In Demand Services to Help Local Tax Preparers?

by Tyree
6 replies
With the tax season peeking around the corner, i was wondering could you guys point out some in demand services to offer local tax preparers, including individuals who also prepare taxes at their home. I was thinking about getting a simple 5page website built creating clones them then promoting them as custom tax preparers sites for $175 a piece. Any supplemental ideas would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
#demand #local #preparers #services #tax
  • Profile picture of the author bob ross
    EDDM postcard campaigns to their surrounding communities.
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    • Profile picture of the author Tyree
      Originally Posted by bob ross View Post

      EDDM postcard campaigns to their surrounding communities.
      Hey thanks i just downloaded the free guide and purchased the oto, from the sales page i was surprised you can get paid up front with a service like this. I'm about to digest this info and put it to work. I actually was thinking about creating a site providing flyers and brochures a few weeks ago, after seeing how busy the designers on fiverr usually are just didn't know a concrete method that works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jassen
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    • Profile picture of the author SirThomas
      Originally Posted by Jassen View Post

      Do a financial-only advertising mailer (like Bob's 9x12 concept).
      Are you talking about having only financial offers on 9x12 card? What offers would you include on cards like this? EDDM goes out to mainly residential addresses and some local businesses... Perhaps you thought about a B2B mailer?
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  • Profile picture of the author MarketMaster13
    Great idea. Create a custom template and sell them to local marketers
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  • Profile picture of the author TheBigBee
    Demand for alternative business loans for tax prep offices spike this time of year.
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    • Profile picture of the author focusedlife
      All ideas posted so far sound awesome!

      Myself, I offer a referral marketing campaign, but I do more of the setup, add some prestige, line up a compiled list of best referral partners (or potentials of course) and write the letters for'em.

      Not sure that made any sense, but I hope it did.

      Referrals and direct response are the way to kick a$$, in my opinion.



      Best of luck.
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