How to destroy your youtube competition!
I've busted my chops and manually created about 400 edu and gov backlinks and social shares and submitted press releases to PRWeb and all that crap over the last 7 months to get a youtube video for a photographer in my area the number one organic spot in Google.
Of the last 7 months, he was in the number one spot for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th month, which was February, 2014.
He only had about 140 views going into January, but I guess all the other factors were in place. However, in about mid-January, his views jumped to 1200, then 1800, then 3500... he was elated, but I was wondering what the hell was going on?
By the end of February, he was at 8,000 views and going into March, it happened.
The video vanished.
It wasn't deleted, but it could not be found in Google or Youtube unless I'd go into his account and see that it was still there.
Welcome to my horrific introduction into the world of devilish negative SEO.
After doing a bit of research and consulting with another SEO group in my area, I found that to get a website to drop off the map is to saturate it with spammy backlinks.
I learned that it works with Youtube as well. As of the last few months, anyone that purchases views for their Youtube video has been getting bitch-slapped by youtube.
Someone obviously bought a ton of views for my client, not to help, but to get him knocked off the map. So you can bet your ass I'm watching to see who appears in the number one spot. But even then, wtf can I do about it?
So that's how Youtube and Google wanna play?
I'll be 74 next month and I guess I can finally legitimately say, I'm too old for this shit.
I'm done. What a friggin joke.

Sick Analytics: Find and fix your worst pages. Entity Explorer: Make your content better with related entities.
Sick Analytics: Find and fix your worst pages. Entity Explorer: Make your content better with related entities.
TwitterBacklinks - retweets service
Web2.0Backlinks - web2.0 creation/link building
Google+ Matthew Anton