"PROOF b4 selling Bonanza"
Cold Calling, emailing, Lumpy Mail...etc
I call it the "IF-Come" pitch; "Hi, Mr prospect ....IF I do THIS....will you Pay Me This?"
What if little ol' you were to provide PROOF....that What you are trying to sell, "Has ALREADY been DONE!"....and you are only looking for ONE biz in their market area to WANT and be willing to PAY for the service you're offering.
Case In Point:
Google........ emergency tree removal Jacksonville fl ....and se what comes up as a "Thumbnail" that GRABS Attention!
Ya...according to some of my "Fans"....I am "Pimping" for Ryan McKinney (Dare Devil Marketing)....HOWEVER, his "Offline Legion" program has made me (and others) a BUNCH O Moolah!.
NOTHING beats trying to sell something that is ALREADY IN PLACE & WORKING!
Gee Willikers...the first time I set up Ryan's "Offline Legion" program and chose a certain Roofing Contractor to receive my "Lead Calls"....then, when I saw the Roofer had received 4 Phone Calls (CallFire).....I phoned the owner and asked if he'd like more "Leads".
Note: I also put a "Whisper" effect on the calls which said; "Hi...this is another lead from AdVantage Marketing"! which was PROOF POSITIVE that MY "Lead Program" was IN TACT and WORKING!
Thus....because little ol' ME (from Advantage Marketing") has "control" over the LEADS coming in....I....me. myself and I....have POWER....over "Leads" coming into his biz!....and HE KNOWS IT!
Thus.....the "slightest" negative reaction to my "Service" is met with, "HEY! You want some LEADS or not?" If Not, I will hang up and phone your competitor!"
Yikes! If YOU guys can't see the Awesome POWER in this kind of marketing, go apply for a job at Home Depot (I hear they're hiring)
Don Alm
Also.....I discovered that, because your potential prospects don't know you from Adam.....the way "I" present MY prices is, "$500 for the next 10 phone calls"! We then see what happens and take it from there"
This is AFTER your prospect has received a few calls (which you can tell from CallFire)
Then....AFTER I see what kind of calls have come in from the 1st 10 (which my prospect has pre-paid for)....I then determine WHAT I'm going to charge!
AussieT -
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