Mailing to your targeted list over a few months

5 replies
Hi everyone,

I have set up a series of prospecting/lead generation letters to send to my targeted list over the next few months along the lines of Chet Holmes' Dream 100 concept.

I have just started mailing.

Just curious if anyone who has mailed or used a combination of techniques to stay in contact with their niche over a few months has any words of wisdom as I continue with my campaign.

I have a separate funnel when a prospect contacts me from this lead generation funnel.


Best regards,

Thomas O'Malley
#list #mailing #months #targeted
  • Profile picture of the author AmericanMuscleTA
    Are you just sending sales letters or are you mixing it up with postcards, 3D mail, phone calls, etc.?

    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing

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    • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
      Originally Posted by AmericanMuscleTA View Post

      Are you just sending sales letters or are you mixing it up with postcards, 3D mail, phone calls, etc.?
      I'm sending a series of letters, including some grabber mail as Chet recommends, and I'm following up on several letters in the sequence with phone calls to my prospects.
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  • Profile picture of the author misterme
    Do a search in the offline forum, there's a printer who did something just like that and it brought in a million dollars or so.
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    • Profile picture of the author ThomasOMalley
      Originally Posted by misterme View Post

      Do a search in the offline forum, there's a printer who did something just like that and it brought in a million dollars or so.
      I read that post...very informative. I'll check it out again.


      Best regards,

      Thomas O'Malley
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  • Profile picture of the author TakenAction
    Got a link for that post? Thanks.

    The best thing you can do is put yourself out there.

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