$1,000 to invest, but I could use some advice.

by d1ey0u
29 replies
Hello Warriors,

I'm coming to you today seeking advice. I've been running my offline business for about 6 months now, and things have been very slow. I started with web design for local businesses, and now I've decided to focus on SEO/SEM and PPC for local businesses.

I want to invest about $1,000 into my business. I plan to start from scratch with a new business name, model, and website. I've never had this kind of money to invest in my business. Everything client I've had is from free methods like cold calling and craigslist, and by time I make a deal my money is pretty much spent...

My business model uses a white label SEO program, and most of the hard work is outsourced, allowing me to focus on the clients themselves. I know a lot about SEO, but I'm far from a pro. With the program I get a dedicated account manager that will help me with keyword selection, proposals and a lot more. I'm not worried about handling my clients, only how to get them.

Should I setup a sales page with 3 SEO packages and drive traffic with PPC? Maybe have a 5 page website with contact request form mixed with PPC? Grab a PLR ebook for local business owners and build a list followed by auto-responder emails trying to soft sell my services?

How would you invest $1,000?
#advice #invest #local business
  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Well big spender , I can give you some advice
    Send me $1000 and Ill tell you what to do.

    Really man 1k is nothing.

    Lets be real, you said that using free methods like craiglist and coldcalling have "cost" you profits then how are you going to make money by spending it to get clients?

    Have you considered that you dont even understand fundamentals of running a business yet? Not trying to discourage you from success , just saying that its hard to imagine all of the sudden you are going to spend this 1k and everything is going to do a 180 degree turn.
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
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  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    How much were you selling your services for? Did you have a lead generation system in place -- ex. cold calling, emailing, direct mailing, etc. ? What kind of phone script were you using? How many calls per day were you making? How many phone presentations per day? How many emails were you sending out each day? What kind of email sequence were you using? Once you contacted businesses how were you following up with them, or were you following up? Why aren't you looking into how you can improve your 'free' marketing methods, before looking to spend.

    How do you plan to sell your SEO services? What kind of marketing do you plan to do to sell your services?

    By answering some of these questions you may see some of your mistakes and you will be giving us more information to be able to actually help you.

    There is a whole lot of free information in this forum, but you'll need to use the 'search' button.

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  • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
    Honestly, I AM a little discouraged now. I come to Warrior Forum to educate myself and ask questions.

    I know $1,000 is not a lot of money, and in no way do I consider myself big spender... I've just never had any start-up money, and this is exciting for me, being able to spend $1,000 on marketing my business.

    I do know some fundamentals of running a business. I'm taking some college business and marketing classes, and I've learned a lot. I'm still a noob and I still have so much more to learn, but it doesn't mean I have to give up because of some negative nancy..

    Even though you didn't have anything nice to say I still think it will make a huge difference. Being able to invest in PPC and other paid methods will definitely help my business. Maybe not a 180 degree turn, but enough to see progress.

    I didn't lose money from free lead generation methods. I was saying that I have bills and debts, and by the time I make a deal my money is pretty much spent. I've only had 6 web design clients over 6 months... That's bad, I know.


    That's what I'm trying to figure out. How I want to sell my services. I have several packages that I offer ranging from $200-$1,200 a month.
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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
      Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

      Honestly, I AM a little discouraged now. I come to Warrior Forum to educate myself and ask questions.

      I know $1,000 is not a lot of money, and in no way do I consider myself big spender... I've just never had any start-up money, and this is exciting for me, being able to spend $1,000 on marketing my business.

      I do know some fundamentals of running a business. I'm taking some college business and marketing classes, and I've learned a lot. I'm still a noob and I still have so much more to learn, but it doesn't mean I have to give up because of some negative nancy..

      Even though you didn't have anything nice to say I still think it will make a huge difference. Being able to invest in PPC and other paid methods will definitely help my business. Maybe not a 180 degree turn, but enough to see progress.

      I didn't lose money from free lead generation methods. I was saying that I have bills and debts, and by the time I make a deal my money is pretty much spent. I've only had 6 web design clients over 6 months... That's bad, I know.


      That's what I'm trying to figure out. How I want to sell my services. I have several packages that I offer ranging from $200-$1,200 a month.
      You're weak kid, I can tell from the way you are so sensitive about my mostly tame comments.

      All Im saying is that your hustle and drive will be what you really need to get going and this 1k aint gonna be the ticket. You think that its going to produce something magical that will overcome your general lack of effort and laziness.

      And no Im not being negative Im telling you whats up in your head.
      I would be excited to hear your progress and in say 6 months from now you bump this thread up and show me how wrong I was.

      I will make a video of me kissing a picture of your ass and tell you congrats for taking action.

      PS. If these comments are making you sad and discouraging you then that only proves my point of how this is not for you, the world is much tougher than some "negative Nancy" on a marketing forum.
      Promise Big.
      Deliver Bigger.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8046379].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sys4
        You could use some of your money to purchase a membership in your local chamber of commerce and other local business oriented groups (board of realtors, business meetup groups, etc.)

        Then use these groups for networking. Volunteer to speak at group events and mark yourself as the go to guy for SEO.
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      • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
        Yes I'm a beginner, we've both made this clear.

        I understand some of the points you're making, but why must you be so negative? I learned a lot from this forum, mainly from asking questions.

        Back on topic...

        I was thinking of something similar to this website layout.

        SEOWEKNOW.com | Top 10 Guaranteed – SEO Services Company

        Run 2 PPC campaigns, $500 each over 30 days.

        Campaign #1

        Main sales page similar to the link above. It would have a sales copy with 3-4 different packages ranging from $200-$1,200, custom quote form, a pop-up optin box for newsletter, and contact info (skype, phone, email).

        Campaign #2

        Squeeze page where I would offer a website review. Record a 5-10 minute video reviewing the business owners website. This is enough time for me to give them a lot of valuable information with a small sales pitch at the end.

        Does this sound like a good approach?
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        • Profile picture of the author RimaNaj2011
          I would put it into getting a good list.

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          • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
            Originally Posted by RimaNaj2011 View Post

            I would put it into getting a good list.
            I was considering this too. My current list is only 32 subscribers. I get about 1 every 2 days.. I wrote the ebook myself, and it could use a lot of work.

            I spoke with another warrior about helping with my ebook, but I just haven't decided what path to take yet with my budget.
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            • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
              Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

              Yes I'm a beginner, we've both made this clear.

              I understand some of the points you're making, but why must you be so negative? I learned a lot from this forum, mainly from asking questions.

              Back on topic...

              I was thinking of something similar to this website layout.

              SEOWEKNOW.com | Top 10 Guaranteed - SEO Services Company

              Run 2 PPC campaigns, $500 each over 30 days.

              Campaign #1

              Main sales page similar to the link above. It would have a sales copy with 3-4 different packages ranging from $200-$1,200, custom quote form, a pop-up optin box for newsletter, and contact info (skype, phone, email).

              Campaign #2

              Squeeze page where I would offer a website review. Record a 5-10 minute video reviewing the business owners website. This is enough time for me to give them a lot of valuable information with a small sales pitch at the end.

              Does this sound like a good approach?
              Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

              I was considering this too. My current list is only 32 subscribers. I get about 1 every 2 days.. I wrote the ebook myself, and it could use a lot of work.

              I spoke with another warrior about helping with my ebook, but I just haven't decided what path to take yet with my budget.

              Sounds to me one of your problems is your identity. I don't think you really know what you want to do. Do you want to build a business, or build an IM list?

              1K in PPC you will likely run at a loss. Most ppc campaigns start off running at a loss so 1K won't get you far.

              Good luck... I don't think you're focused enough to really improve your situation by a lot. I would suggest you figure out what exactly you want to do before dumping money into something.
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        • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
          Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

          Yes I'm a beginner, we've both made this clear.

          I understand some of the points you're making, but why must you be so negative? I learned a lot from this forum, mainly from asking questions.

          Back on topic...

          I was thinking of something similar to this website layout.

          SEOWEKNOW.com | Top 10 Guaranteed - SEO Services Company

          Run 2 PPC campaigns, $500 each over 30 days.

          Campaign #1

          Main sales page similar to the link above. It would have a sales copy with 3-4 different packages ranging from $200-$1,200, custom quote form, a pop-up optin box for newsletter, and contact info (skype, phone, email).

          Campaign #2

          Squeeze page where I would offer a website review. Record a 5-10 minute video reviewing the business owners website. This is enough time for me to give them a lot of valuable information with a small sales pitch at the end.

          Does this sound like a good approach?
          NO NO NO NO and NO

          You dont want real advice you just want someone to agree with you.
          Go ahead and try your methods because that is the only thing that is going to make you realize how futile they are.

          You refuse to listen to people who have been there and done that.
          You obviously want some kind of shortcut to take the place of real work of getting out there and talking to people.

          The only person being negative in this thread is you, so continue to NEGATE good advice in search of the "MAGIC BUTTON"
          Promise Big.
          Deliver Bigger.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8046528].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
            Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

            NO NO NO NO and NO

            You dont want real advice you just want someone to agree with you.
            Go ahead and try your methods because that is the only thing that is going to make you realize how futile they are.

            You refuse to listen to people who have been there and done that.
            You obviously want some kind of shortcut to take the place of real work of getting out there and talking to people.

            The only person being negative in this thread is you, so continue to NEGATE good advice in search of the "MAGIC BUTTON"
            Ok man. lol
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8046531].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Anthem40
              Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

              Ok man. lol
              You need to consider what he is telling you.
              95% of IM'ers have great relationships with clients who also advertise offline and with other people. Stop missing out on that cash and leverage into it. PM me if you are an established marketer and want to find out how.
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  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    How much were you selling your web design services for? How much cold calling did you actually do? And if you would answer some of my other questions, I may be able to help steer you in the right direction and give you some positive feedback.

    There are many people on this forum who have helped me, I'd like to pay it forward, I just need more information from you.

    Feel free to PM me, if you are more comfortable with that. It's just that in the open forum there may be someone else who is going thru a similar situation, who could also benefit from any information shared. When done privately others can't benefit.

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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    Spend that thousand on a good pair of shoes and suit to cold call in, a BNI membership, and some nice cards and fliers to hand out.

    Marketing is extremely overrated unless you're a heavy hitter and can buy both big volume and good copy writing.

    In the mean time, your concerns should be:

    1) Am I seeing 12 to 15 new businesses a week to talk about SEO design?
    2) Am I walking into 20 to 30 businesses daily to talk about SEO design?
    3) Am I making 30 to 50 call backs on the people I didn't speak to to set an appointment to talk about SEO design?

    Do that for a month or two and tell us the results.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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    • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
      Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

      Spend that thousand on a good pair of shoes and suit to cold call in, a BNI membership, and some nice cards and fliers to hand out.

      Marketing is extremely overrated unless you're a heavy hitter and can buy both big volume and good copy writing.

      In the mean time, your concerns should be:

      1) Am I seeing 12 to 15 new businesses a week to talk about SEO design?
      2) Am I walking into 20 to 30 businesses daily to talk about SEO design?
      3) Am I making 30 to 50 call backs on the people I didn't speak to to set an appointment to talk about SEO design?

      Do that for a month or two and tell us the results.

      There are all sorts of things you could do. There is a lot of different math we could spend time working on. But that would all just slow you down.

      Your number one priority, as a moral person, is to succeed. You simply must raise your game through the roof. You have an obligation to do more than you are now.

      Follow the advice in Rearden's post. Don't do anything else. You simply must start kicking ass. This is your time to prove what you have been thinking all along...That you can do more and be more than someone's employee...That you can do what it takes to make it happen.

      I don't care if you don't like calling, do you realize that you averaged a new client every 133 calls? That is a number you can use. Call, visit, network, run yourself in the ground for the next few months!

      EDIT: Just want to say that $1k will disappear so fast if you are trying to do PPC or Direct Mail. digichik has some good advice with Mobile Renegade and calling.

      The bottom line is if you don't contact 500 businesses in some way over the next month, you can only blame yourself if you don't get the results you seek.
      Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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    • Profile picture of the author Dustin Blevins
      Originally Posted by Rearden View Post

      Spend that thousand on a good pair of shoes and suit to cold call in, a BNI membership, and some nice cards and fliers to hand out.

      Marketing is extremely overrated unless you're a heavy hitter and can buy both big volume and good copy writing.

      In the mean time, your concerns should be:

      1) Am I seeing 12 to 15 new businesses a week to talk about SEO design?
      2) Am I walking into 20 to 30 businesses daily to talk about SEO design?
      3) Am I making 30 to 50 call backs on the people I didn't speak to to set an appointment to talk about SEO design?

      Do that for a month or two and tell us the results.
      This is exactly what I was going to suggest. Get a well designed business card that stands out. Get a nice suit. Find someone to sponsor you in a networking group such as BNI.

      I would not worry about spending money to get traffic as I would worry about becoming confident in all that is online marketing.

      I am pretty content with my offline business, but if I were going to step into selling local seo/sem/ppc this is what I would spend money on. (I have debated doing this, but why stop doing something that is already making you successful :p)

      -Buy a suit / shoes / tie / belt
      -Get a haircut and shave
      -Get an amazing business card
      -Buy a computer and possibly a projector
      -Start networking and offer to do presentations and workshops for small businesses

      I did this with my current business and I not only got clients from the people I spoke with, but I also got referrals.
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  • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
    I only made about 400 cold calls total, and from it I landed 3 of my 6 clients. I'm not too comfortable with cold calling yet, and I would like to find another method for obtaining clients.

    I know these free methods work. I just don't want to cold call or cold email. I was thinking about a direct mail campaign, but I'm still a little nervous about spending this kind of money.

    I'm also a student with no help from parents, so I have some what of a tight budget.
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Domino
      Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

      I only made about 400 cold calls total, and from it I landed 3 of my 6 clients. I'm not too comfortable with cold calling yet, and I would like to find another method for obtaining clients.

      I know these free methods work. I just don't want to cold call or cold email. I was thinking about a direct mail campaign, but I'm still a little nervous about spending this kind of money.

      I'm also a student with no help from parents, so I have some what of a tight budget.

      Unlike the previous posters, I don't think you're lazy. I think you're silly (so as to not use a more hurtful qualificative).

      You've ALREADY picked up the phone. You've ALREADY made sales. You already did more in 6 months than a lot of people on this forum.

      And you're straight up telling us "I know it works but I don't wanna do it no more".

      It's sunday as I'm writing this. Imagine if you did another 400 calls this week. Let's say you got half of the results from your last 400. That would give you 3 more clients in the next 2 weeks. And another 3 in the following 2 weeks.

      Completely manually, with zero optimization of any sort, no complex gadget, no nothing, you've got 6 clients per month. Conservatively.

      And you're telling us "I won't do it". Do you understand why other posters sound negative?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8046539].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author d1ey0u
        Originally Posted by Robert Domino View Post


        Unlike the previous posters, I don't think you're lazy. I think you're silly (so as to not use a more hurtful qualificative).

        You've ALREADY picked up the phone. You've ALREADY made sales. You already did more in 6 months than a lot of people on this forum.

        And you're straight up telling us "I know it works but I don't wanna do it no more".

        It's sunday as I'm writing this. Imagine if you did another 400 calls this week. Let's say you got half of the results from your last 400. That would give you 3 more clients in the next 2 weeks. And another 3 in the following 2 weeks.

        Completely manually, with zero optimization of any sort, no complex gadget, no nothing, you've got 6 clients per month. Conservatively.

        And you're telling us "I won't do it". Do you understand why other posters sound negative?
        Putting it that way, yes I understand. I guess it is silly that I've used methods that work, but I don't want to use them anymore. I know that I shouldn't take it personal when someone shuts me down when cold calling, but I always do. I do research on my cold call list to make sure the business can benefit from my services, and when they shut me down for some reason I take it personal.

        I can overcome this, but I would feel more comfortable dealing with prospects that are searching for services that I offer.
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        • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
          Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

          Yes I'm a beginner...

          Does this sound like a good approach?
          No - It sounds like a terrible approach. Your $1k will be blown before you even get started. It just doesn't work like that. You simply MUST get this passive income crap out of your mind.

          You have to go out and seize success. Grab it by the neck and and make it submit to you.

          Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

          Ok man. lol
          That is not a good response. He is 100% correct. He is trying to HELP you.

          Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

          I can overcome this, but I would feel more comfortable dealing with prospects that are searching for services that I offer.
          Forget it. 90% of the people you will sell to are not actively looking for your service. When they DO go looking, they have 1 million choices and are not likely to choose a beginner. You just don't have the chops to compete at that level and make a lot of cash.

          Don't focus on the 10% who have 1 million options. Focus on the 90% who are not actively looking. A large % of those have a feeling in the back of their mind that they need something. When you come along, you motivate them to act. For you that number has been 1 in every 133 so far.

          The thing is, you just don't seem like you are really there yet mentally. You aren't quite willing to do WHATEVER it takes. Your blood isn't boiling red-hot with a desire to succeed yet.
          Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
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        • Profile picture of the author maximus242
          Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

          Putting it that way, yes I understand. I guess it is silly that I've used methods that work, but I don't want to use them anymore. I know that I shouldn't take it personal when someone shuts me down when cold calling, but I always do. I do research on my cold call list to make sure the business can benefit from my services, and when they shut me down for some reason I take it personal.

          I can overcome this, but I would feel more comfortable dealing with prospects that are searching for services that I offer.
          What I sugeest is a lead generation campaign

          You can do PPC, Flyers, Classified ads, Direct Mail, Space Buys, etc.

          You will need to

          1. Create a decent ad
          2. Test the ad in several media
          3. Repeat

          You should keep your tests to around $100 per test so you have 10 chances to find a winning ad. Reinvest the profits from your sales back into the advertising to grow your business.

          P.S. A lot of the so called offline business owners in this section have their head up their ass. Why is it the smallest businesses always like to act the biggest.

          Like a little dog that barks too loud. If you got a problem with the OP then stick it. Hes just trying to find a less painful way to generate sales, you dont have to be a-holes about it.

          xResponsive Advertising Agency | Direct Marketing | Online Advertising | Create Breakthrough Campaigns for Your Business http://xresponsive.com

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        • Profile picture of the author rundmc56
          Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

          Putting it that way, yes I understand. I guess it is silly that I've used methods that work, but I don't want to use them anymore. I know that I shouldn't take it personal when someone shuts me down when cold calling, but I always do. I do research on my cold call list to make sure the business can benefit from my services, and when they shut me down for some reason I take it personal.

          I can overcome this, but I would feel more comfortable dealing with prospects that are searching for services that I offer.
          You say you can overcome prospecting but deep down you don't believe its true.

          I say this because if you truly believed you could overcome it, you would.

          I say this not to be mean or disrespectful but only to help.

          I know this from personal experience as I deal with it almost everyday. I have been where you are and I still go back to that mindset from time to time.

          My suggestion would be to make yourself strong first. Work on yourself first. Become the best salesperson you can be and that involves prospecting

          Once you become proficient at prospecting and sales you can then risk branching out to other forms of marketing because you already have money coming in. At that point you can afford to make marketing mistakes here and there.

          Right now you can't afford to make any mistakes. You only have $1,000.

          You know prospecting is profitable. You've already made money doing it.

          Forget the comfort. Forget about what you like to do.

          Start with what works. Invest in taking action in prospecting and instead take some of that $1,000 and buy someone you love a gift of appreciation.
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  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    First you have to decide on which services you want to feature ex. SEO, Web Design, Rep Management, etc.. So many potential clients have been scammed by "SEO experts" it can be a difficult service to lead with. That's why many people lead with Web Design or something else.

    Marketing your services is going to involve many different things, you will have to integrate cold calling(phone), cold calling(walk-in), email marketing, direct mail, classified ad, print ads.

    I don't believe changing over to SEO from Web Design is going to increase your business. Your problem is not the service you offer, but the lack of commitment to marketing your services. You are going to have to dedicate yourself to marketing your business.

    1. Cold Calling (phone
    ) -- find yourself a good phone script or have someone write one for you. Use the search feature, there is some good information here on phone scripts, getting past gatekeepers, qualifying, tie-downs, closing. Do Searches for post by:

    Jason Kanigan
    DavidMiller -- you can hire him to write a great phone script.
    there are others, but I can't remember them right now.

    2. Email Marketing -- this can work, it's just not as effective as talking to DMs to me. I do it usually at 2am(I suffer from insomnia) you'll have to send out many emails to get a few responses. Thus be sure to follow-up by phone within 24-48 hours of sending them. Do a search for WSOs by Dexx, he has one that has a complete PLR email sequence to send to prospects. BruceNew media also offers a good email WSO. I'm not affiliated with either of them.

    3. Direct Mail
    -- you can write short letters to DMs, at businesses you want to target. Try to send at least 20 per week. You will need to buy some nice paper(laid finish or linen finish) and nice matching envelope. Some people suggest getting the small invitation size envelopes, then folding your letter into fourths to fit, hand write the address and return, put the stamp on a little crooked. You should get a response from this. Follow-up within 48-72 hours of mailing, by phone. Search for post by:

    Ewenmack -- he has made some great posts on this subject. You can also hire him to write emails and letter for you. He is worth the investment.

    4. Craigslist -- People make money from posting their ads on CL, hasn't worked that great for me. To be honest, I haven't really pursued it. Search for posts by:

    They have all given really good information about using CL for getting clients.

    If you are going to spend your money on anything, I recommend you buy only tools to help you run your business. In addition to the WSOs I have suggested I suggest you get a scraper:

    Mobile Renegade is great, it's effective and affordable and should give you more leads than you'll know what to do with. Gives emails too.

    GPScraper is good too. It has an feature to help you with emails too.

    Postage -- $25.00 per week minimum

    Good Stationey and envelopes -- $100.00

    To sum this up, I see your problem as a lack of dedication to your marketing efforts. When you get serious about marketing your business -- making 100 phone calls/day talking to at least 20 decision makers, sending 50 letters/week to decision makers at qualified businesses, learning how to set up your email program and emailing 2000 emails/month, writing effective classified ads and getting them posted to CL multiple times per day every day-- only then will you begin to get the clients you want to get. This is not easy and it involves a lot of tedious tasks(until you can outsource them) but you will see a payoff, if you just do it, EVERYDAY!

    I wish you much success.

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Domino
    Originally Posted by d1ey0u View Post

    My business model uses a white label SEO program, and most of the hard work is outsourced, allowing me to focus on the clients themselves. I know a lot about SEO, but I'm far from a pro. With the program I get a dedicated account manager that will help me with keyword selection, proposals and a lot more. I'm not worried about handling my clients, only how to get them.
    This is another thing you should probably improve. This program with an account manager and whatever is probably going to eat up most of your profits.

    Anyway.. as others have said, the biggest problem right now is reflected in your title. 1k is nothing to achieve what you're trying to do. Over the years I've saved up a good amount of money and I always wondered "what would people suggest doing with X amount" but all the suggestions in the world won't replace working on it. Even if I bought an already successful company, I'd have to work hard to not drive it into the ground.

    Try to find it. Someone posted, maybe 3-4 months ago (?) how they built their web design service from scratch over 12ish months. Might give you some ideas.

    I still think you should get over yourself and start calling again. I realize you don't like it but you got results from it. The people won't bite.

    I'm rambling a little more. Here's a real life example you cold callers out there should remember for the future:

    Someone went online and filled out a bunch of forms using my wife's name, email address and phone number. Over the last 2 weeks, we got around 40-50 calls about "her request for student loans". I guess that makes it not entirely cold call but the point remains...

    As you can imagine, after the first few calls we got pretty irritated and have become more and more angry on the phone. If these people calling took it personal, they would be down on themselves, even though their odds of closing us are really 0%. Like Jason Kannigan would say, you just get over your fragile little ego and move on to the next call.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden

    Thanks for your honesty.

    I can tell you truthfully YOU are your biggest road block.

    You are looking for the silver bullet; trust me, it doesn't exist.

    I know this because I have the same tendencies to screw with something that works over the long haul, but may experience lapses in effectiveness in the short term.

    But that's the nature of things -- we all have ups and downs for a variety of reasons, whether we use lead generation systems or straight up cold calling.

    Take it from experienced marketers -- when you buy leads or create a lead generation system, you have to have WAY more than $1000 to tweak it and make it profitable.

    I always tell people entering the final expense life insurance business that you need to be able to put up at least $3000, if not $5000, to make a direct mail business reply card campaign work. And this is on a predictable, tried-and-true, decades-old lead generation system, versus your "shot in the dark." No offense, of course.

    When you cold call, people are NOT rejecting you. They are rejecting your offer.

    They are not interested in your services. That's all! And you should be glad -- because you won't waste time on the phone with them.

    If you have a hard time working the phone, go out on foot, business to business. Do 30 a day. Simply ask for an appointment to show the business owner what you have to offer.

    Business owners are much more sympathetic to someone who drops in, PLUS, they tend to respect you while giving you at least a modicum of time to pitch.

    Don't give up on yourself this early. You don't need any lead generation guru system to make your business a success.

    Success is already sitting your desk, waiting to be picked up and dialed. Do it!
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Young man...

      You are getting the real answers here from people who have gone through what you are going through.

      You don't need to invest $1,000 in anything. You need to sell. You are in a sales position.

      Can you build a list? Sure, but it will take time..time you could be making money.

      The "Networking idea" is good. But it isn't a substitute for selling, and part of selling is prospecting.

      There is no other way. Get at least passable at selling (which you probably are already), and see prospects.

      Your only question should be "Do I walk in, or call on the phone?"

      Want to deal with local clients? Walk in. You'll have to see fewer people to get a sale, than calling.

      Want to work with only one niche? (plumbers, pet groomers, dentists) Then get back on the phone.

      This is the single best advice I can give you. If you are going to use the phone, take a little of your money and invest in a great phone sales script from Jason Kanigan. Nothing will pay you more. Buy Mobile Renegade to get good scrapped lists. Save the rest of your money.

      If you are going to walk in, buy my book for $3 and get to work.

      You don't need stationary, Business cards are $10 a million at Vistaprint.com. Creating a advertising funnel? A great idea, but now you are waiting for people to call. What are you going to do the rest of the time (the other 99% of the time). Post #22 gave good advice. But you don't want to just sit there and wait. You need sales skills, and you get that by selling.

      Everything except calling or walking in is putting something between you and a buyer.

      You know what will get you over your fear of prospecting? Prospecting.
      Every time you talk to someone you get better at it, and you like it a little more.

      I'm sorry, that's the answer. Everything else is pretending you are doing business.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author bawls
        Find a IM business model that you feel not one that you can intellectually rationalize and the rest is a step by step process, all money is going to do is accelerate a working model not create one for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMAnthony
    Hi Dieyou, (by the way what a [...] nickname)
    well first let me congratulate you because you have some goals.
    But from my experience, if you are going to invest $1,000 you whould see first what is more comfortable for you. I mean, for example I would not recommend to make any cold call, as you can get discouraged very easy from the begining after a couple of calls when owner business say: "NO" and hang phone.
    And the problem is that cold call sucks at least you are a professional telemarketer. Not everybody has the 'talent' to succeed with cold calling it does not matter what many 'experts' say.

    What I would do is:

    -Lead generation model. Make a research for local business that will be interested in getting more leads and get a comission for every sale. I.E.I live in a touristic zone. I bought a domain to get leads from people searching for a special hosting. I got about 8 emails asking for information per month (I do not make SEO for this website not any investment so far, I just live in this zone and take the chances). I got $10 per person, and some groups are for 4 for 5+ days and-the good part- some are for 60 persons.

    -Print flyers.
    This is an excellent way to spread the word around your zone. Resturants, spas, fitness trainers etc, are struggling to get new clients every day. If you offer a coupon for a marketing strategy and deliver results using G adwords, you would get a winner. Just hire some guy to hand out them for you.

    This from my experience can have a negative impact on you. It's all about what you offer, your text copy, your landing page etc. so tou need to test first and that would
    consume your $1000 in no time with small results so, it's risky BUT can work in a great way if you DO it right. And for this I'll use definitely Facebook.

    -Visiting business
    The first time I did this I remember land a client who paid me $180 for a 5 page website. but that was after I visited about 15 businesses spending hours and firing my shoes. So, in your case can be different, better or worse.

    Hope that helps.


    Are You Ready to Make Money? ----->How I Made $2000 USING LINKEDIN!
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  • Profile picture of the author mrjosco
    You should take the $1000 and put it in the bank to cover your operating expenses for the next few months (internet, phone, business clothing, business cards, etc)

    Then you should pick up the phone and start calling.

    I know, I know - you don't WANT to do it this way. I understand that. Eventually you will have the option to leave the cold calling behind. I promise. In fact, the more you cold call today the sooner you can get clients by other methods.

    But $1000 isn't enough to do what needs to be done. You see, your business needs cold callers. If you cold call now and get a single client for 133 calls you can build a war chest big enough to spend on other marketing tools.

    For example, if you hook up skype to an autodialer and just sucked it up for 4 hours a day you would be able to make 200 calls. That is 1.5 clients per day!

    Let's assume you make a net profit of just $100 per client (I hope it is more, but lets be conservative)

    That means that from doing something you HATE for 4 hours a day you can make $150 profit per day.

    In 3 months you could have turned that $1000 into almost $10,000. And this assumes you don't improve your numbers at all during your 3 month 'hell' campaign (You will. You might even be able to get down to a new client for ever 60 calls)

    Now you are starting to get somewhere.

    NOW you have some money to invest in PPC, Direct Mail, Etc. And if you don't find a system that works?

    No worries. You have a backup. Sure, it sucks - but you have gotten good at it and you KNOW it works. That means if you lose your shirt trying to find other ways (and you might at first) you know how to get it all back.

    Take $1000 and hire an outsourced 'lead generator' or 'appointment scheduler' telemarketer. You can hire a domestic college student or outsource to a professional agency and still get 100 hours of cold calling. This will let you give them the script you have just mastered over 3 months and see if they can't get similar results.

    Take $5000 and try a large scale direct mail campaign. This should be enough to let you actually test the results.

    Spend another $1000 or so to get professional help in setting up the direct mail campaign, including a designer and/or copywriter.

    Take $2000 and invest in a test PPC campaign.

    Save the last $1000 in case these experiments don't work and you have to endure another 3 month 'hell'

    Short term pain for long term gain. Nothing in life comes easy.

    Vintage and Retro Shirts from Vinretro

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