Another $6,000 off line marketing sale with almost no effort

51 replies
I made the call today. I got the business owner on the phone, introduced myself, and asked a few questions. $5,999 on his credit card, and $199 a month, until he gets bored paying me. I was on the phone for about 15 minutes.

How? I wrote a book on online marketing, he bought it, and logged into a website I have. He then filled out a request for a 30 minute free phone consultation. In the form, he told me the business he was in (pet funerals), the average sale price, how they currently advertise, what online advertising they are doing now, and what he wanted to get out of our 30 minute consultation.

He told me that they already had an offer to build a huge website for $2,000. I told him that I thought that was a great deal, and that he should take it. He asked me how much I would charge for a website.

I told him "We don't sell websites. Maybe you need a new one, but it will just sit in "website purgatory" like your last one. And the most you can hope for with a website is one Google page one search result. That's the best case. You want to be on a Google page one search at least twice for every conceivable search phrase. You want your website to sell the prospect on calling you to buy. The articles, videos, blogs, and Facebook page we build for you will sell the prospect on going to your website...or call you directly."

"Every day there are people going online to buy, that day...what you sell. You need to be absolutely sure that they find you, and not your competitor. Is that what you want?"

He said "So how much will this cost me?"
I said "Did you go on my website?" He said "Of course"
I said "That's how much it costs. But I don't want to get too excited about this. Let me spend an hour looking at the search results, and see if this is a good idea for you. It may be, but it may not be"

He said "How do I know this is a good idea. Do you have references?"
I said "You read my book. You saw the testimonials on my website, and watched several videos explaining the benefits. I'll call you back in an hour or so and let you know if I can fit in an extra client this month"

He said "Wait! Do you have any other pet burial clients I can talk to?"
I said "No, that's why I'm slightly interested. You'll be the first, so you'll get everything custom made for your business. I just need to make sure it will fit in our schedule, and that we can really deliver great results. I'll need to meet with my team here and describe your business. I'll call you in an hour or so. If I talk to my team, and they are interested in the pet burial business, are we doing business?"


"I'll call back after I talk to my team. Make sure you have your credit card handy"

A couple hours later, I called back. He asked me if I recommended that he buy my service.

Amazingly, I did. And I asked if he belonged to any trade associations (Who knows?). He does, so they will be getting a call for me to speak at their next event.

The point is.....

I had a book. It's a great book that gives lots of information on local online marketing. It took me a month or so to write it. Now I'm an expert (I was an expert before, but now people know it). Anyone can write a book. Createspace on will publish it for free, and print on demand.

I get paid a few dollars every time someone buys my book. So a little money there. But in the last two weeks, I got four of these "Requests for free phone consultation"s. Four new clients.

Speaking to groups, and selling books....that's my marketing. A little cold calling to book speaking gigs, and that's it.

When people call on these "30 minute consultations", they are either 1) Sold, and just have a few questions..or 2) they want to milk me for information.

I get them about 50/50. But the last four bought.

Anyway, I'll answer any questions anyone has.
#effort #line #marketing #sale
  • Profile picture of the author digichik
    You go Claude! You've inspired me a tickled me--" have your credit card handy."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261779].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MaxwellB
    You should sell a PLR of that book for $1000, or maybe $97
    Get featured on Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Bloomberg and other major media publications - Gain instant trust, credibility and close more sales!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261820].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by MaxwellB View Post

      You should sell a PLR of that book for $1000, or maybe $97
      I thought about it, but the services described in the book are pretty comprehensive. A good idea is to simply buy two or three local online marketing books on Amazon, to see what chapters to write, and you can use them as templates. It sure speeds up the writing process.

      Added later; You can't use PLR content to create your Kindle books or your Createspace books. If more than 10% of your content is already published somewhere...anywhere...even public domain work...Amazon will cancel your sales page. Do it a few times, and they will cancel your account.

      It's a lot better to use similar books as templates, and to spur ideas....but write in your own words. You really want the reader to see you as the expert. And a book with your personalty in it is the most persuasive.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261831].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kimberly Aita
    Great post! Very inspirational Glad to read about your success and love the book idea.

    I have seen it before but maybe it's time I actually start writing since that's one thing I think I am good at

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261821].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Do you use Createspace for your books Claude? I really would like to write a book... but I don't want to push some WSO or Ebook PDF.. I want to really put it out there.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261848].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Do you use Createspace for your books Claude? I really would like to write a book... but I don't want to push some WSO or Ebook PDF.. I want to really put it out there.
      I second this. I would love more info on the how to for the publishing part. I believe you use createspace but not sure if you ever said for sure.

      Once again Claude a great thread that really inspires. Thank you for sharing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262188].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RK Corbes

    I'm inspired. I never thought this idea as a marketing tactics, I thought it will only work with WSOs. How detailed is your book? Can you message me the outline? I will not sell seo but another stuff I'm building right now. I focus on realtors and thankfully I've found what services they are willing to pay for.

    Looking forward.
    - RK
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8261932].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Do you use Createspace for your books Claude? I really would like to write a book... but I don't want to push some WSO or Ebook PDF.. I want to really put it out there.
      I use Createspace and Kindle. Some authors (even here on the Kindle Forum)
      put out a good book a month on different subjects. I'm on schedule for about one every 6 months, and I could speed that up if I wanted to. Books are longer than most WSOs. A Kindle book may be 55 pages or more, but a paperback book on Createspace should be 100 pages or more. If you really write the book, I can tell you how to use Amazon to promote the book. It's all free.

      Using Createspace is incredibly easy. My in house IT guy figured it all out in about an hour.

      On Createspace, you can create a cover, format the book, create chapters, table of contents, promotion pages, and they will even give you a free ISBN number. Getting a book published is light years ahead of where it was even 5 years ago.

      Originally Posted by RK Corbes View Post


      I'm inspired. I never thought this idea as a marketing tactics, I thought it will only work with WSOs. How detailed is your book? Can you message me the outline? I will not sell seo but another stuff I'm building right now. I focus on realtors and thankfully I've found what services they are willing to pay for.

      Looking forward.
      - RK
      Message you an outline?
      You can download a complete copy for $3.00 on Amazon. The title is Local Online Marketing.

      My book is designed to teach everything the reader needs to know to promote their local business online, to sell them on the idea that it's too much work to do it all themselves, and that I'm the right guy to do everything for them. So I get fantastic reviews, and a few good clients every month...just from the books bought on Amazon. You can use the book as a template if you like.

      I bought 6 or 8 books on Kindle publishing to learn most of it, but the Warrior Book Club sub forum gives you a ton of information on publishing on Kindle, and using Createspace.

      Most of my books are sold on Kindle. But most of my clients buy the paperback book. So you need a paperback edition too.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262190].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author RK Corbes
        Thanks Claude!

        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        I use Createspace and Kindle. Some authors (even here on the Kindle Forum)
        put out a good book a month on different subjects. I'm on schedule for about one every 6 months, and I could speed that up if I wanted to. Books are longer than most WSOs. A Kindle book may be 55 pages or more, but a paperback book on Createspace should be 100 pages or more. If you really write the book, I can tell you how to use Amazon to promote the book. It's all free.

        Using Createspace is incredibly easy. My in house IT guy figured it all out in about an hour.

        On Createspace, you can create a cover, format the book, create chapters, table of contents, promotion pages, and they will even give you a free ISBN number. Getting a book published is light years ahead of where it was even 5 years ago.

        Message you an outline?
        You can download a complete copy for $3.00 on Amazon. The title is Local Online Marketing.

        My book is designed to teach everything the reader needs to know to promote their local business online, to sell them on the idea that it's too much work to do it all themselves, and that I'm the right guy to do everything for them. So I get fantastic reviews, and a few good clients every month...just from the books bought on Amazon. You can use the book as a template if you like.

        I bought 6 or 8 books on Kindle publishing to learn most of it, but the Warrior Book Club sub forum gives you a ton of information on publishing on Kindle, and using Createspace.

        Most of my books are sold on Kindle. But most of my clients buy the paperback book. So you need a paperback edition too.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262762].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AndrewCavanagh
    Great post.

    Engineering different ways to pre-educate prospects and to get
    them calling you is very powerful marketing.

    You can do that with a book, a report, an audio, a video, a website
    etc etc.

    The book is great because most people at the moment still perceive
    authors as having high credibility ("he wrote a book about ....").

    Most of the people here on the Warrior Forum could do really well if
    they chose ONE niche and wrote a really high quality book on
    marketing effectively in that niche.

    A PLR pile of crap isn't going to cut it though.

    You need to write something that has some real, high quality,
    actionable, useful information.

    Kindest regards,
    Andrew Cavanagh
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262298].message }}
  • Congratulations ...all in 15 MIN ...thats awesome.
    WebDevelopmentGroup NYC & CA- Small Business Web Development, App Development, WordPress Development, Graphic Designs, Online Marketing, Local Marketing & more!. "Call us 1.800.219.1314 or message us!". Visit us today! "Now On Live Chat Mon-Fri.".
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnny12345
    Hi Claude,

    Nice post.

    Just wondering... how did you get your reviews on Amazon?


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262444].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by Johnny12345 View Post

      Hi Claude,

      Nice post.

      Just wondering... how did you get your reviews on Amazon?


      The first few were friends in business that I sent copies to. After that, they were people who actually ordered the book on Amazon, and wrote the reviews.
      I don't know most of them...

      Several Forum members were kind enough to leave a review...but they all bought the book from Amazon. You can tell when the book was purchased online from Amazon or not.

      I have three books out now on Amazon. Many people order two or three and leave reviews for the ones they read. None of them are paid reviews.

      I get people that e-mail me or call and say that they got a lot out of the books. I thank them and ask if they would like to give a review. Sometimes they do. But none are compensated. And at the end of the book I ask for a review.

      Originally Posted by WebdevelopmentGroup View Post

      Congratulations ...all in 15 MIN ...thats awesome.
      Thanks. Remember though, I was 15 minutes on the phone..but a lot went on before I talked to them. And that's the part that will help you get clients. The 15 minutes was just to help them make a decision right then. But all the heavy lifting was already done before the phone call.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262461].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dennis Gaskill
      Originally Posted by RK Corbes View Post


      I'm inspired. I never thought this idea as a marketing tactics, I thought it will only work with WSOs. How detailed is your book? Can you message me the outline? I will not sell seo but another stuff I'm building right now. I focus on realtors and thankfully I've found what services they are willing to pay for.

      Looking forward.
      - RK
      Just click the link in his signature. You can "look inside" the book and see what it's about. Or just buy it for $2.99.

      Just when you think you've got it all figured out, someone changes the rules.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8262474].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JonBird
    Great information and tips Claude... and inspiring too. You mentioned buying 2-3 books and using as a template to write you own book. I would also like to know if you used anything else to help you actually write the book.. to speed up the process or was having a template guide enough and you just took it from there?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8268825].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by JonBird View Post

      Great information and tips Claude... and inspiring too. You mentioned buying 2-3 books and using as a template to write you own book. I would also like to know if you used anything else to help you actually write the book.. to speed up the process or was having a template guide enough and you just took it from there?

      Jon; Thank you. I recommended that you buy a few local online marketing books to show examples of formats and what to include in the chapters.

      Personally, the three books I wrote were actually edited version of expensive marketing information products I sold. So originally, the books were far bigger, and included DVDs and CDs. My Selling Local Advertising book is almost a words for word transcription of a 3 hour workshop I put on for advertising sales reps.

      A few books will give you about 90% of the information you'll need to write the book. Editing, a few examples from your own experience, a few screen shots of examples...and you're almost there.

      Just don't ever copy word for word text from another book.

      Buy three books on your subject. Yellow highlight the parts that you think are brilliant. Combine the three highlighted versions together, and add some personal examples...and you are almost there.

      The whole process should take less than 40 hours, including creating a cover, submitting the book to Createspace, and promotion.

      A 100 page paperback book is really maybe 50-60 Word pages, double spaced. If you just sit and talk for two hours, that's about what you have.

      A friend of mine wrote about 20 questions about his subject. We met in a restaurant, I asked the questions, and he gave complete answers. He recorded the conversation. At the end of two hours, he had the basis of a book. He sent it to a transcriptionist on Fiverr, and for about $80, he got the unedited book back. A day or so editing, and he submitted the book.

      That's another fast way to write a book. His questions were the chapter titles, the answers were the chapters themselves.

      If it takes you 6 months to write a book,, you aren't putting any effort at all into it. It just can't get easier than the ways I just described.

      But there are people who will take your recordings of speeches and make a book out of that. Lot's of CEOs get books qhost written that way. But it's several thousand dollars.

      I should also point out that my books are selling briskly, but I still make less than a thousand dollars a month from them in total. These books are really sales presentations for your online services.

      Mention in your book a few times that you offer services. You can even use client examples to be test cases. But you must give real value. You must give enough information in the book that, if they never bought anything else from you, they could do what your book describes.

      In my books, I give out my best stuff. I don't skimp. The only things I don't include are industry specific techniques that some readers couldn't use.

      I have an offer for a free consultation in the front of the book, and a little marketing information at the end. The last chapter is usually the real beginning of a sales presentation. But the reader must be completely satisfied before they get that far, or you'll get bad reviews. And a few bad reviews will kill your book sales immediately.

      I need to tell you guys; This isn't "the quick and easy method to get sales". Writing a book or two is far harder than just prospecting for clients. But after the books are written and out there, selling gets easier, and you get clients coming to you.

      But for 3 years after my first book was published and on Amazon, I was still making cold calls and networking. It takes time before this can replace other marketing. That being said, in the last 6 months, my book Local Online Marketing has brought in 23 clients at between $4,000-$6,000 in up front fees each. And my speaking to groups was a big part of that. The members of the audience bought my book either later, or before I spoke...and then called me.

      There is great marketing. But there is really no effortless marketing. I'm not marketing hard now, but you can't get anywhere starting out with no effort.

      In other words, don't stop cold calling because you are going to devote all your time to writing books. You'll starve before you get your first client.

      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      I bought 6 or 8 books on Kindle publishing to learn most of it, but the Warrior Book Club sub forum gives you a ton of information on publishing on Kindle, and using Createspace.
      There may be some confusion. I bought the books on how to publish on Kindle and Createspace. The content of my books came from workshops and larger information products that I used to sell when speaking. Now I just offer my service.

      I did, however buy about a dozen paperback books on my subject to get formatting and cover ideas.
      I just found out I can quote myself! Kind of funny.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8269109].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    Amazing. Feels good doesn't it
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  • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
    That's a great story Claude.

    I helped a friend self-publish on Amazon - it was very, very easy. The hardest part was the writing.

    I know I should do it...but it isn't really causing me any pain yet...I'll get to it one day maybe when the fish stop biting!
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8269387].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
      Originally Posted by Dan McCoy View Post

      That's a great story Claude.

      I helped a friend self-publish on Amazon - it was very, very easy. The hardest part was the writing.

      I know I should do it...but it isn't really causing me any pain yet...I'll get to it one day maybe when the fish stop biting!
      Take it from someone who learned the hard way.

      Never look for or test new lead sources AFTER they stop biting.

      When things are good is the time to test and experiment.

      leads are your life blood. if you wait till things go bad ...
      it can lead to devastating consequences.

      I lost a 350k a month business with that very mistake.
      I was a rookie, now i know better.

      Selling Ain't for Sissies!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8269407].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
        Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

        Take it from someone who learned the hard way.

        Never look for or test new lead sources AFTER they stop biting.

        When things are good is the time to test and experiment.

        leads are your life blood. if you wait till things go bad ...
        it can lead to devastating consequences.

        I lost a 350k a month business with that very mistake.
        I was a rookie, now i know better.
        You are right, of course! I didn't think of it that way.

        Now that you have changed my mind - I have to start a publishing project - damn you. I was trying to give myself reasons not to focus on it.

        One of the many benefits of having people to talk about this stuff with - thanks for not letting me off the hook that easy.
        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8269414].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

        Take it from someone who learned the hard way.

        Never look for or test new lead sources AFTER they stop biting.

        When things are good is the time to test and experiment.

        leads are your life blood. if you wait till things go bad ...
        it can lead to devastating consequences.

        I lost a 350k a month business with that very mistake.
        I was a rookie, now i know better.
        Damn it Ken! I had to go wait on a customer, but was going to say the same thing. A mistake I see is that people wait to put all their fishing lines in the water when they fish stop biting...because now they need a bite.

        You put the most lines in the water when the fish are biting most.

        I listened to the moronic Marketing Director for Cedar Point (a theme park in Sandusky Ohio) tell me that they did most of their marketing in the Winter...because they had the worst attendance then. He wanted to "even out the attendance".

        I felt like hitting him in the head with a baseball bat. I asked "Do you have trouble handling the daily attendees in the summer?" "No".

        Claude The Merciless; "But that's when people want to go to resorts, destinations, rides, vacations! Why would you try to fight that? The Summer is when your ads would actually work!"

        He told me that he was in charge of a million dollar ad budget. I threw up a little in my mouth. He also told me that he took a "marketing course in college" and that he never read a book on advertising or marketing...although "I've heard that they are out there"

        So advertise your Winter coats in the Winter!

        So there!

        Ken; From now on, wait until I post. I need to be first. Then you can tell me how smart I am and how much you agree with me!
        One Call Closing book

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8269476].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author 9999
          I was thinking about writing a book, been putting it off but this is the motivation I needed. Thanks for the amazing post!
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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    A couple hours later, I called back. He asked me if I recommended that he buy my service.

    Amazingly, I did.

    OK, so here's a question for you. My market doesn't really read books or free reports. But in an effort to become more known, I've been writing posts as an expert author mostly on Huff Post and a couple of other sites frequented by my market. That's more like article writing on a singular topic at a time, and getting a back link or two, than writing a book where I can make a full case, give testimonials and make a pitch.

    Or is there more I can do with an article?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8269803].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by misterme View Post


      OK, so here's a question for you. My market doesn't really read books or free reports. But in an effort to become more known, I've been writing posts as an expert author mostly on Huff Post and a couple of other sites frequented by my market. That's more like article writing on a singular topic at a time, and getting a back link or two, than writing a book where I can make a full case, give testimonials and make a pitch.

      Or is there more I can do with an article?
      The articles are great because people will actually read the articles...and they know what The Huffington Post is. So there is a lot of credibility there. Me? If I were you, I'd edit the 12 to 15 best articles and put it into a book.

      Why? You've already done all the heavy lifting. It would take you almost no extra work. And being an author of a book adds credibility, just like the articles.

      Have you done any radio interviews? If you do, both The Huffington Post articles and a book would get you the interview and you use that time to prospect (I know you know that already)

      Do more with the articles? Yes, make a book out of them, and use them to send out to book talks to groups of wedding planners and wedding dress shop owners.

      Being an author (Just saying it to someone changes their perception of the relationship) also helps you justify a higher price. I'd leave a copy with every new client. They won't read it, but it will impress them far more than a series of articles.

      People are impressed when someone is introduced as "Doctor". Want to impress the doctor? Tell them you are an Author. It's amazing, funny, fun to watch, and silly.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8270063].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    So Claude, do you drop the fact you are an author into your sales conversations .

    I know this thread is about business gained as a direct influence of your book, but most of your leads wont be that way (I am guessing), they wont know about you or your book, so you still have to do the donkey work somewhere, introducing them to you and/or your book/authorship.

    At what point in your face to face or previous teleconversation would you bring in your book exploits etc? and how do you then try to ensure that they are still focussed on purchasing you and your services rather than now focusing on getting your book more as the 'easier' less committed option for them


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8271091].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      At what point in your face to face or previous teleconversation would you bring in your book exploits etc? and how do you then try to ensure that they are still focussed on purchasing you and your services rather than now focusing on getting your book more as the 'easier' less committed option for them

      Very smart question.

      My book is either a lead generator, meaning they have read my book before they call...or I was speaking at an event and they got my book before I spoke.

      One thing I never do is sell my book at an event...or allow it to be handed out just before I speak. Because they will think "OK, I got the stuff", and not buy my service.

      In a sales presentation to someone I cold called or networked...I don't mention the book, or that I'm an author.

      If they ask about my book (in a sales presentation) I tell them that the book gives them the exact same information I'm giving them now.....and at the end, I'm available to perform all the services, if they want them done.

      In my presentations, I'll give them any information the want, the more the better. The more they know, the less they want to do it themselves.

      I want them to read my book first, because it will show them how complicated and work intensive the whole process is.

      You see, the book isn't really competing with my service, because I'm not selling an information product. The "Do it yourselfers" aren't my market. I want the guy that wants it done for him.

      But if I'm speaking to a group, and the book is handed out just as I speak, the people don't know how much work it is, and may decide to try it themselves. And I want to avoid that.

      The purpose of the book in prospecting is;
      To let them know I'm an expert
      To show them how difficult it would be to try this themselves,
      To help me get interviews and speaking gigs.

      I never bring up the book, or that I'm an author, in a one on one sales presentation...because we may get side tracked down a road I don't want to go. But I do get them bring out a copy they bought earlier and ask me to sign it. That's kind of fun.

      Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

      I know this thread is about business gained as a direct influence of your book, but most of your leads wont be that way (I am guessing), they wont know about you or your book, so you still have to do the donkey work somewhere, introducing them to you and/or your book/authorship.

      Actually, at this point, nearly all my clients came from;
      1) Buying my book and calling me...or
      2) Hearing me speak to a group they were in, and they have my book...or
      3) A referral from a client that tells them about my book, and my service....or
      4) Someone who came across a video/article I put out..went to Amazon...bought a batch of copies of my book to give as gifts...and those people call me.
      5) Once in a blue moon...I still cold call in person or work networking events to get new blood.

      But this isn't a get rich quick scheme. It took me 6 months to write my first book. It took me years to learn how to speak in front of groups well enough to sell a high end service...from the stage.
      It took me years to build up a stable of clients that refer other clients to me.

      So if you only write a book and put it on Amazon, you'll get a few clients....but if you use it as a lead generator,(for speaking gigs and interviews) it works very well. I should mention that I put more energy into marketing my book, than I did writing it. It's listed on hundreds of book websites, I had to figure out all the ways you could promote your book on Amazon...which helps a lot.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8272114].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mrmatt
    I am surprised nobody mentioned how you sold this guy on the phone.

    - If we can fit you in our schedule (we're swamped with clients)
    - If my team is interested (we only take on clients that interest us because we have plenty of business)
    - Im slightly interested in working with you (You might have a chance to work with us, but don't hold your breath and be thankful if I do accept you as a client)
    - You saw the price (you still called me)
    - You saw the references and testimonials (you don't need no stinking references)

    Pure awesomeness.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8272603].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Talltom1

      You just keep raising the bar higher and higher, sigh.

      All those in favor of suspending Claude's membership on WF for a month so we can catch up with this dude, say 'aye'!

      Awesome stuff.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8272816].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author PanteraIM
      I don't need to tell you that you did an awesome job here, Claude. Loved your approach to the entire call.

      Do you mind if I ask why you decided to use so many takeaways in one call?

      Originally Posted by mrmatt View Post

      I am surprised nobody mentioned how you sold this guy on the phone.

      - If we can fit you in our schedule (we're swamped with clients)
      - If my team is interested (we only take on clients that interest us because we have plenty of business)
      - Im slightly interested in working with you (You might have a chance to work with us, but don't hold your breath and be thankful if I do accept you as a client)
      - You saw the price (you still called me)
      - You saw the references and testimonials (you don't need no stinking references)

      Pure awesomeness.
      Is this your standard sales process, or did you just get a spidey sense tingling that this was the way you were going to close him?

      Do you sell like this a lot? What was your reasoning?

      Fantastic thread.

      you cant hold no groove if you ain't got no pocket.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8280088].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by PanteraIM View Post

        I don't need to tell you that you did an awesome job here, Claude. Loved your approach to the entire call.

        Do you mind if I ask why you decided to use so many takeaways in one call?

        Is this your standard sales process, or did you just get a spidey sense tingling that this was the way you were going to close him?

        Do you sell like this a lot? What was your reasoning?

        Fantastic thread.
        Thank you. When I'm in selling mode, it's just the way I talk. I'm so used to selling a certain way that it just comes automatically now.

        I know why I'm positioning myself, and giving minor take-a-ways...but I'm not really thinking about it when I'm doing it.

        The truth is, that when you write a book, and someone reads it and calls're already an expert in their eyes. They are already ready to accept a recommendation you give.

        It's mostly a matter of not saying anything that shatters that image they have of you.

        And I wouldn't have used so many take-a-ways, except he was trying to position me as a commodity service provider, and so I had to break that image. There's no way I was going to start asking him for the sale, and even Ugh...submitting a proposal.

        When he asked me for references, I had to break his chain of thought. And I had to do it quick.

        For example;
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        He said "Wait! Do you have any other pet burial clients I can talk to?"
        I said "No, that's why I'm slightly interested. You'll be the first, so you'll get everything custom made for your business. I just need to make sure it will fit in our schedule, and that we can really deliver great results. I'll need to meet with my team here and describe your business. I'll call you in an hour or so. If I talk to my team, and they are interested in the pet burial business, are we doing business?"


        "I'll call back after I talk to my team. Make sure you have your credit card handy"
        See how the first thing I said was "No"? That's very powerful. Who says "No"?. The one in charge. The leader, the professional. The boss.

        But there was no pause between "No" and the next thing I said. I can't let there be any room in there for him to argue with me. So I had to have a perfectly logical reason why I didn't have any references in his niche, and there had to be a reason why this was to his advantage.

        To be honest, I'm not always that fast on my feet, but this was created in a second to two...the whole rationale as to why my not having references was a reason to buy from me.

        I never let one client talk to another, unless it's a referral. Why? Because every client has the unshaken belief that their business is special, and I specialize in their niche. Talking to someone outside that niche will shatter that illusion....and I'm back to being a commodity service provider.

        Even though my book is written to be generic to any local business...the people reading it almost always believe it applies to them. Almost like "gasp" a daily horoscope. And I've found that shaking that belief hurts sales.

        And the reason I say I'll call them back in an hour? It's to give them an hour to go online and watch my videos, read testimonials, or read an interview I did. And I tell them that I'll call them...because if they don't call me? I'm chasing them, and I'll never do that.

        Chasing a client is like begging.
        One Call Closing book

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8280479].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author misterme
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          And I tell them that I'll call them...because if they don't call me? I'm chasing them, and I'll never do that.

          Chasing a client is like begging.
          OK. So if they don't pick up, do you leave a message stating that this is the only time you'll call them? Or is a possible $6,000 pay day worth calling back twice? What's the Strategus Claudius here?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8291411].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by misterme View Post

            OK. So if they don't pick up, do you leave a message stating that this is the only time you'll call them? Or is a possible $6,000 pay day worth calling back twice? What's the Strategus Claudius here?
            Misterme; How DARE you ask me a question that may not make me look brilliant in the eyes of my adoring fans?!

            I normally don't tell them I'll call them back. That was specific to this client, and his concern. It isn't part of my normal sales process.

            I wouldn't leave a message the first time. I'd pretend like I didn't call them, and call back later. But it happens very seldom. Maybe once in my experience with these "30 minute phone consultation" leads. Maybe never, because my telling them I'll call back isn't normal for me.

            What I have had happen is getting the receptionist/employee/gardener and them not having a clue as to why I'm calling. Even calling a client that knows me.

            If they ask me "What's this about?' I may say "I don't know, he asked me to call him and he said it was important. We'll find out when he gets on the phone".

            But before I hang up on the prospect, I would always ask if they are going to be there in an hour, or should I call a cell number. I'm pretty anal about stuff like that.

            Added later; Now, if you want to know if I would have called the guy in the OP back? Sure, maybe a couple of times. Maybe leave a message the third time...or an e-mail acting like I couldn't get back to him, because I was busy.....but that would be it.

            Does that answer your question, Kemosabe?

            Added later later: I just went back to my last post. It does sound like giving them an hour and calling them back is normal, but it isn't.

            But I never chase clients or prospects. It's part of my "one shot pitch" mentality. Not brilliant, but it's the way I think.
            One Call Closing book

            What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8291675].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ProSeomCo
    I'm not easily impressed. . . but that's impressing Claude! Well Done
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8272905].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Talltom1
      Funny little followup story....

      I was reading through this entire thread, and noted the parts where Claude is talking about his books. It turns out I've got a few books on Amazon as well, the difference is that mine are reference style books, and they are listed on Amazon for $99.95 each.

      So anyway, I'm reading through this thread, and all of a sudden, the thought occurs to me, 'Jeez, I haven't logged onto Createspace recently to check my account.'

      type, type, type, login,
      'wow', 'holy freaking cow', 'holy bleep'.

      Turns out I had a few libraries that came through that ordered multiple (i.e. 15-20 copies each ) of the book, and my unpaid royalties were uuhhh substantial.

      So, since its Friday night, maybe instead of taking the lil' woman out to McDonalds for a value meal, I'll upgrade, and take her to Burger King and pop for whoppers.

      Anyway, its been a good week. Enjoy the weekend everybody.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8273311].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Talltom1 View Post

        Funny little followup story....

        I was reading through this entire thread, and noted the parts where Claude is talking about his books. It turns out I've got a few books on Amazon as well, the difference is that mine are reference style books, and they are listed on Amazon for $99.95 each.

        So anyway, I'm reading through this thread, and all of a sudden, the thought occurs to me, 'Jeez, I haven't logged onto Createspace recently to check my account.'

        type, type, type, login,
        'wow', 'holy freaking cow', 'holy bleep'.

        Turns out I had a few libraries that came through that ordered multiple (i.e. 15-20 copies each ) of the book, and my unpaid royalties were uuhhh substantial.

        So, since its Friday night, maybe instead of taking the lil' woman out to McDonalds for a value meal, I'll upgrade, and take her to Burger King and pop for whoppers.

        Anyway, its been a good week. Enjoy the weekend everybody.

        Tom; Could you provide a link to one of your books?

        Yeah, library sales and bulk sales to companies....gotta love them.
        One Call Closing book

        What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8273378].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author misterme
        Originally Posted by Talltom1 View Post

        I was reading through this entire thread, and noted the parts where Claude is talking about his books. It turns out I've got a few books on Amazon as well...

        Turns out I had a few libraries that came through that ordered multiple (i.e. 15-20 copies each ) of the book, and my unpaid royalties were uuhhh substantial.
        That's how amazing Claude is. Not only does he make money and share with others how to make money, but people make money just by reading his threads.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8273448].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by misterme View Post

          That's how amazing Claude is. Not only does he make money and share with others how to make money, but people make money just by reading his threads.

          Not only that, but you make money just by sending me money for no reason...other than to make sending me more money!

          OK, That was a joke.

          The book link below is to the single best book I've found on Local Online Marketing to use as a template. It's a clean, informative book that's laid out really well. The author isn't promoting it at all, and just using it as his business card.

          Don't ask for a free copy, and it only comes in paperback...but it will save you some time, and it helped me figure out how I wanted to lay out my book.

          Out of the dozens of books I have read on the subject, this is the one I would get as a template.

          Here's the link direct to the Amazon sales page.

          How to get Your Business on the First Page of...How to get Your Business on the First Page of...
          No, you can't get the book from me.
          No, It's not an affiliate link.

          The "30 minute phone consultation" at the beginning of this book is where I got the idea.
          One Call Closing book

          What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8273470].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author alnodeya
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            Out of the dozens of books I have read on the subject, this is the one I would get as a template.

            Here's the link direct to the Amazon sales page.

            How to get Your Business on the First Page of Google: Dave Jabas: 9780615375571: Books
            Claude, I know you say you have used this book as a template but I can imagine now the content would be fairly outdated. Have you revisited the current relevancy of the content after the numerous Google changes or have you only concentrated on the layout?
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8275384].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Originally Posted by alnodeya View Post

              Claude, I know you say you have used this book as a template but I can imagine now the content would be fairly outdated. Have you revisited the current relevancy of the content after the numerous Google changes or have you only concentrated on the layout?
              I used it for the layout and the "30 minute free phone consultation" page at the beginning. Also, the guy really knows what he's talking about, so some of the language and explanations given were useful.

              Here's something you guys may find interesting; Every paperback book on local online marketing concentrates almost entirely on the Google Places (or now Google Plus Local) listings. And these change as often as we change our socks.

              So in my book Local Online Marketing, I concentrated far more on the Videos, website structure and content, blogs, and white hat linking, which changes much slower.

              And it's also what I concentrate on in my service I provide.

              I also concentrate of the idea of getting multiple page one Google listings, which separates me from every website guy, and every SEO guy.

              And I make that the spine of my sales presentation.
              One Call Closing book

              What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8275428].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Talltom1
    Hey Claude,

    Here's the link you asked for to one of my book.

    U.S. Manufacturing Statistics by Industry Sector

    This book is designed specifically for business professionals like CPA's, attorney's, investment bankers, and management consultants. Each of these industry reports is loaded with really valuable data, so a management consultant can do a 'gap analysis' on a new client, and compare those results to the data in this report. That will instantly tell him/her exactly what issues they need to fix at the client.

    So here's what I'm thinking. This stuff would be hugely valuable to a local small biz owner, but they don't know how to do a 'gap analysis' or how to take advantage of it, and they certainly can't afford management consultants.

    The other side of the coin is that we're all busy showing these people how to make more money. The upsell, or backside of selling our marketing services, would be a product or service showing them how to keep more of it.

    So I'm using these reports to create a self-help workbook or Do-It-Yourself gap analysis for small/medium business owners, to show them what their issues are compared to their peers, and a step by step process for fixing them - a digital consultant of sorts.

    With all of the local offline work we're all doing here, I'd be interested in getting a PM from a few people that'd want to beta test this with a few of their clients. There would be NO support requirements or special expertise that you'd need to have other than parking it in front of a client.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8274078].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bizgrower
      Perhaps you could teach gap analysis to small groups of business owners for X per workshop.

      Originally Posted by Talltom1 View Post

      Hey Claude,

      Here's the link you asked for to one of my book.

      U.S. Manufacturing Statistics by Industry Sector

      This book is designed specifically for business professionals like CPA's, attorney's, investment bankers, and management consultants. Each of these industry reports is loaded with really valuable data, so a management consultant can do a 'gap analysis' on a new client, and compare those results to the data in this report. That will instantly tell him/her exactly what issues they need to fix at the client.

      So here's what I'm thinking. This stuff would be hugely valuable to a local small biz owner, but they don't know how to do a 'gap analysis' or how to take advantage of it, and they certainly can't afford management consultants.

      The other side of the coin is that we're all busy showing these people how to make more money. The upsell, or backside of selling our marketing services, would be a product or service showing them how to keep more of it.

      So I'm using these reports to create a self-help workbook or Do-It-Yourself gap analysis for small/medium business owners, to show them what their issues are compared to their peers, and a step by step process for fixing them - a digital consultant of sorts.

      With all of the local offline work we're all doing here, I'd be interested in getting a PM from a few people that'd want to beta test this with a few of their clients. There would be NO support requirements or special expertise that you'd need to have other than parking it in front of a client.


      "If you think you're the smartest person in the room, then you're probably in the wrong room."

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8275368].message }}
  • Did you guys get your own ISBNs? Is there any downside to letting Createspace get the ISBN?
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8274218].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by joe golfer View Post

      Did you guys get your own ISBNs? Is there any downside to letting Createspace get the ISBN?
      Createspace gives you your own ISBN number. It's free. The only downside (it really isn't a downside) is that it will say "Published by Createspace" on your Amazon sales page description.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8274278].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author bluecoyotemedia
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Createspace gives you your own ISBN number. It's free. The only downside (it really isn't a downside) is that it will say "Published by Createspace" on your Amazon sales page description.


        forget the superheros.. you are the man of steel

        great thread and thanks for sharing that.. some interesting ideas especially for creating books


        Skunkworks: noun. informal.

        A clandestine group operating without any external intervention or oversight. Such groups achieve significant breakthroughs rarely discussed in public because they operate "outside the box".

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8275203].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WordpressManiac
    That's amazing Claude! Just bought your book, will see what I can learn :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Claude, thanks for the reply to my questions, next time you in the UK, we gotta hook up , you do come to the UK right?

    You have a way of simply joining some dots that previously seemed like a messy maze.

    Appreciate your time , already had the book and read some of it (I know I know, well there's no pictures!) , all makes sense, unsurprisingly.


    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8276053].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mary Stevens
    Wow I love how you kept control of the conversation and maintained a position of power. I could see how the owner kept trying to take it away from you I counted at least three times. Great post may I ask how many pages is your book?

    *edit* nevermind I found what i needed
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8277550].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    A couple of questions if you don't mind.

    I take it this guy originally was thinking only of having a website built. Is that correct? And you flipped him to the entire service.

    And this:
    He said "So how much will this cost me?"
    I said "Did you go on my website?" He said "Of course"
    I said "That's how much it costs.

    ... I see a $3,999 price in your FAQs, so how did that transition to 5999 without him objecting about the price quote being different than what he saw on the site?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8278927].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author marketingrep4u

      Is your book available on iTunes?

      I'd like to read the ebook on my iPad.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8279366].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
        Originally Posted by marketingrep4u View Post


        Is your book available on iTunes?

        I'd like to read the ebook on my iPad.

        Kindle app. I read on my iphone but don't use ibooks.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8280027].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      A couple of questions if you don't mind.

      I take it this guy originally was thinking only of having a website built. Is that correct? And you flipped him to the entire service.

      And this:
      He said "So how much will this cost me?"
      I said "Did you go on my website?" He said "Of course"
      I said "That's how much it costs.

      ... I see a $3,999 price in your FAQs, so how did that transition to 5999 without him objecting about the price quote being different than what he saw on the site?
      Misterme; I don't know if he originally wanted just a website. He read my book. And only a part of the book is about websites. He asked me the question exactly as posted, and we didn't talk about "just a website" again.

      I don't think I really flipped him to the whole service, I think he may have asked that question to see how comparable my prices were with a known commodity. That's my guess.

      He mentioned that the website still says $3,999 (although my presentations and agreements show $5,999)....... and I explained some additional services provided, that were not included in that price...a mobile website, 36 additional slide show videos, 2 additional Youtube channels, submitting videos to 50 additional video sites with different titles, and a thousand internal links (Total) on Youtube manually written and posted.

      I gave him the choice, and he went for the upgrade. So have the last 6 or 7 that have bought. So we ended up at $5,999 plus the $199 a month. My agreement has the price at $5,999 plus an optional upgrade (twice everything except websites) at $7,999. So, had he not mentioned the $3,999, I would have quoted $5,999 plus an upgrade if wanted.

      I just didn't mention this part of the conversation in the first post, because it would have confused the point I was making....which is to write a book, or create a CD or DVD that establishes you as the expert (and minor celebrity, like all authors) to do the major part of prospecting and selling for you.

      Thanks for the reminder though. When he mentioned the $3,999, I honestly thought it was already increased to $5,999 on the website. I'll have my guy take care of it tomorrow.

      The last several clients bought during my "30 minute free phone consultation", and never went to the website.

      Would I have accepted the $3,999? Yes, but I wouldn't have given the additional services.

      added later; I just went to my site, and saw where the $3,999 was. There are other things on the site that I thought were changed. Thanks again for the heads up.

      Originally Posted by marketingrep4u View Post


      Is your book available on iTunes?

      I'd like to read the ebook on my iPad.

      Rich; I Tunes? No. But it is on Kindle (which you can download to your computer) or you can buy the paperback book.
      One Call Closing book

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8279558].message }}

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