Best Wordpres Theme for a Realtor?

by marc.v
7 replies
Hey folks, I have 7 realtors that want me to build a site for them. I'd like to do it with Wordpress.

Anyone have any recommendations?

It has to have the option for me to integrate the MLS and be mobile friendly.

Also, if anyone knows where I can get a bunch of these for about 50 bucks each, I'd be interested in outsourcing.
#realtor #theme #wordpres
  • Profile picture of the author macna
    I know Premopress have a Realtor WP theme dont have it myself so cant say if its good or bad. They have sold a lot of themes as WSO,s but not that particular one there was a discussion on the thread below about it a few months back.

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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Domino
    I looked all over and didn't find a single one that was outstanding. Some of them look "okay" but aren't coded to accomodate IDX feeds.
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  • Profile picture of the author reboot38
    If you're open to using a plugin instead of a theme, I think wp-property (premium) will do the trick. Maybe even the free version. I'm not 100% sure of either though nor have I used either one.

    I say that b/c I did look at the plugin as an option recently and seem to remember IDX and MLS being mentioned as part of the package - which package idk
    Snoop on your competitors, research keywords, run seo audits, monitor keywords, includes powerful PPC tools.
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  • Profile picture of the author mosesopiyo
    I recommend OptimizePress
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    • Profile picture of the author IndiForce
      We are using Elegant Estate theme & quite happy with it. But it is not responsive.
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  • Profile picture of the author markinorlando
    I've had really great success with using any theme with
    I build the site and pass the monthly fee on to the broker. The interface is outstanding and most of it is built with Iframes so it is minimal work for you but you can still design the site however you choose. After researching many different options (including wp-property which I've used before) I'm very happy with IDXBroker because of the formating and how it looks on a mobile phone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mollywhite
    There are two big sites for you to download a wordpress themes: and
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