Running my Local Coupon marketing is working!!

44 replies
I have been running a coupon marketing campaign to local businesses, from restaurants to dental offices. I started two months ago and now earning $3k per month and building rapidly.
We offer a custom coupon service to local businesses, we customized coupons with the discount code and Pr code, and custom message to cater to whatever business we are working with. This enables a business to make more money and pull in more customers with discounts offered to customers when they walk through the door. The campaigns are set up with a WP coupon plug in, and views and or links are also tracked through the same software.
The way we get customers, we cold calling local companies using a local leads software and we have a team that goes out and gives our generic coupons to businesses for 15 days for free, and if the owner wants to continue service after the 15 day trial, we will then charge the monthly fee. By the way we pay our sales people a commission per sign up. This is a good way to generate locally good income!!!

#coupon #local #marketing #offfline #running #working
  • Profile picture of the author javarog
    What kind of Campaigns have you been running ?

    And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

    Abraham Lincoln

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  • Profile picture of the author Climb Online
    Nice, what platform are you using?

    "It is your choice of message that targets the customer, not your choice of media. There are rare exceptions, of course. But not many."
    - Roy H. Williams

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  • Profile picture of the author XponentSYS
    Tell users. Is it a daily deal type Sekt? Or is it an EDDM shared mailer?
    "Hybrid Method" Gets 120,846 TARGETED VISITORS
    To Any Site in ANY NICHE!

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    • Profile picture of the author the05boss
      @XponentSYS After the 15 day trial, we charge monthly a little under $100. So just imagine what the potential is. WoW
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      • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
        Originally Posted by the05boss View Post

        @XponentSYS After the 15 day trial, we charge monthly a little under $100. So just imagine what the potential is. WoW
        LOL! This thread is becoming funnier than I thought!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8114085].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author the05boss
          We are offering a custom coupon service to local businesses, we customized coupons with the discount code and Pr code, and custom message to cater to whatever business we are working with. This enables a business to make more money and pull in more customers with discounted offer when they walk through the door.
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        • Profile picture of the author the05boss
          @SirThomas what is funny?
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          • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
            Originally Posted by the05boss View Post

            @SirThomas what is funny?
            The way you run this thread. It might take you dozen posts to finally clarify what you actually do. Even after your last post people still don't know if your "customized coupons" are online, perhaps mobile or offline... That's why it's funny!
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            • Profile picture of the author the05boss
              Sorry guys for not going into detail about my local success. The thread has been revised.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Lowenthal
    Its nice to hear about the results of hard work and taking action!
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  • Profile picture of the author the05boss
    I only use Localizer Leads Tool locally to make phone calls, and also have a small team of 6 people that goes into local businesses to give out the free coupons for 15 day trial.
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  • Profile picture of the author kebertt
    I'm sure there are some Warriors who would like some more detailed insight on your process, if you're willing to share
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  • Profile picture of the author derricks4
    Originally Posted by the05boss View Post

    I have been running a coupon marketing campaign to local businesses, from restaurants to dental offices. I started two months ago and now earning $3k per month and building rapidly. So to all my fellow warriors this stuff really works.

    Let me and the warriors know about your local success.
    Good stuff! Now, follow the money and grow slowly!
    EXPLODE Your Sales! The PREMIER Copywriting Service on WF<PM ME!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8113975].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author vndnbrgj
    I am still a little confused as to what you are offering....

    Would you mind elaborating a little?
    Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone
    - Neale Donald Wilson -
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  • Profile picture of the author dnjoseph1

    No offense to your work, but this is an extremely useless thread. So vague, so cloudy, and so so confused. Either elaborate with detail what you're doing and having success with, or don't start this thread.
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    • Profile picture of the author the05boss
      Very simple, just over thinking sorry. Im not here to argue.
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  • Profile picture of the author aduttonater
    Great thread. Makes me want to start working on building my sales team.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
    Besides the QR code, what stops a restaurant from having some coupons printed up at Kinkos? I am soo confused about "custom coupons." Can you break down the process into a step by step approach?
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    • Profile picture of the author Eddie Spangler
      Promise Big.
      Deliver Bigger.
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      • Profile picture of the author MySocialPromo
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        • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
          I'm going to take a stab at this:

          I think they are maybe printing up an ad flyers and distributing it manually to businesses an other places. I would be curious about distribution methods?

          They are giving the businesses a free ad for a period of time then selling it to them if they wish to continue.

          Sketchy yet, but am I on the right track?

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          • Profile picture of the author the05boss
            Originally Posted by Sebulba View Post

            I'm going to take a stab at this:

            I think they are maybe printing up an ad flyers and distributing it manually to businesses an other places. I would be curious about distribution methods?

            They are giving the businesses a free ad for a period of time then selling it to them if they wish to continue.

            Sketchy yet, but am I on the right track?

            That is correct finally someone catches the fish lol
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  • Profile picture of the author january14n
    Congratulations. I hope you could share your full story here.
    No Clicking Here - I Repeat No Clicking Here
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  • Profile picture of the author cshilling22
    Wait what?

    Are you direct mailing the coupons? Are you blasting them out through text message? Are you handing out flyers? Do you have a daily deal website?

    What are you actually doing?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8119712].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cruisinman
      Originally Posted by cshilling22 View Post

      What are you actually doing?
      He's baiting everyone for a future WSO . . .

      Life - enjoy it . . .

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      • Profile picture of the author MartinBuckley
        Congrats on your success!

        I was just wondering how you distribute your coupons?

        Are you selling them as a coupon books or giving them
        away for free?


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        • Profile picture of the author the05boss
          Originally Posted by MartinBuckley View Post

          Congrats on your success!

          I was just wondering how you distribute your coupons?

          Are you selling them as a coupon books or giving them
          away for free?


          Giving a small coupon book away for free for the first 15 days, and thereafter if the business wants to continue using the service, we then charge a monthly fee. (residual income)
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  • Profile picture of the author Ray Erdmann
    Some clarification would be nice on how you're closing sales....I know you've mentioned you've got a sales force of about 6 people...but what are they giving out...a coupon book/flyer/print-out/etc.,etc.,???

    What's the approach they take when they walk into a business?

    "Whether you think you can or'll always be 100% right!" |

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121166].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author the05boss
      Originally Posted by Ray Erdmann View Post

      Some clarification would be nice on how you're closing sales....I know you've mentioned you've got a sales force of about 6 people...but what are they giving out...a coupon book/flyer/print-out/etc.,etc.,???

      What's the approach they take when they walk into a business?
      small coupon book. we have a script its short and simple, they love it and bight fast.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Fied
    Very interesting man. Great read. Sending you a private message with some questions.
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  • Profile picture of the author the05boss
    Hey warriors, this week just started today, bc of memorial day, but anyway guess what happened today? We have given out 7 more free 15 day subscriptions to new businesses and more than likely the conversion will be that out of the 7, 4 will bight the bait. You warriors need to try this, its very easy, and i am exited! Oh i forgot to mention, the car lots were having a memorial day sale, and i just got a new infinity due to me and my teams hard work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8121360].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author cruisinman
      Originally Posted by the05boss View Post

      Oh i forgot to mention, the car lots were having a memorial day sale, and i just got a new infinity due to me and my teams hard work.
      LOL - you just started 2 months ago and supposedly created about $6k in revenue and you already bought a new car?

      Something smells fishy . . .

      Life - enjoy it . . .

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8129350].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author naturaldry
    We deliver coupons to houses and some apartment complexes. Do the business get upset with you coming in with coupons or do you just look for non soliciting signs?
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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    It's hard for me to understand how you can explain it to your prospects when you are having such a hard time explaining it here. No one gets it. Is this how you sell it? How do people know what you are offering?

    Even the post above where you say someone explains it correctly doesn't make sense to me.
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8128631].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikec513
    Can you explain how you are paying the sales people? One time, or recurring? Those details are something we all would like to know.
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    • Profile picture of the author the05boss
      We pay out sales people $10 per sale... but remember the coupons are easy to sell..Like a 3/5 ratio and or conversion. We have 1 rep getting 10-15 clients a day.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sebulba
    You truly have a dizzying intellect...
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  • Profile picture of the author zoro
    This is a super service and your strategy is even more amazinggggggg ... lol
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  • Profile picture of the author javarog
    This thread is 5 minutes of my life I will never get back

    And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.

    Abraham Lincoln

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8131534].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DJVan
      Originally Posted by javarog View Post

      This thread is 5 minutes of my life I will never get back
      I tend to agree.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8139783].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MagicD
    I am sorry, this thread is a complete wast of time... Why start a thread and not really provide link sources i.e coupon distribution. All I can say is wow
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    • Profile picture of the author Darrin Bentley
      I'm not sure what's worse, this thread or the fact that someone brought it back from June

      A sucker MAY be born every minute, but that don't mean you have to take advantage of them.

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  • Profile picture of the author Youronlinestuff
    you offer prospective clients a 15 day free trial of what exactly?

    you make custom coupons for them?
    so you just print some coupons on paper and give that to the business?
    or do you then go an distribute the coupons locally? online?
    the codes are used in store on via their website?
    where does the wp plugin come in?
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  • Profile picture of the author RiskTaker
    This was in a WSO/PDF course from earlier this year. The method is pretty simple.

    Use Wordpress Coupon Plugin
    Setup A Local Spot with A Coupon
    Make a 8.5 x 11 Flyer and Put into Plastic Holder
    Put Flyer on Counter offering Consumer INstant Discount for Joining The LIst
    Consumer Scans Code and Taken to Mobile Squeeze Page
    Consumer Opts into Coupon Via Email and Aweber
    Consumer Gets Coupon Emailed
    Local Biz Builds List
    Charge $97 a month for Coupon Service and LIST MANAGEMENT

    Sales People
    Hire Commission Sales People and Pay Them Per Free Trial They Setup
    Bonus Them For Daily Performance Quotas
    Simple As That

    Rebill Customers After Initial 15 Day Trial

    Get Paid

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