[B2B CASE STUDY] 21,000 Clicks, Hundreds Of Sales Appointments

15 replies
Hey guys,

I've got a case study to share with you today of an ad campaign I ran that got 21,000 clicks and generated hundreds of sales appointments for me in a B2B niche.

The case studies shows all of the targeting, landing pages, etc. and nothing is hidden so feel free to use it and apply it to your own business!

WARNING: The case study video is long and probably covers more content than most WSOs do nowadays!

Hope you enjoy,
#appointments #b2b #case #clicks #hundreds #sales #study
  • Profile picture of the author InternetJon
    Not sure why the video didn't embed but it's still there!

    If you have any questions regarding the campaign, sales, marketing, etc. feel free and I'll answer
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    21,000 is a lot of clicks. Nevertheless, you must have had a good conversion rate to have gotten 100s of sales appointments. That's the beauty of paid advertising.

    It can be get very expensive if you do not know what you are doing. But once you are able to leverage it effectively and reach high conversion rates, you will want to do it over and over again.

    The ROI is almost instant. No waiting for months like when using SEO to get traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesfreddyc
    This is awesome.
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    • Profile picture of the author Underground
      Thank you so much for sharing so freely Jon.
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  • Profile picture of the author smaddoxjr
    Keep them coming. Great work!
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    • Profile picture of the author InternetJon
      Thanks James! Glad you enjoyed.

      Originally Posted by jamesfreddyc View Post

      This is awesome.
      No problem

      Originally Posted by Underground View Post

      Thank you so much for sharing so freely Jon.
      Will do! Keep your eyes open, got more cool stuff coming
      Originally Posted by smaddoxjr View Post

      Keep them coming. Great work!
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  • Profile picture of the author partyfavor
    Great video Jon!
    (I actually saw the video off of a fb ad so proof that it works!)

    Nightclub + Bar Marketing Expert. Author.
    Producing Live Events, Digital Creative Agency to Nightclubs, Marketing Consultant to Nightlife Industry. (http://lavel.la)

    TV Host: Interviewed Lady Gaga, Tommy Lee, Richard Branson, Deadmau5, and more.

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  • Profile picture of the author FinishMyGoals
    Hi. Thank you Jon. This was valuable, and generous of you to share.

    I took the one less traveled by,
    And that has made all the difference

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  • Profile picture of the author BacklinksPlus
    Awesome thread, saved for later
    Venom Software
    Craigslist lead scraper mailer/Linkedin Bot
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  • Profile picture of the author iAmNameLess
    Nice video... I've been thinking about adding some sort of basic video for a funnel but I've neglected video for a while now.

    What do you use for your videos? Any special mic, screen recording software? What would people need to be able to replicate what you've done funnel wise? I've always directed traffic to a free report or a sales page without video... I'd bet getting into video would really help building trust and conversion rates.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Are you willing to share conversions? Meaning, how many did you end up giving a consultation to, and then how many bought?

      Thank you so much for what you've shared. It was a real eye opener.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesfreddyc
      Originally Posted by iAmNameLess View Post

      Nice video... I've been thinking about adding some sort of basic video for a funnel but I've neglected video for a while now.

      What do you use for your videos? Any special mic, screen recording software? What would people need to be able to replicate what you've done funnel wise? I've always directed traffic to a free report or a sales page without video... I'd bet getting into video would really help building trust and conversion rates.
      From my limited experience going thru all of this recently, I just opted to go bare-bones minimum/el-cheapo to put videos together.

      1. Cam Studio is a free download for screen capture video. You can audio at the same time if you want or dub it in later.
      2. If you want to put your ugly mug on video (that's the royal we reference, no your personally), any modern laptop has built-in camera. It also has audio mic built in too.
      3. I used Power Point 2013 to put together slides, format and animate text elements. Then you can set slide transitions, auto-move thru them and save this .ppt file out to a video format.
      4. Finally I just use Microsoft Movie Maker (came installed already) to put it all together. You can create smooth transitions between all of the elements from your screen capture shots and the powerpoint videos, add music and voice-over if needed.

      There really is no super editing skills required, but then again my finished products aren't Grant Cardone bad-ass productions --- and there may be a case for not wanting to be so polished too. Probably depends on your target audience.

      Right now I am doing some testing with opt-in pages for watching the video, just run of the mill hook messaging on a plain jane LeadPages landing page (they offered it as a free download and is really easy to modify and incorporate into my existing website. But I have technical experience in this area).

      I am seeing some results with BingAds in a very minimal campaign (nothing like the OP), as I am just trying to figure it all out and put things together as I go.

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      • Profile picture of the author dunkinbbb
        Hey Jon,

        Thanks for the awesome share -

        and congrats on your success at such a young age :-)

        With that,

        would you be willing to share:

        the fb video ad?

        the 20 minute VSL?

        and a high level overview of your phone script.

        Was it a one time payment of 5K?

        spread payments?

        a downsell if they said no?

        Percentage of people with whom you actually connected with after they filled out (TimeTrade?)

        Really appreciate your candor.


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