"PROOF b4 selling Bonanza"

by midasman09 Banned
7 replies
Ya....lots of talk about HOW to get clients to Pay you for whatever service you offer;
Cold Calling, emailing, Lumpy Mail...etc

I call it the "IF-Come" pitch; "Hi, Mr prospect ....IF I do THIS....will you Pay Me This?"


What if little ol' you were to provide PROOF....that What you are trying to sell, "Has ALREADY been DONE!"....and you are only looking for ONE biz in their market area to WANT and be willing to PAY for the service you're offering.

Case In Point:
Google........ emergency tree removal Jacksonville fl ....and se what comes up as a "Thumbnail" that GRABS Attention!

Ya...according to some of my "Fans"....I am "Pimping" for Ryan McKinney (Dare Devil Marketing)....HOWEVER, his "Offline Legion" program has made me (and others) a BUNCH O Moolah!.

NOTHING beats trying to sell something that is ALREADY IN PLACE & WORKING!

Gee Willikers...the first time I set up Ryan's "Offline Legion" program and chose a certain Roofing Contractor to receive my "Lead Calls"....then, when I saw the Roofer had received 4 Phone Calls (CallFire).....I phoned the owner and asked if he'd like more "Leads".

Note: I also put a "Whisper" effect on the calls which said; "Hi...this is another lead from AdVantage Marketing"! which was PROOF POSITIVE that MY "Lead Program" was IN TACT and WORKING!

Thus....because little ol' ME (from Advantage Marketing") has "control" over the LEADS coming in....I....me. myself and I....have POWER....over "Leads" coming into his biz!....and HE KNOWS IT!

Thus.....the "slightest" negative reaction to my "Service" is met with, "HEY! You want some LEADS or not?" If Not, I will hang up and phone your competitor!"

Yikes! If YOU guys can't see the Awesome POWER in this kind of marketing, go apply for a job at Home Depot (I hear they're hiring)

Don Alm
Also.....I discovered that, because your potential prospects don't know you from Adam.....the way "I" present MY prices is, "$500 for the next 10 phone calls"! We then see what happens and take it from there"

This is AFTER your prospect has received a few calls (which you can tell from CallFire)

Then....AFTER I see what kind of calls have come in from the 1st 10 (which my prospect has pre-paid for)....I then determine WHAT I'm going to charge!
#proof b4 selling bonanza
  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
    Glad you are having success with your offline efforts Don. Will revisit Offline Legion which I already have.
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  • Profile picture of the author RedShifted

    You are getting more and more audacious and spammy by the day. This is a complete & utter sign of disrespect to marketers who come to this section of the forum to LEARN.

    We do NOT want to be promoted to.

    We should NOT have to read about other peoples WSOs every single time you make a post. You have *0* respect for the rules and *0* respect for the members of this forum.

    I do NOT care about Ryan Mckinney. I do NOT CARE about his system. And I do NOT want to hear another word about ANY of your friends WSOs.

    Furthermore, because you've managed to ruffle my feathers so much, I'm going to educate people fore FREE, so they have *0* reason to go search out and buy a system they do NOT need.


    1) You do NOT need any systems.
    2) I'm going to teach you how to OUTRANK Ryan Mckinney for his own keyword "tree removal jacksonville fl


    1) Make your video.
    2) Upload your video to youtube.
    3) Use the keyword in your title, description and tags, just like Ryan did.
    4) Boost the video with retention views / likes using vagex, or fiver. There are gigs on fiver that will give you 25K retention views for $5 and that will give you leverage to easily outrank Ryans video.
    *sidenote - You can tell that Ryan boosted the video just by looking at his view stats. You see that vertical line in the beginning? Thats bots. You can also tell he boosted his likes because his like to view ratio is extremely overoptimized just like the anchor text he uses in his spam links.
    5) Set up a campaign in Scrapebox or GSA, then optimize your main anchor text between 30-60%. Ryan is doing his videos at 60%.
    6) Since Ryan started off with about 500 spam links, and most of them were removed, you can easily outrank Ryan for his own keyword. Aim for 500-1000 links of ANY type, and you WILL easily outrank his video.
    7) Wait 4 weeks, your video will overtake his in the SERPs.

    And guess what? You didn't have to pay a penny for this strategy.

    Its been around for YEARS.

    Any rookie video marketer knows it.

    Furthermore, I personally would recommend against Ryans product for the following reasons.

    1) He has no idea how to make his shitty spam links stick. That leaves gaping holes wide open for marketers like me to come in and outrank his video with a blindfold on.

    2) Any intelligent video marketer puts the keyphrase FIRST in the title. They don't put words like "24 Hour Emergency" before the target phrase. You put it AFTER the target phrase. Your videos will rank quicker and with less links.

    3) If he wrote a 1,000 word keyword rich description in the article, once again, he could have ranked with 1/10th the amount of spam that he originally used.

    I've been doing video marketing for 2 years and there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING new or advanced about this system.

    There are thousands of little tricks and techniques you can use to rank videos, and he's not using any of them. So that tells me that Ryan has most likely never ranked a video in any competitive niche. Because once you start going after competitive keywords like "how to lose weight" you NEED to know what the REAL pros are doing. And what the real pros do is much more advanced than what Ryan is doing.

    Furthermore, if there are ANY marketers who actually find this post valuable (midasman not mine), please let me know. Because I will launch a REAL video marketing WSO that teaches people how to rank for keywords that bring in swarms of leads.

    Not these weak, 5 word phrases that bring in 5 clicks a month.

    And next time you make a post like this I will report you. I'm letting this one fly because I want people to know the true quality of the techniques you're promoting. A system that teaches people how to spam the worst type of spam to rank the least competitive keywords that exist.

    There is nothing interesting, new, or valuable at all about this method. And its been covered on WF 1000 times in 1000 different ways.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9054211].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells

      Red, we're glad you replied like this. I'm tired of it too!

      Originally Posted by RedShifted View Post


      You are getting more and more audacious and spammy by the day. This is a complete & utter sign of disrespect to marketers who come to this section of the forum to LEARN.

      We do NOT want to be promoted to.

      We should NOT have to read about other peoples WSOs every single time you make a post. You have *0* respect for the rules and *0* respect for the members of this forum.

      I do NOT care about Ryan Mckinney. I do NOT CARE about his system. And I do NOT want to hear another word about ANY of your friends WSOs.

      Furthermore, because you've managed to ruffle my feathers so much, I'm going to educate people fore FREE, so they have *0* reason to go search out and buy a system they do NOT need.


      1) You do NOT need any systems.
      2) I'm going to teach you how to OUTRANK Ryan Mckinney for his own keyword "tree removal jacksonville fl


      1) Make your video.
      2) Upload your video to youtube.
      3) Use the keyword in your title, description and tags, just like Ryan did.
      4) Boost the video with retention views / likes using vagex, or fiver. There are gigs on fiver that will give you 25K retention views for $5 and that will give you leverage to easily outrank Ryans video.
      *sidenote - You can tell that Ryan boosted the video just by looking at his view stats. You see that vertical line in the beginning? Thats bots. You can also tell he boosted his likes because his like to view ratio is extremely overoptimized just like the anchor text he uses in his spam links.
      5) Set up a campaign in Scrapebox or GSA, then optimize your main anchor text between 30-60%. Ryan is doing his videos at 60%.
      6) Since Ryan started off with about 500 spam links, and most of them were removed, you can easily outrank Ryan for his own keyword. Aim for 500-1000 links of ANY type, and you WILL easily outrank his video.
      7) Wait 4 weeks, your video will overtake his in the SERPs.

      And guess what? You didn't have to pay a penny for this strategy.

      Its been around for YEARS.

      Any rookie video marketer knows it.

      Furthermore, I personally would recommend against Ryans product for the following reasons.

      1) He has no idea how to make his shitty spam links stick. That leaves gaping holes wide open for marketers like me to come in and outrank his video with a blindfold on.

      2) Any intelligent video marketer puts the keyphrase FIRST in the title. They don't put words like "24 Hour Emergency" before the target phrase. You put it AFTER the target phrase. Your videos will rank quicker and with less links.

      3) If he wrote a 1,000 word keyword rich description in the article, once again, he could have ranked with 1/10th the amount of spam that he originally used.

      I've been doing video marketing for 2 years and there is NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING new or advanced about this system.

      There are thousands of little tricks and techniques you can use to rank videos, and he's not using any of them. So that tells me that Ryan has most likely never ranked a video in any competitive niche. Because once you start going after competitive keywords like "how to lose weight" you NEED to know what the REAL pros are doing. And what the real pros do is much more advanced than what Ryan is doing.

      Furthermore, if there are ANY marketers who actually find this post valuable (midasman not mine), please let me know. Because I will launch a REAL video marketing WSO that teaches people how to rank for keywords that bring in swarms of leads.

      Not these weak, 5 word phrases that bring in 5 clicks a month.

      And next time you make a post like this I will report you. I'm letting this one fly because I want people to know the true quality of the techniques you're promoting. A system that teaches people how to spam the worst type of spam to rank the least competitive keywords that exist.

      There is nothing interesting, new, or valuable at all about this method. And its been covered on WF 1000 times in 1000 different ways.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9054884].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author midasman09
        Holy Camoly...."US DOERS" (who go OUT and Impliment some of the stuff we learn here on Warriors).....then, get attacked for NOT providing ALL the "Details" of our successes....not SHOWING PROOF of what WE'VE DONE (so others can bother OUR Clients) ....then when we refer to a WSO that has HELPED Us get started making MONEY, EASIER......we get attacked for "PIMPING" someone's WSO.

        WOW! As I said, the WSO's are a "Starting Point". Thank Goodness for DOERS like RyMac (DareDevile Marketing) and others who sell their WSOs for peanuts) so when US DOERS get onto the "Field-Of-Battle" WE...soon discover we have to change a few things.

        AND....their WSO got us Thinking and Interested and Motivated into GETTING STARTED into DOING!

        So....excuse me for "Ruffling Your Feathers"! I am sure YOU "antagonists" have a "better solution" because of YOUR EXPERIENCE (Ya...Sure) and.....you DON'T like US DOERS "referring to WSOs" or....(as some have complained) my use of DOTS or Cap Letters in my posts.

        PLUS...."YOU" think I'm a "charleton" or worse...trying to lead the "UN-Informed Into the Sea" or "Sell some of my MAGICAL MONEY-MAKING POTION"!

        Whatever the reason why you find yourself Motivated to take the TIME to give me a Detraction.

        Hey! If you feel offended, just "switch the channel"....UNLESS....YOU want to make a "Federal Case" and post YOUR Objections for SOME REASON...which could REVEAL.....YOUR Personality (Hey! I gotta attack THIS guy to "make ME look Important)


        MY reason for posting THIS kinda stuff HERE, in THIS section is to possibly provide a "Glimmer of Hope" to someone!

        Take it for what it's worth! YOU may think MY stuff is totally BS, however, are those "1,511" "Thanks"....... BS....... also?

        Detractors: Ask yerself WHAT's my motive? To sell something...one of my programs? I got news fer you, MY stuff is mostly "Direct Sales" stuff....."Belly-To-Belly" kinda stuff. The "audience" here is NOT "Belly-To-Belly" kinda people!

        I do NOT sell....$7, $17 or $27 "make money programs"! Like Frank Kern, MY programs cost over $1,000 and more!

        Again, MY "Motive" ...HERE.....is NOT to "sell" any of my products or programs to an audience used to buying stuff for small change. Click on the Tag below and see IF there is anything for sale"!

        Nope! My MOTIVE for posting HERE is to simply try and send out info from MY life in SALES!

        I am sorry that some of you have taken my posts the wrong way and feel a Need to Knock and Discredit me!

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9055982].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Rus Sells
          I love how any one who says anything about you, the narcissism kicks in and you call them all losers in so many words. LOL

          PS: I noticed your back over using CAPS and BOLD even after you were asked to stop. So yeah...

          Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

          Holy Camoly...."US DOERS" (who go OUT and Impliment some of the stuff we learn here on Warriors).....then, get attacked for NOT providing ALL the "Details" of our successes....not SHOWING PROOF of what WE'VE DONE (so others can bother OUR Clients) ....then when we refer to a WSO that has HELPED Us get started making MONEY, EASIER......we get attacked for "PIMPING" someone's WSO.

          WOW! As I said, the WSO's are a "Starting Point". Thank Goodness for DOERS like RyMac (DareDevile Marketing) and others who sell their WSOs for peanuts) so when US DOERS get onto the "Field-Of-Battle" WE...soon discover we have to change a few things.

          AND....their WSO got us Thinking and Interested and Motivated into GETTING STARTED into DOING!

          So....excuse me for "Ruffling Your Feathers"! I am sure YOU "antagonists" have a "better solution" because of YOUR EXPERIENCE (Ya...Sure) and.....you DON'T like US DOERS "referring to WSOs" or....(as some have complained) my use of DOTS or Cap Letters in my posts.

          PLUS...."YOU" think I'm a "charleton" or worse...trying to lead the "UN-Informed Into the Sea" or "Sell some of my MAGICAL MONEY-MAKING POTION"!

          Whatever the reason why you find yourself Motivated to take the TIME to give me a Detraction.

          Hey! If you feel offended, just "switch the channel"....UNLESS....YOU want to make a "Federal Case" and post YOUR Objections for SOME REASON...which could REVEAL.....YOUR Personality (Hey! I gotta attack THIS guy to "make ME look Important)


          MY reason for posting THIS kinda stuff HERE, in THIS section is to possibly provide a "Glimmer of Hope" to someone!

          Take it for what it's worth! YOU may think MY stuff is totally BS, however, are those "1,511" "Thanks"....... BS....... also?

          Detractors: Ask yerself WHAT's my motive? To sell something...one of my programs? I got news fer you, MY stuff is mostly "Direct Sales" stuff....."Belly-To-Belly" kinda stuff. The "audience" here is NOT "Belly-To-Belly" kinda people!

          I do NOT sell....$7, $17 or $27 "make money programs"! Like Frank Kern, MY programs cost over $1,000 and more!

          Again, MY "Motive" ...HERE.....is NOT to "sell" any of my products or programs to an audience used to buying stuff for small change. Click on the Tag below and see IF there is anything for sale"!

          Nope! My MOTIVE for posting HERE is to simply try and send out info from MY life in SALES!

          I am sorry that some of you have taken my posts the wrong way and feel a Need to Knock and Discredit me!

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9056138].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
          Originally Posted by midasman09 View Post

          Take it for what it's worth! YOU may think MY stuff is totally BS, however, are those "1,511" "Thanks"....... BS....... also? No 95 percent are from people that do not know any better .What about your 8 ?

          Detractors: Ask yerself WHAT's my motive? To sell something...one of my programs? Yes see line below

          I do NOT sell....$7, $17 or $27 "make money programs"! Like Frank Kern, MY programs cost over $1,000 and more! Not selling anything ?

          Again, MY "Motive" ...HERE.....is .... to "sell" " !

          How many time do you mention sell in this one post ? You post methods that have been poste by different people through out the years and on this forum nothing new under the sun.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9056475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AussieT
    Hey does this mean we can all come here and bash other people's WSO's if we don't like them?

    Hey RedShifted, that said I would probably buy your WSO if you did bring it out because I like to compare different methods from beginners to 'real pro's".
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