"Here's how I made a million dollars at my job and another million at offline marketing..."

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Hey Offliners,

I know of three very well known offline marketing coaches and trainers who are kinda misleading us.

They're not bad guys.

It's just that the story that they're presenting to us when they sell their products, programs and coaching, is incomplete.

And it's not that they're lying or being dishonest, but they are downplaying, at best or leaving out, at worst, their not-so-poor-and-broke beginnings.

For example, all three come from very highly paid executive backgrounds prior to jumping into marketing consulting.

And all three had sigificant financial assets at their disposal to launch their offline marketing and consulting businesses.

Now, I want to be clear.

I'm not saying that they've done something wrong or that their financial success means that they can't teach offline marketing.

That's crazy talk.

In fact, the exact opposite is true. They can bring a unique and valuable perspective on offline marketing from a corporate perspective.

We could all learn from them.

In all three cases, I have no doubt that they earned every ounce of their success because they proved their value in corporate America.

And should be respected for their ability to make it in corporate america and leave with their souls intact.

I personally believe that their financial success is a huge blessing and what we call a "economic advantage."

You'll never hear any success, money or wealth bashing from me. That's just plain wrong.

However, you'll never get a grasp of their "true" path to success if you don't factor in where they started from.

Now truth be told, neither starting from the top or starting from the bottom guarantees your success.

But, knowing where a person is coming from when they're teaching you something is an important part of understanding "their" whole picture.

Those guys could afford to blast out five thousand postcards to all business owners in their local market, take out full page ads in all the local newspapers while joining 12 chambers of commerce in their target area.

A quick aside: I want to be clear and say that we should all aspire to be in the best financial situation possible so that we can have our own economic advantage.

But, when I hear these particular coaches, trainers and product creators talk, they never acknowledge or bring up their economic advantage.

In fact, once they launch their coaching program and products and get inudated with questions from students and buyers who don't have their own economic advantage, those coaches have to go back and learn how to do things with little or no money.

And in most cases, they are talking theory and not fact.

That's why it's so important to test everything out at a level that you can afford, understand and duplicate.

For example, if you only have two or three hundred dollars to invest in marketing right now, you must pick one effective marketing medium to test.

You don't have the luxury to do all the same things as someone who has a massive economic advantage.

By the way, when I say economic advantage, I don't just mean more money.

Economic advantage is about having money, but it's really about leveraging your money into more effective lead generation, follow up and conversion systems.

Which means that we can all create our own economic advantage if we work at it.

When you're not as flush with cash, you have to focus on one thing and get that one thing making money before you try to "roll out" all the 2,173 ways to get clients.

Now, go close some deals.

#offline marketing

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