Starting A FB Page Creation Service--How Do I Get In the Door?

9 replies
Hey Everyone,
Have you ever sold a FB page creation service to a local business? If so, what kind of template did you use to get your foot in the door and get them interested? I'm wanting to start in on this, but am unsure how to start the approach. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
#creation #door #page #servicehow #starting
  • Profile picture of the author AdrianSeo
    Originally Posted by archie79 View Post

    Hey Everyone,
    Have you ever sold a FB page creation service to a local business? If so, what kind of template did you use to get your foot in the door and get them interested? I'm wanting to start in on this, but am unsure how to start the approach. Thanks in advance for any ideas.
    First make a DEMO page to have something to show them what they get. Is all about value. You must prove them that you bring them value to the business.
    Anyway to be more specific to your question.

    Search in your area place that have a good FB presence. make some print screens and print that on paper. Make it look professional.
    Make sure you tell them you offer a discount. Let's say you charge 50$ for FB page. Tell them that usual is 75$ but for new clients you have a 25$ discount.

    If you make this 2 things will be easier, because business owner react well at discounts and power of example.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Archie, you are late to that party. Fan page mania peaked around 2 years ago. Things like welcome gates that were so popular no longer work as well because people are 'on' to them...they'll just go somewhere else if there's even a hint of hassle. You are trying to enter a saturated market.

    I would pick something else.

    If you absolutely must pursue this, you need a better message about WHY businesses need a good fan page. Why YOU are the best choice to make one for them. These reasons will resonate with the prospects who are already thinking about the problem...or, at least, the problem of marketing online.

    Can you produce one? Can you work with tabs? Can you help them put fresh content up there to engage with their audience?

    Do your potential clients understand advertising will almost assuredly be required, since FB rules are different than 2 years ago, and hardly anyone sees fan page updates? I have hundreds of individually earned fans on my page, yet only 5% ever actually see the posts.

    Unless the FB monster is fed its supper.

    Additionally, you are approaching sales totally wrong. You don't "get your foot in the door and get them interested"; you find people who are ALREADY interested in what you're looking for.
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    • Profile picture of the author AdrianSeo
      Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

      Archie, you are late to that party. Fan page mania peaked around 2 years ago. Things like welcome gates that were so popular no longer work as well because people are 'on' to them...they'll just go somewhere else if there's even a hint of hassle. You are trying to enter a saturated market.
      Why to say something like that?
      This is very wrong approach. Maybe is a saturated market in your area but are some place that really need this services. As long as he don't invest money on this let him try it. Stop discouraging people just because a thing don't work for you or you think is saturated.
      Yea is not a "new thing" but that is not mean is not working anymore. With hard work is room for all to make some $$$.
      I know you had a good intention when you have say that and want just to help..but by that message you can make him quit from pursuing this ideas.

      and with the rest im totally agree with you.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
        Originally Posted by AdrianSeo View Post

        Why to say something like that?
        This is very wrong approach. Maybe is a saturated market in your area but are some place that really need this services. As long as he don't invest money on this let him try it. Stop discouraging people just because a thing don't work for you or you think is saturated.
        Yea is not a "new thing" but that is not mean is not working anymore. With hard work is room for all to make some $$$.
        I know you had a good intention when you have say that and want just to help..but by that message you can make him quit from pursuing this ideas.

        and with the rest im totally agree with you.
        If he's set up to fail, I DO want him to quit before he wastes his time, money and energy on a project that would discourage HIM for the rest of his life. Chances are it's not going to work. And that could make him never try his own business ever again, even though the reason it didn't work was not himself but the service and marketplace he originally chose. I'm not going to butter up my opinion just to coddle someone.

        The OP will know whether his local market is saturated or not. But this is not a business I would get into. The game has changed and his clients would be getting into an ongoing spend requirement they may not be ready for.
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        • Profile picture of the author AdrianSeo
          Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

          If he's set up to fail, I DO want him to quit before he wastes his time, money and energy on a project that would discourage HIM for the rest of his life. Chances are it's not going to work. And that could make him never try his own business ever again, even though the reason it didn't work was not himself but the service and marketplace he originally chose. I'm not going to butter up my opinion just to coddle someone.

          The OP will know whether his local market is saturated or not. But this is not a business I would get into. The game has changed and his clients would be getting into an ongoing spend requirement they may not be ready for.
          I'm totally with you and your opinion. I have not say this is a wrong opinion. It's true what you say. But let me tell you the the most newbie fail because they don't take action. If we don't encourage them to pursue their dreams and hopes we will never help them with nothing. Is very important how we tell them that is a hard market.
          And on the road to success we all have fails and wins..but is important to learn from them.

          So my opinion on this is to give a try! As long as you have the time and knowledge to make this try to make it happen. If you don't try it you will never know if is a good place for you.
          Just ask what you want to know and i will try to help you on this.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
          Originally Posted by Jason Kanigan View Post

          But this is not a business I would get into.
          Jason I'm curious since you brought it up, what kind of business would you get into if you were just starting?

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  • Profile picture of the author partyfavor
    I do agree w Jason, it's saturated but also has competition from super cheap places like Fiverr.

    On that note, there ARE a ton of places that do not have a FB page yet (I know, insane right?? =) or have a page with a terrible design etc. Perhaps your quick entry is to give an audit of their FB Page (if they have) and spice it up for them. Add proper cover images, logos, coach them on best practices like what they should be posting and how social media 'really works' etc... maybe a quick one on one workshop is the better way to approach this?

    I think you may find that most ppl will reject the Facebook page creation pitch since everyone's kids are on FB and they think they can hire them to do it for them. Need to add some expert substance so they get the impression that you really have the inside scoop on making it work... not their daughter working it for them (since they are on it all day they must be pros right?? lol)

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