Hyperlocal Facebook Ads Question

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So, I've got some software out on the market and I have a couple questions that have been running through my mind about new ways to use it to target FB users.

#1 - Is there anything that already creates/targets facebook users who shop at/visit certain neighborhoods?

I know there are FB extraction utilities (FBLF and others), that pull the data from the OpenGraph search for Pages/Groups (maybe even Friends of certain users).

The idea would basically be.. Joe opens an Ice Cream shop on the corner and wants to advertise on Facebook. Instead of targeting people who visit ice cream shops in town (town might extend 20 miles in each direction), he might target people who visit the Pizza Restaurant next door, or the Bank on the corner of the block, or the theater around the corner... or maybe the hair salon across the street.

In addition to people who Like Fan pages, etc.. there are things like 'Were Here' which *might* prove to be even more relevant (though the raw #s would be much smaller).

So, is there anything on the market to automate this yet? What are your thoughts?

#ads #facebook #hyperlocal #question

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