Your No #1 Ultimate Favourite Way To Get Leads In 2014

55 replies
Your No #1 Ultimate Favourite Way To Get Leads In 2014

I already have 100's of leads from Google plus+ and linkdin and calling up biz's that advertise on the radio, as I know they have money to spend on ads / advertising I know they have money for my consulting / products / services
#2014 #favourite #leads #ultimate
  • Profile picture of the author bluesteele
    Focus on the customer. Give, give and give some more. The rest takes care of itself.
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by bluesteele View Post

      Focus on the customer. Give, give and give some more. The rest takes care of itself.
      Good tip, but there is a fine line between how much you give away for free before they say yes. I have learnt some big big lessons there.

      YOu must give, yes I agree, but then you must not give too much, but at the same time not too little. You have to work out where the fine line is.

      Nothing worse than a coaching or POSSIBLE prospect hounding you for FREE info constantly, for you not getting anything in return.

      but give give give is a good way to get clients.
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      • Profile picture of the author Nurkholis Hidayat
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        Good tip, but there is a fine line between how much you give away for free before they say yes. I have learnt some big big lessons there.

        YOu must give, yes I agree, but then you must not give too much, but at the same time not too little. You have to work out where the fine line is.

        Nothing worse than a coaching or POSSIBLE prospect hounding you for FREE info constantly, for you not getting anything in return.

        but give give give is a good way to get clients.
        Thanks Celente ! Good advice, I'll keep it
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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
    Originally Posted by celente View Post

    Your No #1 Ultimate Favourite Way To Get Leads In 2014

    I already have 100's of leads from Google plus+ and linkdin and calling up biz's that advertise on the radio, as I know they have money to spend on ads / advertising I know they have money for my consulting / products / services
    Doesn't matter what year it is, my favorite way to get leads will always be the same.

    #1. Referrals.

    Well managed, properly recruited offline referrals.

    Nothing in the online world can touch 'em!

    Establishing referral networks in related businesses is the ticket.

    Scheduling the overflow can be a problem, at times. Raising prices isn't.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9038248].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Underground
      Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

      Doesn't matter what year it is, my favorite way to get leads will always be the same.

      #1. Referrals.

      Well managed, properly recruited offline referrals.

      Nothing in the online world can touch 'em!

      Establishing referral networks in related businesses is the ticket.

      Scheduling the overflow can be a problem, at times. Raising prices isn't.
      Referral clubs like the Top 100, where you build and manage a referral network? This is something I will be trying once I launch.

      It's gets you as many clients as you need in your experience?
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

      Doesn't matter what year it is, my favorite way to get leads will always be the same.

      #1. Referrals.

      Well managed, properly recruited offline referrals.

      Nothing in the online world can touch 'em!

      Establishing referral networks in related businesses is the ticket.

      Scheduling the overflow can be a problem, at times. Raising prices isn't.
      nice tip there! Keep em' coming guys. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author amcg
    Originally Posted by celente View Post

    Your No #1 Ultimate Favourite Way To Get Leads In 2014

    I already have 100's of leads from Google plus+ and linkdin and calling up biz's that advertise on the radio, as I know they have money to spend on ads / advertising I know they have money for my consulting / products / services
    Sales people. Seriously!

    I think with B2B, especially in traditional industries, many old school outbound marketing methods i.e sales people, direct mail etc often are far superior to digital or inbound methods. That may surprise some folk but I've found it to be true.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      My books. At the end of a few of my books is a form for a 30 minute consultation. I make it clear that the consultation s about whether they should buy my service or not. Frankly, I turn down more of these leads than I accept...meaning my service wouldn't really help them....and I know it.

      But you can't get a more pre-sold lead.

      Referrals from clients is a very close #2. If I see them, they nearly always buy. And I can do most of the qualifying before I ever talk to them.

      My #1 method used to be speaking to groups, but I've cut down on that.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Rollmodl
        Events. Why?
        • Email collection through online ticket sales (spectators, vendors/businesses, sponsors, etc.).
        • On-site marketing to a captive audience.
        • Provides unlimited content for online marketing and content publishing.
        • Sponsorships.
        • Live Streaming (Insert video ads, downloadable coupons, live Tweet or chats).
        • Generates revenue.
        • Coverage from the press.
        • Social media word of mouth.
        • Celebrity endorsements.
        True offline marketing. Many marketing campaigns can be combined into a single event. For 2014 we budgeted $25,000 towards event marketing. Working smarter, not harder.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9038811].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Underground
          Originally Posted by Rollmodl View Post

          Events. Why?
          • Email collection through online ticket sales (spectators, vendors/businesses, sponsors, etc.).
          • On-site marketing to a captive audience.
          • Provides unlimited content for online marketing and content publishing.
          • Sponsorships.
          • Live Streaming (Insert video ads, downloadable coupons, live Tweet or chats).
          • Generates revenue.
          • Coverage from the press.
          • Social media word of mouth.
          • Celebrity endorsements.
          True offline marketing. Many marketing campaigns can be combined into a single event. For 2014 we budgeted $25,000 towards event marketing. Working smarter, not harder.

          This if for people who have moved onto the next level in their business. Those who provide real value in their marketplace. Very few get to that stage as their consideration is too much on themselves.

          For those where it isn't, I can't think of a better way than this, optimised in the way you have outlined, and executed seriously and with the right investment.

          Good luck with your event. I hope you report back.

          Where I'm at right now is creating a video sales funnel of 7-8 videos that teaches prospects my system of video funnel building and promotion for themselves and how to get 10 times more out of video so it acts like a how to and presentation of my system they'll get if they work with my company, plus good old phone prospecting.
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          • Profile picture of the author Rollmodl
            Originally Posted by Underground View Post

            Good luck with your event. I hope you report back.
            The events will be ongoing and also involve covering other businesses and their events. I will report my findings in a case study.
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            • Profile picture of the author igordoni
              Originally Posted by Rollmodl View Post

              The events will be ongoing and also involve covering other businesses and their events. I will report my findings in a case study.
              Rollmodl, I'm interested in your methods for filling events. I'm assisting a friend in marketing Free Seminars.
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      • Profile picture of the author Matt Lee
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        My books. At the end of a few of my books is a form for a 30 minute consultation. I make it clear that the consultation s about whether they should buy my service or not. Frankly, I turn down more of these leads than I accept...meaning my service wouldn't really help them....and I know it.

        But you can't get a more pre-sold lead.

        Referrals from clients is a very close #2. If I see them, they nearly always buy. And I can do most of the qualifying before I ever talk to them.

        My #1 method used to be speaking to groups, but I've cut down on that.
        Really good tip about the form @ the end of your book! I'm finishing up on my first kindle book for and this is a nice little nugget I'm taking action on.

        But my favorite lead is a referred lead. I haven't "advertised" in 6 months and I still acquire new clients every month. All the more reason to keep your current clients happy, and over deliver.
        "One of the Most Successful Offline WSO's Ever!
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    • Profile picture of the author myob
      Originally Posted by amcg View Post

      Sales people. Seriously!

      I think with B2B, especially in traditional industries, many old school outbound marketing methods i.e sales people, direct mail etc often are far superior to digital or inbound methods. That may surprise some folk but I've found it to be true.
      In my experience, these methods are ideal for closing B2B deals (especially large orders or special application products), but certainly not for generating leads. For over 16 years, my favorite lead generating method has always been to drive qualified leads from online/offline publications read by my targeted prospects.

      Writing articles for professional/trade journals for example demonstrates an understanding of the challenges faced by decision makers, and sets one above the hordes of patronizing peddlers with their worn-out phrases and old-school gimmicks.

      I will do telemarketing, send out direct mail, or my sales people only after the online marketing process has run its course in establishing receptive and sound business relationships through a series of incrementally higher end transactions.
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      • Profile picture of the author Ravikanth
        Originally Posted by myob View Post

        In my experience, these methods are ideal for closing B2B deals (especially large orders or special application products), but certainly not for generating leads. For over 16 years, my favorite lead generating method has always been to drive qualified leads from online/offline publications read by my targeted prospects.

        Writing articles for professional/trade journals for example demonstrates an understanding of the challenges faced by decision makers, and sets one above the hordes of patronizing peddlers with their worn-out phrases and old-school gimmicks.

        I will do telemarketing, send out direct mail, or my sales people only after the online marketing process has run its course in establishing receptive and sound business relationships through a series of incrementally higher end transactions.
        If you gather your leads through syndication they will be from all over the country. Do you send sales people to all those areas where they are present?

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        • Profile picture of the author myob
          Originally Posted by raviandkanth View Post

          If you gather your leads through syndication they will be from all over the country. Do you send sales people to all those areas where they are present?
          I have sales people who live/work in several metro areas of the country. They are kept fairly busy with the leads I generate. However, in areas where I have no reps close by, it generally is cost-effective to send one out if there are a number of appointments set up in advance. We are experiencing high closing ratios because these are regular customers usually with an extensive purchase history from other sales channels such as online, telemarketing, direct mail, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
    #1 = >>>>> Video video video.

    Videos = $$$

    I educate, I screen, I stream, I qualify, I build value, I tell customers what they get, why what they get is different than what competitors will give them, testimonials and the whole charade.... then I send leads directly from our website, from videos on youtube, videos on facebook, videos posted on local authority sites, like Thumbnails on classifieds that links to videos.

    I just love video marketing anywhere and as much as possible.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9040330].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      #1 = >>>>> Video video video.

      Videos = $$$

      I educate, I screen, I stream, I qualify, I build value, I tell customers what they get, why what they get is different than what competitors will give them, testimonials and the whole charade.... then I send leads directly from our website, from videos on youtube, videos on facebook, videos posted on local authority sites, like Thumbnails on classifieds that links to videos.

      I just love video marketing anywhere and as much as possible.

      RS, I am still amazed at the POWER and TRUE Raw ongoing benefits of VIDEO even now, more than ever!

      Great Tip. Love the idea of thumbnails on classified too, great stuff. Thx.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9040625].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author massiveray
      Doing some crazy conversion rates with adwords and fb at the minute but without spending large amounts of money then this, video is my defo #2:

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

      #1 = >>>>> Video video video.

      Videos = $$$

      I educate, I screen, I stream, I qualify, I build value, I tell customers what they get, why what they get is different than what competitors will give them, testimonials and the whole charade.... then I send leads directly from our website, from videos on youtube, videos on facebook, videos posted on local authority sites, like Thumbnails on classifieds that links to videos.

      I just love video marketing anywhere and as much as possible.


      Join my private strategy group on Facebook or find out how I made £2000 recurring in 2 weeks.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9045981].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
        Great that both of you mentioned videos! I just sent a mail to my list with some recent data about the fact that businesses plan to increase budgets for video marketing over the next few months.

        Video isn't going anywhere and I only see it becoming a more important part of the overall marketing strategies employed by businesses.

        Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

        #1 = >>>>> Video video video.

        Videos = $$$

        I educate, I screen, I stream, I qualify, I build value, I tell customers what they get, why what they get is different than what competitors will give them, testimonials and the whole charade.... then I send leads directly from our website, from videos on youtube, videos on facebook, videos posted on local authority sites, like Thumbnails on classifieds that links to videos.

        I just love video marketing anywhere and as much as possible.

        Originally Posted by massiveray View Post

        Doing some crazy conversion rates with adwords and fb at the minute but without spending large amounts of money then this, video is my defo #2:
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  • Profile picture of the author laxhopkins14
    I've been using fb ads to get the customers to a squeeze page and offer a free ebook for contact info.
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  • Did anyone mention referrals? (more than 7 times...)

    Because they are at least 7,000% more effective than anything else for all the obvious reasons.

    Next best is of course Postcards.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9046097].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
      Yeah buddy, referrals are awesome! If one fubars a referral and can't close a deal there's something terribly wrong here, something terribly wrong.

      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      Did anyone mention referrals? (more than 7 times...)

      Because they are at least 7,000% more effective than anything else for all the obvious reasons.

      Next best is of course Postcards.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9046508].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ewenmack
      Originally Posted by Steve The Copywriter View Post

      Did anyone mention referrals? (more than 7 times...)

      Because they are at least 7,000% more effective than anything else for all the obvious reasons.

      Research backs up they are 2,969% times more effective...
      so there!

      Seriously though, a client said today he was referred to me by a guy
      who is a non client, I've never spoken to or know anything about.

      Guess it's a benefit from doing something out of the ordinary
      in the eye's of others.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9046552].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Andrew S
    Just launched a linkedin PPC campaign yesterday, we'll see how it goes.
    Marketer's Center is creating free tools for the SEO community!
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Facebook Ads - It's like taking candy from a baby.
    I make a post - Attn San Diego Business Owners, Need more leads, sales and clients from your website?

    Then run paid Facebook ads, targeting Business Owners in San Diego
    I give them a Free 30 Minute Phone Consultation and then cherry pick who I want to work with. Most the things listed above sound like too much work !!!

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
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    • Profile picture of the author Climb Online
      Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

      Facebook Ads - It's like taking candy from a baby.
      I make a post - Attn San Diego Business Owners, Need more leads, sales and clients from your website?

      Then run paid Facebook ads, targeting Business Owners in San Diego
      I give them a Free 30 Minute Phone Consultation and then cherry pick who I want to work with. Most the things listed above sound like too much work !!!
      I really need to get going with facebook ads. It's been on my to do list for far too long. Do you use an image or just verbage?

      "It is your choice of message that targets the customer, not your choice of media. There are rare exceptions, of course. But not many."
      - Roy H. Williams

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9048809].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
        Carefully picked out image, sending them to a lead capture contact form. Sometimes use a sort survey to weed out the rif raff

        Originally Posted by susie haynes View Post

        I really need to get going with facebook ads. It's been on my to do list for far too long. Do you use an image or just verbage?

        Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
        Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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        • Profile picture of the author RedShifted
          Originally Posted by seococonuts View Post

          Best way to get offline leads is to socialise. If you like a beer, great- join your local networking groups and get chatting to a few people.
          For online clients, Facebook has been great for me so far this year.
          Yes but unfortunately, socializing can't be automated. I know the Chinese are working on intelligent robots with real personalities and a sense of humor, but right now that technology is way too expensive. And crazy enough as I'm writing this, I have a vision of real robots knocking on peoples doors & trying to pitch them crap.

          Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

          Carefully picked out image, sending them to a lead capture contact form. Sometimes use a sort survey to weed out the rif raff
          This is 2 times now with facebook. I've heard a lot of bad things about facebook both in this section & the social media section (A LOT of bad things). So anytime someone mentions they're having success my brain freezes up.

          I can see the potential in using facebook to market to business owners and find clients, but would you or have you ever used facebook to market a contractor?

          Because facebook is 1 nut I still haven't cracked. I post videos on popular fan pages 2-3 times a week but it produces very few leads at all. And I'm posting the same content I post on YT but on YT that content actually generates leads. Because those videos rank on G and get targeted traffic.

          But lets say you had a client who did restoration work. Restoration is a fairly limited market so there is never enough leads in this industry. Would you ever use facebook for a niche like that? I'm hitting a saturation point between Google, G local and Youtube, and I'm trying really hard to break past my current boundaries. So if you have any advice (catered to smaller, high end markets) I'd really appreciate it.

          Thanks - RS
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          • Profile picture of the author Huskerdarren
            Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post

            Yes but unfortunately, socializing can't be automated. I know the Chinese are working on intelligent robots with real personalities and a sense of humor, but right now that technology is way too expensive. And crazy enough as I'm writing this, I have a vision of real robots knocking on peoples doors & trying to pitch them crap.

            This is 2 times now with facebook. I've heard a lot of bad things about facebook both in this section & the social media section (A LOT of bad things). So anytime someone mentions they're having success my brain freezes up.

            I can see the potential in using facebook to market to business owners and find clients, but would you or have you ever used facebook to market a contractor?

            Because facebook is 1 nut I still haven't cracked. I post videos on popular fan pages 2-3 times a week but it produces very few leads at all. And I'm posting the same content I post on YT but on YT that content actually generates leads. Because those videos rank on G and get targeted traffic.

            But lets say you had a client who did restoration work. Restoration is a fairly limited market so there is never enough leads in this industry. Would you ever use facebook for a niche like that? I'm hitting a saturation point between Google, G local and Youtube, and I'm trying really hard to break past my current boundaries. So if you have any advice (catered to smaller, high end markets) I'd really appreciate it.

            Thanks - RS
            The answer is, it depends. Perry Marshall has a website called 'Is Facebook For Me?'. I won't link it but you'll find it easily enough. Answer a few questions and it will rate the business's suitability for succeeding with Facebook ads. Some will do great and some will be a huge flop.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9097868].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author AussieT
          Originally Posted by sdentrepreneur View Post

          Carefully picked out image, sending them to a lead capture contact form. Sometimes use a sort survey to weed out the rif raff
          Care to share what you consider is a carefully picked out image.
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  • Profile picture of the author seococonuts
    Best way to get offline leads is to socialise. If you like a beer, great- join your local networking groups and get chatting to a few people.
    For online clients, Facebook has been great for me so far this year.
    BarryinSiam - 1300++ Happy Seo Clients @ Seoclerks

    Love discounts? Find me on Facebook- Barryinsiam
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9048896].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by seococonuts View Post

      Best way to get offline leads is to socialise. If you like a beer, great- join your local networking groups and get chatting to a few people.
      For online clients, Facebook has been great for me so far this year.
      sir you had me at beer.

      but i would say joining your local chamber of commerce is a good move to get clients and or work on the referal side to your business.

      I have scored a [$4k a month] business deal from talking to a few guys from the local chamber of commerce from a 60 minute FREE call and taking them out to lunch. I thought the guy would order a $100 lobster salad, but he is italian, and wanted a ipazzi style pizza. The best thing was he was a really cool guy too.

      So I would say networking is not only fun, and you meet lots of cool people but you can get these deals where you can score good amounts of money fast.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9049048].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
        Originally Posted by celente View Post

        sir you had me at beer.

        but i would say joining your local chamber of commerce is a good move to get clients and or work on the referal side to your business.

        I have scored a [$4k a month] business deal from talking to a few guys from the local chamber of commerce from a 60 minute FREE call and taking them out to lunch. I thought the guy would order a $100 lobster salad, but he is italian, and wanted a ipazzi style pizza. The best thing was he was a really cool guy too.

        So I would say networking is not only fun, and you meet lots of cool people but you can get these deals where you can score good amounts of money fast.
        So you had a good time talking to some local business owners and scored a $4,000 a month deal?

        Seems the money wasn't a problem, eh?

        Your customer was looking for a solution. Through talking with him, asking questions and letting him talk and tell you about his situation, you were able to uncover his need and offer a solution.

        $48,000 per year comes your way, just by having a relaxed conversation.

        Imagine having that conversation just one time, every 3 months, 4 times in a year.
        You've just created almost $200,000 in annual income for yourself.

        It amazes me how much effort and time people will waste, to avoid having a relaxed and fun conversation with another human being.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9049505].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author celente
          Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

          So you had a good time talking to some local business owners and scored a $4,000 a month deal?

          Seems the money wasn't a problem, eh?

          It amazes me how much effort and time people will waste, to avoid having a relaxed and fun conversation with another human being.
          WOW! That last sentence says it all really Ron! You are SO SO RIGHT! Thanks for the reminder. Totally!

          A little bit of elbow grease can go along way, I keep forgetting this, but this is a great point.

          Business in 2014, regardless of the people out there saying the economy is CHIT right now, but if someone has the money and you have the solution, the economics of it is simple. You are really just seeing a transaction of person A to Person B for something Person A has in their possession or knowledge they house.

          You become part of that transaction. The funny thing is that there are plenty of PERSON B's out there right now, irregardless of what the economy may or may not be doing!. There is always that person out there, that has a problem, that you have the solution for.

          The tricky bit is finding them, but I assure you they are out there.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9049525].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Ron Lafuddy
            Originally Posted by celente View Post

            WOW! That last sentence says it all really Ron! You are SO SO RIGHT! Thanks for the reminder. Totally!

            A little bit of elbow grease can go along way, I keep forgetting this, but this is a great point.

            Business in 2014, regardless of the people out there saying the economy is CHIT right now, but if someone has the money and you have the solution, the economics of it is simple. You are really just seeing a transaction of person A to Person B for something Person A has in their possession or knowledge they house.

            You become part of that transaction. The funny thing is that there are plenty of PERSON B's out there right now, irregardless of what the economy may or may not be doing!. There is always that person out there, that has a problem, that you have the solution for.

            The tricky bit is finding them, but I assure you they are out there.
            Actually, the easy part is finding them.

            They are EVERYWHERE.

            Once you grasp this, you realize the only real you.

            You're outnumbered.

            You always will be.

            There are tens of thousands of THEM, with money to spend, seeking solutions.

            Most will not be helped because there are not enough good solution providers to go around.

            I'm not talking about "shiny object, commodity pushers" here. You can automate that.

            You can't automate the conversation between human beings where they are working together - one talking, the other patiently listening and asking relevant questions, to uncover need.

            What to do?

            1. Spend the time to learn, grow, identify and solve problems in your field, area or
            niche. Decide to become EXCELLENT at this.

            2. RAISE you prices. Keep raising your prices. Never stop raising your prices.
            We are living in the TIME OF THE GREATEST ECONOMIC EXPANSION

            There is money literally chasing every imaginable idea.

            The only ceiling or limit to the amount of money that can be made, exists in your own mind.

            People love to TALK.

            Business owners are PEOPLE, not machines.

            If you'll just give them the opportunity to talk, they'll tell you what their problems are.
            and in many cases, how to solve AND APPLY the solution.

            P.S. On the day that robots become business owners, I'll automate my approach with some button pushing, peanut crunching, shiny object thingee.
            I'll hire a commodity pusher to install
            I find that robots are better at communicating with robots, than humans with robots.

            Until then, I'm keeping it...conversational.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9049875].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author seococonuts
              Originally Posted by Ron Lafuddy View Post

              Actually, the easy part is finding them.

              They are EVERYWHERE.

              Once you grasp this, you realize the only real you.

              You're outnumbered.

              You always will be.

              There are tens of thousands of THEM, with money to spend, seeking solutions.

              Most will not be helped because there are not enough good solution providers to go around.

              I'm not talking about "shiny object, commodity pushers" here. You can automate that.

              You can't automate the conversation between human beings where they are working together - one talking, the other patiently listening and asking relevant questions, to uncover need.

              What to do?

              1. Spend the time to learn, grow, identify and solve problems in your field, area or
              niche. Decide to become EXCELLENT at this.

              2. RAISE you prices. Keep raising your prices. Never stop raising your prices.
              We are living in the TIME OF THE GREATEST ECONOMIC EXPANSION
              THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.

              There is money literally chasing every imaginable idea.

              The only ceiling or limit to the amount of money that can be made, exists in your own mind.

              People love to TALK.

              Business owners are PEOPLE, not machines.

              If you'll just give them the opportunity to talk, they'll tell you what their problems are.
              and in many cases, how to solve AND APPLY the solution.

              P.S. On the day that robots become business owners, I'll automate my approach with some button pushing, peanut crunching, shiny object thingee.
              I'll hire a commodity pusher to install
              I find that robots are better at communicating with robots, than humans with robots.

              Until then, I'm keeping it...conversational.
              Absolutely agree with you on all of the above.

              I think a lot of the time, people can be nervous about meeting potential clients and I have been myself in the past. Once you actually do it a few times though, it starts to become apparent that yes, they are people like us all and just need a solution to their problem. If you can offer them a real solution, without concentrating on just the money, then it's quite easy to seal a deal if you're a likeable person and have something to offer. It's also a lot more fun meeting people than sitting behind your computer all day long!
              BarryinSiam - 1300++ Happy Seo Clients @ Seoclerks

              Love discounts? Find me on Facebook- Barryinsiam
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  • Profile picture of the author Rearden
    1) Old-fashioned telemarketing lead generation, and,
    2) Old-fashion business-reply mailer direct mail lead generation.

    My prospects are working class seniors, so I'm lucky to rely on tried-and-true marketing methods.

    I will be testing some internal client campaigns requesting referrals within the next month to add to the marketing mix, along with the development of a website to attract life insurance prospects.
    David Duford -- Providing On-Going, Personalized Mentorship And Training From A Real Final Expense Producer To Agents New To The Final Expense Life Insurance Business.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmatt
    I would have to agree with what many people have already stated here in that referrals are the best way to get new business. After every meeting with clients and potential clients I am asking for referrals. Most of the time it is still a cold call but with ability to say "so and so" asked me to give you a call it much better than a cold call.

    Networking groups are huge for me as well. Although this gets back to referrals. If you have a BNI group in your area I would highly recommend joining.

    I also do some direct mail.
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    • Profile picture of the author 9999
      Seems like BNI are saturated with web designers & seo businesses. They won't let you in if they already have that business in.
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      • Profile picture of the author sbishop
        Originally Posted by 9999 View Post

        Seems like BNI are saturated with web designers & seo businesses. They won't let you in if they already have that business in.
        The great thing about BNI is that you can always start a new chapter. Find 3-4 businesses whose spots are filled and start a core group. The best part is that the top 3 leadership positions(if i remember correctly it may be 2 or 4) get their membership fees waived!!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9076676].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    When I was a newbie back in 2007/2008, I got a lot of business from BNI and LeTip Groups. Great way to get started. Everyone in the group has a website and needs more leads !!! Boom !!!

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9052936].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jcdawg1

      What are you seeing on a cost per lead basis for your Facebook ads?
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      • Profile picture of the author larsjorgenbr
        Originally Posted by jcdawg1 View Post


        What are you seeing on a cost per lead basis for your Facebook ads?
        I'd like to know the answer to this one as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Supafly
    I don't get leads anymore. Once you develop a reputation for yourself, clients will find you. That's the goal.

    User banned from this site for being relevant.

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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by Supafly View Post

      I don't get leads anymore. Once you develop a reputation for yourself, clients will find you. That's the goal.
      mate! Dude! You hit this on the head. +10

      I do remember a time where I did had to spend time, calling, getting leads, bing, and the hard yards for leads.

      But again and again in here you see REFERRALS being a big part of business.

      It is for me, and I do not have spend alot of time out there getting leads, and or paying for traffic!!!

      I agree, if you can get results for clients and they see you care, that is where things SNOWBALL as they say. As people will tell others about your services. It did work for me anyway.
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  • To get the best results for the least amount of time is to create a joint venture with a center of influence. Mail an endorsed letter to their list and you will get inbound calls, they are just about as good as a referral, sometimes better. It works extremely well. It does take time and money up front to create but once you do it is very effective. Not for newbies but great for people who can handle the leads well. I've set a few up, it works great. If you are great at networking many times you can even get your jv partner to do it without even having to pay them. I have done this for clients before.
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  • Profile picture of the author hevans
    Hi Celente;
    I want to know more about your opportunity to earn $2,000 a month.
    Tell me more'

    H. Evans
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  • Profile picture of the author squidface
    what do you guys mean by video? Make a video and post on youtube?
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    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by squidface View Post

      what do you guys mean by video? Make a video and post on youtube?
      yes post a video to youtube and SEO it with LSI keywords, in video file name, title, description and your tags.

      A good way also is to study high view count videos, see why they are so successful, and what keywords, and tags they are using also. Video and youtube is very powerful if done right and you post videos consistently .
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  • Profile picture of the author aceborda
    One my ways of driving traffic into blog is sharing my updated B2B & B2C leads that are ideal for Telemarketing and Email Marketing. Today what I have for you is New York 2014 Updated B2B Leads. Get your free copy by visiting my post at Lead Generation Sources: New York 2014 Updated B2B Leads
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