You do NOT need to be an expert to sell to and help offline business

10 replies
Why am I making this post?
There are many great veterans here that help offline business and there are many just starting out. This place can can be TERRIFYING to those starting out.

Often we see posts from some people with credentials that would scare most of us and often they are telling us
DO NOT sell a service to an offline business unless you are an expert at it etc...
we all started somewhere didn't we?
not every company gets to hire the best or will be contacted by the best and often it is the guy that you give a break to that works his butt off to find the best solution.

I have been helping offline business for 15 years so I could put down a guy that has been doing it for 6 months and say don't sell them this service or that service because you don't really know what your doing
I was that guy years ago and I DID help business EVEN when I was that new guy, often helping them more than veterans that had tried and failed due to lack of interest or real commitment to the task.

I did well early on because when I was presented with a marketing/software problem I had never encountered I TOLD THE TRUTH!
I said I don't know but I will find out. My sincerity to help and ask questions and work through the solution with the business owner often got me the gig even when they could of hired someone that already knew the answer.

I was a problem solver and not a book of answers and that gained me respect and people gave me a chance.

Nothing pisses the best smartest clients off more than sending them an email or shooting your mouth off about everything they are doing wrong.

BOY DID I DO IT WRONG when I first started out.
I cringe now remembering back at the times I sat across the table spouting off answers to problems that did not even exist in the business owners mind.
I would put down some aspect of the business that I had a fix for of course
and then later find out he could buy and sell me 50 times over because all his sales were driven by something I was totally ignorant of.


Today I was made aware that someone was seeking a problem solver for a group of companies owned by a very successful local business person BUT I have no inside information on the problem.
I was told the guy is unreachable don't bother he will find who he wants.

I sent an email and it basically said something like this:

"I heard through a mutual friend you may want an extra set of eyes from a marketer on a few business issues. Of course I know of your companies. Before writing you I had a look at any public information about your businesses I could find including web sites and marketing materials.

From the outside looking in, the excited marketer in me wants to write you a book on things you might try BUT the experienced consultant in me knows that I know nothing about what is working for you today, your internal systems, your goals and the hard lessons you have already learned so I will not insult you with useless uninformed opinions.

The reason I am emailing you is simple. I am intrigued at the chance of getting to learn more about you and your business interests and to see if there is something in my field of expertise that could help you achieve some of your goals. I may not be able to help at all or I may have some ideas that could help greatly. I am at your disposal for a coffee and a chat.

I got a phone call within 10 minutes.
I now have an opportunity that involves serious money.
It may or may not pan out but I can tell you that the biggest and best deals I have closed have never involved me being a know it all or having all the answers before I walked in the room or how long I had been doing it.

Being new, or new to the subject will NOT stand in your way if you approach it properly and have a sincere desire to help and learn to ask questions first.
You will then live and die based on if you are genuine and see your obligations through to completion. You will even be forgiven mistakes if you take responsibility and simply move the solution forward.
#business #expert #offline #sell
  • Great post man. Thanks for helping me see things more clearly!
    I even experienced what you're talking about - having other so called "EXPERT" tell me that I was scamming people when I was starting out . . . And now my clients are getting results. To hell with those negative "Know-It-All's".
    I appreciate humble people like you - you make this forum and this world a better place.
    Seriously, great article bro!
    You're awesome man!
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  • Profile picture of the author internetmarketer1
    I do agree with you.

    This is a business where your goal should be to help business owners, and this should be done regardless of whether you are experienced with it or not.

    If you can help a business with their marketing with whatever service you decide to share, then it should be worth it. It is all about showcasing your work, and showing the business owners what you can help them with. You don't need all the answers to succeed as an offline marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author mjbmedia
    Originally Posted by plessard View Post

    Today I was made aware that someone was seeking a problem solver for a group of companies owned by a very successful local business person BUT I have no inside information on the problem.
    I was told the guy is unreachable don't bother he will find who he wants.

    I sent an email and it basically said something like this:

    "I heard through a mutual friend you may want an extra set of eyes from a marketer on a few business issues. Of course I know of your companies. Before writing you I had a look at any public information about your businesses I could find including web sites and marketing materials.

    From the outside looking in, the excited marketer in me wants to write you a book on things you might try BUT the experienced consultant in me knows that I know nothing about what is working for you today, your internal systems, your goals and the hard lessons you have already learned so I will not insult you with useless uninformed opinions.

    The reason I am emailing you is simple. I am intrigued at the chance of getting to learn more about you and your business interests and to see if there is something in my field of expertise that could help you achieve some of your goals. I may not be able to help at all or I may have some ideas that could help greatly. I am at your disposal for a coffee and a chat.

    I got a phone call within 10 minutes.
    I now have an opportunity that involves serious money.
    It may or may not pan out but I can tell you that the biggest and best deals I have closed have never involved me being a know it all or having all the answers before I walked in the room or how long I had been doing it.

    Being new, or new to the subject will NOT stand in your way if you approach it properly and have a sincere desire to help and learn to ask questions first.
    You will then live and die based on if you are genuine and see your obligations through to completion. You will even be forgiven mistakes if you take responsibility and simply move the solution forward.
    Have to say I love this approach , great email too .


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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    My advice to new Office Marketers, is to become your own first client, then take on a friend or family members business and help manage that. Pretty soon you can have a small group a new clients before you start charging people.
    My first ever client was my girlfriend that Realtor, I made her the best agent in her office, then 2 of the other agents in her office hired me, then her boss and I was generating leads for 60 agents. That is when I formed my own Marketing Company in 2008. It was more professional that having people make checks out to my personal name.

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  • Profile picture of the author anpharmd09
    Awesome post.

    I just started an email campaign with a similar approach, but after seeing your email, I can see I have some tweaking to do, you gave me some great ideas.

    Thanks for sharing!
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    • Profile picture of the author isaacsmithjones
      Love it. Certainly gonna be borrowing some pieces of your email. And I must agree... A little bit of humility goes a long way.

      A person's business is their 'baby', and nobody want to be told that they're raising it 'wrong'. A softer approach to these things can make prospects much more receptive.


      Good luck with your campaign. But just remember that everything doesn't have to be perfect before you launch. Just jump into it, and test those changes as you go along.
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  • Profile picture of the author joe golfer
    Nice, you could bake this in to your entire sales funnel.
    Marketing is not a battle of products. It is a battle of perceptions.
    - Jack Trout
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  • Profile picture of the author umc
    I like your email too, because although you put yourself out there it is really up to them to pursue you. There are lots of small business owners that I know that say that they want help but that won't take the first step to pursue it. If they can't even do that, they certainly won't implement the help once given. The company that installed our new hvac system and I were talking for a bit while they were installing for me, and they were interested in some ideas, which I provided. It is now a few years later and because I am one of their customers I know that they didn't implement them, as I haven't seen them. I also had to pursue them for my maintenance agreement and got stood up on Friday for my appointment and then got conflicting answers as to where they were and if they were coming at all. Just really poor organization and they're leaving money all over the place. But in the end, if they can't pursue the help from me then I know that if I offer it they won't take it and do anything.

    I really agree with the notion that you don't have to be an expert. Heck, for the most part all you have to be is a customer once to find the glaring ways that they could improve. Many business owners are too far in the forest to see the trees. You don't have to be some sort of guru to see those trees.

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  • Profile picture of the author John Regal
    Great post, the business owner has a better chance at doing it themselves then getting an expert to do it for them. Thats just silly
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    • Profile picture of the author anpharmd09
      What do you mean by this? Are you saying that the business owner would be better off handling all of their marketing on their own instead of hiring a consultant like us to do it for them?

      Businesses can and do benefit greatly from our expertise, but I think what Plessard was saying is that as an offline consultant, we do not need an expert level of knowledge or experience to get started and actually help business owners with their marketing problems.

      So long as we properly utilize the necessary resources and outsourcing available to us and approach potential clients with honesty and a genuine, sincere desire to help them.

      Originally Posted by John Regal View Post

      Great post, the business owner has a better chance at doing it themselves then getting an expert to do it for them. Thats just silly
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