Getting to the owner by phone....

32 replies
I have a few ways of getting to the owner of a business.

Reply to their ads on Craigslist and ask

Sift through LinkedIn

Google their company name.

Anyone have a faster method?
#owner #phone
  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Go look in the Offline section. (EDIT: this was moved from the main forum)

    This isn't hard at all, but newbies are nervous on the phone, and you get connected to who you sound like. Sound like a nervous nellie and you get to talk to no one.

    I share the Little Unsure technique and there are dozens of people on this forum who have used it over the past couple of years. It works great.
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    • Profile picture of the author HappyComputer
      How would you find contacts on Linkedin?
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        I just ask for the owner by name. "Bob Jones please, Claude Whitacre calling".

        I nearly always get through.

        But I know who to ask for. I make it a point. I have a list, with the owner's name (or CEO). And I sound like I'm one CEO calling another CEO...because I am.

        Stop calling asking for the owner or decision maker!

        Stop it.

        If you want to guarantee you'll get hung up on..that's the way to do it.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Claude so how do you get that list with owners names
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Mobilemarketingkings View Post

            Claude so how do you get that list with owners names
            I work directories that always have the list of Executive Officers. These directories are available on Amazon. I work Trade Associations.

            You can also get directories of businesses by state.

            Most list brokers can get you the name you need by function; e.g. sales directors.... These are selects most compiled lists can have.
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I just ask for the owner by name. "Bob Jones please, Claude Whitacre calling".

          I nearly always get through.

          But I know who to ask for. I make it a point. I have a list, with the owner's name (or CEO). And I sound like I'm one CEO calling another CEO...because I am.

          Stop calling asking for the owner or decision maker!

          Stop it.

          If you want to guarantee you'll get hung up on..that's the way to do it.
          This is great and works well if you DO sound like one CEO calling another. You do get connected to the person you sound the most like.

          However, newbies are nervous and lack skill. They simply are not going to sound like a CEO on the phone for the first week at least. That is why I recommend the Little Unsure technique, which has worked for many people on this forum who have used it. I use it all the time and have never had a problem, such as being told I didn't know the owner's name so I couldn't talk to them. One day I am going to call your store and use it to get to you, Claude. I've been thinking about doing that for awhile
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

            That is why I recommend the Little Unsure technique, which has worked for many people on this forum who have used it. I use it all the time and have never had a problem, such as being told I didn't know the owner's name so I couldn't talk to them. One day I am going to call your store and use it to get to you, Claude. I've been thinking about doing that for awhile
            Jason; I get a lot of cold calls. More than most brick and mortar stores...because I'm on sooo many lists. The one technique that will get you at least a minute is your "Little Unsure Technique". I've used it myself to great effect.

            It's just so incredibly disarming....and taps into our desire to help.
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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            • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              Jason; I get a lot of cold calls. More than most brick and mortar stores...because I'm on sooo many lists. The one technique that will get you at least a minute is your "Little Unsure Technique". I've used it myself to great effect.

              It's just so incredibly disarming....and taps into our desire to help.
              Yeah, I'm not going to call the store for awhile now...if I were you I'd tell my employees to slam the phone down if they hear the Little Unsure technique so for the near future I won't try it.

              Yes, the common thing here is that we're saying "DO NOT ask for 'the owner' or 'the decision maker'." For some reason you sound like a salesperson and a horrifically unprepared one at that when you do. But the Little Unsure technique removes all that and puts you in a sympathetic situation with the gatekeeper, who will try to 'rescue' you.
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            • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              Jason; I get a lot of cold calls. More than most brick and mortar stores...because I'm on sooo many lists. The one technique that will get you at least a minute is your "Little Unsure Technique". I've used it myself to great effect.

              It's just so incredibly disarming....and taps into our desire to help.
              Those two methods are gold. Basically you command (nicely) or you ask for help. Humans want to follow and they want to help. Basic human nature and so easy, honest, and just plain "real" why wouldn't they would like gangbusters?

              1. If you know who the person is you need to talk to just confidently ask for them by name. You will get them 99% of the time.

              2. When you don't know use the little unsure method and get the gatekeeper on your side and she will be your way in.

              There really are no tricks to it. It's simply about being prepare and confident even when you don't know. If you have to trick someone it will leave a bad taste in their mouth and you don't want to start a relationship on the negative. And asking for the owner, manager, or even worse the decision maker just sounds like a bad sales person. Agree 100% with Jason to never do it.

              Once you get to the person you need that is when the hard part starts. Getting to that person should be and is easy. if you are having problems with it that means you are making it harder then it needs to be.
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              • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                Originally Posted by Aaron Doud View Post

                Once you get to the person you need that is when the hard part starts. Getting to that person should be and is easy. if you are having problems with it that means you are making it harder then it needs to be.
                The only advice I can give after I get the owner (or event planner) on the phone, is quickly tell them what you want, and don't waste their time.

                I never sound real enthusiastic. If you are sounding just a tad too excited, you lose all credibility. I'm pleasant, matter of fact, and talk exactly like I was talking to an equal. I even talk in short sentences.

                "No. I don't want a booth. Thank you"
                "I'll just need the check ready when I arrive. Can we do that?" as I expect a "Yes".

                Not pushy, not aggressive. Just a fellow business person discussing business.

                And remember, half of any business is buying. So there is no reason to feel funny about selling.
                One Call Closing book

                “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I just ask for the owner by name. "Bob Jones please, Claude Whitacre calling".

          I nearly always get through.

          But I know who to ask for. I make it a point. I have a list, with the owner's name (or CEO). And I sound like I'm one CEO calling another CEO...because I am.
          One thing I love about your response is the implied professionalism in contacting another professional.

          I see a lot of comments by newbies here about how to contact the owner/decision maker. The REALLY BIG problem I see with the idea of "just start dialing" is the response I hear from other business owners who get phone spammed daily.

          My typical day runs about 7 - 10 idiots calling with about half using tape recorded messages. While it may come as a surprise to some, *I* pay the phone bill to be able to have the use of my phone... it is not for some clueless person to waste my time with things I have no use for.

          One example I love are the absolute idiots who call me for computer repair/service. I've probably been doing that for longer than they have been born. And then some don't gracefully say thank you and hang up, but instead want to argue about it.

          Personally, I have no respect for shotgun telemarketers... it degrades the whole telemarketing profession.

          Instead of asking how to phone, a better question is how to clean up the telemarketing "profession" to get rid of the spammers so the professionals can get the respect they deserve. And calling about something applicable that business owners are looking for.

          Creating ill will towards a whole profession is just not good business for anyone except the spammers.

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        • Profile picture of the author aross
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          I just ask for the owner by name. "Bob Jones please, Claude Whitacre calling".

          I nearly always get through.

          But I know who to ask for. I make it a point. I have a list, with the owner's name (or CEO). And I sound like I'm one CEO calling another CEO...because I am.

          Stop calling asking for the owner or decision maker!

          Stop it.

          If you want to guarantee you'll get hung up on..that's the way to do it.
          I used to work as an "appointment setter" fancy title for a cold caller. We used this exact technique! Get a low tone of voice like a no nonsence CEO needing to talk to their CEO. Blend in, if you are calling a construction company sound like a rugged construction type guy. My co-worker was the best at this, while the newbies where too embarrassed to do this, he would literally get his acting cap on. He would get a raspy sort of voice, no gatekeeper would ever mess with him or hang up on him.

          Good luck!
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          • Profile picture of the author Anthem40
            Check out the Secretary of State website for business listings as well.
            95% of IM'ers have great relationships with clients who also advertise offline and with other people. Stop missing out on that cash and leverage into it. PM me if you are an established marketer and want to find out how.
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            • Profile picture of the author mcfcok
              Learn how to used Linkedin properly, there is an art to doing it properly and you'll get all the decision makers you need without pesky gatekeepers.
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        • Profile picture of the author PaulintheSticks
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          Stop calling asking for the owner or decision maker!
          If you want to guarantee you'll get hung up on..that's the way to do it.
          Not with car dealers. I simply ask who the gm is, take down their name, and ask them to connect me. I get through at least 95% of the time.

          Sometimes they ask "and you're from?" (looking for a company name) I give them the name of my city, then they put me through.
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  • Profile picture of the author aharrold
    Do a whois search on their domain, good chance if they are a small company that is all the owners info .... Just a little trick that I use.
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  • Profile picture of the author taxpayment1
    That Is a really good question brother. I'm not 100% sure on that one, I wish you the best of luck though. Craigslist and Google are great ways to connect with people for your business. Linked in also, but FB is deff. the best I would deff. say!
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  • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
    I dont think cold calling is the best way to prospect, because you have no room to negociate a lot, I created a thread some time ago explaining some of the techniques I use to prospect without cold calling and I made a free PDF, here you have

    How to Generate B2B Leads Without Cold Calling

    and the other one

    Hope it helps
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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
      Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

      I dont think cold calling is the best way to prospect, because you have no room to negociate a lot, I created a thread some time ago explaining some of the techniques I use to prospect without cold calling and I made a free PDF, here you have

      How to Generate B2B Leads Without Cold Calling

      and the other one

      For the entrepreneur that knows cold calling sucks, but does not know other way to get clients

      Hope it helps
      "No room to negotiate"?? Nonsense.
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      • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
        Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

        "No room to negotiate"?? Nonsense.
        Beggers are never chosers.. but to each their own; I have explained many times in the offline section of this forum why you are in a "weak" position when you cold call, Jhon Durham and his cold callers used to attack my comments very often, but never proved them wrong.

        When you are cold calling somebody you are showing them you need their business, you have no positioning, no leverage, everything is reduced to prices and it is sould crushing, I can tell you because I did it, now I am a better marketer and learned other techniques to me saying that cold calling is a good way to get clients is like saying that mc Donalds is the best food, for sure when you dont have other option you go for that, but once you know better, repeating the same behaviour is simply ludacris.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
          Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

          Beggers are never chosers.. but to each their own; I have explained many times in the offline section of this forum why you are in a "weak" position when you cold call, Jhon Durham and his cold callers used to attack my comments very often, but never proved them wrong.

          When you are cold calling somebody you are showing them you need their business, you have no positioning, no leverage, everything is reduced to prices and it is sould crushing, I can tell you because I did it, now I am a better marketer and learned other techniques to me saying that cold calling is a good way to get clients is like saying that mc Donalds is the best food, for sure when you dont have other option you go for that, but once you know better, repeating the same behaviour is simply ludacris.
          This is absolute baloney. I am sorry newbies have to read this kind of stuff.

          You have zero calling skill so you say it doesn't work. You should read MY book and learn something.

          There is NO difference between talking to someone in person or by phone. How you start the call does make a difference, but your knowledge of calling is obviously minimal.
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          • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
            Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

            This is absolute baloney. I am sorry newbies have to read this kind of stuff.
            Don't feel sorry for them, let them decide which method is best for them.

            Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

            You have zero calling skill so you say it doesn't work. You should read MY book and learn something.
            You are absolutely right I have zero cold calling skills and thanks to that I have becomed a better marketer.

            Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

            here is NO difference between talking to someone in person or by phone. How you start the call does make a difference, but your knowledge of calling is obviously minimal.
            You are right, it does not make any difference taking over the phone or in person, but that is not the point I am making, the difference is in prospecting and the process of who finds who.

            If cold calling is so great tell me please why I have never gotten a call from a doctor saying? "Hello, can I talk to the sick person of the house? we have a 2 for 1 colonoscopy special".... and it is not by chance that doctors are among the highest paid professionals, you don't have to buy my book, I have a free training on the War Room, go ahead and get it, you may get a couple of golden nuggets about positioning and direct marketing.

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            • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
              Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

              Don't feel sorry for them, let them decide which method is best for them.

              You are absolutely right I have zero cold calling skills and thanks to that I have becomed a better marketer.


              You are right, it does not make any difference taking over the phone or in person, but that is not the point I am making, the difference is in prospecting and the process of who finds who.

              If cold calling is so great tell me please why I have never gotten a call from a doctor saying? "Hello, can I talk to the sick person of the house? we have a 2 for 1 colonoscopy special".... and it is not by chance that doctors are among the highest paid professionals, you don't have to buy my book, I have a free training on the War Room, go ahead and get it, you may get a couple of golden nuggets about positioning and direct marketing.

              Why would you come onto a thread titled "Getting to the owner by phone" and drop your links (into at least the third thread today)? Our topic here is phone sales. Take it to another thread.
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              • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

                Why would you come onto a thread titled "Getting to the owner by phone" and drop your links (into at least the third thread today)? Our topic here is phone sales. Take it to another thread.
                Because just as you, I am sharing my experience with the forum, and I want to share what is giving me results, most people start cold calling, because they don't know there are other ways to get clients, that is why I commented here.

                This is nor your thread nor your forum, we are both guests and I am following the rules Why should I post in another thread when my point is to give a different option? I don't agree with the circle jerk of cold callers, that is why I came here and post the links with free information.

                I saw your promotional post and respected (even you should have paid in the WSO section) why would I allow people to keep doing the same thing that is not working when the OP is clearly asking for a different approach?
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            • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
              Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

              If cold calling is so great tell me please why I have never gotten a call from a doctor saying? "Hello, can I talk to the sick person of the house? we have a 2 for 1 colonoscopy special".... and it is not by chance that doctors are among the highest paid professionals,
              You're preaching to the choir. The reason Doctors make so much is because of their positioning. The single greatest advancement in medicine was the "Doctor's office". The second biggest advance was the "appointment".

              But doctor's used to make rounds, until they learned about positioning.

              Positioning yourself in business and marketing to attract clients is the best way. But while you are waiting for the phone to ring...cold calling is a pretty good use of time.

              It's like saying "Which should I wear...pants or a shirt?" Each covers a specific problem (Ha, brilliant humor!)

              I interpret the OP as asking how to get to the owner when you cold call.

              In the very rare instance where I get a competent cold caller, you know what I'm thinking? "At last, someone willing to get off their butt and try to make something happen. Not just waiting for leads to fall in his lap".

              But I used to cold call a lot, so maybe my reaction is unusual.

              Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

              You are absolutely right I have zero cold calling skills and thanks to that I have become a better marketer.
              This immediately tells me two things;
              1) You were smart enough to go with your strengths.
              2) You are unqualified to talk about cold calling. Marketing to create leads? Sure. Cold calling? No.

              I'm not trying to me a jerk here. But if the question is about cold calling (Which I think the OP was asking about) then anything you say except "You are absolutely right I have zero cold calling skills and thanks to that I have become a better marketer." is not based on fact.

              Now, if you would have said "I've cold called for 5 years, was great at it, but found a faster way to get sales over the phone", I'd think differently.
              One Call Closing book

              “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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              • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                I'm not trying to me a jerk here. But if the question is about cold calling (Which I think the OP was asking about) then anything you say except "You are absolutely right I have zero cold calling skills and thanks to that I have become a better marketer." is not based on fact.

                Now, if you would have said "I've cold called for 5 years, was great at it, but found a faster way to get sales over the phone", I'd think differently.
                I was starting to agree with all your coments, because I thought you were definitely beraking the cold calling circlejerk, and you were open to a productive mature discussion, but then you add the last paragraphs and then you became a form versus matter issue and I realized that you were just pretending to be open to a real discussion.

                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                you say except "You are absolutely right I have zero cold calling skills and thanks to that I have become a better marketer." is not based on fact.
                It is a based fact I passed from being an starving entrepreneur to start selling, you may not be able to corroborate the facts, but it is a fact.

                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                Now, if you would have said "I've cold called for 5 years, was great at it, but found a faster way to get sales over the phone", I'd think differently.
                And here is where you add a coment based abcolutely in semantics that I did not specify for practical reasons, but I never said I never cold called nor that I did not try, not that I did not train or push harder, but there is a different between tenacity and stupidity, making the same process over and over for 5 years without results is insane, I never understood how so many people think it is just a matter of try harder or push forward or just try it longer when there are better methods.

                You have just 24 hours to cold call, there is no leverage to it and most of the times people just tell you, that you are doing it wrong and that you just need to "try harder", but trying harder does not bring the sales nor gives you more time, there is a point where you need to decide to stick to it or move on, I did everything they told me to do and did not work... then I discover direct marketing and I start getting leads in no time, and you dont have to start with letters and such, you can start with craigslists, that is free.

                I can't argue with reality, that is why I make this comment here, because I interpreted the OP message as a search for a different/better way to reach the owner and with no doubt in my mind direct marketing is the best approach.
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                • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                  Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                  I was starting to agree with all your coments, because I thought you were definitely beraking the cold calling circlejerk, and you were open to a productive mature discussion, but then you add the last paragraphs and then you became a form versus matter issue and I realized that you were just pretending to be open to a real discussion.
                  No. You are mistaken. I'm only interested in readers making more money. That is my sole purpose for being here. And if disagreeing with you is part of that, so be it.

                  Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                  And here is where you add a comment based absolutely in semantics that I did not specify for practical reasons,
                  Think about what you just said. I responded to exactly what you said. It's impossible to respond to what you left out.

                  Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

                  but there is a different between tenacity and stupidity, making the same process over and over for 5 years without results is insane, I never understood how so many people think it is just a matter of try harder or push forward or just try it longer when there are better methods.
                  First; I can only go by what you say. I literally pasted your comment as is and commented on it.

                  You just said;
                  "but there is a different between tenacity and stupidity, making the same process over and over for 5 years without results is insane, I never understood how so many people think it is just a matter of try harder or push forward or just try it longer when there are better methods."

                  How can anyone disagree with that? I wouldn't. I don't think Jason would.

                  What you are talking about is one of the biggest myths about selling,and it applies very much to cold calling. It isn't a matter of trying harder. If you make 100 calls and they all fail, you are trying exactly as hard as the guy that makes 100 calls and gets 2 sales...or 5 sales..or 20 appointments.

                  It isn't a mater of doing the wrong thing more often. It's all about not making the same mistakes over and over again.

                  I would never (assuming you gave it any effort) tell you to "try harder". What kind of advice is that? How does that make you more productive? It doesn't.

                  You are absolutely right about there being better methods. And some of those methods (but not all) are about how to cold call well. Not harder, better.

                  You used to cold call and got terrible results? The person who trained you committed fraud. Why are the morons doing the sales training?

                  Now, I get you, I think. I've heard the same thing about direct mail and other sorts of advertising. "I tried direct mail for a year, lost my shirt, and now I'm going back to what I know works..cold calling on the phone"...

                  I've heard exactly that several times. I've heard the same "It didn't work" about advertising, cold calling, canvasing, online marketing, content marketing, radio, infomercials, surveys....the list goes on. And I've heard your situation too.
                  You were taught the wrong way (there are thousands of wrong ways) to cold call. And so you hated it. So would I.

                  And since you tried marketing, and weren't taught the wrong way to do succeeded.

                  But....Unless you have taken Jason Kanigan's training, (or similar real training) you are shooting in the dark. And of course you would hate cold calling.

                  And, like I said Before, Marketing is better, easier, more fun. But if you need a quick sale, cold calling the right way will get you that. Whenever I needed a quick sale, that's what I did.

                  Anyway, I think I understand you now. Can I give you a piece of advice? I'm only here to make you money...and make others money.

                  None of you are my market. I don't think I've made $100 off this membership in the last 3 years. This is my hobby.

                  My advice is to get a thinker skin. I gave it one more shot because I think I misunderstood some of what you were getting at.
                  One Call Closing book

                  “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by patadeperro View Post

          Beggers are never chosers.. but to each their own; I have explained many times in the offline section of this forum why you are in a "weak" position when you cold call, Jhon Durham and his cold callers used to attack my comments very often, but never proved them wrong.

          When you are cold calling somebody you are showing them you need their business, you have no positioning, no leverage, everything is reduced to prices and it is sould crushing,
          I actually agree with you. Selling by cold calling is soul crushing. But sorting by cold calling isn't. If you are simply looking for that guy that wants to buy now (they are out there), it isn't hard, just a little time consuming.

          And with Jason's approach, by the time you are really presenting, rapport has been established, and you aren't in a weak position.

          Most cold callers don't have that training, so they don't have that experience.

          You are right that you have no positioning...except that you are right there...the day they are thinking of buying. But for the vast majority of people you call, you are right, you have no positioning, no leverage.

          I still don't see this as any kind of a debate.

          If you're a great cold caller, you have great results. If you're not, you won't.

          Just like direct mail, networking, advertising, online marketing.

          You are right "Beggers are never closers". But, in my experience, you are perceived as a beggar not by how you met, but by your demeanor, skill, voice, control.

          But, also in my experience, most cold callers are so bad, that I don't know how they ever make a sale. Just like most salespeople. In other words, if you suck, it doesn't matter how we met. I'm not buying.
          One Call Closing book

          “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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          • Profile picture of the author patadeperro
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            I still don't see this as any kind of a debate.

            If you're a great cold caller, you have great results. If you're not, you won't.

            Just like direct mail, networking, advertising, online marketing.

            You are right "Beggers are never closers". But, in my experience, you are perceived as a beggar not by how you met, but by your demeanor, skill, voice, control.
            I agree this may not be an either or kind of debate, but as I said in other thread most people believe the only way (or the best) to get clients is by cold calling, I am sharing what works best for me and how cold calling did not worked and why.
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  • Profile picture of the author AZRanger
    I used to cold call for decision makers when I worked for a Buy Side Search Firm for Private Equity Clients--I used Info USA and a good CRM (I would update the contact info if the company or decision maker changed hands-that way I did not have to repurchase the info again). Last year (my final year in Private Equity) I closed 3 deals for an Enterprise Value Exceeding 730M USD for my clients-all from cold calling for decision makers.
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