How do you charge for Hosting? (Recurring Payment Method for Offliners)

by rizy
2 replies
SO there is a big bad thing that I have been doing, and that is not charging my clients for monthly hosting. I tell them that they should sign up by themselves on hostgator and if they do so from my link I make a quick buck as well. Now I have been doing this because frankly I don't really know a recurring payment method, I mean paypal has it now but I kind of don't know how to even set it up and next reason I don't do it is because I don't know which reseller hosting plan would be right for me on hostgator for let's say like 100 small business local websites?
#charge #hosting #method #offliners #payment #recurring
  • Profile picture of the author ahlexis
    How to charge?

    If you mean what payment processor to use, you could search the Warrior Forum for payment processor. It's a question lots of Warriors ask.

    (Or click the link below to see an extensive list of processors. It's a thread here in Warrior Forum.)

    Be sure to read through it, as others have added additional processors in their response to the original list of 46.

    One recurring billing solution is
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  • Profile picture of the author Danny Turner
    Start off with the basic reseller package at hostgator - get them to set up a WHMCS install on it ( no cost) and use paypal there is a bit of learning curve but worth it in the long run
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