$1,000 to invest, but I could use some advice.
I'm coming to you today seeking advice. I've been running my offline business for about 6 months now, and things have been very slow. I started with web design for local businesses, and now I've decided to focus on SEO/SEM and PPC for local businesses.
I want to invest about $1,000 into my business. I plan to start from scratch with a new business name, model, and website. I've never had this kind of money to invest in my business. Everything client I've had is from free methods like cold calling and craigslist, and by time I make a deal my money is pretty much spent...
My business model uses a white label SEO program, and most of the hard work is outsourced, allowing me to focus on the clients themselves. I know a lot about SEO, but I'm far from a pro. With the program I get a dedicated account manager that will help me with keyword selection, proposals and a lot more. I'm not worried about handling my clients, only how to get them.
Should I setup a sales page with 3 SEO packages and drive traffic with PPC? Maybe have a 5 page website with contact request form mixed with PPC? Grab a PLR ebook for local business owners and build a list followed by auto-responder emails trying to soft sell my services?
How would you invest $1,000?
Deliver Bigger.
Deliver Bigger.
Deliver Bigger.
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âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
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