Local Marketing has changed... at least for me
I've been in the offline business for 3 years now and, at least for me, everything has changed drastically!
"Local" businesses are not that local anymore... Many "local" businesses are based on facebook now or simply have a website and they operate everything from there.
People are now using facebook as a "physical" business instead of renting a store and nowadays if a local business doesn't have a website or at least a nice fb group then something is wrong with that business.
With that said, why local marketing must remain "local"?... at least for us Internet Marketers.
If there are people running local businesses without a physical store (online only) then why can't you start your own "local businesses" in other countries?
I know it sounds crazy, but it has worked for me! I'm entering markets with ZERO competition each and every day.
Why focusing on my local area, which is full of competition, if I know that people in the offline businesses beyond my location are dying for the services that are saturated in the bigger markets?
Isn't that entering markets without ANY competition at all?
If I know how to start a "local" business online (web development, translation...), why can't I just go to another place/country and offer those services? and have literally zero competition there.
I don't know if I explained myself clearly, but hope you all understand my point!
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