How many types of Offliners are out there?

2 replies
Hi Everyone,

I am trying to figure out what the different types of offliners are that are around?

I know about SEO and website designers, but what other types are there :confused:

I'm trying to create a special product exclusively for offliners so that's why I want to know


Pai Mei
#offliners #types
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    You could be the consultant that creates/provides
    marketing plans,
    sms marketing solutions
    email marketing
    online ad management (adwords, facebook, other)
    higher conversions at website, when prospect first talks to client, and anywher in-between, before or after
    ad writer
    direct mail
    general online marketing consulting
    video marketing (create videos, write scripts for videos)
    reputation management
    press releases
    provide them telemarketing help
    create telemarketing scripts for them

    Ok. I killed to many grey cells. I go sleep.
    Originally Posted by Pai Mei View Post

    Hi Everyone,

    I am trying to figure out what the different types of offliners are that are around?

    I know about SEO and website designers, but what other types are there :confused:

    I'm trying to create a special product exclusively for offliners so that's why I want to know


    Pai Mei
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8490822].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Pai Mei
      Can anyone think of any that are missing?

      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      You could be the consultant that creates/provides
      marketing plans,
      sms marketing solutions
      email marketing
      online ad management (adwords, facebook, other)
      higher conversions at website, when prospect first talks to client, and anywher in-between, before or after
      ad writer
      direct mail
      general online marketing consulting
      video marketing (create videos, write scripts for videos)
      reputation management
      press releases
      provide them telemarketing help
      create telemarketing scripts for them

      Ok. I killed to many grey cells. I go sleep.
      PM me if you have a list 50k list or more of buyers in the IM space for an evergreen high converting product at a high price point.

      "Your so-called kung-fu... is really... quite pathetic."
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8491455].message }}

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