interested in web design and then you send them to a website so they can request a quote.

      Kinda like throwing the fish back into the lake and trying to catch him again.
      And that's the truth. I'm still laughing...

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    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      Your whole method is convoluted.

      They tell you they are interested in web design and then you send them to a website so they can request a quote.

      Kinda like throwing the fish back into the lake and trying to catch him again.
      Eddie posted basically what I wanted to post after reading that.

      Sell these people on the phone.

      Need time to get a quote together? Collect the info and schedule a time to call back with the quote.

      Like to meet in person to close? Schedule the appointment.

      Just close them on something. If you are on the phone you could be closing a lot of these guys and be taking deposits right then and there.

      You know the one thing that buyers hate? When a salesman won't sell them what they want to buy. Once someone wants to buy the only questions should be related to how will they pay and how much they want to buy.
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      • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
        Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

        You know the one thing that buyers hate? When a salesman won't sell them what they want to buy. Once someone wants to buy the only questions should be related to how will they pay and how much they want to buy.
        My respect goes up for you almost daily.

        Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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  • Profile picture of the author kellyyarnsbro
    If they tell you that they are interested better call them back for follow-up, or the best way could be a meet up but this only works if the distance bettween you two is just a mile away or you both aren't busy.
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  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    Okay, on a more serious note, instead of asking them for their email address, why don't you ask them if they would like to pay by check or credit card?

    Also, once you send an email or direct mail to a prospect, you should always follow-up with them within 24-48 hours, unless they request otherwise. Don't ever count on them calling you. Life happens, people get busy and just don't take the time to call you. If you want the sale it's up to you to follow-up with them.

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  • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
    Yeah I'm not sure why you aren't selling them on the cold call when they said they were interested or ask them to set up a time for a phone appointment. Your commoditizing your services by then sending them to a request a quote page....they should not be requesting any quotes, quotes are bad they mean the only differentiating factor between you and others is price. That is not how you make a lot of money that's how you become a lowest price provider.

    They also are probably confused as to why you sent them to a request a quote page after they told you they are interested in web design already.
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  • Profile picture of the author jfbmarketing
    I think you have it all back words, You have a window of opportunity when you got replies, these prospect have a need for your service. What you should do is call them and start like nothing has happened.

    Call them up and ask, hello so and so, did you have a chance to review my email. If they say no, ask them when it would be best for you to call them back.

    If they say yes, then go into your sales offer, review it all and ask them when would you like me start with your site or what ever it is your offer.....

    the key you have a live prospect why throw him back in the water and try to catch again like Eddie said a few replies above....just close him....

    If you do not call, l bet they may not ever call you back...people get busy, distracted or someone else has closed them....just the facts..

    All the Best,

    Joseph F. Botelho

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Originally Posted by Daniel Carnett View Post

    Hi everyone,

    So I used a method I found online to get targeted leads and got 4 people who are 'interested' in web design. Woo! I cold called them and they said they were interested in web design, at the end of the call I asked them for their best email so I can send them more information. I got their best emails and sent all the necessary information to each of them today. I basically told them what's included in a basic web design and I linked to my 'request a quote' page on my website so they can request a quote from me.

    I have not gotten any emails back, it's been about 6 hours. Should I expect to get an email back the same day? Or does it usually take a couple of days?

    If I don't get an email back same day should I make a follow up call the next day letting them know I sent them an email? I'm itching to get more clients.

    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Daniel,

    As others have pointed out, your process is backwards the way you've got it set up now. Easy to fix. Have a look at this:


    See the three steps to selling. What you've had set up is a sales funnel that is like "catch and release" fishing. Those 4 leads you got were fine. Yes, you should call them. But use the call to qualify--get more information on what they're looking for, their budget, their expectations. Discuss their problem, and how you can be the solution. Can you work with them? Then give them the price and ask how they want to pay.

    Don't do this thing of asking for an email address and sending them info later. That doesn't work because they have an interest NOW, and believe me they will be talking to other web designers. So while you're making them wait for info, "First In Wins"--the designer who talks to them NOW and sets up the sale will get the order.
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