I make 100 calls a day,give me some criticism on my script.

45 replies
Hey, guys thanks for supporting and giving me tips, i gotten way more conversations opposed to when i first started cold calling, and using my old script for presenting what i had to offer.

Next Week: im going 150 calls a day.

I want to get your guys criticism on my new scripts i been using for 2 days, im noticing alot of hang-ups and "ohh god another telemarketer". This time im pitching SEO and not just web-design, most business owners don't give a F*** about a web-site,most business owners want results with the website, just something that i learned.Let me get your thoughts. on this script

My most used Script since thursday.

Hey, How are you,

My name is Eli, Calling from My business name,

*Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything*

The reason why i called is because, i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business.

Most Prospects: *Click*
Some Prospects: What kind of services ?

We help businesses in your area attract more customers through the internet.


Most Prospects been telling me their not interested or i get hanged up, only a 1 or 3 out of 100 were some what interested.

What can i tweak on my script ?

*Please don't give me that cold-calling is hard bullshit* No negativity Please

I want responses from the guys who do it, and made results from it.
#100 #calls #criticism #day #give #make #script
  • Profile picture of the author WeavingThoughts
    Your script shouts out loud that you are a telemarketer.

    Try to act like a competitor/consultant instead.
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  • Profile picture of the author umc
    Don't worry I'm not trying to sell you anything is followed by a direct sales pitch. I'd hang up on your too.

    I haven't telemarketed in years, but I did so successfully in a few industries. Either go with the no sales pitch thing and gather information or set an appointment to meet with them, or go for the sale with your head held high. If you tell me you're not selling me something and then offer me services that are for sale immediately afterward, you come across disingenuous to me.

    My most effective scripts in the past were just direct. They weren't in the B2B website industry, but home improvements, alarm systems, cleaning services, and for prepaid cemetery services. They spoke to who I was and what I was doing.

    So, who are you and what are you looking to do? Sounds like "I'm calling small businesses that don't have a web presence because I'm building my portfolio and I'd love to work with you to get you up on the web at a discounted price while building my portfolio". I'm sure that some gurus have different ways of presenting things, but I've always just been direct and it worked for me.

    You might even do some due diligence and find some common ground before cold calling them. In other words, get to know a little something about their industry and how a website could help them. If you don't think that business owners don't care about websites, maybe you're just not good at building the value for them. So, if you're calling dentists, look around at other dental websites and see how they are using their sites. Maybe they're handling appointment setting through them, or dispensing information, or whatever. Now when you call other dentists you can tell them that along with building a portfolio you really want to work with some local dentists because you can see how much a good website can help with appointments or whatever.

    Just my 2 cents. Oh, and cold calling is hard, lol. The reality is that it is a numbers game. You call x amount of businesses and you'll get y percentage as sales. Tweak to get the y number up, which you're doing. Take those that are somewhat interested and follow up. Build a rapport with them and they may buy later. Don't give up. Just keep asking for tips and following through. Be honest and true to who you are and what you're doing. In the end you're just talking to people. Let them talk and sometimes you'll find out other things that they need help with.

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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    "I'm not trying to sell you anything"

    Why not?

    Never start a relationship off by lying.

    Also why waste time asking how they are?

    I'm no phone expert but both of those are huge red flags of a bad script.

    As for a better script is depends on if you know who to ask for and such. Since one to get past gatekeepers is different than the final pitch to the prospect.

    Also attract customers via the internet sounds too weak. You have to remember that businesses get a similar pitch often multiple times a day.

    Think differently. For example if I was calling pizza places.....

    "(name) {they likely gave it to you when they answered or the gatekeeper gave it to you} I have a quick question. Do you do delivery?"

    "Yes (if no have another script)"

    "Great... the reason I asked is that we help Pizza places increase their delivery business. How much of your current business comes from Delivery?"

    "How? (they will likely ask) (they may also tell you what % is from delivery"

    "What our company does is.......... (pitch the benefit not features)"
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
    You need to get some good telephone selling books, such as Joe Catal's Telesales book and Art Sobczak's books.
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  • Profile picture of the author SashaLee
    Hi there,

    Do you even KNOW WHO you're talking to?

    You are literally throwing mud against a wall without knowing what kind of wall it is or whether the mud you are throwing will actually stick.

    You need to ask for people by name (best) or by title (not as effective).

    " i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business."

    This translates to " I want you to give me money for my services".

    Jason Kanigan has many pointers on this site that will help you out. Do some research.

    All the best,

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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    You would be better off by calling, asking for the owner, and saying that you have a web design company and are you interested in a new website to potentially bring in new customers.

    I had a girl that was doing commission only and had to fire her. She hated the fact that she was selling. She had a similar approach as you did and it got her nowhere. She tried the whole, don't worry I'm not trying to sell you something, and then she tried calling and asking for referrals, hoping that people would be interested in what she was doing.

    You have to first figure out what you're going for when it comes to calling. Are you wanting as many people to buy as possible, or are you wanting easy sales, or what? If you want easy sales, it's great to call, get the owner on the phone, and just explain why a website you would design, would be better for their company, and ask for the sale. It's not hard, it's effective enough to make you sales and it's easy to pump out a bunch of calls.

    Out of curiosity though... why do you want to do telemarketing to get sales? Have you thought about other options? I've found that the more natural you are on the phone, the better off you will be. Whether it is with a script or not. It sounds to me that you're comfortable and something is bothering you about calling.... you have to figure that out if you want some success over the phone.
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    • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      You would be better off by calling, asking for the owner, and saying that you have a web design company and are you interested in a new website to potentially bring in new customers.

      I had a girl that was doing commission only and had to fire her. She hated the fact that she was selling. She had a similar approach as you did and it got her nowhere. She tried the whole, don't worry I'm not trying to sell you something, and then she tried calling and asking for referrals, hoping that people would be interested in what she was doing.

      You have to first figure out what you're going for when it comes to calling. Are you wanting as many people to buy as possible, or are you wanting easy sales, or what? If you want easy sales, it's great to call, get the owner on the phone, and just explain why a website you would design, would be better for their company, and ask for the sale. It's not hard, it's effective enough to make you sales and it's easy to pump out a bunch of calls.

      Out of curiosity though... why do you want to do telemarketing to get sales? Have you thought about other options? I've found that the more natural you are on the phone, the better off you will be. Whether it is with a script or not. It sounds to me that you're comfortable and something is bothering you about calling.... you have to figure that out if you want some success over the phone.
      I know SEO, and i know how to develop wordpress sites and code HTML 5 and CSS3,
      I want customers for my own business, and im taking the cold call route.
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      • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
        Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

        I know SEO, and i know how to develop wordpress sites and code HTML 5 and CSS3,
        I want customers for my own business, and im taking the cold call route.
        I think you should reread the last 2 paragraphs I wrote because if that is your answer then it tells me that you don't really know why you're doing any of this.
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        • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
          Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

          I think you should reread the last 2 paragraphs I wrote because if that is your answer then it tells me that you don't really know why you're doing any of this.

          I'm trying to land appointments.
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          • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
            Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

            I'm trying to land appointments.
            And what are you trying to do for the businesses you are calling?

            Serious attempt to help , but as many on here will know, I don't spoon feed people the answers, I invite them to work them out for themselves by gently prompting them as per above


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            • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
              Originally Posted by mjbmedia View Post

              And what are you trying to do for the businesses you are calling?

              Serious attempt to help , but as many on here will know, I don't spoon feed people the answers, I invite them to work them out for themselves by gently prompting them as per above
              I want to help businesses by offering SEO, so they can be visible on the internet
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          • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
            Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

            I'm trying to land appointments.
            And this is why you will fail. You simply don't seem like you take yourself seriously, why should anyone else?

            If you can't answer the questions I have, then you clearly don't have the vision or ability to succeed with this over the phone or even using other methods.

            You should seriously reread what I originally posted (the last 2 paragraphs) and think about it deeply. As of right now, you have no plan... you feel like you should call because that seems like you're doing something positive, but blind action is the same as no action at all, and in some cases, worse.

            I mean this with no offense... just trying to get you to think a bit deeper about what you're wanting. Most people don't and that's why most people fail. "To set appointments" is not an answer.

            And really think about the paragraph where I was asking why you want to call people... I'm not against cold calling, I use it, but it doesn't exactly seem like you're good at it so why are you jumping in using one of the most difficult forms of sales acquisition (with statistically one of the lowest conversion rates) when you can be using something else that might fit you better?
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            • Profile picture of the author Mystery777
              Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

              so why are you jumping in using one of the most difficult forms of sales acquisition (with statistically one of the lowest conversion rates) when you can be using something else that might fit you better?
              Is that really true? I'm very good with almost all types of internet marketing, but calling still impressed me. What got me into it was that I heard it was faster. Gave it a try and sure enough... it was fast.

              Also there is no set up hassle like with e-marketing in the form of preparing, tweaking and monitoring campaigns...etc.

              Once you've got:

              1- A good proven script at your hands (many provided here ... and the one OP is using above is so terrible for many reasons I can't even count)...

              2- An experienced caller from odesk or wherever to handle the calls for you (if you can afford to, you really don't need to do it yourself btw... and for some reason females get much more better responses than males do)...

              3- A source for unlimited good prospects that match what you're looking for, to scrap from everyday...

              .... then it's just a matter of a numbers game. Conversion rate becomes kindda irrelevant here (well, at least for me), because the only thing that matters about it.... is how much it is. Once that is figured, you can increase or decrease the number of daily calls based on your financial goals.

              Is there any other method that is FASTER... based on your experience? That doesn't require much preparation and waiting in order for it to start kicking off (other than Adwords)?

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              • Profile picture of the author Mystery777
                You have to first figure out what you're going for when it comes to calling. Are you wanting as many people to buy as possible, or are you wanting easy sales, or what?
                Yeah, that's what the OP might have missed from your first post. I'm sure he'll understand what you mean now.

                My answer: Easy fast sales... predictable results that are also controllable to a high degree. Almost on demand money.

                If I wanted to get as many people to buy as possible, I'd sit down and craft a good converting online sales funnel that targets only those who're looking for the service... or use any of the many other online marketing techniques.
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              • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
                Originally Posted by Mystery777 View Post

                Is that really true? I'm very good with almost all types of internet marketing, but calling still impressed me. What got me into it was that I heard it was faster. Gave it a try and sure enough... it was fast.

                Also there is no set up hassle like with e-marketing in the form of preparing, tweaking and monitoring campaigns...etc.

                Once you've got:

                1- A good proven script at your hands (many provided here ... and the one OP is using above is so terrible for many reasons I can't even count)...

                2- An experienced caller from odesk or wherever to handle the calls for you (if you can afford to, you really don't need to do it yourself btw... and for some reason females get much more better responses than males do)...

                3- A source for unlimited good prospects that match what you're looking for, to scrap from everyday...

                .... then it's just a matter of a numbers game. Conversion rate becomes kindda irrelevant here (well, at least for me), because the only thing that matters about it.... is how much it is. Once that is figured, you can increase or decrease the number of daily calls based on your financial goals.

                Is there any other method that is FASTER... based on your experience? That doesn't require much preparation and waiting in order for it to start kicking off (other than Adwords)?

                Every strategy has its pros and cons. Also, keep in mind that I'm not against cold calling at all, I just think that the OP doesn't really have a plan, it's just blind action.

                Cold calling can be fast, and the reason I like it is that so many other forms of marketing involve you waiting for the prospect or lead to contact you. It's a good mix to add into your plan but it isn't right for everybody.

                I don't care if you're sending postcards, cold calling, using PPC, networking, etc. the fact is if you do any of those things without knowing why you're doing it other than to get an appointment or get sales, then you're going to fail.

                With cold calling, it is statistically low with conversions, unless you factor in your conversions as X amount of prospects = X amount of leads = X amount of sales and not counting the prospects in the conversion process. You can dial 100 prospects and only get 1 good lead out of it. That's pretty common... that's what your average will be as a beginner. When you're new and still learning, it can easily take you 10 leads in order to get a sale. That's why you see so many threads about 1,000-2,000 calls and no sales.

                The sales cycle will depend on the price point of course... but also, the sales person. My average sales cycle with cold calling could be 3 days, while someone elses could be 30 days. There's a guy that's worked for me, who is probably at best, average on the phone and has a sales cycle of 23 days. A girl that's worked for me had an average sales cycle of 5 days. The more skilled you are, the better your average sales cycle will be. It could be fast for you and I, but it may not be fast for the new person reading this right now who never had any experience.

                The truth is, cold calling can work for even the worst sales people. You can get sales with no skill. How many leads you average per 100 calls, and how long or short your sales cycle will be, is dependent on your skill.

                I'm no phone pro... it's just what I've personally observed.

                I'm a big fan of numbers and statistics. There's a lot of things you can track... For me, if someone doesn't buy within 30 days, the chances of them buying EVER, go down by 300%. I like to track leads per 100 calls, average sales cycle, average follow ups per sale, etc.

                Now... this is the reason I think that the OP may not have a plan or know why he is cold calling..

                He hasn't acknowledge why he is cold calling, what is appealing about it, and why he isn't choosing other methods.

                To get into this business, and choosing cold calling as the main way to get clients... tells me these are the possible reasons:
                1. He doesn't have money to invest in his business to bring incoming leads while using the phone to gain additional outbound leads.
                2. He's desperate, and is doing it because he thinks that's the only thing he can do.
                3. He has experience cold calling, enjoys it, and is good at it.
                4. He isn't utilizing any other method and feels like he should be doing SOMETHING to get clients.
                So... we know it isn't reason number 3. He doesn't enjoy it because he wants to tell people he's not calling to sell them anything. He's afraid of asking for the sale and being bold.

                #1, #2, and #4could be the reason... and I don't have a problem with #1 or #2.. I've been there, that's how I started out, but I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. Being desperate and making phones... man... they can tell and it will turn them off.

                When I started, I had no other option... I went through the phone book, made calls... I woke up early, called the east coast, called the west coast later, called hawaii and alaksa even later, sent out emails from 10pm-3am, put up ads on craigslist, went to sleep for 4 hours and started again.

                His reason for calling is to set up appointments... does he have experience with appointments, face to face selling? If not, and you're getting someone to agree to an appointment, you're spending money on gas, time on driving and meeting, when if they were really interested they probably would have bought over the phone anyway, it's just a big time suck. If you aren't stellar, face to face then I'm absolutely against cold calling to set up appointments. It's a waste in my opinion. There's some old school sales guys that are great at it, but the way I see it, is that in the 2 hours the meeting takes, that's easily an additional 100 calls that can bring you a sale much faster.

                If you choose to cold call... or use any method of marketing for that matter, you need to know exactly WHY you're doing it. If your focus is only on the sale, you will fail miserably. There's a bigger picture.

                People are always saying offer value, but what does that mean? It doesn't mean telling them how your service will help them out immensely..

                The best lesson I've ever learned was that people don't care about you, they care about themselves...and to get people to care about you, you need to care about them. One of my favorite cold calling techniques, is scraping a bunch of websites, numbers, etc. with mobile renegade and running Avast in the background so I get alerted when websites are messed up, have malware installed, and other things. When I call them, I tell them why I'm calling, tell them why I was even looking at it, and tell them to contact their hosting company and they can do a security audit and usually fix it... Half of them aren't ideal clients for me so I called just as a courtesy, and others are so disgusted with their current website people they practically sell themselves to you. One business, who wasn't an ideal client for me, was locked into a 3 year contract anyway, hasn't done any business with me, and has been one of the best sources of referrals.

                My advice to anyone wanting to get started by cold calling is this...

                • Identify your goals with cold calling... is it to get one big deal every other month, is it for easy sales (low hanging fruit), is it to have a faster sales cycle?
                • If you have the money, you have to spend it on other forms of marketing. Cold calling is good because you're doing something while waiting, but if you're not doing any other marketing activity to bring in inbound leads then you have nothing to wait for.
                • Unless you're awesome in person, drop dead sexy, and can light up a room just by walking in, then forget the appointments... don't cold call for appointments, that should never be your goal. If your goal is easy sales then an appointment is not an easy sale. If it's for a big deal, then you're originally calling to build up rapport and get that big deal, an appointment is just a step that got added in along the way, it isn't a goal, it should never be a goal. Leave the face to face crap for networking events and BNI.
                • 100 calls isn't enough, it will never be enough.
                • Track your stats... Some people may not even get 1 good lead per 100 calls... thats okay.. it means you will one day improve to being average. Track your sales cycle. After 5-10,000 calls you should have a good idea on what your average leads per 100 calls, and what your average sales cycle is. Evaluate, test, and improve.
                • Make sure you know your business... if you're the type that is outsourcing almost everything then you're probably going to struggle a bit on the phone. When you know your stuff, you will have more confidence, you're able to answer tough questions and can probably do well.
                For most people... they use 1 technique... and that's why they will never be a real business, and will usually always be a freelancer. By yourself.... any 1 method you use, you can probably make 5K/mo relatively easy. If you're trying to build a business... 5k/mo isn't enough.
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                • Profile picture of the author Underground
                  Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

                  Every strategy has its pros and cons. Also, keep in mind that I'm not against cold calling at all, I just think that the OP doesn't really have a plan, it's just blind action.

                  Cold calling can be fast, and the reason I like it is that so many other forms of marketing involve you waiting for the prospect or lead to contact you. It's a good mix to add into your plan but it isn't right for everybody.

                  I don't care if you're sending postcards, cold calling, using PPC, networking, etc. the fact is if you do any of those things without knowing why you're doing it other than to get an appointment or get sales, then you're going to fail.

                  With cold calling, it is statistically low with conversions, unless you factor in your conversions as X amount of prospects = X amount of leads = X amount of sales and not counting the prospects in the conversion process. You can dial 100 prospects and only get 1 good lead out of it. That's pretty common... that's what your average will be as a beginner. When you're new and still learning, it can easily take you 10 leads in order to get a sale. That's why you see so many threads about 1,000-2,000 calls and no sales.

                  The sales cycle will depend on the price point of course... but also, the sales person. My average sales cycle with cold calling could be 3 days, while someone elses could be 30 days. There's a guy that's worked for me, who is probably at best, average on the phone and has a sales cycle of 23 days. A girl that's worked for me had an average sales cycle of 5 days. The more skilled you are, the better your average sales cycle will be. It could be fast for you and I, but it may not be fast for the new person reading this right now who never had any experience.

                  The truth is, cold calling can work for even the worst sales people. You can get sales with no skill. How many leads you average per 100 calls, and how long or short your sales cycle will be, is dependent on your skill.

                  I'm no phone pro... it's just what I've personally observed.

                  I'm a big fan of numbers and statistics. There's a lot of things you can track... For me, if someone doesn't buy within 30 days, the chances of them buying EVER, go down by 300%. I like to track leads per 100 calls, average sales cycle, average follow ups per sale, etc.

                  Now... this is the reason I think that the OP may not have a plan or know why he is cold calling..

                  He hasn't acknowledge why he is cold calling, what is appealing about it, and why he isn't choosing other methods.

                  To get into this business, and choosing cold calling as the main way to get clients... tells me these are the possible reasons:
                  1. He doesn't have money to invest in his business to bring incoming leads while using the phone to gain additional outbound leads.
                  2. He's desperate, and is doing it because he thinks that's the only thing he can do.
                  3. He has experience cold calling, enjoys it, and is good at it.
                  4. He isn't utilizing any other method and feels like he should be doing SOMETHING to get clients.
                  So... we know it isn't reason number 3. He doesn't enjoy it because he wants to tell people he's not calling to sell them anything. He's afraid of asking for the sale and being bold.

                  #1, #2, and #4could be the reason... and I don't have a problem with #1 or #2.. I've been there, that's how I started out, but I wouldn't recommend it to anybody. Being desperate and making phones... man... they can tell and it will turn them off.

                  When I started, I had no other option... I went through the phone book, made calls... I woke up early, called the east coast, called the west coast later, called hawaii and alaksa even later, sent out emails from 10pm-3am, put up ads on craigslist, went to sleep for 4 hours and started again.

                  His reason for calling is to set up appointments... does he have experience with appointments, face to face selling? If not, and you're getting someone to agree to an appointment, you're spending money on gas, time on driving and meeting, when if they were really interested they probably would have bought over the phone anyway, it's just a big time suck. If you aren't stellar, face to face then I'm absolutely against cold calling to set up appointments. It's a waste in my opinion. There's some old school sales guys that are great at it, but the way I see it, is that in the 2 hours the meeting takes, that's easily an additional 100 calls that can bring you a sale much faster.

                  If you choose to cold call... or use any method of marketing for that matter, you need to know exactly WHY you're doing it. If your focus is only on the sale, you will fail miserably. There's a bigger picture.

                  People are always saying offer value, but what does that mean? It doesn't mean telling them how your service will help them out immensely..

                  The best lesson I've ever learned was that people don't care about you, they care about themselves...and to get people to care about you, you need to care about them. One of my favorite cold calling techniques, is scraping a bunch of websites, numbers, etc. with mobile renegade and running Avast in the background so I get alerted when websites are messed up, have malware installed, and other things. When I call them, I tell them why I'm calling, tell them why I was even looking at it, and tell them to contact their hosting company and they can do a security audit and usually fix it... Half of them aren't ideal clients for me so I called just as a courtesy, and others are so disgusted with their current website people they practically sell themselves to you. One business, who wasn't an ideal client for me, was locked into a 3 year contract anyway, hasn't done any business with me, and has been one of the best sources of referrals.

                  My advice to anyone wanting to get started by cold calling is this...

                  • Identify your goals with cold calling... is it to get one big deal every other month, is it for easy sales (low hanging fruit), is it to have a faster sales cycle?
                  • If you have the money, you have to spend it on other forms of marketing. Cold calling is good because you're doing something while waiting, but if you're not doing any other marketing activity to bring in inbound leads then you have nothing to wait for.
                  • Unless you're awesome in person, drop dead sexy, and can light up a room just by walking in, then forget the appointments... don't cold call for appointments, that should never be your goal. If your goal is easy sales then an appointment is not an easy sale. If it's for a big deal, then you're originally calling to build up rapport and get that big deal, an appointment is just a step that got added in along the way, it isn't a goal, it should never be a goal. Leave the face to face crap for networking events and BNI.
                  • 100 calls isn't enough, it will never be enough.
                  • Track your stats... Some people may not even get 1 good lead per 100 calls... thats okay.. it means you will one day improve to being average. Track your sales cycle. After 5-10,000 calls you should have a good idea on what your average leads per 100 calls, and what your average sales cycle is. Evaluate, test, and improve.
                  • Make sure you know your business... if you're the type that is outsourcing almost everything then you're probably going to struggle a bit on the phone. When you know your stuff, you will have more confidence, you're able to answer tough questions and can probably do well.
                  For most people... they use 1 technique... and that's why they will never be a real business, and will usually always be a freelancer. By yourself.... any 1 method you use, you can probably make 5K/mo relatively easy. If you're trying to build a business... 5k/mo isn't enough.

                  Immense post. Clautusoar, many people in this game are foolish people. They'll post threads along the lines of 'why aren't I easily making 1000's yet', because they believed all the hype and then when they get the truth by those who have real experience and impart that experience, alot of times they'll pay it only cursory attention.

                  Make sure you heed the advice in the post above. You will not find better advice about your situation.

                  Everyone here who has tried cold calling has been where you are. Thinking that they'll just get on the phone, crank out the cold calls and will rake it in. Ring up, say your magic script and voila. That's often how it's been sold as a method to generate business on this forum.

                  If your smart enough, you'll realize that a method like phoning businesses and giving them something of worth and striking up a relationship from there, like the method iAm uses, or the interview method, or special feature, or any case where you are providing something of worth without trying close everyone of them, particularly if they are not a fit, is the best way to contact people cold and make a meaningful connection. It's personalized, helpful, different from the rest who phone up with piss poor desperation pitches, builds trust and lets you see if they are a right fit for you. Also, many will start chasing you then and asking questions and your letting them buy and just giving them the info they need, rather than trying to convince them. No prizes for guessing which one is easier and less stressful and more respected by clients.

                  But my point was just to make sure you listen to the advice iAm gave you very closely and take it on-board. Even if you just heeded the bit about appointments and dropping them as your main objective, you'll be far better off and able to focus more on things that could actually lead you to success.
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  • Profile picture of the author chaotic squid
    Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

    Hey, How are you,

    My name is Eli, Calling from My business name,

    *Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything*

    The reason why i called is because, i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business.
    So many problems, here let me fix that train wreck of a script.

    Hey, How are you,
    Instead of saying "hey" why don't you address the person directly by name? Say "Hey Bob" People love hearing the sound of their name.

    My name is Eli, Calling from My business name,
    You didn't even ask if it was a good time for them to talk. You just dive into your pitch without asking if their busy? pretty inconsiderate...

    Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything
    Um what? Then why are you calling? Just to say hello? Be upfront about it

    The reason why i called is because, i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business.
    Um what? you just said you weren't selling anything. Why are you contradicting yourself? YOU JUST LIED TO THE PROSPECT

    Deliver real value, make the call about them, solve a problem they have , and be honest to people.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9256867].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
      Originally Posted by chaotic squid View Post

      So many problems, here let me fix that train wreck of a script.

      Hey, How are you,
      Instead of saying "hey" why don't you address the person directly by name? Say "Hey Bob" People love hearing the sound of their name.

      My name is Eli, Calling from My business name,
      You didn't even ask if it was a good time for them to talk. You just dive into your pitch without asking if their busy? pretty inconsiderate...

      Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything
      Um what? Then why are you calling? Just to say hello? Be upfront about it

      The reason why i called is because, i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business.
      Um what? you just said you weren't selling anything. Why are you contradicting yourself? YOU JUST LIED TO THE PROSPECT

      Deliver real value, make the call about them, solve a problem they have , and be honest to people.
      Being that you translated that, i see my errors.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9256911].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author dezsiree
      Completely agree with you, exactly what I thought when reading post.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
    I like this kind of talk:

    Hi my name is Eli, If you could help me, i like to talk to the person in charge of ... (webdesign, marketing, your ads on the internet...)

    --Now if you get to the owner

    Hello bob (Mr, There..), is it a bad time to talk ?
    --If a good time to talk
    My name is eli, i'm here in (your city) helping other (their industry) by doing ......

    Btw i like a lot more going in their business talking to them, i Love the PR, connection and all that and it make things so much easier...
    Stop Struggling With Your Website and Marketing
    30$ / task, pay after done!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9256935].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steve Solem
    Kudos for getting on the phone and making those calls, but if anyone called me to tell me they could get me new customers with a new website or SEO etc.... my first and only thought would be "If this guy's any good at getting customers online or through SEO, then why is he calling me on the phone?

    At that point any credibility you might have had to begin with goes out the window because that's a huge disconnect there in your prospects mind.

    Wouldn't you feel the same if someone CALLED you to say they can help you get more business through DIRECT MAIL?

    Personally I like to give value to prospects first before asking for their business, as I've always felt going for the sale immediately is like meeting a girl and asking her to marry you the same day, and both personal and business relationships take time to develop.

    While you might find a girl who says YES after asking 10,000 different times, I think you'd have much better success taking it one step at a time and asking for a first date first before going right for the huge commitment.

    Do you think you might get better results if you called 100 business owners and offered them a free guide to using SEO to grow their business? Or ranked a few local sites first and then tried to sell them?
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  • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
    why u so mean iAmNameLess ?

    I apperciate your feedback, but your kind of rude. Your pretty much telling me i have no confidence, and pretty insulting.

    Offer a solution, i know i have problems and errors, but im just a newbie in sales

    I do track my calls.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9261434].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
      Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

      why u so mean iAmNameLess ?

      I apperciate your feedback, but your kind of rude. Your pretty much telling me i have no confidence, and pretty insulting.

      Offer a solution, i know i have problems and errors, but im just a newbie in sales

      I do track my calls.
      Well then ignore what I say and follow someone who shares your dreams of unicorns and rainbow colored, rose scented farts.

      If you feel insulted by the extreme value I just provided you, then you better be asking people how to grow thicker skin instead of asking people to give you criticism like the title you wrote for the thread.

      You don't have confidence... you're avoiding the point of the call, multiple ways. The point of calling is to sell. You're first off saying you're not calling to sell them anything, then you're calling to set an appointment to be able to sell. You have no confidence... you're insulted by what I've said when most people would read it and take it to heart.

      You're clearly not reading what people are saying because it probably takes too much time. You're wanting easy answers.

      Oh well... one thing is for sure.... I am definitely glad there are hundreds of people just like you that become my "competition" every day.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9261549].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
        Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

        Well then ignore what I say and follow someone who shares your dreams of unicorns and rainbow colored, rose scented farts.

        If you feel insulted by the extreme value I just provided you, then you better be asking people how to grow thicker skin instead of asking people to give you criticism like the title you wrote for the thread.

        You don't have confidence... you're avoiding the point of the call, multiple ways. The point of calling is to sell. You're first off saying you're not calling to sell them anything, then you're calling to set an appointment to be able to sell. You have no confidence... you're insulted by what I've said when most people would read it and take it to heart.

        You're clearly not reading what people are saying because it probably takes too much time. You're wanting easy answers.

        Oh well... one thing is for sure.... I am definitely glad there are hundreds of people just like you that become my "competition" every day.
        Apologize, please.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9261569].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
          Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

          Apologize, please.
          I believe you owe me an apology for wasting my time, asking for criticism and then not being able to take it.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9261578].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
            Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

            I believe you owe me an apology for wasting my time, asking for criticism and then not being able to take it.

            No i dont think so, valuable information don't get me wrong, but your comments were uncalled for.

            I'm waiting for your apology.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9261672].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
              Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

              No i dont think so, valuable information don't get me wrong, but your comments were uncalled for.

              I'm waiting for your apology.
              You're going to be waiting a while then. Good luck though...

              I do hope that you realize I was trying to help, not just hurt your feelings.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9261780].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author DaniMc
                Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

                You're going to be waiting a while then. Good luck though...

                I do hope that you realize I was trying to help, not just hurt your feelings.
                He doesn't realize how much you have mellowed out over the last few years! About three years ago I think you would have ripped him apart.

                Calutusoar listen - hurt feelings have no place in business. It's about being professional. Professionals can take it right on the chin and still find the value in what they have been told.

                You have been given some GREAT advice from someone who knows as much about building a business on the phone as anyone else here. Hell - he started just like you, called a million numbers, and now has people working for him selling web services. Quite an accomplishment.

                He doesn't even remotely owe you an apology. You should print out his words and hang them on your wall. This man knows what he is talking about. If you approached him differently, he would give you more help. The only reason he posted was to help.

                Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9279257].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author mojo1
              Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

              No i dont think so, valuable information don't get me wrong, but your comments were uncalled for.

              I'm waiting for your apology.
              The Iamnameless you just experienced was quite thoughtful and shared immense insight.
              I'm not a stan of his but can tell you that if you're waiting on an apology, you kinda need to grow up and quick! Are you going to make your prospects apologize when you finally get an appointment with someone and they're rude in person? I doubt it. You're going to thank them for their time and keep it moving. Grow thicker skin because you're going to need it if you plan to sell anything. Trust me I know how you're feeling, I used to be too sensitive as well.

              Stop focusing on the dot on the wall but the whole wall of info he's laid out for you in stellar form.
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  • Profile picture of the author Underground
    You won't make it friend. Probably best to find something else to do. Something that doesn't require so much mental strength, tenacity, perseverance and a willingness to face reality, to be honest with yourself to get to what really works.
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  • Profile picture of the author Denis Kampl
    @ OP ... first you are trying to get some guidance, pointers to get better at cold calling. Then you
    get some and you are offended by them. C'mon, don't be like that, take advices and run with them.
    Test them out and see if they are of any value or not.

    You asked for them.

    About iAmNameLess, he spilled his guts to help you and you want him to apologize to you? It's
    his way of getting point across. As said before: take it of leave it.

    I have read replies and some are really hypothetical, I can see they never picked up a phone and
    called a client. They even go like: I've never called a client BUT ... If you haven't called a client in
    your life don't give OPINIONS, as they are worthless. THUS we have all those WSO's based on
    reading something somewhere.

    I've done my share of cold calls in my past, now others are doing it based on my script. And if
    someone tries to "prove me wrong" I pick up a phone and make a call. To get my point across.

    About your speech:
    Hey, How are you,
    Why do you ask that? Do you even wait for them to say how they really are or you just run with
    your speech? They know this is just a polite line to open a conversation and then rape them with
    sales speech. Stick just with HEY
    My name is Eli, Calling from My business name,
    I saw a guy telling you should ask if the time is convenient for them. Don't do that as you are
    losing your authority by that. You don't care if he's picking his nose or banging his mistress, YOU
    are making a call to sell/offer him something. Ball up and talk with authority, people appreciate that.
    Who wants to talk to a person apologizing all the time if this is bad time, ... Your call is to sell.
    He'll tell you if time is off, then and only then re-schedule a call. If you are doing that, offer him a
    time to call. So you should say, let me call you later on, let's say in an hour,ok? Of that's not ok,
    ask: how about tomorrow, let's say 08.30. If he tries to excuse again, "ask" him what is the best time
    to call, when he's not busy in near future. Yes, you are asking now, but it's a 3rd attempt, and you're
    doing it not to lose him.
    *Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything*
    What's a point of your call again. To sell, Will tell at end how we are doing this
    The reason why i called is because, i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business.
    You are being apologetic again. Don't be shy, be shark instead. As you said that after 100 calls only
    5 people show some interest to your call, you are wasting you valuable time. Out of 5 3 need to talk
    to you.

    Ok, how we're doing it


    I'm Denis, calling from my company name.

    We are offering web design services for local businesses and I saw that your business still don't
    have a website, right? (wait for him to reply and go on accordingly). Reason of my call is not to bother you with
    a speech how your business need a website or it will go under. BUT you and I both know that we
    are in mid of 2014 and businesses need websites for various reasons, like getting new customers,
    branding, positioning in the market,...
    Our way of doing business is to pay you a visit, to show you our portfolio, to tell you how we think
    it'll be best for you and of course over price discuss about our future cooperation. It'll take you only
    15-20 minutes of your time, but you'll know all there is to know about website for your business.

    To top it all, we have a great discount we are offering this month but want to present this in person.

    So tell me, how are you free, let's say later on today, as I am in your immediate area. OK, how about
    early tomorrow, at 10.00, I have an opening. Great, see you then.


    Ok, we don't finish some times, that's for sure but we are setting meetings day in day out. After calling
    40 biz's we get 1-3 appointments, and 5-7 to call them some other time to make an appointment.

    Hope you'll get some pointer here.


    Become a local hero with Coupon Book business model. Earn passive income for years to come. Easy to implements, extremely newbie friendly...guaranteed!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9278167].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan

    There is more to this than the script. There is also tonality.


    "Hi, my name's Eli. How are you doing today?

    "bla bla"

    That's great. I'm calling from XYZ Inc. because I've just reviewed your site online and I saw a great potential for it to be on the first page.

    Do you understand what SEO is and how it can help your business?

    "bla bla"

    Well, SEO is a great way to get qualified traffic, people that want your products without ... (explain what he gets)

    Do you agree that your business could benefit from more clients and sales?

    "yes ... bla bla"

    And do you agree that it would be so much better to get free advertising without investing in stuff like ... bla bla (go for several yes"


    Then I'd like to invite you to take the next step. We'd like to help you ... bla bla ... on a limited scale, to see how this will work for you. In this way, you've got nothing to lose and you can see how it works before you commit to something bigger ...

    Bla bla ...

    - go for several yes before introducing your services
    - sell the benefits before you sell the product.
    - Be polite, friendly and make him feel important.

    I've wrote a few scripts in my life (I'm not the best at this) but I've studied Jordan Belfort a lot and these are basic rules.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9278202].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
      Originally Posted by RogozRazvan View Post


      There is more to this than the script. There is also tonality.


      "Hi, my name's Eli. How are you doing today?

      "bla bla"

      That's great. I'm calling from XYZ Inc. because I've just reviewed your site online and I saw a great potential for it to be on the first page.

      Do you understand what SEO is and how it can help your business?

      "bla bla"

      Well, SEO is a great way to get qualified traffic, people that want your products without ... (explain what he gets)

      Do you agree that your business could benefit from more clients and sales?

      "yes ... bla bla"

      And do you agree that it would be so much better to get free advertising without investing in stuff like ... bla bla (go for several yes"


      Then I'd like to invite you to take the next step. We'd like to help you ... bla bla ... on a limited scale, to see how this will work for you. In this way, you've got nothing to lose and you can see how it works before you commit to something bigger ...

      Bla bla ...

      - go for several yes before introducing your services
      - sell the benefits before you sell the product.
      - Be polite, friendly and make him feel important.

      I've wrote a few scripts in my life (I'm not the best at this) but I've studied Jordan Belfort a lot and these are basic rules.

      WOW, thanks dude that was actually very helpful.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9278453].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Clautusoar
    It took me about 2 weeks to understand what iamnamless said, im a little bit retarted, but i will be alright though.

    What he says makes sence, overall i just have to work on cold calling but at the same time utilize social media and other resources to get clients,
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  • Profile picture of the author dcbako
    First things first.....you have to be willing (and able), to get yourself OUT of the comfort zone you have created. After saying the same thing over and over, it becomes robotic, and obviously yields minimal results.

    This kind of sales call takes thick Rhino skin, and the ability to stay focused, and control the call.

    Before you worry about "what" to say.....focus on "how" to say.

    All people communicate differently, with different tones, tempos, emotions, etc. The first thing I will say to focus on is "Matching and Mirroring" the receiver (person you are talking to). Match their tone and their tempo. If you sound the same on every call, you are focusing your communication around yourself, and not talking in the receivers frequency. For them to really tune in, and have instant rapport, you have to talk to them how they talk.

    Next......everybody has "reflex responses" to things.....especially to sales people. Think about when you walk into a retail store, or on a car lot. They greet you and the first thing they you say is "i'm just looking". It's a natural, automatic response that has developed over years. The same thing happens when people get sales calls. So the trick to the greeting is saying something that immediately throws their mind off track so they do not have that same old automatic response to the sales call. It's an NLP technique to guide their mind toward openness and away from closed off and defensiveness.

    For example:
    "Hello ______, this is _______, did I catch you in the middle of something?"

    This statement will feel weird at first, because you aren't used to it......but you will see that it opens the door to MANY conversations. They will almost always respond with, "I'm always in the middle of something", or, "no it's fine, how can I help you". Either way, their guard has dropped slightly, and their ear has opened with intrigue.

    Beyond that......I can help you with the entire conversation. I have sold hundreds of online advertising programs nationwide all via the phone. I've consulted many companies on sales calls, script writing, process development, etc.

    PM me if you would like to discuss further.

    Good luck either way......don't give up.....telesales takes constant self improvement and a no quit attitude. You WILL be successful.....keep learning, keep practicing, and DO CALL REVIEW!!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9453865].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author BlackKryponite
    Good luck. dont give up, as long as you have confidence
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    • Profile picture of the author Jack Bastide
      One thing thats works VERY WELL for me is a quick one or two sentence teaser and then I ask them for their email to send more info. Practically nobody says no. Then I ask them the best time to follow up to answer any questions.

      Works like a charm!


      If you can drive Biz Op Phone Calls .... I'm Buying

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  • Profile picture of the author CJ Jones
    I stumbled across this thread and learned a lot. Thanks to all the contributors.

    Btw, what does OP mean?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9464543].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by CJ Jones View Post

      I stumbled across this thread and learned a lot. Thanks to all the contributors.

      Btw, what does OP mean?

      Original Poster.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9560579].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JessUBotNinja
    Selling in general is always focused from the customers point of view of "what is in it for me??". Do you have numbers on how much more traffic you have gotten for other businesses in similar niches? Start out with asking them would you like to increase your sales by 5% in the next month? Or How would you like to convert 6% more of the traffic that visits your website into paying customers? This is solving a problem for them and in returns gets them to ask questions... granted you will still get hung up on... but if you keep the numbers simple and not completely outrageous, same with the time frame of when they can see results... you will at least be able to get interested.


    Hi I am so and so with this company. We are contacting local {this type of} business owners to see if they would be interested in increasing their sales by 15% this month. If you have a few moments I would love to give you a brief explanation of we can do that for you.

    Automation at its finest - UBotStudio.com

    Put your mundane and busy work tasks on auto pilot.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9464818].message }}
  • Build some rapport. Talk about some problems that business might have, and how you have the same using questions. For example, 'I have a business, and I believe you do to, could you please tell me about some of your recent business blocks or issues.'

    Start a discussion where there is common topics.

    2. Copy their tonality, pauses. Etc, it works

    [CENTER][B]==> Do you want to make money online? [/B]
    Free video: How regular people are making 6-figures per month on the internet! [URL="http://www.clkmg.com/fc27/UDCL-IN2WF"][B]Watch this free video now![/B][/URL] <==[/CENTER]

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9559330].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jaque89
    *Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything* - When I hear this I instantly hang up, because I know it's a telemarketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Lines that automatically arouse suspicion:

    Check is in the mail.
    (We may have to update that one)
    I'm not gonna ### in your mouth.
    Trust me.
    But I sent you the email.
    My phone died.

    And this one I was once told: "I TOTALLY forgot my cat's having an operation at the vet and I have to pick her up."
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9560265].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author james319
    Originally Posted by Clautusoar View Post

    Hey, guys thanks for supporting and giving me tips, i gotten way more conversations opposed to when i first started cold calling, and using my old script for presenting what i had to offer.

    Next Week: im going 150 calls a day.

    I want to get your guys criticism on my new scripts i been using for 2 days, im noticing alot of hang-ups and "ohh god another telemarketer". This time im pitching SEO and not just web-design, most business owners don't give a F*** about a web-site,most business owners want results with the website, just something that i learned.Let me get your thoughts. on this script

    My most used Script since thursday.

    Hey, How are you,

    My name is Eli, Calling from My business name,

    *Dont worry im not trying to sell you anything*

    The reason why i called is because, i wanted to see if our services can be useful to your business.

    Most Prospects: *Click*
    Some Prospects: What kind of services ?

    We help businesses in your area attract more customers through the internet.


    Most Prospects been telling me their not interested or i get hanged up, only a 1 or 3 out of 100 were some what interested.

    What can i tweak on my script ?

    *Please don't give me that cold-calling is hard bullshit* No negativity Please

    I want responses from the guys who do it, and made results from it.

    Out of 100 cold calls you should be able to get 7 - 10 meetings at least. Then out of 7 - 10 meeting you should be able to close 2 - 3 sales. Don't ask my friend because nobody is giving, take.

    Hi, I will need to speak to the person in charge of your online listing please.

    Do not introduce yourself until you have the business owner on the phone. You want to control the gatekeeper DO NOT SOUND WEAK

    If they reply with who is calling - then you reply, Its ( your name ) and the call is in regards to the companies website not being visible to internet searchers.

    Get the business owner on the phone. Believe me most gatekeepers do NOT want to be responsible for the companies internet website not being seen.

    Hi ( whoever ) its ( your name only, do not give your company name, sound like you don't care and stay relaxed and laid back ) just giving you a quick call to let you know your website ranking has dropped tremendously on the Google pages and people searching for your market will never be able to find it.

    Odds are the most business owners are going to give a shit and not say I don't care.

    Now I am sure you spent some good money on having your website developed but what good is a website without anyone able to find it? PAUSE LET THEM THINK ABOUT THAT STATEMENT FOR A SPLIT SECOND ONLY !!!

    Then take the meeting with

    I'm in your area ( whatever day you want to say ) and I'm going to drop in just to drop you off some information you can read through at your leisure.

    Everything you say on a cold call is more of how you say it. Remember, to close a sale takes a few conversations/meetings with an owner to gain the trust factor. Never seem desperate, never stumble your words, be confident, laid back and know your shit.

    Do not try to sell a business owner on the complexity of your SEO bs and all the stuff you can do online because they don't care and you lose them when you talk about the tricks for SEO. If they ask how you can do what you do just tell them you majored in it through school ( all business owners understand school) - and even if you didn't go to school it don't matter your not lying, you spent countless hours learning SEO online right? Thats school on its own.

    Anyways I can go on all day about this and that. Best of luck my friend.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9561379].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mav91890
    Go watch Jordan Belfort's (The Wolf of Wall Street) Straight Line sales system.

    “The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can't achieve it.” ― Jordan Belfort

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