Opportunity to partner up and keep yourselves accountable...
We'll set up meetings 3 times per week.
Set goals you have in your business and reverse engineer that to break down what actions need to be taken on a daily basis to achieve your goals.
Anybody that isn't taking it serious ie not showing up to the meetings (over skype), or is setting weak goals will be cut and replaced.
We want to make this a lean, forward momentum machine.
Apply at the following link -> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/D79WX7J
I think this is the missing piece of the puzzle in why a lot of us are not succeeding.
Do you manage to get all your work done at work? I imagine you do or you'd be fired.... So, then why is it impossible for you to make headway in your own business?
It's because nobody is holding you accountable to what you say you will do.
If this sounds like something that is for you...
Fill out the form -> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/D79WX7J
trader909 -
Thanks - 1 reply
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