"If you're having a slow month, try this..."

8 replies

I've received several emails over the past few days about what I shared last week, so I thought I'd share more about my mindset.

Basically, last week I shared that if I had to get three deals in the next 30 days, I wouldn't throw up a squeeze page and try to give away a free report, video or ebook.

Here's what I would do:

First, I would start by creating a fat, juicy offer of one or more marketing strategies I could use to get fast results for a business owner.

I would really push the envelope with this offer.

In fact, I would do everything in my power to make it so good that it would be a no-brainer. If you have no idea how to do that in your consulting business, that explains 90% of your problem right there.

Next, I'd create a long form landing page/salesletter that details the entire offer but in a way that explains all the benefits a business owner will receive.

Then, I would create some type of ad (preferably a display ad) that would have a great headline, body copy, call to action and a bonus for buying my package within the next seven days.

(I might also include a exit pop-up squeeze page on that landing page, but that's only if I couldn't come up with a good downsell for the exit pop-up.)

Last, I'd advertise that ad in my local newspaper, website, craigslist, newspaper & television websites in the form of a banner ad, direct mail and anywhere else I could.

When your back is against the wall, that's not the time to be just collecting email addresses, writing articles, making facebook posts, tweeting or playing around with long sales cycles.

You need to be closing deals.

That's why if you're in this particular situation, I wouldn't advise...

- Blind copy. (You want them to know exactly what's going on.)
- Squeeze page only. (Can't pay the bills with email addy's.)
- Seven, ten or twenty day marketing education email
series with no clear call to action. (Can't wait that long to see if it's working.)
- Educational webinar, hangout or teleseminar. (Nope. It's time to sell something.)

There's a time and a place for all of those marketing strategies above, but I'm going for the business owners who are ready to buy right now.

Sure, you could do a webinar, hangout or teleseminar and make your offer with a strong call-to-action, but why prolong your sales cycle if you don't have to?

Keep it simple.

Put together a great offer, make a ad selling that great offer, put up a salespage talking about that great offer and make a compelling call-to-action for that great offer.

Then, run the dang ad.

Don't make it so complicated that you never actually do anything.

The last time I ran a direct offer campaign a few months ago, I picked up four clients right away. The smallest was a $1,500 campaign.

Now, just to be clear about this: Yes, you're cherry-picking.

The only people who respond to these type of ads are business owners who are ready to rock-n-roll.

After you hit your quota for the month, you can take your sweet time whining and dining (aka following up with) the leads that didn't buy right away.

Now, go put your offer together and create your ad.

#marketing consultant #offline marketing #offline plr
  • Good stuff chris!

    Guillermo -
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  • Profile picture of the author AlistarWaugh
    Good strategies you are using to get deals, keep it up and add some new tricks also.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8697304].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alanaj
    Great tips here Chris. Thanks for sharing and nice to see someone else from CT in the WF. Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author laredoan
    Very good advice!! Thank You for sharing.

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  • Profile picture of the author baxterblue
    Great advice and thanks for posting.
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  • Profile picture of the author neeralt
    Will try this one. Thank you for sharing. I'm sure this will help others a lot!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9145414].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author alanj
    Thanks, great advice
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  • Profile picture of the author mikesalaru
    Thank,some of the readers I'm sure knew it but anyway it's good to remind yourself again this steps.Great article!!
    We Can Design Any Website To Your Specifications,Choose any wordpress theme and we'll build it for you,either it's a blog,ecommerce,Squeeze,Landing,personal page,forum or business website for just $45 you will get it all with one time payment
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