Local Marketing has changed... at least for me

12 replies
Hey Guys

I've been in the offline business for 3 years now and, at least for me, everything has changed drastically!

"Local" businesses are not that local anymore... Many "local" businesses are based on facebook now or simply have a website and they operate everything from there.

People are now using facebook as a "physical" business instead of renting a store and nowadays if a local business doesn't have a website or at least a nice fb group then something is wrong with that business.

With that said, why local marketing must remain "local"?... at least for us Internet Marketers.

If there are people running local businesses without a physical store (online only) then why can't you start your own "local businesses" in other countries?

I know it sounds crazy, but it has worked for me! I'm entering markets with ZERO competition each and every day.

Why focusing on my local area, which is full of competition, if I know that people in the offline businesses beyond my location are dying for the services that are saturated in the bigger markets?

Isn't that entering markets without ANY competition at all?


If I know how to start a "local" business online (web development, translation...), why can't I just go to another place/country and offer those services? and have literally zero competition there.

I don't know if I explained myself clearly, but hope you all understand my point!
#changed #local #marketing
  • Profile picture of the author rushindo
    I am totally confused. Can you give some examples of these "local" businesses you say are using Facebook as a "physical" business instead of renting a store?

    Originally Posted by zahedi117 View Post

    If I know how to start a "local" business online (web development, translation...), why can't I just go to another place/country and offer those services? and have literally zero competition there.
    Why would you limit your web development business to a local area in the first place? And you are dreaming if you think you are going to find a local area with zero competition for web development (unless you setup shop in the jungle).

    Originally Posted by zahedi117 View Post

    I don't know if I explained myself clearly, but hope you all understand my point!
    Honestly, I don't understand your point. Feel free to elaborate.
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    • Profile picture of the author zahedi117
      Originally Posted by rushindo View Post

      I am totally confused. Can you give some examples of these "local" businesses you say are using Facebook as a "physical" business instead of renting a store?
      Small business owners who cannot afford to pay for a physical store. Some examples are video game sellers, cell phone unlockers, independent cloth designers etc.

      Originally Posted by rushindo View Post

      Why would you limit your web development business to a local area in the first place? And you are dreaming if you think you are going to find a local area with zero competition for web development (unless you setup shop in the jungle).
      Maybe you are the one who doesn't know beyond your borders because there are tons of countries where people who offer services such as web development, translation, SEO, design etc are charging very high prices because they don't know where to outsource these services and they do it by themselves or by hiring someone who helps them out ($$$) so they are not able to get the prices that Internet Marketers can get, so in other words, they won't be able to compete with someone who knows where to outsource his work.

      If you were able to get to the Warrior Forum then you are way ahead of many people in many countries. Remember that there are "third world" countries (or "jungles" for you) where they don't know half of the new stuff that comes out every day.

      Originally Posted by rushindo View Post

      Honestly, I don't understand your point. Feel free to elaborate.
      I think I made myself clear now, feel free to ask if you have any other questions
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      • Profile picture of the author rushindo
        Originally Posted by zahedi117 View Post

        there are tons of countries where people who offer services such as web development, translation, SEO, design etc are charging very high prices because they don't know where to outsource these services and they do it by themselves or by hiring someone who helps them out ($$$)...
        That doesn't sound like "ZERO Competition"

        Originally Posted by zahedi117 View Post

        The whole point of this was for you guys to consider expanding beyond the places that you are offering your services (US in your case probably).
        Fair enough. How do you suppose Warriors go about expanding into third world countries?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8101288].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author zahedi117
          Originally Posted by rushindo View Post

          That doesn't sound like "ZERO Competition"
          Well honestly if someone is selling a service for $xxxx and then comes another person selling it in $xxx with a far superior quality and with good profit then it automatically becomes Zero competition... or I'm I wrong?

          Originally Posted by rushindo View Post

          Fair enough. How do you suppose Warriors go about expanding into third world countries?
          Many warriors come to this forum assuming that everything that they do must be in english (many third world countries speak english as their main language btw) and many MANY of them are not from the US, UK, Australia etc.

          You can enter local businesses offering services that don't require you to be there.Just like I said, with some creativity you can easily expand your services to other countries simply by targeting other markets.

          Plus if you know other languages it will help you a lot with that...

          Remember that not everyone here is from the US
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          • Profile picture of the author mojo1
            Your view point is appreciated, especially the often overlooked fact that many countries speak English as their primary language. Sometimes it's easy to remain insulated in solely focusing on local anytown USA.

            For some, providing services to other English speaking countries might prove to be a good way to sharpen both sales, marketing and implementation skills prior to ramping up in US markets.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
    Sounds like a bunch of BS and false scarcity in the name of selling an WSO

    There is NO oversaturation of quality marketing services for small business going on in the US.
    Its a Freaking boomtown!!!!!!!
    Promise Big.
    Deliver Bigger.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8101082].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zahedi117
      Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

      Sounds like a bunch of BS and false scarcity in the name of selling an WSO

      There is NO oversaturation of quality marketing services for small business going on in the US.
      Its a Freaking boomtown!!!!!!!
      Not really, and no one is talking about the US. The whole point of this was for you guys to consider expanding beyond the places that you are offering your services (US in your case probably).

      It's not the same if you type "web development" in google or if you type "web development in Ecuador" (it's an example)... And also the service that you are going to receive in US will probably be way better than a service that you are going to receive in Ecuador, and most probably of better quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    I first mentioned the idea of selling your internet services to "local"
    businesses in 2008 here on the Warrior Forum.

    But it was never really about local businesses it was always about
    helping brick and mortar businesses with their internet marketing.

    I've always had clients on the other side of the world in multiple
    countries and many others I've known are the same.

    Having said that when you're starting out one of the fastest ways
    to learn is to talk face to face with business owners and the
    easiest way to do that is in your local area.

    When you're selling internet marketing services there has never been
    any limits on where you could do it (I know many people who travel
    the world with their laptops while they're working with clients and
    picking up new clients as I have done many times).

    I honestly can't imagine anyone being so narrow minded that they
    wouldn't be thinking of getting clients out of their town, out of their
    state and out of their country.

    Over time they will anyway because their referrals will lead them there.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8102943].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
      Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

      I honestly can't imagine anyone being so narrow minded that they
      wouldn't be thinking of getting clients out of their town, out of their
      state and out of their country.

      Kindest regards,
      Andrew Cavanagh
      Maybe some of these narrow minded people have found more than enough business in their local area that they dont have the need or desire to do business elsewhere.
      Promise Big.
      Deliver Bigger.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8102992].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author zahedi117
        Originally Posted by Eddie Spangler View Post

        Maybe some of these narrow minded people have found more than enough business in their local area that they dont have the need or desire to do business elsewhere.
        Maybe... But the whole idea was to make a constructive thread for those who DO want to go outside or to inform those who don't know that this possibility is a real one.

        I'm sure that there are many people who don't have the desire or need to do business elsewhere, but there are people that do want it and know how profitable is to do that.

        Anyway I'm glad that you, Eddie, don't need to do it, but there are many people that could appreciate this info and go beyond their borders. Just please help us make a positive thread instead of talking about people who don't need this info.

        Remember that a successful person never leaves the learning phase And not everybody wants to limit themselves just because they don't "need" to expand their business, some people certainly are more hungry for success than others.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8104487].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
          Originally Posted by zahedi117 View Post

          Maybe... But the whole idea was to make a constructive thread for those who DO want to go outside or to inform those who don't know that this possibility is a real one.

          I'm sure that there are many people who don't have the desire or need to do business elsewhere, but there are people that do want it and know how profitable is to do that.

          Anyway I'm glad that you, Eddie, don't need to do it, but there are many people that could appreciate this info and go beyond their borders. Just please help us make a positive thread instead of talking about people who don't need this info.

          Remember that a successful person never leaves the learning phase And not everybody wants to limit themselves just because they don't "need" to expand their business, some people certainly are more hungry for success than others.

          Okay, you have misinterpreted my posts.

          I think it is a good idea and can help some people. But you started the thread and didnt really say anything other than "hey there is other business out there" It was just a thinly veiled attempt to promote your WSO.

          So why dont you share some ways that people can do this, what are some profitable countries with high demand/low supply and give us some MEAT to chew on rather than fluff.
          Promise Big.
          Deliver Bigger.
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  • Profile picture of the author RockNRolla
    I just don't see this as 'crazy' and certainly not anything new. I've never looked at the whole 'local' offline services approach as it literally meaning 'Sell internet marketing services to companies local to my area'. I always looked at it from the point of view of 'Sell internet services to companies who operate locally within an area'. These have two different meanings entirely, and if anyone who is seriously pursuing a career offering internet marketing services ONLY to companies in their local area, then I would be astounded as to why they would limit their business so much.
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