My craigslist ads need improvement
I have studied my competition, other ads in different cities, changing titles and body content; but I seem to have hit a wall. The leads I have gotten and have successfully made clients out of have been great. I don't think Craigslist is dead or a cesspool of low-ballers and tire kickers. I would like to eventually make it my main source of leads other than by word-of-mouth. Any advice would be great. Thanks!
jamesfreddyc -
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CraigsPosterCenter -
Thanks - 2 replies
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craigsposterpro -
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zer0Edge -
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internetmarketer1 -
SignatureTired of Google?! Exhausted from all the rehashed trash?!This Is The Easiest Thing *You* Can Do To Get FAST FREE TARGETED Traffic Without Ever Using Google Again{{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9223381].message }} -
daneelpeter Banned-
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RedShifted -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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celebcaleb -
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