[Surprising Article & Comments] How to Use SPIN Selling for Online Sales
How to Use the SPIN Selling Approach to Close More Online Sales
I'm going to be writing about it on my blog. Some preliminary thoughts here:
It doesn't really cover what the title says it will...online sales...at least, the way we think of them. Purely online sales are one-way communication, like television; they do not give you the opportunity to ask questions, get feedback and have a dialogue. Yet that is what the author seems to think can happen.
I can see using this process in true online sales by having the copy follow the conversation in the prospect's head that you imagine through your avatar.
I don't follow SPIN's process to the letter. For instance, I would rather get the prospect to voice the Benefits of the solution rather than I do it. "If they say it, it's true; if you say it, you have to defend it."
A "homework"-style document could be a great differentiator that allows your prospect to develop the value for your product or service. By giving them the questions and ROI equations to answer for themselves, you give them the tools to value your offering.
Other thoughts?