Offliners with established clients - Want to test my software?

2 replies

I have made some simple software for offline businesses. The idea is that they can give the software away and provide value for existing and prospective customers with a link back to their site/Facebook page or contact page.

I am looking for people who have clients in the following niches:

- Real Estate
- Medical (inc. dentists, chiropractors, chiropodists + all medical sub-niches)
- Food/Catering
- Plumbing
- DIY suppliers/Builders/Handymen

Please PM me for more details & let me know your experience.


#clients #established #offliners #software
  • Profile picture of the author SashaLee
    Hi there,

    What does the software do?

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author Paleochora

    The software is a dashboard style product that delivers either pdf files or You Tube videos and then a link.

    So a plumber, for example, could either curate or have created 4 "quick tips" videos so householders could refer to it when needed and the dashboard would also include a link to his contact page or wherever. This would help build a list for the client (as the software would need an activation key on first run) and build a level of trust & awareness in potential customers.

    This is part of a wider Pro version of a PLR pack I am launching in the next few weeks. The reason for this thread is to see if I can get a case study or two - people who have successfully sold the product to clients.

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