How I Made $1860 + $500 Recurring Monthly For $3

41 replies
How's that for a title? I felt like making another one of those threads with tons of views and posts because the title draws in all you money hungry offliners().

While the title is a minor exaggeration of the truth (the total cost was probably more like $15 per week), I will explain what I mean within.

How I Made $1860 + $500 Recurring Monthly For $3

So Online Classified Ads. Holy moly, can they be a goldmine!

Now you Americans have Craigslist and while it is definitely in use here in Australia, we have a more popular (and very localized, right down to specific towns) version in Australia called Gumtree. So everything I lay out here should work exactly the same for Craigslist I assume. But anyway, here's what I did :

Step 1. Find a free online classifieds website that allows you to post ads for business services for free. (I use, I'm sure there are many others)

Step 2. Hire an experienced online classified ads poster from oDesk or another job site. Negotiate an acceptable rate. (My rate is $3 per post. They spin some of the posts content to avoid 'ghosting' and also use ip changers/email changers etc, since some sites actually requires you are 'local' for your potential customers PFFFFT!)

Step 3. Write the ad content yourself and create the thumbnail yourself. This is the secret sauce step I am going to share. Anyone who has read any good books on copywriting will know the key here, but here it is anyway...

Headline : "Warning : Read This Before Hiring A Web Designer!"

Thumbnail image : A big, bold, exclamation point, or DANGER sign, like you would see on a road sign.

Body Content : A written article, information marketing based, NOT a list of dot point services, that explains the '7 things to be wary of when hiring a designer'. Include your phone number at the end.

Now, the beauty of Gumtree, is that I can actually see how many visitors my ad has VS the competition. And comparisons (both ads posted the same day and time) showed that my ad receieved about 7-8 times more visitors than ANY OTHER ad in the web design category.

My ad had something like 80 visitors. The competition directly above and below, had like 7 visitors. Why? Because EVERY OTHER AD looked EXACTLY the same. Here is what to AVOID :

Headline : Amazing Web Design, Cheap Web Design, Free Hosting (etc)

Thumbnail image : Pretty websites, pretty ponies and rainbows, smiling office workers LOL

Body copy : Dot point list of services, free hosting, CALL NOW or other useless copy paste crap.

This is failure in advertising copy. Don't breathe this!

Step 4. Write a few articles, than have them spun by a very good spinner who is native english (be VERY careful with your outsourcer trying to spin the headline ESPECIALLY, since a not-quite-right sounding headline is DEATH for the ad) and get your guy to post them in all the popular cities/towns/suburbs you can afford.


This has literally been my ONLY other effective lead generation method for my web design/SEO business besides cold calling. Fair enough I haven't gone into direct mail yet, but geez, for the cost, this method is making bank.

So guys, hope you enjoyed this, and get out there and start posting some ads because there is money to be made!!
#$1860 #$500 #made #monthly #recurring
  • Profile picture of the author yixar
    Great post. I'll definitively try this out. I'm not from the US either so this should be a good way to use the online classified.
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  • Profile picture of the author kebertt
    We use Gumtree for our Australian lead generation, and I love it. I wish Craigslist had some of the features Gumtree has, such a better interface.
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  • Profile picture of the author Andy Lemos
    Bro you should create a WSO on this!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
    Ah my old Warning style ad layout is still producing.

    Thanks for the post.

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  • Profile picture of the author opalfx
    im excited about this. i think this could be another cool gun in my collection. thanks for the post.
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    • Profile picture of the author Scott Stevens
      Good going, Payoman. I know you've been having success with cold calling, so it's good you've added ads to your arsenal, too. Much like IAmNameless recommends.

      Gumtree is the Craigslist of England, too. I haven't used it yet to sell offline services.

      With Craigslist, some people use image ads to avoid duplicate content/ghosting/spam issues - can this be done with Gumtree, do you know?

      Yours in prosperity,
      Skochy - The Musical Salesman

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8083457].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author payoman
        Originally Posted by Scotty Stevens View Post

        Good going, Payoman. I know you've been having success with cold calling, so it's good you've added ads to your arsenal, too. Much like IAmNameless recommends.

        Gumtree is the Craigslist of England, too. I haven't used it yet to sell offline services.

        With Craigslist, some people use image ads to avoid duplicate content/ghosting/spam issues - can this be done with Gumtree, do you know?
        I guess so, since I only use about 5 variants of images for my ads and my guy hasnt mentioned it being an issue.
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  • Profile picture of the author hotpassion
    Great post, guy, I have tried Classified ads before without success, since I'm not US based.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8083466].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Brokep
      Originally Posted by hotpassion View Post

      Great post, guy, I have tried Classified ads before without success, since I'm not US based.

      Same here although I recently gave it another shot and saw some results at last!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8444310].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jbearnolimits
    I love this thread. It gave me a couple of ideas on my own ads. Think this would work in the yellowpages here in the states too? Maybe you can give us a few other examples of headlines? That would be great...CAUSE I WILL STEAL THEM FROM YOU LOL.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8084606].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    I use to market hard on Gumtree UK back in 2009/10 when the posting rules were a little more relaxed. Harder to post the same volume of ads these days but still a great source of traffic for certain niches. I must admit though, I have never tried advertising my IM services on there before. Glad it's going so well for you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8086241].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Lemos
    Bro you can create a WSO on this. This can be helpful for many marketers here in the forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author dimjim77
    yes especially the headline because this is the main goal to intrigue the headline so they click on the ad good content mate
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  • Profile picture of the author nuz
    Thanks for the info I'm definitely going to run with this. I used this technique with a free report, never thought to do it for a classified ad.

    Good job!
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  • Profile picture of the author rodsav
    Great - clever post - I will give it a try. Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author J R Salem
    The headline is key for all types of advertising, whether free classifieds or paid traffic means.

    There is a VERY large PPC company in the USA and all of their ads read similar: "Don't Hire a PPC Company Until You See This."

    People like intrigue, controversy and things they aren't used to seeing. This is why your technique is effective, even though classifieds can be tough.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8148454].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author flipfire
    What a great share, did something on those lines quite a while back, might just give it another shot with a new project!


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  • Profile picture of the author dietmtndew
    Great idea! Can you give us on article ideas that convert to leads?
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    • Profile picture of the author payoman
      Originally Posted by dietmtndew View Post

      Great idea! Can you give us on article ideas that convert to leads?
      Anything that educates the visitor about the problem they are trying to solve in a meaningful way.

      Here is what most advertisers write, that is not meaningful :

      We are X/Y/Z Widgets. We provide :
      - X Widgets
      - Y Widgets
      - Z Widgets

      Lowest prices!

      This isn't meaningful, because the prospect already KNOWS what sort of widget they need (most of the time).

      I mean, if your carpet is filthy, you generally know you need a carpet cleaner. That's why you are looking at classified ads in the first place.

      Here is a meaningful ad :

      7 Reasons Why Carpet Cleaning Can Improve Your Families Well-being
      - By using specific chemicals, germs that are normally more resilient are easily dealt with.
      - By using specific treatment techniques, we can preserve the quality of the carpet despite using strong chemicals.
      - By extending the life of your carpet using specific checmicals, the value of your home itself can be preserved longer.

      etc etc

      Basically, you are going above and beyond the competition by providing MEANINGFUL information to the person who already knows they need a carpet cleaner.

      By providing added value, you increase the chances they will contact you.

      In a nutshell :

      - Find information your prospect could benefit from learning that they might not already know.

      - Provide that within the copy of your advertisement.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    Good post. Classified ads definitely are a goldmine in some form.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
    If you know how to market on CL, you can really make bank. Nice method & thanks for the share.
    "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
    Get More High $$$ Clients with this Small Business Marketing PLR Magazine
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8305282].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author pingsters
    Sound's like a great idea. But i don't think this is going to work for craigslist.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Why don't you think it's going to work?

      Originally Posted by pingsters View Post

      But i don't think this is going to work for craigslist.
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      • Profile picture of the author AussieT
        Great post Luke, very helpful info that will work for many niches as well as for posting pay per call lead gen.
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  • This method sounds effective enough with proper "on top of it" management.

    Thanks for the good work on this post. Something I will look at closely.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrtrance
    Originally Posted by payoman View Post

    How's that for a title? I felt like making another one of those threads with tons of views and posts because the title draws in all you money hungry offliners().

    While the title is a minor exaggeration of the truth (the total cost was probably more like $15 per week), I will explain what I mean within.

    How I Made $1860 + $500 Recurring Monthly For $3

    So Online Classified Ads. Holy moly, can they be a goldmine!

    Now you Americans have Craigslist and while it is definitely in use here in Australia, we have a more popular (and very localized, right down to specific towns) version in Australia called Gumtree. So everything I lay out here should work exactly the same for Craigslist I assume. But anyway, here's what I did :

    Step 1. Find a free online classifieds website that allows you to post ads for business services for free. (I use, I'm sure there are many others)

    Step 2. Hire an experienced online classified ads poster from oDesk or another job site. Negotiate an acceptable rate. (My rate is $3 per post. They spin some of the posts content to avoid 'ghosting' and also use ip changers/email changers etc, since some sites actually requires you are 'local' for your potential customers PFFFFT!)

    Step 3. Write the ad content yourself and create the thumbnail yourself. This is the secret sauce step I am going to share. Anyone who has read any good books on copywriting will know the key here, but here it is anyway...

    Headline : "Warning : Read This Before Hiring A Web Designer!"

    Thumbnail image : A big, bold, exclamation point, or DANGER sign, like you would see on a road sign.

    Body Content : A written article, information marketing based, NOT a list of dot point services, that explains the '7 things to be wary of when hiring a designer'. Include your phone number at the end.

    Now, the beauty of Gumtree, is that I can actually see how many visitors my ad has VS the competition. And comparisons (both ads posted the same day and time) showed that my ad receieved about 7-8 times more visitors than ANY OTHER ad in the web design category.

    My ad had something like 80 visitors. The competition directly above and below, had like 7 visitors. Why? Because EVERY OTHER AD looked EXACTLY the same. Here is what to AVOID :

    Headline : Amazing Web Design, Cheap Web Design, Free Hosting (etc)

    Thumbnail image : Pretty websites, pretty ponies and rainbows, smiling office workers LOL

    Body copy : Dot point list of services, free hosting, CALL NOW or other useless copy paste crap.

    This is failure in advertising copy. Don't breathe this!

    Step 4. Write a few articles, than have them spun by a very good spinner who is native english (be VERY careful with your outsourcer trying to spin the headline ESPECIALLY, since a not-quite-right sounding headline is DEATH for the ad) and get your guy to post them in all the popular cities/towns/suburbs you can afford.


    This has literally been my ONLY other effective lead generation method for my web design/SEO business besides cold calling. Fair enough I haven't gone into direct mail yet, but geez, for the cost, this method is making bank.

    So guys, hope you enjoyed this, and get out there and start posting some ads because there is money to be made!!
    If you are spending $15 a week then your poster is only posting 5 ads a week correct? Are all 5 ads the same or they are spinned versions? Do you post all 5 in the same city during the week or different ones?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8333450].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MsMogulNike
    Good post!
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    Seeing what a few of my clients are doing I'm beginning to
    think that the real money in online classified ads is setting
    them up for brick and mortar businesses.

    I'm seeing some clients make some serious sales with simple
    free online ads.

    Being an expert in writing and posting these types of ads is
    potentially a hugely profitable business.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8345503].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MyLuckyYear
    Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

    Seeing what a few of my clients are doing I'm beginning to
    think that the real money in online classified ads is setting
    them up for brick and mortar businesses.

    I'm seeing some clients make some serious sales with simple
    free online ads.

    Being an expert in writing and posting these types of ads is
    potentially a hugely profitable business.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
    Hey Andrew, Where would you recommend that one can start looking to start such a venture? Appreciate your advice on this matter.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8345654].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author laurencewins
    As a fellow Aussie I use Gumtree for my resume writing services and I get anywhere between 2-5 jobs per week which is great as it's easy for me to do.
    I also advertise my writing services but that's a more specialised field. However I do get some work from the site for that sort of work too.

    Cheers, Laurence.

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  • Profile picture of the author moneyminer
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8346367].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Not if you spam your affiliate link all over the place, right?

      Originally Posted by moneyminer View Post

      you cane make a lot of money online.
      i juse xxxx and xxxx .
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8348079].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Adrian John
        Originally Posted by DABK View Post

        Not if you spam your affiliate link all over the place, right?
        An you quote his message with his spammy affiliate links Just edit your post
        ARE YOU A CONSULTANT? Do you have clients who could use MORE LEADS?
        Get them a MOBILE WEBSITE PLATFORM built to stay up with their clients habits.
        More than 50% of their customers buys from their mobile devices now!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8348995].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author devonm
    Neat. Wonder if I can use this twist for my CPA based advertising?
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank08NJ
    Great Article............BUT....BE CAREFUL!!! Alot of the pay per call offers the advertisers do NOT allow for classified ads like Gumtree or Craigslist here in the US..So if the advertiser runs your ppcall number on Google and finds your ad, Guess What? You could get BANNED!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8443749].message }}
  • Great Post. Love the idea. I am going to explore more on Gumtree, tried it several years ago, but if it has changed, should be good to go. Thanks
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8444257].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rizy
    Will Australians and UK on Gumtree would be willing to work with companies outside of Australia? Or would they rather speak with a person directly? DO you accept payment through PayPal, and do they trust that? Cause I am based in California and I tried something like this for a different country and it didn't work.
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